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Kyra Powell


Chapter 7 Vocab

Avogadro’s Number: The number of representative particles contained in one mole of

substance; equal to 6.02x10^23 particles.
Empirical Formula: A formula with the lowest whole-number ratio elements in a compound;
the empirical formula of hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is HO.
Gram Atomic Mass (GAM): The mass, in grams, of one mole of atoms in one monoatomic
element; it is numerically equal to the atomic mass (AMU).
Gram Formula Mass (GFM): The mass of one mole of an ionic compound.
Gram Molecular Mass (GMM): The mass, in grams, of one mole of a molecular substance.
Molar Mass: A general expression used to refer to the mass of a mole of any substance unless a
more specific term is needed to avoid confusion.
Molar Volume: The volume occupied by one mole of a gas at a standard temperature and
pressure (STP).
Mole: The amount of a substance that contains 6.02x10^23 representative particles of that
Percent Composition: The percent mass of each element in a compound.
Representative Particle: The smallest unit into which a substance can be broken down without
a change in composition; the term refers to whether a compound commonly exists as atoms’
ions, or molecules.
Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP): The conditions under which the volume of a gas is
usually measured; standard temperature is 0˚C and standard pressure is 1 atmosphere (ATM).

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