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A Novel Antenna Selection Scheme for Spatially

Correlated Massive MIMO Uplinks with Imperfect

Channel Estimation
De Mi, Mehrdad Dianati, Sami Muhaidat Yan Chen
Centre for Communication Systems Research (CCSR) Huawei Technologies, Co. Ltd.
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Shanghai, China
Email: {d.mi, m.dianati, s.muhaidat} Email:

Abstract—We propose a new antenna selection scheme for of CSI for all antenna branches. However, the price to pay
a massive MIMO system with a single user terminal and a for such gain is the significantly increased implementation
base station with a large number of antennas. We consider a overhead and the complexity of the transceiver design for
practical scenario where there is a realistic correlation among the
antennas and imperfect channel estimation at the receiver side. massive MIMO systems [10], [11]. In [10], it is argued that
The proposed scheme exploits the sparsity of the channel matrix cost-efficient antenna selection strategies can be employed to
for the effective selection of a limited number of antennas. To this reduce the complexity and overhead of implementation, as
end, we compute a sparse channel matrix by minimising the mean well as to effectively maintain a reasonably high performance.
squared error. This optimisation problem is then solved by the Selection combining (SC) for uplink has been extensively
well-known orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm. Widely used
models for spatial correlation among the antennas and channel studied in the literature such as [12], [13], in the context
estimation errors are considered in this work. Simulation results of conventional MIMO systems. For example, the effect of
demonstrate that when the impacts of spatial correlation and imperfect channel estimation on the SC systems is investigated
imperfect channel estimation introduced, the proposed scheme in [13], but not for the large scale antenna systems.
in the paper can significantly reduce complexity of the receiver, An analysis of the MRC in massive MIMO uplinks un-
without degrading the system performance compared to the
maximum ratio combining. der imperfect channel estimation is given in [1]. Exploiting
sparsity, the work in [14] investigates antenna/relay selection
I. I NTRODUCTION for MIMO channels. However, this work of [14] does not
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system that em- take into account spatial correlation among antennas, as well
ploys a large number of antennas, known as massive MIMO as the impacts of imperfect CSI acquisition. Considering the
systems [1], [2], has been recently proposed as a potential spatial correlation and imperfect channel estimation, spatially
technique, for next generation wireless communication sys- correlated channel models in [5], [15]–[17] are considered
tems [3], [4]. Specifically, in [1], more than 10 fold throughput as a good approximation for large scale antenna correlation,
improvement by the massive MIMO has been suggested to be and channel estimation errors in [5], [17], [18] are applied
achievable compared to LTE (Long Term Evolution). Despite to effectively model the imperfection caused by the practical
such potential, in practice, deployment of massive MIMO channel estimation schemes.
systems is hindered by practical challenges. Firstly, there is an The main contribution of this work is to propose an effective
inherent problem of spatial correlation among the antennas due antenna selection combining scheme for spatially correlated
to lack of possibility of allowing sufficient spacing among the single-user massive MIMO uplinks under the imperfect chan-
antennas [2], [5], [6]. Specifically, for the uplink transmission, nel estimation, by applying a sparsely structured channel
the antenna correlation could be significant among all the an- matrix at the BS side. The basic idea is to reduce the effective
tennas at the base station (BS) side due to the space limitation. number of antennas that are used for combining. Consequently,
In [2], it is shown that correlation among antennas can result the resulting effective channel matrix becomes sparse, in the
in nearly negligible achievable capacity gains. In addition, the sense that the corresponding entries to non-selected antennas
channel state information (CSI) is required in order to perform are set to zero. This sparse channel matrix can be obtained by
post processing at the receiver side for most of receiver some approximation techniques that will be discussed later
implementations. Prior investigations show that imperfection in this paper. Simulation results indicate that the proposed
in channel estimation can significantly degrade the system scheme can significantly reduce implementation complexity
performance, especially for massive MIMO systems [5], [6]. and overhead, e.g., it is shown that that only less than half
For the massive MIMO uplinks, the impact of spatial corre- number of antennas are required to achieve a performance
lation and imperfect channel estimation have been investigated level that is comparable to MRC scheme, when the effects of
in [1], [2], [5]–[9]. More specifically, in [1], it is shown that spatial correlation and imperfect channel estimation are taken
uplink combining schemes, such as maximum ratio combining into account.
(MRC), can have a reasonable performance, with knowledge The rest of this paper is organised as follows. In Section II,

978-1-4799-8088-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

we present the system model. The antenna selection algorithm operation. Hereafter we assume that the M × M correlation
is proposed in Section III. The proposed scheme is then ex- matrices Φr is known, due to the fact that it is supposed to be
tended to the spatially correlated channel model with imperfect less frequently varying than the channel matrix. Furthermore,
channel estimation in Section IV. Performance analysis of the the distribution of hi is known to the receiver [16], and hi
proposed scheme and the relevant discussions are given in stays constant and is independent of the transmitted symbol x
Section V and VI respectively. and noise vector v during one transmission period.
II. S YSTEM M ODEL B. Imperfect Channel Estimation
We consider an uplink system with a single user terminal In practice, the channel is estimated at the receiver, by
(UT) with a single antenna and one BS with a large number applying different channel estimation schemes such as MMSE-
of antennas. The number of antennas at the BS side is M , and based pilot signalling estimation, which can introduce esti-
the received signal vector is represented by mation errors. Since the correlation matrices are assumed to
be available, the channel estimation can be applied for the
y = hx + v, (1)
uncorrelated channel component hi . The imperfect estimate
where h ∈ CM ×1 is the channel vector, and x is the transmit- ĥi of the hi can be modelled as [18]

ted symbol with transmitted power E [xx∗ ] = σx2 , where (·) √ √
denotes complex conjugate. In addition, at the receiver side, we ĥi = 1 − τ hi + τ ei , (5)
introduce the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vector where ei is the estimation error. It is suggested that ei can be
v ∈ CM ×1 , consisting of independent circularly
 symmetric independent of hi , due to the property of the MMSE estimator
complex Gaussian random variables with E vvH = σv2 IM , [5], whose entries are i.i.d zero mean circularly symmetric
where (·) denotes Hermitian transposition and IM is the complex Gaussian random variables. Here the estimation vari-
M ×M identity matrix. Hence the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ance parameter τ ∈ [0, 1] represents the estimation accuracy,
can be expressed as SNR = σx2 /σv2 . Throughout this paper, we i.e., τ = 1 represents the extreme case that there is not
take into account the spatial correlation among the antennas correlation between the estimation of hi and its actual value,
and imperfect channel estimation, described in the following. whereas τ = 0 corresponds to the perfect channel estimation
without error [5]. Recalling (3), the channel estimate ĥ can be
A. Spatially Correlated Channel Model
further expressed as [5], [17]
The spatially correlated channel h in the (1) can be char-
acterised as following Kronecker model [15] ĥ = Φ1/2 ĥi , (6)
1/2 = 1 − τ h + e, (7)
h = Φ1/2
r hi Φt , (2)
√ 1/2
where the hi ∈ CM ×1 is an uncorrelated complex channel where e = τ Φr ei . Then, the effect of both antenna
vector whose entries are independent identically distributed spatial correlation and imperfect channel estimation can be
(i.i.d) circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random vari- investigated, by adjusting the correlation coefficient φ and
ables with zero mean and unit variance. Φr and Φt deter- estimation variance parameter τ .
mine the correlation between receiver antennas, and between III. M ULTIPLE A NTENNA S ELECTION P ROBLEM
transmitter antennas, respectively. Note that (·) in the (2) F ORMULATION FOR THE U NCORRELATED C HANNEL
represents the Hermitian square root of a matrix. In the case of
single antenna UT uplink transmissions, the correlation among We first consider a single UT equipped with a single
the receiver antennas can be focused on. Notice that such antenna at the transmitter side for the uncorrelated i.i.d
assumption is valid for multiuser MIMO systems as well, since channel network. In order to realise the multiple receiver
user terminals are autonomous [2]. To this end, the spatially antenna selection, here we introduce an antenna selection
correlated channel vector can be given as vector hs,i ∈ CM ×1 , which can also be considered as an
equalisation vector, due to the fact that each receiver antenna is
h = Φ1/2
r hi . (3) weighted by a corresponding channel coefficient in the vector
It is suggested that the exponential correlation model is hs,i . Considering the expression of received signal in (1), the
a widely adopted approximation for the structure of the equalised signal can be given as ŷ, after we apply the antenna
correlation matrix [15], which can suitably evaluate the level selection vector, as
of spatial correlation among antennas, as given by, ŷ = hH
s,i (hi x + v). (8)
φ , i≤j
Φij =  |j−i| ∗ (4) Based on the equalised signal structure, the antenna selection
φ , i > j, can be obtained by minimising the mean squared error (MSE)
where Φij is the entry of the receiver side correlation matrix at the receiver. To achieve this, we define the error signal as
Φr and corresponds to the correlation between ith and j th e = x − ŷ
receiver antenna. A single coefficient φ is also introduced, with
|φ| ≤ 1, where, here and in (4), | · | denotes the absolute value = x − hH
s,i (hi x + v). (9)
By exploiting the structure of the error signal, the MSE can vector, and hs,i |OMP refers to the value of hs,i calculated by
be formulated as OMP algorithm. Notice that at the end of each iteration, the
2 optimum solution is obtained, corresponding to one selection
MSE := E[e ] process of hs,i . Therefore, the stopping criterion Ks also
= σx2 − hH 2 2 H
s,i hi σx − σx hi hs,i indicates the desired number of selected receiver antennas,
+ hH 2 H H 2
s,i σx hi hi hs,i + hs,i σv IM hs,i , (10) and multiple antenna selection can be realised by using the
sparsely structured antenna selection vector generated by the
where “:=” is the definition sign. We then let (14).
Ri = σx2 hi hH
i + σv2 IM . (12) C HANNEL E STIMATION
In this section, we extend the OMP operation based an-
Notice that Ri is positive definite, we apply Cholesky de-
tenna selection scheme taking into account spatial correlation
composition as Ri = Li LH i where Li is one M × M lower- among the antennas and imperfect channel estimation. Then,
triangular matrix. The expression of MSE can then be written
in order to use the OMP algorithm in (14) to realise the
multiple antenna selection in the spatially correlated channel,
MSE = σx2 − hH −1
s,i Li Li h̃i
we generalise the expression of h̃i in (11) and Ri in (12) to
−H H
− h̃H
i Li Li hs,i + hH H
s,i Li Li hs,i h̃ = σx2 h = σx2 Φ1/2
r hi , (15)
−H −1  −1  R= σx2 hhH + σv2 IM = σx2 Φ1/2 H H/2
r hi hi Φr + σv2 IM .
= σx2 − h̃H
i Li Li h̃i + LHi hs,i − Li h̃i  . (13)
The exponential correlation matrix Φr in (16) is accordingly
The only term in (13) related to the antenna selection vector
a positive semidefinite matrix [16], so it is necessary to
hs,i , which can be further processed, is the last term, i.e.,
verify the positive definiteness of R for its availability of
the L2 norm (denoted by  · 2 ). Such a minimisation prob-
Cholesky decomposition. To do so, we introduce the following
lem can be efficiently solved by using sparse approximation
lemma, and further define the Φr as a symmetric real positive
algorithms such as the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP)
semidefinite matrix (i.e., φ ∈ [0, 1)).
algorithm, which has been shown that it outperforms the
conventional SNR-based selection combining scheme in [14]. Lemma 1. Let Φr be a symmetric real positive semidefinite
More specifically, since the vector hs,i reflects the receiver matrix, and Rh = hi hH i be a positive semidefinite matrix.
antenna selection process, the only non-zero entries of hs,i Then R is positive definite.
correspond to the selected receiver antenna (i.e., hs,i becomes
Proof. Since Φr is positive semidefinite, then its square root
a sparsely structured vector). Hence, the acquisition of hs,i 1/2
Φr is positive semidefinite as well. In addition, Φr is a
transforms to a sparse approximation problem. We formulate
symmetric real matrix, then Φr is equal to its own conjugate
this sparse approximation problem by generating a link be-
transpose Φ†r (i.e., ΦH †
r ), where (·) represents conjugate
tween the sparse approximation and the MSE optimisation:
transpose operation. Due to the property of the positive
the objective can be the minimisation of the L2 norm, and 1/2 H/2
semi/definite matrix, it is easy to prove Φr Rh Φr is
the measurement dictionary and the target vector are LH i
positive semidefinite, equivalently to
and L−1i h̃i , respectively. In the OMP algorithm, an iterative
calculation process is carried out to locate one column vector z† Φ1/2 H/2
r Rh Φr z ≥ 0, ∀z ∈ {z ∈ CM ×1 |z = 0}. (17)
in the measurement dictionary that is the most correlated
vector to the residual vector (which is generally initialised to Thus,
be the target vector), at each iteration. One locally optimum z† (Φ1/2
r Rh Φr
+ σv2 IM )z ≥ 0, ∀z ∈ {z ∈ CM ×1 |z = 0}.
solution is measured by solving a least-squared problem to (18)
update the residual vector. Here, for the sake of simplicity, In this case, σv2 > 0, thus there exists no such one non-
we highlight the parameters in the algorithm relating to this zero complex vector ze , that ze ∈ {z ∈ CM ×1 |z = 0}, let
1/2 H/2
work. The inputs of the OMP process are the measurement
z†e (Φr Rh Φr + σv2 IM )ze = 0. Therefore,
dictionary LH i and the target vector Li h̃i , as well as a
stopping criterion. Here the stopping criterion is selected as the z† (Φ1/2
r Rh Φr
+ σv2 IM )z > 0, ∀z ∈ {z ∈ CM ×1 |z = 0},
desired number of iterations for the OMP algorithm, named (19)
Ks . We denote the proposed OMP algorithm as which indicates that R is positive definite, as required.
 −1  Based on Lemma 1, it can be proved that R in (16) is
hs,i = arg min LH i hs,i − Li h̃i  ,
hs,i |OMP 2 positive definite, and the multiple antenna selection with the
s.t. hs,i 0 = Ks , (14) receiver side spatially correlated channel can be realised, by
measuring revised sparse antenna selection vector hs,c , instead
where s.t. stands for “subject to”,  · 0 represents the L0 of hs,i in (14), and the relative components in the OMP
norm, also informally the number of non-zero entries in a algorithm. More specifically, we have the generalised h̃ in
(15) and R in (16), and L is the M × M lower-triangular −1
matrix from Cholesky decomposed R. Correspondingly, the
measurement dictionary and the target vector become LH and Proposed Scheme: M = 64; Ks = 32
Proposed Scheme: M = 64; Ks = 50
L−1 h̃ respectively. We rewrite the structure of hs,c as MRC Scheme: M = 64
hs,c = arg min LH hs,c − L−1 h̃ ,

hs,c |OMP 2

s.t. hs,c 0 = Ks , (20)

Bit Error Rate (BER)

τ = 0.8; φ = 0.8
by considering the same stopping criterion in the OMP oper- −3
ation as (14), i.e., the number of selected antennas.
Recall the Equation (6) and (7), we now consider the case
with imperfect channel estimation. Under the same assumption τ = 0.6; φ = 0.8 τ = 0.8; φ = 0.6
of a single antenna UT uplink transmission, only the channel
estimate vector ĥ is available to the receiver. Generalise the −4

h̃ and R to h̃e and Re , respectively, which can be given as

h̃e = σx2 ĥ (21)
Re = σx2 ĥĥH + σv2 IM . (22) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In a similar way to that provided in Lemma 1, it is evident
that the positive definiteness of Re and the its availability Fig. 1. BER versus SNR comparison between our proposed scheme and MRC
of Cholesky decomposition can be satisfied. We can allocate scheme for a large number of receive antennas (M = 64), with different levels
the parameters for the OMP algorithm with imperfect channel of Ks , τ and φ, and BPSK modulation.
estimation as
hs,e = arg min LH −1
e hs,e − Le h̃e  , (i.e., Ks = 50) has nearly same performance as MRC, and the
hs,e |OMP 2
gap between the results of MRC and our method with only
s.t. hs,e 0 = Ks , (23) half antennas selected is fairly negligible. Notice that we show
where the hs,e is the updated version of hs,c in (20) with the case with high levels of antenna correlation and channel
consideration of channel estimation error, and Le is the estimation error (e.g., φ and τ equal to 0.6 or even 0.8). In
M × M lower-triangular matrix generated by the Cholesky fact, such highly correlated channels can be experienced in our
decomposition of Re . Again, the stopping criterion is the system since the very large BS antenna equipped. In addition,
desired number of selected antennas. the high level of channel estimation error can be certainly
introduced, due to the realistic transmission conditions such
V. S IMULATION R ESULTS as limited feedback and high mobility of UT.
In this section, we compare a series of bit error rate (BER) After the general observation of the performance in Fig. 1,
performances of our proposed scheme with MRC scheme. The now we focus on the effect of different combinations of τ
system consisting of one single-antenna UT and one BS with a and φ, and the required number of selected antennas, shown
large number of antennas is considered. More specifically, we in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively. First, Fig. 2 illustrates the
assume M = 16, 64 or 128. BPSK modulation is applied BER performance of the case, with M = 64, Ks = 16, 32 or
in our simulations. The effect of sparsity of the antenna 50, and τ = 0.8, by viewing a different aspect from Fig. 1,
selection vector, antenna spatial correlation and imperfect i.e., with different levels of φ and in the low SNR regime
channel estimation can be taken into account by adjusting the (SNR = 2dB). It is shown that our scheme has very similar
value of the parameter Ks , φ and τ in our programme. performance with MRC, especially in the high region of φ. In
Fig. 1 demonstrates the BER performance of the both order to take a closer look of the performance with lower τ ,
schemes with different SNR per bit levels. The total number in Fig. 3, we choose a lower number of M , equals to 16, and
of BS antennas M is set to 64, and correspondingly, we select select 8 or 10 antennas out of 16. The conclusion holds as
the half number, i.e., Ks equals to 32 out of 64, and more than well that the compared to the MRC, the performance of our
half number of the BS antennas, i.e., Ks is equal to 50 out of proposed scheme is not degraded by combining only selected
64. Also, we examine several combinations of φ and τ . It is not antennas, with high levels of τ and φ involving. Then, in the
surprising to observe that the both schemes are considerably interest of high levels of antenna spatial correlation (φ = 0.8)
impacted by the high level of Ks , φ and τ . However, due and imperfect channel estimation (τ = 0.8), Fig. 4 shows the
to the effective antenna selection process in our algorithms BER performance versus the number of selected antenna Ks
that can minimise the effect of highly correlated channels as of our scheme and MRC, with different levels of SNR. For
well as the channel estimation error during the transmission, the high SNR regime, the BER performance of our scheme
our proposed scheme with larger number of selected antennas is closely approached to that of MRC for M = 64 is around
−1 −1
10 10
Proposed Scheme: M = 64; τ = 0.8; φ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB
Proposed Scheme: Ks = 16(/64);τ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB MRC Scheme: M = 64; τ = 0.8; φ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB
Proposed Scheme: Ks = 32(/64);τ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB Proposed Scheme: M = 64; τ = 0.8; φ = 0.8; SNR = 10dB

Bit Error Rate (BER)

Proposed Scheme: Ks = 50(/64);τ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB MRC Scheme: M = 64; τ = 0.8; φ = 0.8; SNR = 10dB

MRC Scheme: M = 64;τ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB

Bit Error Rate (BER)

10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Number of Selected Antennas Ks

(a) BER vs Ks ; M = 64


Proposed Scheme: M = 128; τ = 0.8; φ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB

MRC Scheme: M = 128; τ = 0.8; φ = 0.8; SNR = 2dB

Bit Error Rate (BER)


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −3
Correlation Coefficient φ 10

Fig. 2. BER versus φ performance comparison for our scheme and MRC −4
with (M = 64) and high estimation error (i.e., τ = 0.8), and different levels 10
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
of Ks , in the low SNR regime (SNR = 2dB). BPSK applied. Number of Selected Antennas Ks

(b) BER vs Ks ; M = 128

Fig. 4. BER versus Ks comparison between our proposed scheme and MRC
τ = 0.8 scheme for different number of receive antennas (M = 64 or 128), with high
10 τ and φ introduced for different SNR levels. BPSK applied.


effective selection process designed for different transmission

10 τ = 0.6 situations.
Bit Error Rate (BER)

10 τ = 0.2

A. Complexity Analysis

The MRC algorithm requires a number of signal processing

10 for entire diversity channels, which significantly increases the
Perfect Channel Estimation
hardware complexity and cost due to the implementation of
RF chains for all antennas in the massive MIMO system [11].
Proposed Scheme: Ks = 8(/16); SNR = 2dB
Instead, our proposed selection scheme allows the receiver to
Proposed Scheme: Ks = 10(/16); SNR = 2dB restore the signal to its original shape, only by weighting few
MRC Scheme: M = 16; SNR = 2dB
(e.g., even less than the half number of antennas that shown
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Correlation Coefficient φ
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 in Fig. 1 and 4) selected channels with the sparsely structured
antenna selection vector, and without degrading the system
performance, which is a dramatic improvement in reducing
Fig. 3. BER versus φ performance comparison for our scheme and MRC
with (M = 16), and different levels of Ks and τ , in the low SNR regime the implementation overhead, e.g., the required number of RF
(SNR = 2dB). BPSK applied. chains, in practice. Consider the OMP algorithm presented
in (14), (20) and (23), the input components are based on
the channel estimation, which can be physically performed on
35. For the low SNR regime, approximately measuring, the each antenna with a less complex device rather than the full
required number of selected antenna Ks is equal to 60 for transceiver [11]. Then the antenna selection can be realised by
M = 128, or only 30 for M = 64. It is suggested that when using the output vector, i.e., the M × 1-dimensional antenna
the bad transmission condition introduced in our system, e.g., selection vector with only Ks nonzero elements. In addition,
low SNR regime and high levels of φ and τ , our proposed the iteration times is equal to the stopping criterion Ks .
scheme has similar, even identical performance as the MRC Hence, the computational complexity of the OMP algorithms
scheme, with less than half antennas selected, due to the is O(Ks2 M ).
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This work has been done within joint project, supported by
Huawei Tech. Co., Ltd, China.

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IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for LTE-
Advanced and Beyond-4G, 2013.

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