Sie sind auf Seite 1von 14

lists foods that may shorten telomeres (red meat, white bread,

sweetened drinks, saturated fat, soda, and excessive alcohol

consumption) and foods that are associated with longer telomeres
(whole grains, vegetables, nuts, legumes, seaweed, fruit, and

Étcsoki, olivabogyó, spenót, áfonya, zöldpaprika, ananász, joghurt, spenót, zöld tea, mandula,
citrom, dinnye, lazac, mogyoró, répa, édesburgonya, bab, lencse, narancs,

pisztácia, paradicsom, zöld tea, halolaj, teljes kiörlésű kenyér

D, C-vitamin

strength training, walking, yoga, stretches

1. Vitamin B12 – This is referred to as the “energy vitamin”, and it is needed by the body for
many reasons, including energy production, DNA synthesis, myelin formation, and blood
formation. It can be found in most animal tissues, including beef, lamb, venison, salmon,
shrimp, poultry, and eggs, and is necessary for energy production, blood formation, DNA
synthesis, and myelin formation. It is available as a supplement in a spray or tablets.

2. Polyphenols – These antioxidant compounds are found in plant foods, and have anti-aging
benefits as well as the ability to protect the body against many diseases. Some of the best
sources of polyphenols include grapes, cocoa, and green tea.

3. Probiotics/Fermented Foods – Everyone knows that eating processed foods is not good
for you, and it will shorten your life expectancy. These foods, which are loaded with sugar
and chemicals, can ruin your intestinal microflora, which in turn can damage your immune
system. You need to have bacteria in your gut, which is where these foods come into play.

4. Krill Oil – You can get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reverse the shortening of
telomere, from krill oil. This is much better for you than regular fish oil, and has many more
benefits. In fact, you will get up to 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids per milligram from
krill oil than from fish oil.

5. Vitamin D – The best way to get your daily dose of vitamin D is to get out and enjoy the
sun, with sunscreen of course so you don’t get the harmful effects of the UV rays. There are
also many supplements available, and plenty of delicious foods that are loaded with vitamin
D. Milk products are some of the first foods to come to mind.

6. Ubiquinol (CoQ10) – This is the fifth most popular nutritional supplement in the US. It
benefits every cell in the body, and it is considered an anti-aging supplement. It even brings
other antioxidants back to life in the body, and can help in the fight against heart failure and
other conditions.

7. Astaxanthin – This is a potent antioxidant that has amazing anti-inflammatory properties,

as well as the ability to protect DNA. It also helps to protect the eyes, brain, and central
nervous system. This is available in supplement form, and it is important not to take too

8. Vitamin K2 – Research shows that vitamin K2 could be just as important for the body as
vitamin D. This vitamin aids in blood clotting, and can even help to prevent prostate cancer.
Vitamin K2 can be found in fermented foods such as cheese. Natto, a Japanese food, is the
richest source of vitamin K2.

9. Magnesium – This nutrient is important for DNA replication and repair, as well as RNA
synthesis. It can greatly increase telomere in women, and a deficiency can lead to shortening

10. Folate (vitamin B9 or Folic Acid) – Folate is important for DNA integrity and
methylation, which both influence telomere length. It aids in the prevention of depression,
seizure disorders, and brain atrophy.

B vitamins preserve telomere length in part by lowering homocysteine, which accelerates

telomere shortening.

Vitamin D promotes activity of telomerase, the repair enzyme that steadily adds to telomere

Vitamins C and E preserve telomere length by reducing the chemical stresses that contribute
to telomere shortening. Gamma-tocotrienol in particular may reverse telomere shortening
and attendant cellular aging.

Finally, the vegetable carotenoids, such as lutein, contribute to longer

telomeres, though mechanisms for these effects remain to be

Folate/Folic Acid

Why it is good for you: Folate helps us produce new, healthy cells. Supplementing with folic
acid prior to conception and during pregnancy reduces the incidence of neural tube defects in
developing infants.
Folate-rich foods include: dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, asparagus and
Brussels sprouts), lentils and beans (pinto, black, navy and kidney); also found in fortified
cereal and grain products, including enriched rice, breads, bagels and ready-to-eat cereals.

Antioxidants Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium

Why they are good for you: They combat the free radicals that may cause cell damage or
cell death.
Antioxidant-rich foods include: Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of antioxidants,
which is why a plant-based diet is often highly recommended.
Vitamin C: citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes and tomato juice, potatoes, green leafy
vegetables, strawberries and cantaloupe.
Vitamin E: nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.
Selenium: Brazil nuts, seafood, beef, poultry, dairy products, rice and other grain products.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Why they are good for you: They promote heart and brain health and may aid in the
prevention and treatment of several diseases. The two main essential omega-3 fatty acids that
are considered anti-inflammatory and protective against cardiovascular disease are
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods include: Fatty fish such as salmon is an excellent source of
EPA and DHA, but if you are a vegetarian, green leafy vegetables, nuts and vegetable oils
(canola, soy, and flaxseed) provide alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is converted in part to
EPA and DHA in the body. There are also vegetarian and vegan algae sources of EPA on the

Vitamin D

Why it is good for you: promotes calcium absorption and may play a role in a variety of
chronic conditions. Interestingly, it is the only vitamin that is synthesized in your skin from
sun exposure.
Vitamin D-rich foods include: primarily animal products such as fatty fish (salmon, tuna and
mackerel), dairy products, cheese and egg yolks. Mushrooms are one of the only plant-based
sources of vitamin D.

If there isn’t already enough evidence to promote a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables,
legumes, nuts and seeds, supplemented with reasonable amounts of lean meats, fish and low-
fat dairy products, add the association with longer telomeres and better aging to the list!
Taking a multivitamin, physical activity during leisure time, stress management and
meditation are also associated with longer telomeres and therefore better aging. Promote
overall health and aging by taking a lifestyle approach that incorporates all of these factors
into daily living.

hal, tofu, tojás, osztriga, gomba

zöld tea
Lencse és spenót
sötét leveles zöldségek, diófélék, magok, avokádó, banán és füge
Marhahús (fűvel táplált) Kiwi répa zöldek
Marha Máj Eper Spenót
Lazac narancssárga brokkoli
Fokhagyma Grapefruit Mandula
Tonhal Mango földimogyoró
Pisztráng piros és zöld Bell Peppers olívaolaj
Tejszín Málna Kiwi

Marhahús (fűvel táplált) Kiwi répa zöldek

Marha Máj Eper Spenót
Lazac narancssárga brokkoli
Fokhagyma Grapefruit Mandula
Tonhal Mango földimogyoró
Pisztráng piros és zöld Bell Peppers olívaolaj
Tejszín Málna Kiwi

A narancs, a paprika és a kelkáé a legfontosabb C-vitamin ételek közé tartozik. Az E-vitamin

esetében forduljon a mandulákhoz, a spenóthoz és az édesburgonyához.

Meditation and Yoga

C, E vitamin, heti 2-szer hal, sport

Vitamin D
hering, tonhal, harcsa, sügér, ponty, csuka, compó, pisztráng, lazac és angolna.

A D-vitamin kizárólagos növényi forrásai a gombák és a kakaóbab. A gombák kiváló és

egyedülálló D-vitaminforrások, a legnagyobb mennyiségben közülük is a friss vagy szárított
vargányagomba tartalmazza a legtöbb kalciferolt. Jelentőségük, azért is kimagasló, mert a
vegán táplálkozást folytató emberek egyetlen igazán jelentős élelmi D-vitamin-forrásának

A halak és a gombák mellett a D-vitamin megtalálható még néhány állati eredetű

élelmiszerben, így a tojássárgájában, a tejben, a vajban és a belsőségekben, például a májban.


lazac, rák, homár, sárgarépa piros paprika
Ubiquinol (CoQ10)
brokkoli, narancs, eper, földimogyoró, avokádó, csirke,
szardínia, spenót,
Fermented Foods / Probiotics
Kefir, savanyúság, probiotikis joghurt
Krill Oil
hering, lazac, dió, mogyoró,
7. Magnesium
spenót, a sóska, a kelkáposzta, napraforgómag, a dió, a
mandula, a kesudió, abfélék, a sárgaborsó, a lencse, A
banán, az avokádó, a halak közül a makréla, a lazac és
a tonhal, de még a jó minőségű étcsokoládé

Magnézium forrás Magnézium (mg) Mennyiségben

Mandula 156 56,6
Brazil dió 128 56,6
Kesudió 148 56,6
Kókuszdió, szárítva 52 56,6
Mogyoró, szárítva 98 62,2
Földimogyoró 128 56,6
Fenyődió 132 56,6
Szezámmag 64 56,6
Dió 114 56,6
Árpa, teljes kiőrlésű 158 1 pohár
Zab korpa 221 1 csésze
Rizs, barna 84 1 csésze
Búzaliszt, teljes 166 1 csésze
Teljes kiőrlésű kenyér 24 1 szelet
Csokoládé szelet 28 42,5
Articsóka 101 1 pohár
Avokádó 70 közepes méretű
Bab, fekete 120 1 pohár
Bab, vese 72 1 csésze
Bab, Lima 81 1 csésze
Bab, fehér 134 1 csésze
Brokkoli, nyers 22 1 csésze
Csicseriborsó 79 1 csésze
Lencse 71 1 csésze
Paszternák 45 1 csésze
Borsó, fagyasztott 46 1 csésze
Tök, konzerv 56 1 csésze
Tökmag 151 56,6
Tengeri alga, tengeri moszat 121 99,2
Szójabab 108 1 csésze
Paraj, konzerv (spenót) 163 1 csésze
Paraj, főtt (spenót) 157 1 csésze
Burgonya 57 1 burgonya
Paradicsompüré 134 1 pohár
Banán 34 1 közepes
Füge, szárított 44 4 füge
Kivi 23 1 közepes
Zabliszt 112 1 csésze
Rozsliszt 70 1 csésze
Búzacsíra 69 1/4 csésze
Szójatej 47 1 csésze
Tehéntej, 2,8%-os 27 1 csésze
Kakaó 33 1 csésze
Laposhal, sült 91 85
Osztriga 49 85
Kagyló 55 6 nagy
Tonhal, sült 54 85
Marhahús, bélszín 30 99
Csirkemell 27 99
Sonka 17 99
Pulykamell 22 99

Grapes (resveratrol)
Green tea

Folate (aka Vitamin B9, or Folic Acid): bab, főtt lencse,

spenót, spárga, saláta, avokádó, főtt brokkoli, mangó,
kiwi, banán, papaya, guava, narancsok, kenyér,
Vitamin B12: csirkemáj, hering, tuna, szardínia, rák, bifsztek, alacsony
zsírtartalmú tej és yoghurt, parmezán, feta sajt, tojás

1. Liver (Beef)
71 mcg per 3-ounce serving Provides 2951% of DRI 114 calories

2. Mackerel
16 mcg per 3-ounce serving Provides 667% of DRI 174 calories

3. Sardines
8 mcg per 3-ounce serving (most cans are 3-4 ounces ea.) Provides 333% of DRI 189 calories

4. Fortified Cereals
5 mcg per cup Provides 208% of DRI 160 calories

5. Red Meat
5 mcg per 3-ounce serving Provides 208% of DRI 213 calories

6. Salmon
4 mcg per 3-ounce serving Provides 167% of DRI 119 calories

7. Fortified Soy
2 mcg per 3-ounces serving Provides 83% of DRI 45 calories

8. Milk
1.2 mcg per cup (8 fluid ounces) Provides 50% of DRI 83 calories

9. Swiss Cheese
1 mcg per ounce Provides 42% of DRI 108 calories

10. Yogurt
1 mcg per cup Provides 42% of DRI 149 calories
Curcumin (Turmeric) - kurkuma
Vitamin A: mandula, spenót, mogyoró, avokádó, brokkoli, papaya, napraforgó mag, főtt
édesburgonya, répa, spenót, dinnye, barack,

Természetes forrásai: belsőségek (máj, vese, szív, stb.), tej és tejtermékek, tengeri halak,

Provitaminját tartalmazza nagy mennyiségben:

 sárgarépa
 paraj

 sütőtök

 kajszi- és sárgabarack

 sárgadinnye

 paprika, általában az erősen sárga, piros, vagy zöld színű zöldségek, gyümölcsök. A
paradicsom kivétel, mert a benne található karotinoid típusú vegyület, a likopin nem
bomlik A-vitaminra.

A következő gyümölcsök A-vitaminban gazdagok:

sárgabarack, földiszeder, dinnye, kivi, narancs,
papaya, datolyaszilva, őszibarack, mandarin,
A-vitamint a máj, vese, tojássárgája, tengeri halak,
sötétzöld leveles zöldségek tartalmaznak, A-
provitaminokat: a répában, parajban,
kajszibarackban, kelkáposztában, sárgadinnyében,
sütőtökben, paradicsomban, pirospaprikában találunk.

8 db

kelkáposzta, mángold, zöld levelesek mint a spenót és a sóska, mindenféle étel, sültek,
saláták, raguk, főzelékek és levesek

Olvass többet itt:

A kelkáposzta és a spenót
nyers mandula

Food & ORAC

Spices (Cloves) 314,446

Herbs (Oregano dried) 200,129

Chaga mushrooms 110,400

Acai berry 102,700

Goji berries 25,300

Pecans 17,940

Beans 8,000

Pistachio nuts 7,983

Plums 7,581

Lentils 7,282

Blueberries 6,552

Blackberries 5,347

Garlic, raw 5,346

Cilantro 5,141

Raspberries 4,882

Almonds 4,454

Dill 4,392

Apples, red delicious 4,275

Strawberries 3,577

Cherries 3,365

Cabbage, red 3,145

Broccoli 3,083

Pears 2,941

Lettuce, red leaf 2,380

Alfalfa sprouts 1,510

1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 & Folate, which supports B12 absorption, have been shown to help regulate
homocysteine levels, which are linked to telomere shortening. In studies, subjects with
persistently high homocysteine levels were more likely to have shorter Leukocyte Telomere
Length (LTL), and subjects with persistently low B12 and Folate levels were more likely to
have high levels of homocysteine. (3,4) The highest natural food sources for B12 are clams,
beef liver, and fish such as trout and salmon; most dairy products are also a good natural
source. The highest natural food sources of Folate are beef liver, black-eyed peas and boiled
green vegetables, like spinach, asparagus and Brussel sprouts; broccoli, mustard greens and
kidney beans are also good natural sources. (13) >>> Read more about vitamin B12 here

2. Vitamin D

New research has linked vitamin D as a critical part of several vital cellular processes that can
potentially affect genomic stability and telomere length as we age. (5) While some experts
differ, the Vitamin D Council’s research shows that vitamin D levels are optimized when they
are stable at the higher end of the normal range between 40-80ng/mL. For most normal adults,
this means that they need a total intake (including food sources) of 4-5000 IU’s per day to
maintain optimal levels year-round. This means that winter supplementation will be required
for most folks living north of Atlanta. Regular testing is also highly recommended. (10) >>>
Learn more about vitamin D3 here

As always, the best natural source of vitamin D is sunlight. The highest natural food sources
of vitamin D are cod liver oil and fatty fish, such as swordfish, salmon and tuna; sardines,
beef liver and egg yolks are also good natural sources. (13)

3. Vitamin C

The body cannot manufacture its own vitamin C, so unless you are eating sufficient amounts
of fruits, particularly citrus, and vegetables, it is easy to become deficient in this vitamin.
Fruits are abundant in the fall to help store vitamin C for the winter months. In one study,
vitamin C has been linked to a slowdown in telomere shortening by as much as 62% via the
suppression of oxidative stress. (6) Other studies have shown an association between higher
vitamin C blood concentrations and longer LTL in normal elderly persons (11). The highest
natural food sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, raw sweet peppers of every color, dark
green veggies such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, potatoes and tomatoes.

4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant, protective and fat-soluble
vitamins. Telomerase is the enzyme that is responsible for natural telomere maintenance. In
in-vitro studies, vitamin E has been linked to the inhibition of anti-telomerase activity during
healthy cell replication. (7) While the specific mechanism is still unclear, the case for vitamin
E’s role in healthy aging is already strong. The highest natural food sources of vitamin E are
sunflower seeds, nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts, and certain vegetable oils; peanuts
and spinach are also good natural sources. (13)

5. Vitamin A

Carotenes, which give carrots their orange color and bell peppers their red and yellow, are the
precursors to vitamin A. In one study, higher blood carotene levels were positively associated
with approximately 2% longer telomeres. (8) Lutein, another carotenoid commonly found in
foods high in carotenes, has also been associated with longer telomere length in recent
studies. (9) The highest natural food sources of vitamin A are sweet potatoes, beef liver,
spinach and carrots; mangoes, black-eyed peas, and broccoli are also high natural sources.

Mediterrán diéta

oliva olaj

The Basics
 Eat: Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, breads, herbs,
spices, fish, seafood and extra virgin olive oil.
 Eat in moderation: Poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt.
 Eat only rarely: Red meat.
 Don't eat: Sugar-sweetened beverages, added sugars, processed meat, refined grains,
refined oils and other highly processed foods.

Avoid These Unhealthy Foods

You should avoid these unhealthy foods and ingredients:

 Added sugar: Soda, candies, ice cream, table sugar and many others.
 Refined grains: White bread, pasta made with refined wheat, etc.
 Trans fats: Found in margarine and various processed foods.
 Refined Oils: Soybean oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil and others.
 Processed meat: Processed sausages, hot dogs, etc.
 Highly processed foods: Everything labelled "low-fat" or "diet" or looks like it was
made in a factory.

Foods to Eat
You should base your diet on these healthy, unprocessed Mediterranean foods.

 Vegetables: Tomatoes, broccoli, kale, spinach, onions, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels

sprouts, cucumbers, etc.
 Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, grapes, dates, figs, melons,
peaches, etc.
 Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, Macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower
seeds, pumpkin seeds and more.
 Legumes: Beans, peas, lentils, pulses, peanuts, chickpeas, etc.
 Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams, etc.
 Whole Grains: Whole oats, brown rice, rye, barley, corn, buckwheat, whole wheat,
whole grain bread and pasta.
 Fish and Seafood: Salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, oysters, clams,
crab, mussels, etc.
 Poultry: Chicken, duck, turkey and more.
 Eggs: Chicken, quail and duck eggs.
 Dairy: Cheese, yogurt, Greek yogurt, etc.
 Herbs and Spices: Garlic, basil, mint, rosemary, sage, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper, etc.
 Healthy Fats: Extra virgin olive oil, olives, avocados and avocado oil.

Hal – heti 2X

A Mediterranean Sample Menu For 1 Week

This is a sample menu for one week on the Mediterranean diet.

Feel free to adjust the portions and food choices based on your own needs and preferences.

 Breakfast: Greek yogurt with strawberries and oats.
 Lunch: Whole grain sandwich with vegetables.
 Dinner: A tuna salad, dressed in olive oil. A piece of fruit for dessert.

 Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins.
 Lunch: Leftover tuna salad from the night before.
 Dinner: Salad with tomatoes, olives and feta cheese.

 Breakfast: Omelet with veggies, tomatoes and onions. A piece of fruit.
 Lunch: Whole grain sandwich, with cheese and fresh vegetables.
 Dinner: Mediterranean lasagne.
 Breakfast: Yogurt with sliced fruits and nuts.
 Lunch: Leftover lasagne from the night before.
 Dinner: Broiled salmon, served with brown rice and vegetables.

 Breakfast: Eggs and vegetables, fried in olive oil.
 Lunch: Greek yogurt with strawberries, oats and nuts.
 Dinner: Grilled lamb, with salad and baked potato.

 Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins, nuts and an apple.
 Lunch: Whole grain sandwich with vegetables.
 Dinner: Mediterranean pizza made with whole wheat, topped with cheese, vegetables
and olives.

 Breakfast: Omelet with veggies and olives.
 Lunch: Leftover pizza from the night before.
 Dinner: Grilled chicken, with vegetables and a potato. Fruit for dessert.

Healthy Mediterranean Snacks

You don't need to eat more than 3 meals per day.

But if you become hungry between meals, then these are acceptable snacks:

 A handful of nuts.
 A piece of fruit.
 Carrots or baby carrots.
 Some berries or grapes.
 Leftovers from the night before.
 Greek yogurt.
 Apple slices with almond butter.

A Simple Shopping List For The Diet

It is always a good idea to shop at the perimeter of the store, that's usually where the whole
foods are found.

Always try to choose the least processed option. Organic is best, but only if you can easily
afford it.

 Vegetables: Carrots, onions, broccoli, spinach, kale, garlic, etc.

 Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, etc.
 Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, etc.
 Frozen veggies: Choose mixes with healthy vegetables.
 Grains: Whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, etc.
 Legumes: Lentils, pulses, beans, etc.
 Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, cashwes, etc.
 Seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.
 Condiments: sea salt, pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, etc.
 Fish: Salmon, sardines, mackarel, trout.
 Shrimp and shellfish.
 Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes.
 Cheese.
 Greek Yogurt.
 Chicken.
 Pastured or Omega-3 enriched eggs.
 Olives.
 Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

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