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STDAASME PTC 12-1-ENGL 2000 mm 0759470 Ob20539 74 wm PERFORMANCE TEST CODES Sanaa nstuctions 5 : pre 13999 Detaitone and Vues . FTE Zxee0R 905) Diesel and Burnet Fuse. : bre 3 asornse2) Coal and Cots PTC 32.1990 Gatsout Fude soso. re a3-ssesqri982) Fired Staam Generators. Pre 4.1998 Steam Generating Unis (ith 1968 ond $988 Addenda) re 4 e649) ‘Diagram for Testing of» Steam Ganertor, gure 1 Pad of 00) Heat Gaiance of» Stam Generar, Figure? (Pad of 10) [ASME Tet Form for Abbreviated EMiGeney Tet — Suromary Shao Pad of 00) prc araa6e [ASME Tet for Abbreviated Efilency Tet — Calelation Sheet Pad of 100) rip v96aar60s) Coat Pulver. seal CIN prea2 gsnansan AieHanere sess sceress E Pre aa 9eaini9o0) Gas Turbine Hest Recover Siew Generators fi PTC 48-381(n1900) Reeprcating Stem Engines Pres 94 Performance Tas Code 6 08 Stam Tustinas Pre e996 Irv Test Gadea for an Atrnative Procedure for Testing Stes Turbines : ote 6.11904 ‘opandi Ato Tent Code fr Steam Turbines FC ear tonai998) PTE 6 on Steam Turbinas — interpretations rice ‘Guidance for Evution of Measurement Uncaraiy in avormance Teste ‘of Steam Turbines. reese Procedures for Routine Performance Tet of Siam Turioas ‘Reciprochig StarnDrven Oiaplacamant Pumps Sere geen 1905, Displacement Pumps enecvesrsneeees = iro ssa6ziR ol Cemstugal Pumps. CTI Tre 02-1060, DSupiacernent Compressor, Vasu Pumps and Bower (With S672 Ena oo ceees.. PTE B97OOAR) Parformance Test Cogn on Compressor and Exhausts oesee ssc soneee ts PTE 10197 Fane Spee asamp Closed Fescvaes Hastre 0 Pre 12.2000 Perormance Text Code on Stem Susaca Condenaar. : PIG 122-1988 Deserstor pre 123.097 Motatre Separator Ravetere rg 2 eo9ainnse7 Reciprocating inna: Combusion gion S Pre 17.197381957) Haeaaie Turina CNT ete wastaee Pumping Mode of Purprturbines Pre Te aaraes60) FentUnersnty Pre vea.1958 Presaute Maaturement pve 1e2.s9e7 Tomporatue Mesturemert, 0 re Ya a7simn906) ‘eptcason, Prt Fuld Maer: ner Supper on instvar 88 “Acpartut eoerene - prc reser? Wershing Sie : Presassaee local Mensuromenis PIC 196-1955 eesurement of Shaft Power : i 187 veeorr008) Maazaramant of inieates Power Pre 198197001588) Par 10 Fle and Exhoust Gos Anaiaes. re ve 0-981 team and Water Sampling, Conloning, and Anais in he Power Cycle Pre ts.v3997 Measuramant of Time Pre to a9se Measurerant of Roary Speed Pre te toast neat Measuremans pre yoet958 Denay Determinations of Sige and igide : Pre 19.16.1055, [Geerminain of he Vicoc of Uguiss : : re 1.171965, ‘igs Sytoms Teehnigues ee Pre 1922 986, an 23 Guidance Manus or Kode! Tosng i Ya23 aeo(nses) ‘Speed and Long Governing Systems fo Stam Turbine Generic Unis PEC 201 197783988) (rerseed Trip Syst for Steam Tutbine-Genorator Unis. SOOT pre 202 tsesm9e61 Pressure Control Systema Used on Steam Turbine Ganartor Unis re 203.197081851) Parielate Mana’ Collection Eqapment preay96) Performance Tart Code on Gat Turtinas pre 21897 Bimospnere Water Cooling Equipment FC Yaroesimsar) Ejectore Pre 2eso76iR1962| Presaure Relat Dovicer Pic 75994 Solty sea Rael Vaves pre2531988 ‘Speod Governing Systems fo ltanal Comusvon Engine Gentatr Unis. Prove ae2 Determining the Properties of Fine Paruiote Mater i Ze ossin1988) ‘Speed Governing Systems for Hye Turbine Genestor Une fe 29.1965181985) ‘ir Cooled Heat Exchange's ‘TE 30-19911998) fon Exchange Equipment. Pre araigr2iaison clear Siam Supply Systems... Presa ag0ain900) AAmarcan Society Of Machanical Engineors 542003 STD-ASNE PTC 22-1-ENGL 2000 mm 0759470 Ob20540 4b5 me Metsodsof Measuring the Peformance of Nuclear Restor Fela Late Water Reactor : PTC 22 Repor-ssrain992) Large Incinerators on : “PTE 253073R1990, Appendixte PTC 35-978 ‘Pre aae-va01ate6n) ‘Ska Form for Abbreviated incinerate Eiieney Tab. avn PTE 233 199001850) Messoremont of ndustral Sound so : Pre 36-385 Determining the Concrtation of Paricuite Narn a Gas Steam i 3660011985), Condensate Removal Oavice for Stearn System. =. 5 Prose -3eH01R1991) Fm Gas Deutlaration Uris = re 401991 Wind Toroiee F Pre «21908 Pertormance Tax Code 0 Overall Plant Potormance Core 1997 Perormencs Monitoring Guidelines for Staam Power Pans irc p93 STD-ASME PTC 12-1-ENGL 2000 mm 0759470 Ob20539 74 wm PERFORMANCE TEST CODES Sanaa nstuction ooo : : pre 1-999 Detatone and Veues . FTE Zree0R 905) Diesel and Burnet Fuse - soo : bre 3 11asomn1962) Coal and Cots PTC 32.1990 Gaeoue Fuse soso re a-sse5qri9s2 Fired Staam Generators. Pre 4.1998 Steam Generating Uns (ith 1968 and 9988 Addenda) re 4 seeam991) ‘Diagram for Testing of» Steam Ganertor, gure 1 Pad of 00) ent Galance ef» Stam Generar, gute? (Pad of 10) ASME Tet Form for Abbreviated EMiGeney Tet Suromary Shao Pad of 100) prc araa6e [ASME Tet for Abbreviated Efilency Tet — Celeulation Sheet Pad of 100) rip v9eaate0s) ont Pulver. ee COUT ere'a2 ssaansan AieHasere srs scercsss E Preaa-g6aini9on) Ga Turbine est Recover Siew Generators f : PTC 44-1981(n1900) Reepocaing Stem Engines re $943 Performance Test Code 6 on Stam Tustinas Pre e996 Iravo Test Codes for an Atrnativ Procedure for Testing Stes Turbines : ore 6.1984 ‘opandi Ato Tent Code for Steam Turbines FC ac ranai998) PTE 6 on Steam Turbinas — nterpeetations rice ‘Guidance for Evian of Measurement Uncaragy in arormance Teste of Steam Turbines reese PTC6 Report 1865/1 Procedures for Routing Periormance Tet of Siam Turioas PT 65-1968039951 ‘Reciproching StarDriven Oiaplacamant Pumps Sere aden 1905, Displacement Pumps evecvestsnseees + pres ta62iR 96 Comitugal Pumps co CITI Tete 02.1060 DSipiacernent Compressor, Vasu Puraps and Bower (With S872 rata =. cceees.. PTE B97ONOAR) Parformance Test Coda on Compressor and Eahaostersoesee ssc sone tes PTE 10197 Fan Slee Yasar Closed Fascias Mastre 0 Pre 12.2000 Perormance Text Code on Stem Susaca Condenaar. a PIG 122-1988 Deserator Pre 12290 Moatre Separator Rees. rg 2 eo9ainis87 Reciprocating inna: Combusion Enon : Pre 17197381957) Haeaaie Turns CIT ete wags Pumping Mode of Purprturbines Pree aaraes60) TentUneersinty Pre 18.1958 Pressure Maasurement pve te2.s967 Tomporature Measurement Ya a7aimr986) ‘epcason, Prt Fld Mur: ner Supper on insvumort 88 "Aoparatus coer - prc ses-972 Werghing Scie : bre sesaee local Mensuroments PIC 196-1955 eesurement of Shaft Power : 487 v9eorr008) Maazuramant of iniateg Power Pre 1981970181588) Part 10 Fle and Exhoust Ges Anaiaes re ve o-981 team and Water Sampling, Conloning, and Anarss in he Power Cyc Pre ts.3997 Measurement of T pre to 2-980 Measurecant of Roary Speed Pre te toast Linea Measuremants pre yoet950 Denay Oatarminans of Sige and igide : Pre 19.16.1855. ‘eterminain of he Vico of Uguiss : Pre 1.171965, ‘ita Sytoms Techniques eee Pre 1922 986, Pon 23 Guidance Mando! for Mode! Testing. i ¥a23-aeo(nses) ‘Speed and Lond Governing Systems fo Stam Turbine Genet Uns Tere 20.1 197781868) (Overseed Trip Systm for Steam Tutbine-Genortor Unis. COO pre 202 tse) Pressure Control Systema Used on Stem Turbine Ganartor Unis re 20.3.197081851) Panvelate Mana’ Collection Eqipment : prea96) Performance Tart Code on Gat Turtinas Pre z21997 ‘imosprerie Water Cooling Equipment Fi Yahowsiasor) Fjectore Pre 2e-so76iR1962| Presure Relat Doviser Pre 75-994 Stlty snd Rael Vaves pre 3531988 Speed Govering Sysomsfrltanal Comusvon Engine Generator Unis. Preze ase Determining the Properties of Fine Parcuiote Mater i Ze ossinn988) ‘Speed Governing Systems for Hyatnte Turbine Genestor Une Lene 38 aesimast ‘ir Cooled Heat Exchangers (TE 30-19911998) fon Exchange Equipment. Pre sraigr2ais6n) Niciear Siam Supply Systems... re sa va30aiR960) Aamercan Society Of Machanical Engineors 512003 STD-ASNE PTC 22-1-ENGL 2000 mm 0759470 Ob20540 4bB me Metnodsof Messing th Perormance of Nucla Racor Fela eroz22 torso ngheneate a Tees aranaet Appundncta PTC 231978 “pre aw se0R1991 ‘Site Form for abbreviated incneraa® Eicon Tess oes sn im Pre 351901380 essorrnet of dun Su ne 2 Pre 361965 Dating tne Concaiation of Parilt atin a Gas Seam ic a rR) Condensate Raroval Saves fr Sian Syste. = 5 Presa toon Foe Gas Oveluraion Uns a wre sa Win Turbines z re e208 Portman Tx Code on Over Par Porfrmace. Si upre ee997 Perormencs Monitoring Guidelines for Staam Power Pans ire p93

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