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Tool Summary

Tool Title:
Change Management Metrics Tool

Corporate Leadership Council, The Metrics Standard

This tool lists common metrics that HR can use to measure change out
measurements before the change and after the change to calculate imp

User Guidelines:
1) The worksheet tabs correspond to a group of metrics: staffing, reten
environment, HR service delivery, and workforce.
2) Within each worksheet, metrics are listed with corresponding recom
3) There are columns next to each metric to input your measurement b
4) The right-hand column with automatically calculate the percent cha
5) You can use your discretion as to which metrics to track over the cha
will call for every metric listed.

Please refer to the following example for how to read the formulas in th

End of Period Headcount.Receiving

Bonus Receipt
Bonus / End of Period
Headcount.Bonus Eligible * 100

The Bonus Receipt Rate can be calculated by:

The number of employees (headcount) that receive a bonus at the end o

number of employees that are bonus eligible at the end of the same per
percentage, multiply by 100 to get a whole number.

Change Management Context:

This tool allows organizations to quantitatively assess the impact of a c
and organizational metrics. By calculating the percent change in the m
after the change initiative, organizations can quickly and systematicall
measure change outcomes and allows members it input
ange to calculate impact.

etrics: staffing, retention, capability, compensation and benefits,

corresponding recommended formulas.

your measurement before the change initiative and after the change.
ulate the percent change.
s to track over the change initiative; not every change project

ead the formulas in this tool:

e a bonus at the end of a certain period divided by the total

e end of the same period. As this will result in a

sess the impact of a change using common human capital

rcent change in the metric specifically for the time period before and
kly and systematically gauge change impact.

Employment Brand Strength

External Hire Rate

Net Hire Ratio

New Position Recruitment Rate

New Position Recruitment Ratio

Recruitment Source Breakdown

Recruitment Source Ratio

Rehire Rate


Career Path Ratio

Cross-Function Mobility

Internal Hire Rate

Internal Placement Rate

Lateral Mobility

Promotion Rate

Promotion Speed Ratio

Transfer Rate

Upward Mobility


Applicant Interview Rate

Applicant Ratio

Average Interviews per Hire

Average Sign-On Bonus Expense

Average Time to Fill

Average Time to Start

Interviewee Offer Rate

Interviewee Ratio

New Hire Failure Factor

New Hire Performance Satisfaction

New Hire Satisfaction with Recruiting

Offer Acceptance Rate

On-Time Talent Delivery Factor

Recruitment Cost per Hire

Recruitment Expense Breakdown

Referral Conversion Rate

Referral Rate

Sign-On Bonus Rate

Formula/ Definition.


Survey Results

External Hires / Average Headcount * 100

External Hires / Terminations

Hires.New Positions / Average Headcount * 100

Hires.New Positions / Hires.Replacement Positions

External Hires.[Source Group] / External Hires * 100

Internal Hires / External Hires

Rehires / External Hires * 100

Internal Movement

Promotions / Transfers

Internal Movements.Function Change / Internal Movements * 100

Internal Movements / Average Headcount * 100

Internal Hires / (External Hires + Internal Hires) * 100

Transfers / Internal Movements * 100

Promotions / Average Headcount * 100

Total Position Tenure Prior to Promotion / Promotions

Transfers / Average Headcount * 100

Promotions / Internal Movements * 100

Staffing Effectiveness

Applicants.Interviewed / Applicants * 100

Applicants / Offers.Accepted

Interviews.Applicants.Offers.Accepted / Applicants.Offers.Accepted

Sign-On Bonus Expense / External Hires.Sign-On Bonus

Total Days to Fill / Offers.Accepted

Total Days to Start / Hires

Offers.Extended / Applicants.Interviewed * 100

Applicants.Interviewed / Offers.Accepted

Terminations.Short Tenure / External Hires * 100

Survey Results
Survey Results

Offers.Accepted / Offers.Extended * 100

Total Days Deviation from Need-By Date / Offers.Accepted

Recruitment Expense / Hires

Recruitment Expense.[Type] / Recruitment Expense * 100

External Hires.Referrals / Referrals * 100

Referrals / Average Headcount * 100

External Hires.Sign-On Bonus / External Hires * 100

Measurement before the Measurement after the
Percentage change.
change initiative change initiative

10 8 20.00%








al Movement



























Involuntary Termination Rate

New Hire Turnover Contribution

Retention Rate

Termination Breakdown by Performance Rating

Termination Rate

Termination Reason Breakdown

Voluntary Termination Rate


Employee Commitment Index

Employee Engagement Index

Employee Retention Index

Market Opportunity Index

Offer Fit Index

Average Termination Value

Average Voluntary Termination Value

Termination Value per FTE

Turnover Cost Rate—< 1-Year Tenure

Measurement before the
Formula/ Definition.
change initiative

Terminations.Involuntary / Average Headcount * 100

Terminations.Short Tenure / Terminations * 100

(Start of Period Headcount + External Hires – Terminations ) /

(Start of Period Headcount + External Hires)*100

Terminations.[Performance Rating] / Terminations * 100

Terminations / Average Headcount * 100

Terminations.[Termination Reason] / Terminations * 100

Terminations.Voluntary / Average Headcount * 100

Employee Engagement

Survey Results

Survey Results

Survey Results

Survey Results

Survey Results

Cost of Turnover
Total Termination Value / Terminations

Total Termination Value.Voluntary / Terminations.Voluntary

Total Termination Value / FTE

Total Termination Value.< 1-Year Tenure / Total Termination Value

Measurement after the
Percentage change.
change initiative

















Average Performance Appraisal Rating

Employee Turnaround Rate

Employee Upgrade Rate

High Performer Growth Rate

Peer Review Rate

Performance Appraisal Participation Rate

Performance Rating Distribution

Performance-Based Pay Differential

Performance Contingent Pay Prevalence

Self Review Rate

Upward Review Rate

Education a
Development Program Penetration Rate

Educational Attainment Breakdown

Staffi ng Rate—Graduate Degree

Staffi ng Rate—High Potential

Tuition Reimbursement Request Rate


Cross-Function Mobility—Managers

Employee Satisfaction with Leadership

LDP Prevalence Rate

Manager Instability Rate

Manager Quality Index

Positions Without Ready Candidates Rate

Successor Pool Coverage

Successor Pool Growth Rate

Average Training Class Size

E-Learning Abandonment Rate

Employee Satisfaction with Training

Training Channel Delivery Mix

Training Course Content Breakdown

Training Expense per Employee

Training Hours per FTE

Training Hours per Occurrence

Training Penetration Rate

Training Quality

Training Staff Ratio

Training Total Compensation Expense Rate

Measurement before the change
Formula/ Definition.
Performance Management
Total Performance Appraisal Rating / Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal Participants.Previous Rating

Low.Rating Increase / Performance Appraisal
Participants.Previous Rating Low * 100

Performance Appraisal Participants.Rating Increase /

Performance Appraisal Participants * 100

Performance Appraisal Participants.Rating High / Performance

Appraisal Participants.Previous Rating Non-High * 100

End of Period Headcount.Peer Review / End of Period

Headcount.Eligible for Peer Review * 100

End of Period Headcount.Appraisal Eligible.Performance

Appraisal / End of Period Headcount. Appraisal Eligible * 100

Performance Appraisal Occurrences.[Rating] / Performance

Appraisal Occurrences * 100

Average Direct Compensation.High Performers / Average

Direct Compensation.Non-High Performers

End of Period Headcount.Performance Contingent

Compensation / End of Period Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Self Reviews / End of Period

Headcount.Eligible for Self Review * 100

Managers.Upward Reviews / Managers.Eligible for Upward

Review * 100

Education and Development

Development Program Participants / End of Period
Headcount.Eligible for Development Programs * 100

End of Period Headcount.[Degree Level] / End of Period

Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Graduate Degree / End of Period

Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.High Potential / End of Period

Headcount * 100

Distinct Employees.Tuition Reimbursement Requests / Average

Headcount * 100

Management and Leadership

Internal Movements.Managers.Cross-Function / Internal
Movements.Managers * 100

Survey Results

End of Period Headcount.Manager.LDP / End of Period

Headcount.Manager * 100

End of Period Headcount.>1 Supervisor in Previous 1-Year

Period / End of Period Headcount * 100

Survey Results

End of Period Headcount.Manager.Succession-Applicable.No

Ready Candidate / End of Period Headcount.
Manager.Succession-Applicable * 100

End of Period Headcount.Successor Pool / End of Period

Headcount.Manager.Succession-Applicable * 100

(Headcount.Successor Pool – Headcount.Successor Pool.Prior

Year) / Headcount.Successor Pool. Prior Year * 100

Total Training Participants / Courses Conducted

E-Learning Courses Initiated.Abandoned / E-Learning Courses

Initiated * 100

Survey Results

Distinct Courses Offered.[Delivery Type] / Distinct Courses

Offered * 100

Distinct Courses Offered.[Content Type] / Distinct Courses

Offered * 100

Training Expense / Average Headcount

Total Training Hours / FTE

Total Training Hours / Training Occurrences

Employees Completing Course(s) / Total Employees to Be

Trained * 100

Survey Results

Average Headcount / FTE.Training Function

Training Expense / Total Compensation Expense * 100

Measurement after the change
Percentage change.




































Average Annual Salary per FTE

Average Cost Rate of Contractors

Average Hourly Rate

Bonus Actual to Potential Rate

Bonus Compensation Rate

Bonus Eligibility Rate

Bonus Receipt Rate

Compensation Satisfaction Index

Direct Comp Operating Expense Rate

Direct Compensation Breakdown

Direct Compensation Expense per FTE

Market Compensation Ratio

Overtime Expense per FTE

Overtime Rate

Total Compensation Expense per FTE

Upward Salary Change Rate


Benefi ts Expense per FTE

Benefi ts Expense Type Breakdown

Benefi ts Operating Expense Rate

Benefi ts Satisfaction Index

Benefi ts Total Compensation Rate


Average Number of Options per Employee

Equity Incentive Value per Employee

Net Proceeds of Options per Employee


Number of Options Exercised per Employee

Stock Incentive Eligibility Rate

Compensation and Benefits
Measurement before the change
Formula/ Definition.

Total Annual Salary / FTE

Total Contractor Expense / Average Contractor Count

Total Compensation Expense / Work Hours

Direct Compensation Expense.Bonus / Bonus

Potential * 100

Direct Compensation Expense.Bonus / Direct

Compensation Expense * 100

End of Period Headcount.Bonus Eligible / End of

Period Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Receiving Bonus / End of

Period Headcount.Bonus Eligible * 100

Survey Results

Direct Compensation Expense / Operating Expense *


Direct Compensation Expense.[Compensation Type] /

Direct Compensation Expense * 100

Direct Compensation Expense / FTE

Direct Compensation Expense / Market Comparable

Direct Compensation
Overtime Expense / FTE

Overtime Expense / Direct Compensation Expense *


Total Compensation Expense / FTE

End of Period Headcount.Base Salary Increase / End

of Period Headcount * 100


Benefi ts Expense / FTE

Benefi ts Expense.[Benefi t Type] / Benefi ts Expense

* 100

Benefi ts Expense / Operating Expense * 100

Survey Results

Benefi ts Expense / Total Compensation Expense *


Stock Options.Granted / Average Headcount.Stock
Option Eligible * 100

Equity Incentive Value / Average Headcount.Equity

Incentive Eligible

Stock Option Net Proceeds / Headcount.Stock Option


Stock Options.Exercised / End of Period Headcount.

Stock Option Eligible

End of Period Headcount.Stock Incentive Eligible /

End of Period Headcount * 100
Measurement after the change
Percentage change.



























ADR Success Rate

External Complaint Factor

Grievance Rate

Grievance Time to Resolve

Industrial Dispute Absence Days per FTE


Average Time Lost per H&S Incident

H&S Expense Breakdown

H&S Expense per FTE

H&S Incident Type Breakdown

H&S Incidents per 100 FTEs

Lost Time Incident Rate

Workers Compensation Premium per FTE

Work-Related Injury Return Ratio
Measurement before the change
Formula/ Definition.
Employee Relations
Grievances.Resolved.ADR Process /
Grievances.Resolved * 100

External Agency Complaints / Average Headcount *


Grievances / Average Headcount * 100

Days to Resolve / Grievances

Unscheduled Absence Days.Industrial Dispute / FTE

Health and Safety

Working Days Lost / H&S Incidents

H&S Expense.[Type] / H&S Expense * 100

H&S Expense / FTE

H&S Incidents.[Type] / H&S Incidents * 100

H&S Incidents / 100 FTEs

H&S Incidents.Lost Time / FTE

Workers Compensation Premium / FTE

Disability Returns / Disability Resignations
Measurement after the change
Percentage change.












HR Servi

HR Expense Breakdown—Function

HR Expense Breakdown—Type

HR Expense per FTE

HR Operating Expense Rate

HR Revenue Expense Rate

HR Revenue per HR Employee

HR Technology Expense Rate

HRIT Average Days to Entry

HRIT Late Transaction Rate

HRIT Transaction Error Rate

Average Handle Time

Contact Center Satisfaction

One-Call Resolution Rate

Self-Service Penetration Rate

Service Level

Average Overpayment Value

Direct Deposit Participation Rate

Overpayment Rate

Payroll Error Rate

Payroll Expense per Employee

HR Service Delivery
Measurement before the change
Formula/ Definition.
HR Expense
HR Expense.[HR Function] / HR Expense * 100

HR Expense.[Expense Type] / HR Expense * 100

HR Expense / FTE

HR Expense / Operating Expense * 100

HR Revenue / HR Expense * 100

HR Revenue / HR FTE

HR Expense.Technology / Technology Expense * 100

Total Days to Entry / HRIT Transactions

Late HRIT Transactions / HRIT Transactions * 100

HRIT Transaction Errors / HRIT Transactions * 100

Contact Centre
Total Work Time / Total Calls

Survey Results
Contacts Resolved In One Call / Total Contacts * 100

HR Transactions Conducted via Self-Service / Number

of HR Transactions * 100

Calls Answered Within Specifi ed Seconds / Total

Calls * 100

Total Value of Overpayments / Overpayments

Payees Receiving Direct Deposits / Payees * 100

Overpayments / Total Checks Processed * 100

Payroll Errors / Total Checks Processed * 100

Payroll Expense / Average Headcount

Measurement after the change
Percentage change.





















Age Staffing Breakdown

Average Workforce Age

Ethnic Background Staffing Breakdown

Gender Staffing Breakdown

Staffing Rate—50+ Years Old

Staffing Rate—Disability

Staffing Rate—Female

Staffing Rate—Minority

Staffing Rate—Multilingual


Average Span of Control

Customer-Facing Time Rate

EEO Job Category Staffing Breakdown

Employee Ownership Rate

Employment Level Staffing Breakdown

Function Staffing Breakdown

Staffing Rate—Corporate

Staffing Rate—Customer Facing

Measurement before the change
Formula/ Definition.

End of Period Headcount.[Age] / End of Period
Headcount * 100

Total Workforce Age / End of Period Headcount

End of Period Headcount.[Ethnic Background] / End

of Period Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.[Gender] / End of Period

Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.50+ Age / End of Period

Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Disability / End of Period

Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Female / End of Period

Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Minority / End of Period

Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Multilingual / End of Period

Headcount * 100

Total Span of Control.All Supervisors / End of Period
Workdays.Customer Facing / Workdays * 100

End of Period Headcount.[EEO Job Category] / End

of Period Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.Equity Owners/End of

Period Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.[Employment Level] / End

of Period Headcount * 100

End of Period Headcount.[Function] / End of Period

Headcount * 100

FTE.Corporate / FTE * 100

FTE.Customer Facing / FTE * 100

Measurement after the change
Percentage change.

















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