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Commands Page 1 of 29

Operate on building-blocks. These are grouped below as block commands, face commands, edge
commands, point commands, and set commands.

Building-Blocks Block commands

building-blocks block create

Create a block or blocks.
building-blocks block delete
Delete blocks.
building-blocks block export
Export blocks.
building-blocks block group
Assign or remove a group name to blocks.
building-blocks block hide
Set the blocks to be hide or not.
building-blocks block id
Perform an operation on a block (by ID).
building-blocks block import
Import blocks from a file.
building-blocks block list
Print information about blocks.
building-blocks block make-hex-only
Split all triangular faces of wedge and tetrahedral blocks.
building-blocks block multiplier
Set the zone multiplier coefficient for final zone generation.
building-blocks block snapon
Snap a block to a geometric set.
building-blocks block transform
Perform a general geometric transformation on points of blocks.

Building-Blocks Face commands

building-blocks face cycle

Rotate (cycle) the topology of triangular faces.
building-blocks face delete
Delete faces.
building-blocks face drape
Move the points of faces onto an external geometric set.
building-blocks face group
Assign a group name to faces.
building-blocks face list
Print information about faces.
building-blocks face snapon
Snap a face to a geometric set.
building-blocks face transform
Transform a face (via its points).

Building-Blocks Edge commands

building-blocks edge add-controls

Add control points to edges.

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building-blocks edge delete

Delete edges.
building-blocks edge drape
Move the points of edges onto an external geometric set.
building-blocks edge factor
Apply a sizing factor to zones on edges.
building-blocks edge group
Assign or remove a group name to edges.
building-blocks edge id
Modify the properties of an edge.
building-blocks edge list
Print information about edges.
building-blocks edge ratio
Apply a sizing ratio to zones on edges.
building-blocks edge ratio-isolate
Determine whether zone ratios or factors propagate.
building-blocks edge size
Specify the number of zones on an edge.
building-blocks edge snapon
Snap an edge to a geometric set.
building-blocks edge transform
Transform and edge (via its points).
building-blocks edge type
Specify edge curve-type.

Building-Blocks Point commands

building-blocks point delete

Delete points.
building-blocks point drape
Move points onto an external geometric set.
building-blocks point group
Assign a group name to points.
building-blocks point list
Print information about points.
building-blocks point merge
Merge two points.
building-blocks point move-to
Move points.
building-blocks point snapon
Snap points to a geometric set.
building-blocks point transform
Transform points.

Building-Blocks Set commands

building-blocks set arrest-triangle

Specify how to split a wedge block.
building-blocks set auto-tolerance
Set the auto-tolerance flag for geometric manipulations.
building-blocks set automatic-zone
Specify a automatic zoning method.
building-blocks set break-angle
Set the break angle.
building-blocks set create

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Create a building block set.

building-blocks set delete
Delete a building block set.
building-blocks set export
Export current building blocks to a file.
building-blocks set geometry
Associate a geometry set with the current set.
building-blocks set import
Import a building blocks set.
building-blocks set list
Print information about a building blocks set.
building-blocks set select
Specify the current building blocks set.
building-blocks set tolerance
Set the tolerance for geometric manipulations.
building-blocks set validate-all
Check the validity of blocks.

z building-blocks block create command

z building-blocks block delete command
z building-blocks block export command
z building-blocks block group command
z building-blocks block hide command
z building-blocks block id command
z building-blocks block import command
z building-blocks block list command
z building-blocks block make-hex-only command
z building-blocks block multiplier command
z building-blocks block snapon id command
z building-blocks block transform command
z building-blocks edge add-controls command
z building-blocks edge delete command
z building-blocks edge drape command
z building-blocks edge factor command
z building-blocks edge group command
z building-blocks edge id command
z building-blocks edge list command
z building-blocks edge ratio command
z building-blocks edge ratio-isolate command
z building-blocks edge size command
z building-blocks edge snapon id command
z building-blocks edge transform command
z building-blocks edge type command
z building-blocks face cycle command
z building-blocks face delete command
z building-blocks face drape command
z building-blocks face group command
z building-blocks face list command
z building-blocks face snapon id command
z building-blocks face transform command
z building-blocks point delete command
z building-blocks point drape command
z building-blocks point group command
z building-blocks point list command
z building-blocks point merge command

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z building-blocks point move-to command

z building-blocks point snapon id command
z building-blocks point transform command
z building-blocks set arrest-triangle command
z building-blocks set automatic-zone command
z building-blocks set auto-tolerance command
z building-blocks set break-angle command
z building-blocks set create command
z building-blocks set delete command
z building-blocks set export command
z building-blocks set geometry command
z building-blocks set import command
z building-blocks set list command
z building-blocks set select command
z building-blocks set tolerance command
z building-blocks set validate-all command

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building-blocks block create command


building-blocks block create keyword

Primary keywords:

from-faces | hexahedron | tetrahedron | wedge

Create a block or blocks.

from-faces <distance f > range

Create blocks attached to the faces specified by the range. All faces here must be
external faces — each face is attached to one block only. New blocks will be "extruded"
from the faces along the average face normal. The extruded distance is defined by f. If f
is not supplied the default distance will be related to the maximum diagonal extent of a
block among all the blocks attached to supplied faces.

hexahedron <by-points v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 > <group s <slot s >>

Create a hexahedral block. by-points, if present, must be followed by points that define
the block (a hexahedron requires eight points). The optional keywords group and slot
assign the created block to the specified group and slot.

tetrahedron <by-points v1 v2 v3 v4 > <group s <slot s >>

Create a tetrahedral block. by-points, if present, must be followed by points that define
the block (a tetrahedron requires four points). The optional keywords group and slot
assign the created block to the specified group and slot.

wedge <by-points v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 > <group s <slot s >>

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Create a wedge block. by-points, if present, must be followed by points that define the
block (a wedge requires six points). The optional keywords group and slot assign the
created block to the specified group and slot.

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building-blocks block delete command


building-blocks block delete <range>

Delete blocks. If <range> is not supplied, all blocks will be deleted.

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building-blocks block export command


building-blocks block export keyword <range>

Export blocks. If <range> is not supplied, all blocks will be exported.

to-file s

Export the blocks to a file named s.

to-set s <offset v >

Export the blocks to a building block set named s. If the optional <offset v> is supplied,
all coordinates will be shifted by that vector in the destination set.

to-geometry-set s

Export the blocks to a geometric set named s. It only creates "external" faces of the
supplied blocks as a set of polygons (quads or triangles).

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building-blocks block group command


building-blocks block group s <slot s > <remove> <range>

Assign or remove a group name to blocks. If remove is present, the group name will be
removed from blocks in the specified range. If <range> is not supplied, all blocks are affected.

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building-blocks block hide command


building-blocks block hide b <range>

Set the blocks to be hide or not.

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building-blocks block id command


building-blocks block id i keyword

Perform an operation on a block (by ID). The operation is performed on block ID i in the
current building blocks set.

split face-id i2 v1 v2

Split a block. The splitting is defined by the splitting line on a block face with id i2. The
splitting line is defined by the points v1 and v2.

When the points are on opposite edges of a face this is called an edge-to-edge split.

When the points are on opposite corners of a face this is called a diagonal split.

When the points are on a corner and opposite edge of a face this is called a corner split.

When the points are inside a face this is a central split, in which case v1 must be equal
to v2 within the tolerance (see building-blocks set tolerance). In the case of a
triangular face, it will be treated as the central point of the triangle. The split will start
with two cross-split lines with a central point.

The splitting of the block will propagate to the next face-attached block until blocks
with already-split faces are reached.

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building-blocks block import command


building-blocks block import keyword

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Import blocks from a file.

from-file name s <position|offset v >

Import blocks from the file named s. <position v>, if supplied, provides the position the
imported blocks. <offset v>, if supplied, provides the translational offset (shift) vector
for the imported blocks.

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building-blocks block list command


building-blocks block list keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

edges | extra | faces | group | information | nodes | status

Print information about blocks. If <range> is not supplied, the requested information is listed
for all blocks in the current building blocks set.


Edge IDs for each block are listed.

extra i

FISH extra information printed. A valid index i must be supplied.


Face IDs for each block are listed.


Group information is listed.


Comprehensive information is listed, including groups, extras, degeneracy, and zone



Node IDs for each block are listed.


Validation status for each block is listed.

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building-blocks block make-hex-only command


building-blocks block make-hex-only

Split all triangular faces of wedge and tetrahedral blocks. The faces will be split into quads by
a central point split. After this command is given only hexahedral blocks remain in the current
building blocks set.

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building-blocks block multiplier command


building-blocks block multiplier i <range>

Set the zone multiplier coefficient for final zone generation. The default value is 1. It will be
applied to zone generation after all edge sizes and ratios are taken into account. If <range> is
not supplied, all blocks will be modified.

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building-blocks block snapon id command


building-blocks block snapon id i set s keyword <control-point b > <range>

Primary keywords:

edge | point | polygon

Snap a block to a geometric set. Points are translated on blocks that are in the specified
<range>, if supplied. If not, all points are translated.

A translation vector is defined from the point with id i in the current building blocks set to the
target point on a geometric set s.

The target point on a geometric set is specified by keyword. The <control-point b> option
indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if the points defining that edge are
moved. The default is true.

edge id i <f >

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The target point is on the edge in the geometric set with id i. The exact location on the
edge is defined by float number parameter f. If f = 0.0 the target point is the first (start)
point of the edge, if f = 1.0 the target point is the second (end) point of the edge. The
default value is f = 0.5 (center of the edge).

point id i

The target point is the point with id i of the geometric set.

polygon id i <(f1, f2 )>

The target point is on the polygon in the geometric set with id i. The exact point on the
polygon is defined by two local coordinates (f1, f2) defined in such a way that (0.0,0.0)
corresponds to centroid of the polygon. By default (f1, f2) is always set initially to
correspond to the centroid of the polygon.

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building-blocks block transform command


building-blocks block transform <origin v > keyword <control-point b > <range>

Primary keywords:

reflect | rotate | scale | translate

Perform a general geometric transformation on points of blocks. If <range> is not specified all
blocks are transformed.

For those options that require an origin (rotate, reflect, and scale) the optional origin may be
supplied to specify the origin for the operation.

The <control-point b> option indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if only
one of the points of that edge is moved. The default is true. The option has no effect with
reflect keyword.

reflect keyword

Make a reflection transformation about a plane.

dip f1 dip-direction f2

Specify the mirror plane defined by dip angle f1 and dip direction f2. Angles are
defined in degrees.

plane v_1 v_2 v_3

Specify the mirror plane defined by three points v_1 v_2 v_3.

rotate direction v angle f

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Perform a rotation by angle f, in degrees, using rotation axes that go through the
coordinate origin in the direction v.

scale v

Scale the point positions by expanding or contracting their distance from the origin by a
factor of v in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively.

translate v

Perform a translation — adding v to each coordinate point of the blocks to be


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building-blocks edge add-controls command


building-blocks edge add-controls keyword <range>

Add control points to edges. Control points are added on all edges in the current building
blocks set if <range> is not supplied.

Add exactly i control points per each edge (i must be a positive integer no greater than
20). Added control points will be evenly spaced.


Add a number of control points equal to the number of zones on each edge (see
building-blocks edge size).

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building-blocks edge delete command


building-blocks edge delete <range>

Delete edges. This operation will also delete any blocks attached to the deleted edges. If
<range> is not supplied, all edges (and blocks) will be deleted from the current set.

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building-blocks edge drape command

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building-blocks edge drape keyword <novalidate> <range>

Move the points of edges onto an external geometric set. The points to be moved are defined
by the <range>. Movement of each point is done along the beam-line defined by keyword
until it intersects the external geometric set. The <novalidate> option skips validation of all
blocks moved as part of the drape operation.

inwards v

Extend the beam-line from each point to the focus point v.

outwards v

Extend the beam-line from the focus point v to each point.

direction v

Set the beam-line as a constant direction vector v.

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building-blocks edge factor command


building-blocks edge factor f <range>

Apply a sizing factor to zones on edges. The factor is applied to edges in the current <range>,
if supplied, or on all edges if not. The factor f must be between 0.001 and 1000.0 (the default
is 1.0).

When zones are generated from the blocks, the factor (like a ratio, see building-blocks
edge ratio) defines zone sizes of relative length along the edge block. Factor specifies a ratio
of last zone length to the first zone length along an edge.

When the factor for an edge is changed, the change is propagated to all face-connected
opposite edges. If building-blocks edge ratio-isolate is set to true the changes will not
propagate from the edge; the default setting of that flag is false.

[CS: a picture here might be in order]

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building-blocks edge group command


building-blocks edge group s <slot s > <remove> <range>

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Assign or remove a group name to edges. The command is applied to edges in the <range>, if
supplied, or to all edges if not. If the <remove> option is used, the edges in the range will be
removed from the group s.

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building-blocks edge id command


building-blocks edge id i keyword

Primary keywords:

control-point | ratio | ratio-isolate | size | type

Modify the properties of an edge. In the current building block set the edge with ID i will be

control-point keyword

Modify control points of the edge.

add v

Add a control point at the position defined by vector v. The position v must be on
the edge within the tolerance (see building-blocks set tolerance).

delete i

Delete the control point defined by index i from the edge. Index i is a positive
integer starting from 1.

move v index i

Move the control point defined by index i to new position defined by vector v .

rotate origin v_1 direction v_2 angle f indices i1 <i2 > <i3 > ...

Rotate control points of the edge defined by indices using an angle of rotation f
(in degrees) around axis of rotation defined by the origin point v_1 and direction
vector v_2.

translate v indices i1 <i2 > <i3 > ...

Translate control points identified by indices by adding v to each position.

ratio f

Specify a ratio size parameter f for zones on the edge. The ratio parameter f is a float
number that must be between 0.1 and 10.0. When zones are generated from the blocks,
the ratio defines zones relatively along the edge of the block. The size of each zone will

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be f of the previous zone length. The default value is 1.0 (uniform zones — same

Each time the ratio of an edge is changed, the changes are propagated to all face-
connected opposite edges. If ratio-isolate is set to true the changes will not propagate
from the edge; the default setting for this flag is false (meaning the ratio setting

ratio-isolate b

Set a flag to isolate ratio or factor assignments on an edge. If true then ratio/factor
assignments do not propagate to all face-connected opposite edges. This setting is set to
false by default.

size i

Specify the number of zones on an edge. The value of i must be positive (up to 1000).
The default value is 3. When zones are generated from the building blocks set, all blocks
attached to this edge will be have i zones along the direction defined by the edge.

Each time size of an edge is changed, the changes are propagated to face-connected
opposite edges.

type keyword

Specify the curve-type of the edge.


Specify an arc edge. An arc may have one control point only.


Specify a spline edge.


Specify a polyline edge (this is the default type).

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building-blocks edge list command


building-blocks edge list keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

extra | group | information | faces | nodes

Print information about edges. If <range> is not supplied, the requested information is listed

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for all edges in the current building blocks set.

extra i

FISH extra information printed. A valid index i must be supplied.


Group information is listed.


Comprehensive information is listed, including groups, extras, length of the edge,

direction, zone size, zone ratio, type and number of control points.


IDs for each face connected to the edge(s) are listed.


IDs for the nodes of the edge(s) are listed.

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building-blocks edge ratio command


building-blocks edge ratio f <range>

Apply a sizing ratio to zones on edges. The ratio is applied to edges in the current <range>, if
supplied, or on all edges if not. The ratio f must be between 0.1 and 10.0 (the default is 1.0).

When zones are generated from the blocks, the ratio (like a factor, see building-blocks
edge factor) defines zones relatively along the edge of the block. The size of each zone will
be f of the previous zone length. The default value is 1.0 (uniform zones — same length).

When the ratio for an edge is changed, the change is propagated to all face-connected opposite
edges. If building-blocks edge ratio-isolate is set to true the changes will not
propagate from the edge; the default setting of that flag is false.

[CS: a picture here might be in order]

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building-blocks edge ratio-isolate command


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building-blocks edge ratio-isolate b <range>

Determine whether zone ratios or factors propagate. Each time the zone size factor
(building-blocks edge factor) or ratio (building-blocks edge ratio) of an edge is
changed, the changes are propagated to all face connected opposite edges. If building-
blocks edge ratio-isolate is set to true, the changes will not propagate from the edge.
The default setting is false.

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building-blocks edge size command


building-blocks edge size i <range>

Specify the number of zones on an edge. The value of i must be positive (up to 1000). The
default value is 3. When zones are generated from the building blocks set, all blocks attached
to an edge in <range> will have i zones along the direction defined by the edge. If <range> is
not supplied all edges are affected.

Each time the size on an edge is changed, the changes are propagated to face-connected
opposite edges.

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building-blocks edge snapon id command


building-blocks edge snapon id i set s keyword <control-point b > <range>

Primary keywords:

edge | point | polygon

Snap an edge to a geometric set. Points are translated on edges that are in the specified
<range>, if supplied. If not, all points are translated.

A translation vector is defined from the point with :lkwd`id` i in the current building blocks set
to the target point on a geometric set s.

The target point on a geometric set is specified by keyword. The <control-point b> option
indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if the points defining that edge are
moved. The default is true.

edge id i <f >

The target point is on the edge in the geometric set with id i. The exact location on the
edge is defined by float number parameter f. If f = 0.0 the target point is the first (start)

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point of the edge, if f = 1.0 the target point is the second (end) point of the edge. The
default value is f = 0.5 (center of the edge).

point id i

The target point is the point with id i of the geometric set.

polygon id i <(f1, f2 )>

The target point is on the polygon in the geometric set with id i. The exact point on the
polygon is defined by two local coordinates (f1, f2) defined in such a way that (0.0,0.0)
corresponds to centroid of the polygon. By default (f1, f2) is always set initially to
correspond to the centroid of the polygon.

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building-blocks edge transform command


building-blocks edge transform <origin v_o > keyword <control-point b > <range>

Primary keywords:

reflect | rotate | scale | translate

Transform and edge (via its points). If <range> is not specified all edges are transformed.

For those options that require an origin (rotate, reflect, and scale) the optional origin may be
supplied to specify the origin for the operation.

The <control-point b> option indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if only
one of the points of that edge is moved. The default is true. This option has no effect with
reflect keyword.

reflect keyword

Make a reflection transformation about a plane.

dip f1 dip-direction f2

Specify the mirror plane defined by dip angle f1 and dip direction f2. Angles are
defined in degrees.

plane v_1 v_2 v_3

Specify the mirror plane defined by three points v_1 v_2 v_3.

rotate direction v angle f

Perform rotation by angle f, in degrees, using rotation axes that goes through the
coordinate origin in the direction v.

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scale v

Scale the point positions by expanding or contracting their distance from the origin by a
factor of v in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively.

translate v

Perform a translation — adding v to each coordinate point of the blocks to be


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building-blocks edge type command


building-blocks edge type keyword <range>

Specify edge curve-type. Edge(s) in the current <range> are affected, if supplied; all edges are
affected if not.


Specify an arc edge. An arc can have one control point only.


Specify a spline edge.


Specify a polyline edge (the is the default type).

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building-blocks face cycle command


building-blocks face cycle <range>

Rotate (cycle) the topology of triangular faces. Aspects of the face, such as the degeneracy
point, edge zone sizes, and ratio, are affected when the topology is changed.

The operation is performed on faces in the <range>, if supplied, or on all faces if not.
However, note only triangular faces are affected by the command. The cycle operation will
propagate through wedge or tetrahedral blocks across attached faces.

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building-blocks face delete command


building-blocks face delete <range>

Delete faces. This operation will also delete any blocks attached to the deleted faces. If
<range> is not supplied, all faces (and blocks) will be deleted from the current set.

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building-blocks face drape command


building-blocks face drape keyword <novalidate> <range>

Move the points of faces onto an external geometric set. The points to be moved are defined
by the <range>. Movement of each point is done along the beam-line defined by keyword
until it intersects the external geometric set. The <novalidate> option skips validation of all
blocks moved as part of the drape operation.

inwards v

Extend the beam-line from each point to the focus point v.

outwards v

Extend the beam-line from the focus point v to each point.

direction v

Set the beam-line as a constant direction vector v.

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building-blocks face group command


building-blocks face group s <slot s > <remove> <range>

Assign a group name to faces. The command is applied to faces in the current <range>, if
supplied, or to all faces if not. If the <remove> option is used, the faces in the range will be
removed from the group s.

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building-blocks face list command


building-blocks face list keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

blocks | edges | extra | group | information | nodes

Print information about faces. If <range> is not supplied, the requested information is listed
for all faces in the current building blocks set.


Print block IDs for each face.


Print edge IDs for each face.

extra i

Print FISH extra information. A valid index i must be supplied.


Print group information.


Comprehensive information is listed, including groups, extras, area of the face, and
normal vector.


Print IDs for the nodes of the face(s).

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building-blocks face snapon id command


building-blocks face snapon id i set s keyword <control-point b > <range>

Primary keywords:

edge | point | polygon

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Snap a face to a geometric set. Points are translated on faces that are in the specified <range>,
if supplied. If not, all points are translated.

A translation vector is defined from the point with id i in the current building blocks set to the
target point on a geometric set s.

The target point on a geometric set is specified by keyword. The <control-point b> option
indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if the points defining that edge are
moved. The default is true.

edge id i <f >

The target point is on the edge in the geometric set with id i. The exact location on the
edge is defined by float number parameter f. If f = 0.0 the target point is the first (start)
point of the edge, if f = 1.0 the target point is the second (end) point of the edge. The
default value is f = 0.5 (center of the edge).

point id i

The target point is the point with id i of the geometric set.

polygon id i <(f1, f2 )>

The target point is on the polygon in the geometric set with id i. The exact point on the
polygon is defined by two local coordinates (f1, f2) defined in such a way that (0.0,0.0)
corresponds to centroid of the polygon. By default (f1, f2) is always set initially to
correspond to the centroid of the polygon.

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building-blocks face transform command


building-blocks face transform <origin v_o > <control-point b > keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

reflect | rotate | scale | translate

Transform a face (via its points). If <range> is not specified all faces are transformed.

For those options that require an origin (rotate, reflect, and scale) the optional origin may be
supplied to specify the origin for the operation.

The <control-point b> option indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if only
one of the points of that edge is moved. The default is true. This option has no effect with
reflect keyword.

reflect keyword

Make a reflection transformation about a plane.

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dip f1 dip-direction f2

Specify the mirror plane defined by dip angle f1 and dip direction f2. Angles are
defined in degrees.

plane v_1 v_2 v_3

Specify the mirror plane defined by three points v_1 v_2 v_3.

rotate direction v angle f

Rotate by angle f, in degrees, using rotation axes that go through the coordinate origin in
the direction v.

scale v

Scale the point positions by expanding or contracting their distance from the origin by a
factor of v in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively.

translate v

Perform a translation — adding v to each coordinate point of the face to be transformed.

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building-blocks point delete command


building-blocks point delete <range>

Delete points. This operation will also delete all blocks attached to the deleted points. If
<range> is not supplied, all points (and blocks) will be deleted from the current set.

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building-blocks point drape command


building-blocks point drape keyword <novalidate> <range>

Move points onto an external geometric set. The points to be moved are defined by the
<range>. Movement of each point is done along the beam-line defined by keyword until it
intersects the external geometric set. The <novalidate> option skips validation of all blocks
moved as part of the drape operation.

inwards v

Extend the beam-line from each point to the focus point v.

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outwards v

Extend the beam-line from the focus point v to each point.

direction v

Set the beam-line as a constant direction vector v.

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building-blocks point group command


building-blocks point group s <slot s > <remove> <range>

Assign a group name to points. The command is applied to points in the current <range>, if
supplied, or to all points if not. If the <remove> option is used, the points in the range will be
removed from the group s.

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building-blocks point list command


building-blocks point list keyword <range>

Print information about points. If <range> is not supplied, the requested information is listed
for all points.

extra i

Print FISH extra information. A valid index i must be supplied.


Print group information.


Comprehensive information is listed, including groups and extras.


Print IDs for the edges that are connected to the point(s).

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building-blocks point merge command


building-blocks point merge i1 i2

Merge two points. The two points are given by ID i1 and ID i2. Merging points will also
induce merging of edges and faces, if applicable.

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building-blocks point move-to command


building-blocks point move-to keyword f <control-point b > <range>

Move points. Position components (x, y, or z) of points in the <range>, if supplied, are moved
to the value f; all points are moved if no range is supplied.

The <control-point b> option indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if the
points defining that edge are moved. The default is true.

Set the x-component of the point(s).

Set the y-component of the point(s).

Set the z-component of the point(s).

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building-blocks point snapon id command


building-blocks point snapon id i set s keyword <control-point b > <range>

Primary keywords:

edge | point | polygon

Snap points to a geometric set. Points in the specified <range>, if supplied, are translated. If

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not, all points are translated.

A translation vector is defined from the point with id i in the current building blocks set to the
target point on a geometric set s.

The target point on a geometric set is specified by keyword. The <control-point b> option
indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if the points defining that edge are
moved. The default is true.

edge id i <f >

The target point is on the edge in the geometric set with id i. The exact location on the
edge is defined by float number parameter f. If f = 0.0 the target point is the first (start)
point of the edge, if f = 1.0 the target point is the second (end) point of the edge. The
default value is f = 0.5 (center of the edge).

point id i

The target point is the point with id i of the geometric set.

polygon id i <(f1, f2 )>

The target point is on the polygon in the geometric set with id i. The exact point on the
polygon is defined by two local coordinates (f1, f2) defined in such a way that (0.0,0.0)
corresponds to centroid of the polygon. By default (f1, f2) is always set initially to
correspond to the centroid of the polygon.

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building-blocks point transform command


building-blocks point transform <origin v_o > keyword <control-point b > <range>

Primary keywords:

reflect | rotate | scale | translate

Transform points. If <range> is not specified all points are transformed.

For those options that require an origin (rotate, reflect, and scale) the optional origin may be
supplied to specify the origin for the operation.

The <control-point b> option indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if only
one of the points of that edge is moved. The default is true. This option has no effect with
reflect keyword.

reflect keyword

Make a reflection transformation about a plane.

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dip f1 dip-direction f2

Specify the mirror plane defined by dip angle f1 and dip direction f2. Angles are
defined in degrees.

plane v_1 v_2 v_3

Specify the mirror plane defined by three points v_1 v_2 v_3.

rotate direction v angle f

performs rotation by angle f, in degrees, using rotation axes that goes through the
coordinate origin in the direction v.

scale v

Scale the point positions by expanding or contracting their distance from the origin by a
factor of v in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively.

translate v

Perform a translation — adding v to each coordinate point of the face to be transformed.

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building-blocks set arrest-triangle command


building-blocks set arrest-triangle b

Specify how to split a wedge block. The default for this flag is false.

When a split starts from a quadrilateral face of a wedge block (an edge-to-edge split) and the
split line is aligned with opposite edge of the starting face, there are at least two possibilities
how it goes through the block. When arrest-triangle is true the wedge block is divided in two
new wedge blocks and both of them share the opposite edge. When false, the wedge block is
divided into two blocks, a hexahedron and a wedge.

[CS: a picture here might be in order]

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building-blocks set automatic-zone command


building-blocks set automatic-zone keyword

Specify a automatic zoning method.

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extent i

Specify zoning by setting i zones to be created across the largest extent of the set.

length f

Specify zoning by setting a fixed length of f for all zones generated from the set (f must
be positive).

total i

Specify zoning by setting the total number of zones in the set to i.

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building-blocks set auto-tolerance command


building-blocks set auto-tolerance b

Set the auto-tolerance flag for geometric manipulations. When auto-tolerance flag is on, any
geometric manipulation of building blocks/faces/edges/points will update the tolerance with
the value that is average length of all edges × . The tolerance update will happen before
validation of all affected blocks.

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building-blocks set break-angle command


building-blocks set break-angle <f >

Set the break angle. The break angle f, specified in degrees, is the dihedral angle between
faces. It is used to determine whether faces are adjacent when generating proto-blocks (review
Building Blocks-Based Grids for illustration). The default value is 135 degrees.

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building-blocks set create command


building-blocks set create s

Create a building block set. The set named s is created and becomes the current set.

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building-blocks set delete command


building-blocks set delete <s >

Delete a building block set. If a set name s is not supplied the current set is deleted.

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building-blocks set export command


building-blocks set export <s > <binary>

Export current building blocks to a file. If a file name s is not supplied, the name of the current
set will be used. The extension of the file will be ".f3bset". The optional switch binary
specifies binary output. The default is text format.

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building-blocks set geometry command


building-blocks set geometry keyword

Associate a geometry set with the current set. Geometric sets may be added, removed, or
cleared for use with the current building blocks set.

Geometric sets may be used with the "snapon" and "drape" commands available for face, edge,
and point objects (and in some cases block objects; see building-blocks block snapon or
building-blocks face drape, for instance).

add s

Add a geometric set with name s to be associated with current building blocks set.


Clear the list of geometric sets associated with the current building blocks set.

remove s

Remove the geometric set with name s from the list of geometric sets associated with

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the current building blocks set.

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building-blocks set import command


building-blocks set import keyword

Import a building blocks set.

extruder <to-set s > <v >

Import building blocks from the current set in the Extrusion Pane. If the to-set s option
is used, the destination will be the building blocks set with the name s. If not, the
destination will be the current building blocks set. When <v> is supplied the coordinates
of all the points of imported blocks will be shifted by that vector.

s1 <set s2> <:vec:v>

Import blocks from the file s1. The file must have one of the extensions ".f3bset",
".f3grid" or ".flac3d" (and be a valid file of that type). The destination building blocks
set is s2. If s2 is not supplied a new set is created and given a set name that derives from
the file name s1. When <v> is supplied the coordinates of all the points of imported
blocks will be shifted by that vector.


If a set with the same name as the imported set exists already, it will be deleted and replaced.

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building-blocks set list command


building-blocks set list <s >

Print information about a building blocks set. Information about the set named s is listed. If s
is omitted, information on all building blocks sets will be printed.

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building-blocks set select command


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building-blocks set select s

Specify the current building blocks set. The set with the name s becomes the current building
blocks set. All commands that operate on blocks, faces, edges, and points act on the current set

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building-blocks set tolerance command


building-blocks set tolerance f

Set the tolerance for geometric manipulations. For instance, if the distance between two points
is less than f they will be treated as one point (merged). The tolerance value f must be positive.
Invoking the command will set off the auto-tolerance flag (see building-blocks set auto-

If f is not supplied the default value (average length of all edges × ) is used.

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building-blocks set validate-all command


building-blocks set validate-all

Check the validity of blocks. Invalid blocks are marked.

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