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Explanation and Instructions for using this Burndown Chart

Using the Sprint Backlog worksheet:

1. Notice that are three major columns - Not Started, In Progress, and Completed.
2. Notice that each of the three major columns is subdivided in Hours, Task, and Owner.
3. Notice that the Total Hours Remaining is shown for the Not Started and In Progress columns, and
that the Total Hours Consumed is shown for the Completed column.
4. As your Team does their Daily Scrum meeting, tasks can be added to columns, moved between
columns, or removed from columns, as the Team acquires insight and works at tasks.
5. The Sprint Backlog worksheet becomes the historical record of what was done and how long it

Using the Burndown Report worksheet:

1. For this sample/example, we are in Day 4 of a 10 day Sprint.
2. Because this sample is Day 4 the first 3 days results are Values while the remaining 7 days of the
Sprint are link to the Sprint Backlog worksheet.
2. Notice that the columns represent Days and the rows represent the three categories of Tasks - Not
Started, In Progress, and Completed.
3. Notice that as your Team does their Daily Scrum meeting and updates tasks and hours, the Total
from each column of the Sprint Backlog worksheet is linked to the Burndown Report.
4. After each Daily Scrum meeting, the Total Hours Remaining for that day need to be copied and
pasted as Values in order to replace the link thereby making the reported values for that day
Not Started In Progress Completed
Hours Task Owner Hours Task Owner Hours Task Owner
IT to validate Prompt Page
8 Donald 24 Framework for Ravi 8 Ravi
Flash Reports Design
ETL for Publish analysis Prompt Page
4 Ravi 2 Ravi 16 Ravi
Accounting package Development
Migrate Control
Report Page ETL Testing -
2 Batches to Srini 60 Ravi 4 Yogi
Development Contractors
Identify recon
ETL Migration to QA Report
2 Srini 4 Yogi 8 process failure Donald
Production Screens
Database Assist with
Write first draft
3 Migration to Donald 8 uploading Budget Donald 24 Ed
User Manual
Production file
Flash Report Test ETL
16 Susan 8 Yogi 2 Migration to Sub George
Testing Adjustments
Reconcile upload
Test Report Security for report file to final
8 Yogi 8 George 16 Donald
Security users only published
Test Accounting Write access to ETL for
8 Yogi 1 George 24 Ravi
ETL data schema Adjustments
14/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 17/Jul 18/Jul 21/Jul 22/Jul 23/Jul
Not Started 229 222 197 93 93 93 93 93
In Progress 55 76 106 139 139 139 139 139
Completed 0 10 41 122 122 122 122 122
Total Backlog 284 308 344 354 354 354 354 354

400 Burndown Report



H 250
r 200




14/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 17/Jul 18/Jul 21/Jul 22/Jul 23/Jul 24/Jul 25/Jul

Completed In Progress
Day Not Started
24/Jul 25/Jul
93 93
139 139
122 122
354 354

24/Jul 25/Jul

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