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F.Sc - XI COMPUTER Ch # 5 1st half upto I/O


23-01-2016 12 10 MINUTES
Q#1 Encircle the best option. 1x12=12
i. The part of computer that handles peripheral is:
(a) Mother Board (b) I/O unit (c) Control unit (d) Bus
ii. The main circuit board of computer containing processor is called:
(a) Big board (b) Computer board (c) Mother board (d) Main board
iii. Each byte of computer memory is represented by a number called:
(a) Data (b) Address (c) Location (d) Space
iv. The main difference between RAN and ROM is:
(a) ROM is nonvolatile (b) RAN is volatile (c) ROM is read only (d) All
v. Refreshment is not essential for:
(a) Static RAM (b) Dynamic RAM (c) Current RAM (d) Active RAM
vi. Which memory is used to increase the speed of computer?
(a) RAM (b) Cache (c) Register (d) Hard Disk
vii. The step in which instruction is translated is called:
(a) Fetch (b) Translate (c) Decode (d) Execute
viii. Data and program not being used by computer are stored in:
(a) Secondary storage (b) Cache (c) Primary storage (d) printer
ix. A set of instructions that run the computer are:
(a) Hardware (b) Document (c) CPUs (d) Software
x. The program that contains instructions to operate a device is called:
(a) Device drive (b) Device operator (c) Device linking (d) Device system
xi. CPU is an example of:
(a) Software (b) A program (c) Hardware (d) An output unit
xii. The arithmetic/logic unit performs the following actions:
(a) Control computer operations
(b) Perform arithmetic functions such as addition and subtraction etc
(c) Accuracy (d) All of above


Q#2 Write short answer of the following questions. 10x2=20

i. Define stored program machine of Von-Neumann.
ii. What is CPU?
iii. What SRAM?
iv. What is EPROM?
v. What is Cache memory?
vi. What is DMA?
vii. What are interrupts?
viii. How data is accessed from main memory?
ix. What is architecture of computer? Draw diagram.
x. Why RAM is called volatile memory?
Q#3 What is system bus? Explain its types.

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