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- 'Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design

Chartered by the &lnrnmrnt Dr P.akisWl
No. PIFDIREG/54311
Dated: 29-06-2012


The Senate of PIFO in its First Meeting held in the Board Room on 2(}th April, 2012 have taken
the follOwing decisions regarding the below mentioned three statutes:

1. Statutes for Terms and ConditiollS of Regular Officers of Pakistan Institute of Fashion and
Design, Lahore

" ... , • were considered and approved, in principle. However, while nodng that these
Statutes carried far reaching academic admjnisrrao'~ implicadons for PIED, it was
resolved rhac a consisting of Mr. Gul Muhammad lor and Mr. Ghula.m
Muhammad Taj may peruse these Saltliles in specific details co sUG$est improvements
required, ihmy. ~ chese SUltutes are implemented. »

2. Contract Employees Appointment Statutes for the Employees other than Regular Service of
Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design. I.ahore 2012
" .... . wt!Te considered and 8pproYed, iD princip le. Ho wever. while n oting chilc these
Statutes orrried far reaching academic Iwd adm;nirtrao've imph"caooDS for PIFD, it WilS
.resolyed that a. Committee coDsisting of Mr. GuJ Muhammad Lot and Mr, GhuJam
• Mllhammad Taj may peruse these Starures in speciRc details to suggest improvements
required. ifany. belvre these Statures lUi: implemented. ..

• 3. Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design Service Statutes 2012

- ...... were considered and approved. in principle. However, while noting thllt these
Statutes c.:miedfar reachiug IIcademic and adm/njsmo'vi! imph"caoons for PlFD. it was
resolved tha.t a Commirree consisting of Mr. Cui Muhammad Lot and Mr. ChWiilll
Mlihammad Taj may perose these Swtutes in speci1ic detaik to suggest improvements -
required, ifmy. before these Statutes are implemented. ..

~- . ~ .
Prof. Shaista Vine

Copy for information (0:

1. Conrroller of Examj nations
2. Director General (HRIAdmn)
3. Additional Treasurer •
4. Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor
5. Notification File

51 -J - Ill, Johar Town. Lahore, Pakistan. Phone: .;-91 42-35315401-09, Fax:+92 42-35315420, \vv,Iw.pifd.




In pursuance of the provisions contained in section 7. and section 12.( 1)(2)(4), 13.(1)(2)(4),
14.(1)(2)(4) of Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design Act , 2011, following Statutes are made to
prescribe terms and conditions for appoinunent of Registrar I Treaso,Jrer / Controller of
Examinations and Officers}.

A. Terms and Conditions of.Appointment of Registrar/ Treasurer / Controller of ExamiDations

per Section 7 . (f)(g){hXe) & sections 12., 13.• 14. of the PIFO Act, 2011.

Master Degree or equivalent from HEC

r-ecognized institutio n with 15 years Senate. for a renewable
teaching! ad mini strative experience period of 3 years, who
1 20/21 including five years in relevant field. shall consider for this
Candidates with exceptional purpose a panel of three
administrative! acad..mic skills will be persons recOlT'..mended by
be appointed by

Senate, for a renewable
• C. A. or MBAIM .Com in First Division
period of 3 years, who
with 15 years' experience in Accounts in
2 , 20
Government organization; or
shall consider fo r this
purpose a panel of three
. on deputation by Government of Pakistan.
persons recommended by

Senate, for a renewable

Master Degree Of equivalent from HEC
period of 3 years, who
3 20m
recognized institution with 15 years
teach ing! administrative experience
including five years in relevant field.
shall consider for this
purpose a panel of three
persons recommended by
the Vice-Chancellor .
. Master Degree
Sciences from HEC recognized Shall be appointed by the
university/institute with at least 10 years Senate as prescribed under
4 19/20
teaching! administrative experience of Statutes by initial
working in Government organization! HEC recruitment.

1 Approved, in princi ple, if'\ the First Meeting of th e Sena te hel d 0 1'1 Apri l 20, 20ll .

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B. Toms and Conditions of Appointment of OffiCeIN under Section 7.(i) of PIFD. Act 201 L

2 5
Sr, Basic
Qllalifications/Experience for Recruitment Method of Appointment
of the Seale
Shall be appointed as
recogniud institutions with 10-15 years'
prescribed under Statutes
1 20 servi:t:e; admjnistrative experience in
by the Senate on initial
Government! $emi Government
recruitment or promotion .
Master Degree preferably in Management
Sciences from HEC recognized Shall be appointed as
university/institute with at least 10-15 prescribed under Starutes
2 20
years admjnistrative experience of working by the Senate on initial
in Govt. Orga nizationJPublic Sector recruitment or promotion.

be appointed as
PhD preferably in the subject of Educatioll.
pres'c ribed under Starntes
At least 12 years teaching/research
by the Senate or
experience in the HEC recognized
3 20121 appoinonent of a
university or Nationall International
Professor from HEe
professional organi?atioo.
recogni2ed university on

Master Degree in Planning & Management
Business! Public Administration with 10
By initial recruitment or
4 19/20 years' experience of planning in a
, on deputation
univ.ersityl Govtl Autonomous Body in

Master Degree or Equivalent in Fmt Div. in

the relevant subject from HEC recognized By initial recruitment or
5 19120
university with no 3rt! Div. in academic promotion

3 years' relevant experience in By initial recruitment or

6 19
accounts/finance! audit depanment of promotion


(1) ACAJACMAJCIMA with relevant

experience. OR
(2) 1ntem CA/CWACCA/ClMAor
equivalent with at least 2-3 years or article
By initial recruitment!
experience in Audit & Tax Department. OR
7 18119 Promotion or on
(3) Graduation in Commerce! Finance with
at least 5-7 years relevant experience in
Audit Department of reputed organization. •

(4) Good academic background will be

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.bJ~ ofprovi:J:iom ofsection 17.(2Xe) read with section 4. (iv) ,6,.D.d JUlion 25.(d) of the
hJ;'MD lortjruleolFashioDand DesigDAcc, 2011. thefoJJow:mgSlJltuc~.uJmde':

1. SOOil title. scope and OJI .. menet:ment·

(i) These Sututes may be called 'Contract Employees Appoi.J:i.tment Statutes for th~
Employees other tban Regular Service of Pakistan Institute of F~shlon and Design 2012".
(n) Notwitbst:jl!nding anything contained herein. all instructions : later on issued by the
Competent Authority, shan have the same force of law and shall be effective from the
dare ofnori6cation.

(iii) • An Employee- means teaching I non-teaching staff of the Institute.

(iv) -lostimte' ron"S the Pakistan lwtitule of Fashion and Design. labore.
(v) '~ectiOD for Contract Appointment" means Selection Committee
constituted by the Senate of Pakista.n Institute of Fashion and Design comprising of
three memhen zected from the panel recommended by the Vice-Chancellor.
(vi) "'Syndicate- means the Syndicate of Pakistan Institute of Fashio~ and Design.
2. I); Iplmjnation ofposll to be filled on regular or contract basis

• The Syndicate shall d~t.e:nlliDe as to whether various categories of' Posts should be filled on
regular or cont:ract basis. :
3. Fnarinn of terms and. oondirinns of conU ..t appointment
(i) The temlS and conditiom of contract shall be:!ettled by the S~cate, in accordance
with the provisions of the Pakistan In.sti.tute of Fashion and Des~gn Act 2011, where
a.ppointment is made in prescribed pay scale of the post or on a pay package other than
the basic pay scale.

(ii) In all contracts, it shall be clearly provided. that the services of ¢.e contract employee are

liable to be terminated on one month's notice or one month's pay. in lieu thereof, on
either side wic:hout assigning any reason. .
(iii) 1b~ selected candidate
. ,
will appear before the Medical Officer of the Institute, as per
directions of the Appointing Authority, for medical examinatiop and will be able to join
service on having been declared medically fit. : ,
(iv) AppoinanentlService on contract. basis shall be non-pensionablt.
(v) A Contract Employee shall, under DO circumstances, claim cQDvenion
of his contract
appointment into regular appointment. i
(vi) If. at any stage. it is discovered that the person appointed. on cpntract had obtained the
appointment on the basis of forgedlbogus documents or throUgh deceit by any means.,
the appointment shall be considered to be void abiDitio and th~ employee shall be liable
to refund all amounts received from the Institute as a consequence of appointment, in

addition to such other action as may be taken against him und~ the law.

1 Approved, in prindpJe, In the First Meeting of the Senate held on April 20, 2012.
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. (vii) The employee shall ~liable to perform. duties, in public interesf. as may be entrusted by •
the CompetCllt Authority from time to time. .

(viii) The int.etpretation of th,e terms and conditions of contract and tpc decision in this behalf
shall rest with the Syndicate.

(i) Casual leave not exceeding 15 days per year! shall be admis$jble. However. it can be
availed aD the basis of calculation of leave earned on mo nthly, basis. Moreover leave in

excess of 10 days at one time shall DOt be allowed.

(il) Leave on medical grCJ:unds for 15 days, without pay, shall be ad~ible. on production of
medical ce:xtificate by the Medical Officer of the Institute. However. if medical leave
continues beyond three months, the contract shall be liable to be
, terminated.
(iii) In case of female employees having served for at least 02 years. imatemity leave with pay
shaJJ be admissible once in the tenure of five years. '
5, PKy porkeg.
To atb'3ct the most competitive human resource available me
policY envisages matching pay
packages for contract appointmenlS. Two broad categories of pay packages that may be
offeted are as under.
(i) Where appointment is made in the prescribed pay scale of the post:: •
(a) Package of pay and allowances as per pay scale of :the Post, including any
adboc/spec:ial relief. etc.
(b) 30% of the mjnimum of pay scale as $Oclal security benefit,in lieU of pension.
• Provided that persons who are already retired and getting pe~j on shall not be eligible
for this benefit when re-employed on contract.
(c) Annual increment admissible as per pay scale of the poSt subject to evaluation of

performance having bet!n rated as very good.
(ii) Where appoin'lllent is made on pay package other tban :; the pay and allowances
pl. AI jibed under the Basic Pay Scales:
(a) A package of pay & allowances commensurate with th~ qualification! experience
prescribed for the job and H approved by the Syndicate on the recommendations of
the Selection Committee. ,

(b) .Ax1y adboc/special relief etc., given to me regular FpJoyees. shall nol be
admjssible. However, Evaluation Comminee shall recotnmend grant of relief in
each case. I
(c) Based on the merit of the case and evaluation of the peIifonnance. increment may
be allowed by the Syndicate on the recommendation ~f Evaluation Co:mmittee
constituted by the Vice-Chancellor. -
6. Period of COIlUaCt appointment and extension in contract I
(i) The initial period of c~ntract appointment shall be three yeJ. and extendable up to five
.Yf:31'S- ,

(ti) Where the post has been created for a specific period (e.gj project posts) the initial
period. of contract appointmen t shall be two years or the peqod for which the post has
been created, whichever is less.

1 Calendar Year

L _
, _ ,~_

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• •

(iii) Extension in contract of appointment shaH not be claimed as a matter of right. It may be
graDted up to three yearsor less on merits of the case.

(iv) Ban on Ieuuitment sha)) not be applicable in the case of ext~on in contract period of
an existing contract employee.
(v) Decision regarding extension in contract of appointment shall be made by the Syndicate
well before expiIy of the contract period of an employee.
(vi) If no extension is granted on apiry of the contract of appointment. the employee shall

not continue in service. The office of the Treasurer must ensure that salary is not
released to an employee whose contract of appointment stands expired or terminated.
7. Contract appointments to"be non-transferable
Contract: appointments shall be post-specific and non-transferable .. Contract employee shall
not. under any circumstances, clajm any right for transfer from one post to another.
S. Monitoring and evabJarion ofpetformance of contract employees
(i) Appointing! supervisory authorities will exercise due and regular vigilance on the
performance of contract employees to ensure that only efficient and suitable employees
are allowed to continue in service.
(ti) The petformance of contract employees shan be assessed on annual/special basis, by the
immediate superior authorities on the prescribed proforma.
9. • . of con11a:tappomtment
~ .

(i) Contract appointment is liable to be terminated on one mont~'.s notice or one month's
pay. in lieu thereof. on either side without assigning any reason. However, in case a
faculty member opts to resign, he will have to give prior notice of one month or the
• I
period till completion of ongoing semester, whichever is later. :
(ti) During the currency of contract of appointment, the services may be terminated after it
• •
is derennined that perfonnance of the contract employee is unsatisfactory or he is guilty
of inefficiency, misconduct or corruption.
10. Policy framework for:regu1ir Institute employees who are appointe<j! on contract basis
(1) Eligibility:· A confirmed and regular employee of the ~nstitute may apply for
appointment on contract basis only with the prior approval of the Appointing
(2) Pay and allowances: A confirmed and regular employee of theiInstitute
, when appointed
on contract,. shall draw pay and allowances as per terms and Conditions of the contract.
During the contract appointment protection of pay last dra~ against substantive post
shall not be admissible.
(3) TBmS and conditions of employment: A regular employee, when appointed on contract,
shan be governed by the terms and conditions of the contract. He shall not be entitled to
claim any benefit as regular employee unless specifically provided in the terms &
condjtions of the contract.
(4) Retention ofllen; A regular and confirmed employee of the Institute when appointed on
contract, will retain his lien against the substantive post if specially provided in the
telms and conditions of contract of appointment.
(5) Pension for the period spent on contract: Period spent on co~act shall not be counted
towards pension.
(6) Pay fintion on repatriation to original substantive post ~n return from contract
appointment to the sUbstantive post, the pay of a regular employee may be fixed by

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allowing the annual increments for the period spent on contract; provided that no
arrears on account o~ re-fixation of payor increment sban be admissible.

(7) Seniority aDd ptolhotion in the original cadre!
(i) Where contract appointment is up CO five yean
(a) During the contract of appointment, jf promotion in the regular cadre of
service becomes due. it shall be deferred until resumption of duty in regular
(b) Where promotion is granted on retuJ'D from contract appointment. profonna
promotion shall Dot be admissible. However. original seniority in regular
cadre shall be admissible.
(ii) When!: contract .pPoinrm~ continues beyond five yean
(a) The names of regular employees whose contract of appointment extends
beyond five years, shall be moved to separate static list. No claim shall be

admissible to promotion or seniority over any junior who have been.

promoted during the period spent OD contract beyond five years.
(b) The I!ID.ployee's name shall be brought back on the Seniority list only after he
resumes duty as regular employee. In such case, seniority shall be determined
after deducting the period he remained on contract beyond five years.
(c) On his promotion, he will not regain his original seruority.
The petiod spent OD contract basis. against an equivalent or a higher post in the cadre,
shall count towards experience for the purposes of promotion in the cadre, on
repatriation from contract appointment.
• (8) Disciplimuy ploc:dings: If a regular employee is found to 1:>e inefficient or guilty of
misconduct or corruption during the period of contract, :he shall be liable to be
pnx:ceded. against under the prevai1ing diSCiplinary law/ rules applicable on regular

employees. in addition [0 the action as per terms and conditions of contract
(9) Tern,inarion of Contract: ~n tennination of appointment. as per terms & conditions of
contract, a regular employee shall immediately report to his parent department.

(10) Contribution toWards benefit/illiurance schemes: A regular employee shaH act upon
Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design Statutes reg~ng conttibutioD toward
benefi.r/lnsurance Schemes during the period. of contIact appointment.

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!IJ punwmce ofprovisions of sanDll 17.(2Xe) read with kt.riOD 4.(iv) ;md ~tjon 25.{d) 0/ the
Patisun Insticute of Fashion iwd Design Aer, 2011, 'PakistaD InstittPe of Ruhion wd Design
Servi~Sututes' are mdd~1lS under:

1. Shott title and commencement;
These Statutes may be cited as "pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design Service Statutes

20IT and shall come into force at once.

2 J)pfinjrions:

(I) In the.e Statut..,

(a) "Act" means the Pakistan institute of Fashion and Design, Act, 2011;
(b) "Appointing Authority" means a person or body authorized under the Act or the
Statutes to make appoinonent (0 a post;
(e) "Basic Pay Scale" means a scale of pay. prescribed or adopted by the Institute, for a
(d) "Cbahposon- meam head of an Academic Department; •

• (e) "Competent Authority'" meaDS the appointing authoritY or any other authority
competent to perform an act under the Act or Statutes;
(f) to:
"Deputation Allowance" means an allowance admissible an employee being a civil
servant or employee of a public authority other than the Il)stitute and appointed to a
post in the Institute on deputation;
(g) "Duty'" means performance of the function of a post or qhe obligation of a service
contract and includes any function asSigned to any employ+e of the Institute;

(h) "Employee" means a person who holds a post of the Institu,te and includes a person
engaged in special assignment in relation to the admini,*ntivelacademic activities
and is paid out of the Institute funds;
(i) "ScheduJe" means Schedule appended to the StatuteS;

O) "'Selection Board" means the Board constituted under the S~tutes ;
(k) "Selection Comminee" means a committee constituted u~der lhe Statutes to make
recommendations for appointments or promotions to ui?n-teacrung cadre in and
below Basic Pay Scale 16;
(1) "Substantive Post" means a post sanctioned without limit of time;
(ro) 'Temporary Post" means a post other than a substantive ~t; and
(0) ''Tenure Post" means a post sanctioned for a fixed period. 1
(2) A word or expression ~ed in these Statutes but not defined s~ mean the same as in the

1 Approved, in principle. in the first MM:tina: of the Senat@t'H!ldonApril20, 2012.

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• 3.
(1) There :shall be the following categories of teaching and non-reaching employees of the
(i) the Vu:e-Chancellor;

fu1 employees of Group-A comprising all POSts in Basic Pay Scale 17 and above; and
fill) employees of Group-B comprising all posts in Basic Pay Scale 16 and below.
(2) There shall be the following further classifications of employees of Group-A and Group-B:

(i) Officen in BPS-I7 and above serving against regular posts or on contract and
absOibed as penna.nent employees of the Institute;
(ii) Employees in BPS .1-16 serving against reglllar posts or OQ contract and absorbed as
its permanent employees;
(iii) an employee aCthe Government absorbed in the service of-the Institute;
(iv) an employee of the Government or of a public authority working in the Institute on
deputation with or without deput:.iLtion allowance;
(v) a directly recruited employee;
(vi) an employee working on contract appointment;

(vii) an employee working on lectUre, part-time or assignment basis;
(viii) an employee working in a sub-campus or a constituent coll£ge-.
(ix) an eminent If rearchcr/designer or a person holding a tenure post in the Instinue;

(x) faculty including Assistant Prof.. Associate Prof. and Professor appointed under the
Tenure Track System as prescribed by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

(1) The name of a post. minimum qualifications and method of apPointment in the Instiwte
shan be such as provided in the Statutes.

(2) The Senate shall, on the recommendation of the Selection Boa~, make appointment on a
post in Group-A except the posts of Controller of Examinations, Registrar and Treasurer.
(3) The Senate shaJJ appoint a person on the post of Cono-oller of EXaminations. Registrar and
TJt:a.surer on the recommendations of the Vice-Chancellor ;in accordance with the
provisions of the Act.
(4) The Vice Chancellor or the Registrar. as the case may be, shall. ~D the recommendation of
the Selection Committee make appointment on a post in Group-B.
(5) The Vice Cban~llor shall have the powers:
(i) to create and fill temporary posts on the recommendation of Head of the
Department! Course Coordinators for a pericx1 not exceeding six months;

(ti) to appoint visiting teachers in various disciplines for a petiiod of one academic year
on the terms and conditions mutually agreed. ;
(6) The Appointing Authority may grant advance increment(s) or q$lification allowance to a
person appointed through initial recruitment.
(7) The Appointing Authoriry may. for reasons to be recorded in welting. relax the age limits.

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Ii' Ad


• 5, " .. ,,,.,, . "

Jt:C1UU",€,d ;
.Oawance. from the Govel''''-
. '

or any otb
or o.
·en' ~
'_ ..
lwy 01' • •1•• .,.

the lnstirute staring the name of post. mlmber of •• and , .,k all*)_ aU'a'_ _
qualification and the last dare for receipt of applicatioo. for the taL
(3) The Selection Board. or the Sdection Committee. as the case may be. shan mood i the
application of an eligible candidate and may recommend to the,Appointing Authority the
name of a suitable olDdidate for appointment to a post.
(4) The Selection Board or the Selection Comminee may conduct interview andlor written
lest in order to detenD.ine suitability of a candidate for appointment to a post.

6. Procnh"t!: for appenD! Ii ..... " ' through PIODlOtiOn:

(1) In case of admjnistrative post in Group-A tQ be filled throUgh promotion, the Vice
Chancellor shall make a list of eligible candidates to be placed Perore
the Selection Board
and the Selection Board may. subject to the perfonnance of a candidate
, and the seniority-

cum-fitness principle. recommend appointment of a suitable candidate, on the POSt, to the
Senate. '
(2) In case of a post in Group-B to be filled through promotion, the:
Registrar shall make a list
of eligible candidateS and place it before the Selection Conimittee
, and the Selection
Committee may. subject to the performance of the candidate :and seniority-cum-6tness
principle. recommend appointment of a candidate. on the post,:to the Vice-Chancellor or
the Registrar. as the case 1ll8y be.
7. PUJCcdure fur appointment through absorption or deputation:
• ,
(1) The Appointing Authority may appoint a person, serving in the Government or in an
educational o~ l4. search institute or a professional organization, ~o an equivalent or higher
post in the lmtitute on payment of such deputation allowance in addition to the pay as
may be agreed between the Institute and the lending authority. :
(2) If an employee of the Government holding a post of the InstirtJ.te. on deputation with or
without deputation allowance. wishes to be absorbed in the semce
, of the Institute, he
may. subj~ to these Statutes, apply foc appointment and shall appear before the Selection
Board or the Selection Committee, as the case may be.
(3) The Selection Board or the Selection Committee, as the case may be. may recommend for
the absorption of an employee on deputation in the service of the Institute in the same
scale in which slIch employee is working on such tenns i.pd conditions as may be
determined by the Competent Authority or may recommend that the employee may
continue to work on deputation with or without deputation allowance if the employee so
(4) If the services of an employee on deputation are no more required by the Institute or be is
not considered suitable fur the service of the Institute. the Competent Authority may seOO
bim back to the parent organization.
(1) The Competent AuthOrity shall nominate a Medical Consultant or bospital in order to
examine and determine medical fitness of a person appointed on' a post of the Jnstihtte

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(2) Any appoinWlent all a post of the Institute shall be subject to medical fitness of the
appointee as detennined by the Medical Consu]tant or the

ExphDlltioJr. No medical fitness shall be required from an employee whose medical fitness
WiIS certi.fied on his first appointment; or an employee of a public authority other than the
Institute. whose medical fitness was certified at the time of appointment in that authority
or an employee appointed on contract basis.

9. Tn NF", of emplo~
The Vice Chancellor may transfer an employee, other than the Registrar,
, the Controller of
Examinations or the Trea.sur~r. from one department to another an identical post in the
same scal~ of pay.
Ewphnari01% Employee shall not suffer monetarily due to the trans.fer except when a post is
lCUellcbed and the employee is offered a post in a lower scale of pay. :
(1) A person appointed to a post in a grade against a substantive vacancy shall fe-main on
probation for a period of two years, whether appointed by initial recruitment or
otherwise, provided that the Appointing Authority may extend the period of probation by
a further period Dot exceeding one year in all.
(2) H no orders have been made by the day following the completion , of the initial
probariorwy period. the period of probation shall be deemed to ~ve been enended.
(3) If no orders have been made by the day on which the period of probation
expi.Ies, the probationer shall be deaned to have been confirme4 in his_appointment from
the date on which the period of probation was last extended or Was deemed to have been
• so extended.
Provided that in case of grant of extraordinary leave during the period of probation of one •

year, the name of the person will be removed from the senioritY list and placed on $t.aac
1isl with no claim to promotion, seniority or confinnarion for tlie period he remained
. on
E"llil a Ordinary Leave (HOl).
(4) A probationer, who has satisfactorily completed his period; of probation against a
substantive vacancy. shall be confirmed with effect from the date of his continuous
appointment in such a"vantncy:
Provided mat
where the period of his probation has been extend~d under the provision of
sub Para (1) above. the date of confirmation sha1l. subject to other provisions of this Para,
be the date on which the period of probation was last extended. ~
(5) Officiating service and service spent on deputation in a couesponding or a higher post
may be allowed to count towards the period of probation.

(6) If the work or conduct of an employee is not satisfactory during:ms probation period, the
Appointing Authority may without notice:
(i) if the employee was appointed. to the post by initial recruitment. terminate the
employee without assigning any reason; or
(ii) if the employee is appointed through promotion. revert tJ:1e employee to the post
from which the employee was promoted.
11. Annllall!'l3luation report: •
(1) A Reporting Officer, so designated. shall initiate the annual evaluation repon of an
employee which shall be countersigned by the Countersigning O(ficer, so designated.

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(2) The minjmum period for assessment of work and conduct of an employee for the purpose
of annual eva}11arion report shall be three months in a year and if an employee has served
• for a period of mare than three months in a year under more thah , one Reporting Officer,
separate reports shan be recorded by all the Reporting Officers.
(3) The remarks considered adverse by the Reporting or CounterSigning Officer shall be
underlined in red and communicated to the employee within thirty days of the
(4) An employee may. within thirty days or within such extended time as may be allowed by
the Vice-Chancellor or the Registrar. file a representation againlit adverse remarks in the
Annual Evaluation Report.
(5) If the Annual Evaluation Report is countersigned by the Vice-Chancellor, the
[eptes.entation shall lie to the Senate and in any other case, to the next higher authority
than the CountersigniT?g Officer.

12. Seniority:

(1) The Registrar shaU, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor prepare and maintain
separate and cadre-wise seniority lists of the employees.
(2) The jnter se sPDiority of the employee shall be determined as under: ....
(i) In case of initial recruitment in the same batch to a post in BPScale-17 or above,
according to the order of merit assigned to the candidates by the Appointing
Authority or if no order of merit is assigned by the Appointing Authority or if same
order of merit is assigned to two or more candidates then the employee who is older
• in age shall rank senior to other employees selected in the same batch and in the
same order of merit;
(li) Seniority in a post to which an employee is promoted shall take effect from the date

of promotion;
(iii) In case of promotion of two or more employees in the same batch to a post, they shall
retain their inter-se-seniority in the lower post;
(iv) In case of appointment in the same cadre in the BPS-16 and lbelow, an employee who
has joined duty o~ an earlier date shall be senior to the empioyee who joined duty on
a later date; if the joining date is same, the elder employee; shall stand senior to the •
younger employee;
(v) In case the date a! appointment is same, an employee appointed on a post by
promotion shall stand senior to the employee who joined the service through initial
(3) The Vice-Chancellor, in the case of employees in BPS-17 and a~ve and the Registrar, in
the case of employees in BPS-16 and below shalJ constitute a coinmittee for scrutiny of a
disputed case of seniority and may refer the case to the Syndiqate
or the Senate, as the
case may be, for final decision.

13. Powtaring of promotion:

(1) A promoted employee may, subject to the permission of the Competent Authority. postdate
his promotion up to a specific date.
(2) The employee may exercise the option of postdating of promotion within six months from
the date of the order of promotion and the option, once exercised, shall be final .

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• • •
I-l. Rengnanon:
(1) An employee may tender resignation to the Appointing Authority after giving a notice for •
• the period mentioned in appointment order or on deposit of pay: for that period in lieu of
the notice.
(2) In case no such period. has bf.en mentioned in the appointment order, the employee shall
give one month's notice or deposit one month pay in lieu of the notice for resignation.
(3) The period. of notice shall commence from the date of receipt of the notice by the
(4) The Appointing Authority may accept the resignation within ~e period of the notice by
curtailing the period of notice in an appropriate case.
(S) An employee, against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending, shall not resign
without the permission of the Appointing Authority.
(6) A member ofteaching.stafI or an officer of the Institute shall not resign during a semester
or during the period when the examjnations are being conducted by the Institute unless it
is pamined by the Appointing Authority:

15. Rdi. ement

(1) A permanent employee shaIJ retire from service on attaining the age of sixty years.
(2) A pennanent employee may. with the prior approval of the Competent Authority. retire
after completion of twenty five years of service.

(3) A retired employee shall be entitled to such pension, gratuity and other benefits as are
admissible under rules. for the time being in force.
(4) The date of birth as entered in the matriculation certificate of an employee or, in absence

thereof. such other documents as the Competent Authority may deem fit, shall be the
hasis for calculating the age of the employee.

16. In SClvice death·
In case an employee dies or is incapacitated during service, then in addition to any other
benefits as may be admissible to the employee, he or his legal heirs shall be entitled to an
amount equal to full pay of six months, over and above his leave credit.

17. Par-
(1) The Senate shall fix the salary of the employees in variow pay scales specified in the
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, the Senate may, in a special case
and for reasons to be recorded in writing, fix any salary of an employee, keeping in view
the ability. potential and qualifications of the employee.

(1) Annual increment in a. scale of pay shall ordinarily be admiSsible on the first day of
December each year to an employee, if such an employee has completed at least six
months of satisfactory service in that pay scale on the thirtieth day of November of the
Provided that an existing employee whose annual increment becomes due on 1st July.
2012 will be eligible for pro-rata increment and arrears thereof rbr the intervening period.
Provided further that an existing employee whose annual increffient becomes due on 1st
October, 2012 will be eligible for pro-rata increment and: arrears thereof for the

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intervening period. The Syndicate shall also approve the reco~endation of an Anoma1y
Cmnmittee duly constituted by the Vice-Chancellor. regarding issues of fixation of pay.
granr. of increment or any other related issues. ,

(2) Cas ; of upsatisfactory performance shall be referred by the relevant offic~ to a
Committee set up for the purpose by the Syndicate. In case o ~ 'Group A' employees. the
Committee shall recOmmend to the Syndicate if increment or a portion thereof may be
disaJJowed. Appeal against the decision of the Syndicate in such a case sball lie with the
Senate. In case of 'Group B' employees. tbe Committee sball decide if increment or a
portion thereof may be disallowed. Appeal against the decision of Committee in such a -
eo sballlie with the Syndicate.

19. TI ....1ing and daily a1lawaw;e;

(1) Traveling and Daily Allowance shall be admissible to an emplOyee as notified from time
to time with the approval of the Senate.
(2) Teaching and non-teaching staff of other institutions attending~ meeting of any authority
or body of the Instirute on the request of the Institute. shall be paid Traveling and Daily
Allowance according to the Government rates or rupees otie thousand per meeting.
whichever is applicable.

WlIh the approval of th~ Senate employees shall be paid House Rent Allowance at the rate
notified by the Government from time to time.
21. Compe"ntmyallowance:
With the approval of the $enate employees shall be paid Compensatory Allowance at the rate
notified by the Government from time to time.
- The Institute may grant Overtime Allowance to the employees at ,rates and subject to such
conditions as may be considered appropriate. -
23. Medjca1 al10wance and facilities:
(1) The Institute sball pay' Medical Allowance to its employees , at such rate as may be
determined by the Senate. Medical Facilities sball also be provided as determined by the

(2) An employee shall be paid actual expenditure incurred during-i hospitaliz.ation in case of
indoor treatment in a Government or Semi-Government h ospitru or in a hospital owned
or controUed by m e Government. .
(3) In oue of an indoor treatment in other than Government ~ospital, the Senate may
mosider and grant the medical expenses to the employee as deemed fit in the
cin::umstances of a case.

Car advance, motorcycle advance or cycle advance shall be admissible to an employee

according to the rules to be notified separately.
25. Comreyance or/and conveyance allowance:
The Institute shall allow Conveyance orland Conveyance Allowance~ to its employees on such
teqns as may be determined by the Senate.

. .

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. ,.,

• •

• Pi 0 SJAllJTB

fa 1£ Ell feMw, of ,,*, ••• &,..,. Il "·"ewe of aD. - -''',N.

• U ,
the . . . . . . ..,...,.
•I ,4 !Ill br a eo..iDee

"" .......

II) 11MOfai ollheSemle

I2 mal grant usy oCher Wid 6t to an Jiiq>loyee or I(uon of. IIIloloj 4 as d h I


Emplcryee on the subl' anrive post:
(1) Excq)( as otherwise provided. the lnstitute may require an empli;lyee on a substantive post
to perform. with or without additional compensation, such duty as it may deem fit .

(2) An employee on a substantive post shall not be engaged in tuition or any activity that may

adversely affect his performance of duty,
Provided that an employee on a substantive post may, with : the prior permission in
writing of the Vice-Cllancellor
. or the Dean, undertake such p~ofessiona1
. occupation on
part time basjs, as shall not affect his performance of duty subj~ to the conditions that
such employee shan:
(i) ",main available to the Institute full time; and
(ll) not tate pan in any activity against the iDterests of the Insti~te .
• 29. Prohibition of llnm.rboriW communication:
(1) An employee shall maintain secrecy in general with regard to :all matters pertaining to

affairs of the Institute and in particularly in the conduct of examinations and other
matters relating to examinations. ADy violation of secrecy shall comvwte gross
misconduct on the part of the employee.
(2) An employee shaH not, except in accordance with any special or s:eneral order or policy of
the Institute. communicate any official document or informatiop to any other employee
or penon who is not authorized to receive iL
(3) A.JJ. employee shaU not; through a document, anicle, communicaqon made to the media or
in any publication, make any statement which may embarrass ' the Government or the
Insriolte authorities. •
30. Intimation of involvement in criminal case or co~viction:
If an employee is accused. of an offence. he shall bring such fact in the notice of immediate
superior and, if such employee is arrested, he shall inform his superiors at the earliest possible
31. Prohibition of ralring pan in politics or election:
(1) An employee shall not take part in politics, subscribe or assist in any way. any political
party and he shall not:
(i) canvass or interfere or use his influence in connection with or take pan in any
election to a legislative body withjn or outside Pakjstan;
ell) become a member of a union or any organized. body or become a member of any
other society or association outside the InstitUte; and

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(Iii) except as otherwise provided. form any union. associationior any such body in the
• (2) Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit an empl~yee to become or to be a
member of a club or any other professional or charitable organization without any

political affiliation but the employee sba H, 83 soon as possible. inform the: Institute as to
his membenhip of any such association and comply with the dfrection of the Institute. if
32. Pmbjb;rion of nepodsm, favoritism and victjmizariOfl!
An employee shall not indulge in nepotism. favoritism. victimization. provincialism and
willful abuse of office.
I An employee shall not propagate sectarianism or take part in any . sectarian controversy or
indulge in any StlOO'arian partiality or favoritism as is likely to rurect
his integrity in the
discharge of duties or ~ feelings of discontent or displeasure amongst the employees or the
srUdMJlS in particular and amoDgst the people in general.

PmbOWrion to use poljrlc:al or otbn inDuence:

An employee shall not bring or attempt to bring political or other influence, in suppon of any
claim in the Institute.
An employee wall not, except with prior permission in writing. apprpach i1Dy foreign mission
in Pak;S!an or foreign aid agency to secure for himself invitation to viSit a foreign COUJltry or to

elicit offer for obtaining training facility abroad or get an aid by ocher:means,
36. Disclosnre oras: IS.
. .
• An empkJyee shall, as and when so required by the Senate, furnish information as to the assets
and all other properties, immovable and movable including shares, certificates. bank balance,
insurance policies and jewelry etc. held by the employee, her spouse and other dependent
members of family.

An employee ,shan be treated on duty if he, with the prior permission of the Competent

(i) proceeds to act as examiner for the examination conducted by'the Institute; or
(ti) in response to invitation and with permission proceeds to attend educational or
academic conference or meeting of any other institution but 'the total period for such
duty of
a member of the teaching staff shall not exceed twenty-five days in one
academic year.
3&. Termination of scrvice;
(a) If the services of an employee, wbo is probation or on !contract, are no longer
required, for reasons other than a penalty, the Competent Autijority may terminate the

:services of such employee by giving one month's notice or Qne month's pay in lieu
(b) The service of an emplqyee may be terminated in accordance With the terms of contact
of service,
(c) -If at any stage, the Certificate!DiplomalDegree of any employee' is found fakefbogus. not
only disciplinary action sbaJJ be initiated against him but alSO icase may be referred to

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• •


relevant authority for prosecution and services will scand terminated. whatsoever the
case may be.
~" 39. Appal to the Syndicate and the Senate:
N provided in Section 31 afthe Aa.

(a) Where these Statutes do not contain provisions relating to:!aoy matter affecting the
service of an employee, the Senate may pass such orders as deemed appropriate.
(b) If any djfficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these Statutes, the
$EmBte. in individual cases, may make such decision. not meons,istent
with the provisions
of these Statutes, as may appear to be necessary for the p;UIpOse of removing the •

difficulty. provided that such a decision is not ultra vires of the provisions of Pakistan
Instirute of Fashion and Design Act. 2011.
Whenever a dispute arises in the application or interpretation of these Statutes, Regulations or
Rules. it shall be referred to Anomaly Committee which shall fonnuiate recommendations for
approval of the Senate. Syndicate or Academic Council as the CB.Se;may be, in case deemed
appropriate.. The decisions of the relevant authority in all such cases shall be 6nal,
RcpraJ of previous Rules and. Regulations:
As provided in Section 27.(3) of the Act, Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design Financial
Rules including Rules and Regulations approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held
on Zlth February, 2006 and 17th January, 2008 duly vetted by the Ministry of Commerce vide

Dy. No 325I08-SJS(A) date«;J 1st February, 2008 shall stand repealed on notification of these
Stann""" Rules and Regulations.

• •


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i. . ;, .LaJ 41. laC:!2 g z


, Group (A) Teoching Posts

By .
advenisem~t subject to
1 Professor 21 As per HEe Criteria Senate
fulfillment of required.

As.ociate advenisement subject to

2 20 As per KEC Criteria Senate
Profnsor fulfillmeot of required

Assistant advertisement subjecr to

3 19 As per HEC Criteria Senate
ProlE tOOT fulfillment of required
By selectio~ through
advertisement subject to
4 18 As per REC Criceria Senate
fnJ6JJment of required
Minimum 4-Ycar Bachelor's Degree through
Equivalent (with major in relevant advertisement subject to
field) &om REC recognized university fulfillment qf required
• 5 17 or any accredited foreign university. qualification and experience Senate
Experience of working in an
educational institution will be

Group (A) Non-Teaclring Posts •

Master Degree or equivalent from

HEC recognized institution with 15 Senate, fqr a renewable
years teae4ingl admjnistrative period of 03 years, who shall
I Registrar experience including five years in consider for this purpose a Senate
relevant.field. Candidates with panel of three persons
exceptional administrative/academic recomm~ded by the Vice-

MB.NM.Com at least 2~d

Shall be appointed by the
Division with 15 years' experience in
Senate, fo'! a renewable
2 Treasurer 20 Accounts in Government organization period of 03 years, who shall Senate
or aD deputation from Pakistan Audit consider fOr this purpose a
----.L_ _L-J~ !!'!~_ _ _ ----.l '

• ,
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• Paltistan Institute of Fashion and Design, Lahore · Pakistan


recommended by the Vice-

~-. ----+-~------------_Q'
Shall be appointed by the
Master Degree or equivalent from Senate. for a renewable
:.120/21 HEC recognized i.n.stitutiOD with 15 period of 03 years, who shall
. - experience including five yean in
- 1 years
L1 ;adm;nistliltive
teachjng! consider ·f or this pwpose a
panel ohhree persons

[eJ~t field. I "" am¢nded by the Vice-

I Q .cellp,._
Management Sciences from HEC
Shall be ~ppointed as
Principals recognized universitylinstitute with at
prescribed under Statutes on
4 Constiruent 20 least 10 years teaching! adminimative Senate
initial recruitment or
Colleges experience of working in Government
organhation/ HEC recognized

I :~~A/MPA ;mc-~-.;.... - - - - - - -
rec.-ognized institution with 10-15 Shall be appointed as
Dmoctor yem' serviceladminittrative prescribeii 1mder Statutes on
5 20 • Senate
Admjn/HR experience in Governmentl Semi initial recruitment or
Govem.m~t organization/ REC promotiqn.

10 ,
Management Sciences from HEC Shall be appointed as
recognized university/institute with at prescribeflunder Statutes on
6 Constituent 20 Senate
least 15-year's administrative initial re¢ruitment or
Colleges -
experience of working in Govt. promoti~.
f-+---- --+I.:op'!:D"" 'E!~>!!.s:CSU~bJ~·ect~Of~~'L~--i-:-----~--~
Shall be appointed as
Director Education. At least 12 years prescri~ under Statutes or
Academics 1 teaching/research experience in the
7 20121 appointment of a Professor Senate
and ExIernal REC recognized university or
from HEC recognized
J,jnkages national! international professional
atic universitjr on deputation.
-- -------1--1 Mrgaster Degree in Planning &
Dir MaDagement Business! Public
ecto, 1 1 Adm;Distration with 10 years' By initial!recruitment
, or on
8 PJannmg& 19120 $eo.te
Devel experience of planning in a university/ deputation,
opmeDr GovtJautonomous body in BPS-17 or

--+----+--j~-:M";'aste~ Degree v~~i.iD;-'FiFi,;",;;-- ---~.- - - - - - f - - - - -

Div. in the relevant subject from HEC
10nnl recognized university with no 3''' Div. By initiahecruitment or
9 Senate
Coordinator " "/ ~' in academic career. The candidate promotion.
must have 02 years' experience in
.o--' CA 3 years """ri.n<~ I B
Dt :-.- . .. .
Addio - 19!2Oj' . ---- - -, y recIWtment or
10 ................ m accounts/finance/audit department , ' Senate
Tr~_-_,._-,-_ _~
' -_ _ _ promotJ.:,

¢.-I.. 0".
'- ... Page 44 of 60
, Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design, Lahore - Pakistan


I. AGNACMNCIMA ith relevant
equivalent with at least 2-3 years or
article experience in Audit & Tax

Internal 18/1~ Departmenc By initial recruitment!
Auditor 3. Graduation in Cornmerce/ Finance promotion or on deputation
with at least 5-7 years relevant
experience in Audit Department of
reputed. organization.
(G<X>d academic background will be

~j MPAIMBA fr, 50% By ~ect recruitmencl
12 18 recognized university with 5 years' Senate
Registrar 50'*, Promotion •
MBAI M..Com at least ,with
Deputy 50% By direct recruitment!
13 18 10 years' ~ence in Accounts in Senate
Treasurer SO% Promotion

, Deputy ~/M~MP SO% By direct recruitment!

14 Controller of 18 recognized university with 5 years' Senate
50% Promotion

~ ~DegJee in
Deputy Management Sciences from HEC
Director recognized. universiryrUlStitute with at
IS 18 By initial .recruitment Senate
• Constituent least 10 years' adJninistrative
Colleg'" experience of working in Govt.
• •

canon. t east years
teachinglrenarch experience in the By direct-recruitmentl
16 Academics 18 Senate
HEC recognized university or Promotion.
and Enema!
nationaV international professional

~ ~~ee in Planning & •

Management Business! Public

Deputy •
A.dminiStration with OS years' By initial recruitment or on
17 Director 18 Senate
experience of planning in a university/ deputation.
Govtl autonomous body in BPS-17 or
Master's Degree in Library and
Information Science (2--' Div.) with 10
Cltief By direct ie<:ruitmentl
18 18 yean" experience as Librarian with Senate
Libran.n Promotion.
sufficient knowledge of computer

o~ t

=eg,ee in First +
Deputy Div. in the relevant subject from HEC
19 By initialrecntitment or
Course 18 recogni7.ed university with DO 3,d Div. Senate
Coordinator in academic career.

I :.

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Pakistan Institute of Fashion. and Design. Lahore - Pakistan


• T
Master DeglCc in Media Studies with

- 22 1'6:::ica ti 18
minjmum three years' experience of
Creative Writing. Web Developmmt /
By initiid Jecruitment or by
• Senate

on Management. Media & Public

M.A.IM.B.A at least 2nd Div. from
Secretary to By dired recruitm.ent o r on
21 18 HEC recognized. university with 5 Senate
VC prometi,?n

IU::er,Degree at least in 2nd Div.

By direct recruitment or 50%
Ass;stan, with 2-3 year experience in the
22 17 promotiQDfrom amongst Senate
Registtar relevant field in any reputed •
lu ,

MBA! M.Com at least in 2nd·Div. with

23 17 OS years' experience in Accounts in By direct recruitment. Senate
IG ~ .
Master Degree at least in 2nd Div.
Assistant By~recnriunent or~
with 2-3 years' ~enCj> in the
24 Connoller 17 promotion from amongst Senate
• •
relevant field in any reputed

Librarian! Master's Degree in Library and

25 Archive 17 Information Sciences at least in 2nd By direct recruitment Senate

~ ~ . l OS...! '~ . •

MBA( F"lD. ,)IM.ComllCMA from

any HEC recognized university or

foreign Uliiversity with at least 5 years'
By initial recruitment or by
Ac()"ll)ftts account handling experience in any
26 17 promotion among the Audit Senate
• Officer Govt. organization and is well versed
& Account Assistants.
with Federal Govt. RnIcs &
Regulations and compliance with

recognized university.
By initiahecruitment
, or by
2. Graduation at least in 2nd Div. with
27 HR Officer 17 promotion among the Senate
03 years o f experience in HR in a
reputable organization. The applicant

~ in~
least 2nd Div.

from a recognized university with at
least 3 years' experience. By initial,fecruitment or by
28 17 2. Graduation at least iJl2nd Div. with promotioq among the Senate
03 years of relevant experience in a Assistants'•:
reputable organization. The applicant ,
sho uld , in MS Ofli,
Master De~ree in Journalism from a ·
recognized university having at least ..
Rdation •
years' experience in the relevan[ field.
29 Officer! 17 By direct ~ecruitment
,, Senate
should be fluent in English and fully
conversant with adequate knowledge
of • ,•


• Page 46 0 f 60
Paltislan Institute of Fashion and Design, l,ahore - Pa kistan

.0 1.2 22 i

• -,-
.,. Master Degree in Media Studies with -,- ·
rel~ant experience of Creative
30 17 Writing. Web Development} By initial recruitment Senate
Management, Media & Public
on .
Master Degiee in planning &
Management Busines&' Public •
Plannjng Administration with 02 years' By initial recruitment or by
31 17 Senate
Officer experience of planning in a university! promotion.

GovtJ autonomous body in BPS-17 or
Purchase! Graduation from HEC recognized
32 Procurement 17 universitY with 5 years' relevant By direct recruitment Senate
Officer ~ence.
Graduate. at least in 2nd Div. from a
By initial recruitment or by
33 Estate Officer 17 recognjz.ed university and 10 years Senate
• promoti~n.
relevant cnce.
Building B-Techl DAE with 5 years relevant
34 17 . By initi~ recruitment. Senate
S MSOr ence.

Group (B) Employees

At. from a recognized

By initial recruitment
16 with at least 05 years' experience in
1. Superintendent or by promotion
office administration or accounts or
amongst J\ssistants.

with at least 05 years relevant By initial recruitment

2. Stenographer 16 experience and Shorthand speed of 70 or by pro~otion Vice-Chancellor
w.p.m., Typing speed of 40 an, amongst Assistants.

Audit and B.Com. at least in 2nd Div. from a .
3. Accounts 16 recognized university, and knowledge By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor

Warden Hostel 16 By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor

5. 16 An Ex-service man not below the By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor
rank ofSubedar-Majar or equivalent
(a) in Associate
Transpon 16 (Mechanical) from a recognized
6. By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor
relevant of

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, Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design, Lahore - Pakisl1m



'. a recognized university.
7. 16 (b) Typing speed 40 w.p.m. and good By initiaItecl uitment Vice-Chancellor
knowledge of MS Office.

5 years relevant
expenence; or

a Ca$bier 14
Intermediate with 10 years' relevant
By initial (ecruitment Vice-Chancellor

~ m from a
recognized university with 5 years'
experience of store-keeping or
9. Store Keeper 14 By initial r¢cruitment Vice-Chancellor
Intermediate with at leaS[ 2nd Div. 0

with 15 years' experience of stmc- 0

• 0

10. Supen>isor- 14 recognized institution) with 3 years' By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor
Olm- experience. in the relevant field; or


at Div.• from a
By initial recruitment
recognized uWvemty; preference will
or by promotion
Il. Assi....stant 14 be given to those who have Vice-Chancellor

amongst Accounts
knowledge of word processing and
OerkJSenior Oerk
~with~ •

12.1 ~tod •
Graduat~ from a recognized university By initial r~ruitment
with 5 years relevant experience. orpromouon • Vice-Chancellor

Three years Diploma -;r: •

{Electronics. Engineer (Elecmcal/EJectronics/

Mechanical. MecbanicaVAir-Conditioning and
By initial r~ruitment
13. Elt:CUical. H Instrument etc.) from Board of 0
or promotion
Woodwork and Technical Education or any 0

Air- recognized institute with 3 years'

~ inth. pln ,
Diploma·in Civil/Electrical
By initial recruitment
14. (Construction! 14 Technology from recognized Vice-Chancellor
or promotion
~ ,tion •

from a recognized institution; or an

Sanitary By initial recruiunent
IS. 14 ex-serviceman not below the rank. of • Vice-Chancellor
Supervisor or promoc(;m
Naib-Subedar from Army Medical
~ ,
recognized university with certificate
library By initial r¥ ruitment
16- 14 in Ubrary Science and knowledge of Vice-Chancellor
Asrutant or promotion

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• •
Diplolll;3- in Commerce from a
17. Accounts Qeck 9 recognized commercial instirute with By initial Tecruitment Vice-Chancellor
3 years' experience in accounts and

a) An ex-serviceman •

service record or
(i) Matriculation (at least in 2nd
18. Security Guard 9 Div.) form recognized Board. By initiai.recruicnent Vice-Chancellor
(iii) .ChC$t= 32"-34" and

Matric with 5 years' experience with •

19. Driver 9 By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor

Graduate from
university; ••
Typing speed in English of25
20. Senior Qerk, 9 By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor
w.p.m. and knowledge of ward
processing; or Secondary School

21. 9 By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor

• Gen<ntor
Matrie with 2 years TIC Diploma of 3 •
22- Operu.orl 9 By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor
years apprenticeship.

Oper.uorl Lift

Examination (minimwn 2nd Div.)

23. Junior Oera:. 7 and~ By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor
Typing speed in English 35 w.p.1n.
____________~--~~an~d~~~~ of word-
-24.- Plumber Middle, Skilled worker
By initial recruitment Vice-chancellor

a) Matriculation
b) A valid Motorcycle Driving license
26. Dispatcher 5 By initial ~tment Vice-Chancellor
c) Minjmum 7 years relevant

V. Mason 5 By initial recruitment Vice-Chancellor

28. Cook 5 By initial r~cment Vice-Chancellor

29. Uupenter 5 By initial Vice-Chancellor

30. 4 By initial Vice-Chancellor

r~. , .£-., -
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Pakistan lnstitute of Fashian and Design, Lahare · Pakistan

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32. 2 Matrie · By initial :recruitment Vice-Chancellor

Literate. preference will be given to
33. Mali!, RaHdar \J2 Vice-Chancellor
those who have relevant experience.

50% by initial
112 Uterate with sound character. recruitment Vice-Chancellor
Sweeper/ , .
50% by Pramotlon

50% by
35. Naib Qasid In Mattie recruitment Vice-Chancellor

Schedule Group (C) Information Technology Posts

with MBA from some reputed foreign or

HEC recognized university/institution. By initial
• 1 Manager IT 19 2 Six years' of local IT experience with at recruitment! Senate
least one year Project Management and PrOlJ1otion
MOnitoring experience of large GovtllT

\. Masten / BSc in any

from some leputed foreign or HOC
recognized university / institution.
2. Four years' experience of design. By initial
2 18 installation and majntenance of Local and recruitment! Senate •
Wide Mea Networks (LANIWAN) and MIS Prorp,otion
at a local or foreign organization of good
repute. MQ;E, CCNA, ern!' will be

\. Masters / BSc (HoDS.) in any field of IT

from some reputed foreign or HEC By initial
Deputy IT
3 17 recognized university/ institution. recruitment or Senate
2. Three years of roW IT experience in by promotion
I. Masters / BSc (HoDS.) in any field of IT
from some reputed for~gn or HEC
recognized university I institution.
By In:itial
Network 2. Two years' experience of design. iDSlaila-
4 17 recrujtment or Senate
Admjnistrator tion and maintenance of Local and Wide
by promotion
Area NetWorks (lAN/W AN) and MIS at a
local or foreign organization of good repute.

I.. _,_._~~_ I
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• Pakistan lnstitute of Fashion and Design.. La.hore· PakistAn

£ 1111,22

Intermediate. with mjnjmum 2nd Div. from

Computer a recognized Board and one-year Diploma By ipitial
8 12 Vice-Chancellor
Opentor Computer Science from Board of Technical recrUitment

By ipitial
9 12 Vice--Chancellor

Diploma in Computer Science with

• professionals having A+/CCNAlCCNPI
By initial
10 11 MCSE certified, with skillful practical Vice-Chancellor
Assiswlt recriritment
knowledge. The candidates must possess

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PakislMllnstitute of Fashion and Design, lahore· Pakistan

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Group (D) Technical / SkjUed Personnel

These employees shall be appoinled on ront:ra.ct at fixed. pay package OD the basis of their
capabilities, potential and experience as technical and skilled professionals as prescribed.

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Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design. lahore - Pakistan

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