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EC319 Economic Theory and Its Applications,

Part II: Lecture 7

Leonardo Felli


27 February 2014
Signalling Games

Consider the following Bayesian game:

I Set of players: N = {N , S, R},

I Nature N strategy space: (1/2, 1/2)

I R’s beliefs: µ(S1 ) = 1/2.

I The game is known as a signaling game and it is described in

the following extensive form.

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Signalling Games: Example

(1, 3) r UL UR r (2, 1)
@ [p] L S1 R [q]
@..r r ..r
.. ..@
.. .. @
.. ... @r
(4, 0) DL ... .. DR (0, 0)
.. ( 12 ) ...
.. ..
.. ..
.. b N
.. R R ...
.. ..
.. ..
(2, 4) r UL .... ( 12 )
.. UR r (1, 0)
@ .. ..
@ ... ..
@.r r
[1 − p] L S2 R [1 − q] @
(0, 1) r DL DR@r (1, 2)

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Signalling Games: Equilibria

I We can classify the Perfect Bayesian equilibria of the game

according to the beliefs of the receiver R at the information
set in which he is asked to play.

I In particular in this game there exist two categories of


I Pooling equilibria: these are equilibria in which the two types

of sender S1 and S2 send the same signal (in this game a
choice of action aSi ) either L or R.

I In this case only one information set of the receiver R is on

the equilibrium path.

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Signalling Games: Equilibria (cont’d)

I Bayes rule imposes that the beliefs at this information set are
the same as the probabilities with which nature takes its
choice ( 12 ) and ( 21 ).

I Separating equilibria: these are equilibria in which the two

types of sender S1 and S2 send the two different signals: L
and R.

I In this case both information sets of the receiver R are on the

equilibrium path.

I Bayes rule imposes that the beliefs at the two information sets
are degenerate: p ∈ {0, 1} and q ∈ {0, 1}.

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Pooling Equilibria

I Consider now a candidate pooling equilibrium in which both

S1 and S2 choose strategy L.

I In this case Bayes rule implies p = 12 .

I The expected payoff to R are then:

7 1
ΠR (L, L; UL ) = , ΠR (L, L; DL ) =
2 2

I It is therefore a best reply for R to choose UL .

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Pooling Equilibria (cont’d)

(1, 3) r UL UR r (2, 1)
@ [p] L S1 R [q]
@..r r ..r
.. ..@
.. .. @
.. ... @r
(4, 0) DL ... .. DR (0, 0)
.. ( 12 ) ...
.. ..
.. ..
.. b N
.. R R ...
.. ..
.. ..
(2, 4) r UL .... ( 12 )
.. UR r (1, 0)
@ .. ..
@ ... ..
@.r r
[1 − p] L S2 R [1 − q] @
(0, 1) r DL DR@r (1, 2)

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Pooling Equilibria (cont’d)

I We now need to specify the off-the-equilibrium-path beliefs q

that sustain this equilibrium.

I At this purpose notice that if R response to R is UR then it is

not a best reply for S1 to choose L: he can gain by deviating
and choosing R instead.

I It is however a best reply for S2 to choose L.

I If instead R response to R is DR then it is a best reply for

both S1 and S2 to choose L.

I Therefore for the pooling strategy (L, L) to be part of a

Perfect Bayesian equilibrium we need R to choose DR at the
information set off the equilibrium path.

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Pooling Equilibria (cont’d)

I The expected payoff to R at this information set is:

ΠR (UR ) = q, ΠR (DR ) = 2 (1 − q)

I Clearly ΠR (DR ) ≥ ΠR (UR ) if and only if


I A Pooling Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium of this game is:

 1 2
(L, L); (UL , DR ), p = , q ≤
2 3

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Pooling Equilibria (cont’d)
In other words given the following Bayesian signaling game:

(1, 3) r UL UR r (2, 1)
@ [p] L S1 R [q]
@..r r ..r
.. ..@
.. .. @
.. ..
(4, 0) r DL ... 1
.. DR@r
.. (0, 0)
.. (2) ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. b N
.. R R ...
.. ..
.. ..
(2, 4) r UL .... 1
... UR
r (1, 0)
@ .. ..
@ ... ..
@.r r .r
[1 − p] L S2 R [1 − q] @
(0, 1) r DL DR@r (1, 2)

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We used the following recipe to find a solution:

I make an hypothesis on the sender equilibrium strategies;

I given these strategies, identify the receiver’s beliefs at every
information set that is on the equilibrium path;
I given these beliefs compute the receiver’s best reply at the
information set that are on the equilibrium path;
I verify that the sender’s equilibrium strategies you started from
are a best reply for the different types of sender;
I identify the restrictions that this last step imposes on the
receiver’s beliefs at information sets that are off the
equilibrium path (if there is any).

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Pooling Equilibria (cont’d)

I We already found a Pooling Strong Perfect Bayesian

 1 2
(L, L); (UL , DR ), p = , q ≤
2 3

I Consider now the other Pooling equilibrium in which both S1

and S2 choose the action R.

I Clearly Bayes rule implies that q = .

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Pooling Equilibria (cont’d)

I Given this beliefs R’s best response is DR :

ΠR (R, R; UR ) = < ΠR (R, R; DR ) = 1

I Given this the sender S1 will always find optimal to deviate

and choose L independently of whether R following L will
choose UL or DL .

I This implies that there there does not exist a Pooling Perfect
Bayesian Equilibrium where S1 and S2 both choose R.

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Pooling Equilibria (cont’d)

(1, 3) r UL UR r (2, 1)
@ [p] L S1 R [q]
@..r r ..r
.. ..@
.. .. @
.. ... @r
(4, 0) DL ... .. DR (0, 0)
.. ( 12 ) ...
.. ..
.. ..
.. b N
.. R R ...
.. ..
.. ..
(2, 4) r UL .... ( 12 )
.. UR r (1, 0)
@ .. ..
@ ... ..
@.r r
[1 − p] L S2 R [1 − q] @
(0, 1) r DL DR@r (1, 2)

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Separating Equilibria

I Consider now the Separating equilibrium in which S1 chooses

L and S2 chooses R.

I Bayes rule in this case implies p = 1 and q = 0.

I Given these beliefs it is then a best reply for R to choose:

I UL following the observed choice of L.

I DR following the observed choice of R.

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Separating Equilibria (cont’d)

I Notice however that given R’s best reply S2 can gain a payoff
of 2 by deviating and choosing L instead of the payoff of 1 he
gets by choosing R.

I This implies that there does not exist a Separating Perfect

Bayesian Equilibrium where S1 chooses L and S2 chooses R.

I Finally consider the Separating equilibrium in which S1

chooses R and S2 chooses L.

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Separating Equilibria (cont’d)

(1, 3) r UL UR r (2, 1)
@ [p] L S1 R [q]
@..r r ..r
.. ..@
.. .. @
.. ... @r
(4, 0) DL ... .. DR (0, 0)
.. ( 12 ) ...
.. ..
.. ..
.. b N
.. R R ...
.. ..
.. ..
(2, 4) r UL .... ( 12 )
.. UR r (1, 0)
@ .. ..
@ ... ..
@.r r
[1 − p] L S2 R [1 − q] @
(0, 1) r DL DR@r (1, 2)

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Separating Equilibria (cont’d)

I Bayes rule implies that p = 0 and q = 1.

I Given these beliefs it is then a best reply for R to choose:

I UR following the observed choice of R.

I UL following the observed choice of L.

I Notice that in this case player S1 earns an equilibrium payoff

of 2 and can only earn a payoff of 1 by deviating.

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Separating Equilibria (cont’d)

I Similarly in this case player S2 earns an equilibrium payoff of 2

and can only earn a payoff of 1 by deviating.

I In other words it is a best reply for players S1 and S2 to

choose strategies R, respectively L.

I The Separating Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium of this game is:

(R, L); (UR , UL ), p = 0, q = 1

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Spence Signaling Model

Consider the following educational choice model:

I There are two types of workers: high productivity workers θH
and low productivity workers θL
I A worker is of type θi wth probability πi
I Before entering the labor market workers may signal their type
by acquiring education.
I Different types of workers have different costs of acquiring
I Employers can distinguish workers only by their education and
do not observe their ability.
I Employers compete in wages to hire workers given such

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1. Nature determines the type θi of each worker with probability

πi .

2. Workers decide how much education ei to acquire.

3. Employers simultaneously and independently make wage offers

w (ei ) to each worker (they Bertrand compete for each

4. Workers decide which offer to accept.

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Educational Investment: Workers

I Workers acquire a level e ∈ [0, 1] of education

I The cost of acquiring education e for type θi is

c(e|θi )

I Assume the cost of education is convex:

c(0|θi ) = 0 ce (e|θi ) > 0 cee (e|θi ) > 0

I Marginal cost of education is higher for the low productivity

worker θL than for the high productivity worker θH :

ce (e|θH ) < ce (e|θL )

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Workers’ Preferences

I If the worker accept the wage offer w (e) then the payoff of a
worker of type θi with education e is:

u(e|θi ) = w (e) − c(e|θi )

I Assumptions on the marginal costs of education and on

preference guarantee that the single crossing condition is

I The indifference curves of the two types of workers cross once:

the Spence-Mirrlees Single Crossing Condition are satisfied.

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I The employers’ technology is such that the productivity of a

worker of type θi is

f (θi ) where f (θH ) > f (θL )

I Initially employers know only the prior probability πi that a

worker is of type θi .
I Employers do observe the educational investment e of workers
I After workers have made their educational investments,
I update their beliefs on the basis of this new observed
information e,
I offer a wage w (e) that depends on education.

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Types of Equilibria: Separating Equilibria

This model has two different types of equilibria:

I Separating equilibria these are characterized by the fact that

the two types of worker:

1. choose different education levels: eHs > eLs

2. are paid different wages: w (eHs ) > w (eLs )

3. prefer not to mimic the other type by choosing the educational

level selected by the other type.

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Types of Equilibria: Pooling Equilibria

I Pooling equilibria these are characterized by the fact that the

two types of worker:

1. choose the same education level: eHp = eLp

2. are paid the same wage: w (eHp ) = w (eLp )

3. prefer not to be separated from the other type by choosing a

different educational level than the one selected by the other

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Separating Equilibria: Characterization

Separating Equilibria are such that:

I Workers of different type choose different education levels ei ,

i ∈ {H, L}

I Employers upon observing the level of education ei perfectly

identify each type θi .

I Employers makes an offer w (ei ) to each worker.

I The worker decides which offer to accept.

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Separating Equilibria: Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium

I We are constructing a Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium of this

imperfect information game.
I We solve the model backward ad start from theemployers’
Bertrand competition for each worker.
I Assume there exists two potential employers h ∈ {1, 2} for
each worker.
I Given two offers w1 (ei ) and w2 (ei ) the worker will choose the
offer (and hence the employer) such that

wh (ei ) = max {w1 (ei ), w2 (ei )}

I If two offers are identical w1 (ei ) = w2 (ei ) the worker will

randomize with equal probability the offer to accept.

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Bertrand Competition
I Each employer h’s payoff is then:

 f (θi ) − wh (ei )
 if wh (ei ) ≥ w−h (ei )
Π(wh (ei )) =
 2 [f (θi ) − wh (ei )] if wh (ei ) = w−h (ei )
0 if wh (ei ) < w−h (ei )

I Each employer h’s best reply is then:

 wh (ei ) = w−h (ei ) + ε if w−h (ei ) < f (θi )

wh (ei ) ≤ w−h (ei ) if w−h (ei ) = f (θi )

wh (ei ) < w−h (ei ) if w−h (ei ) > f (θi )

I The unique Bayesian Nash equilibrium of the Bertrand

Competition subgame is then
wh (ei ) = w−h (ei ) = f (θi ), ∀i ∈ {H, L}

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Employers’ Beliefs

I We now move back to the employers believes upon observing

each worker education investment ei , i ∈ {H, L}.

I Assume that the two types of workers separate at the eduction

investment stage: θH workers choose eH and θL choose eL
where eH 6= eL .

I Bayes rule implies that the only equilibrium posterior beliefs of

employers compatible with a separating equilibrium are such
Pr {θ = θi |ei } = 1

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Educational Investment

I We now move back to the workers’ choice of education.

I It must be a best reply for each worker of type θi to choose
the level of educations ei :

w (eH ) − c(eH |θH ) ≥ w (eL ) − c(eL |θH )

w (eL ) − c(eL |θL ) ≥ w (eH ) − c(eH |θL )

I Given the equilibrium wage offer w (ei ) these no deviation

(incentive compatibility) conditions are:

f (θH ) − c(eH |θH ) ≥ f (θL ) − c(eL |θH )

f (θL ) − c(eL |θL ) ≥ f (θH ) − c(eH |θL )

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Low Productivity and Education

I Notice first that in this model education is a pure signal, it

has no effect on productivity.

I Therefore the only Bayesian equilibrium choice of education

on the part of θL workers is

eL∗ = 0

I Assume not: eL∗ > 0.

I The incentive compatibility constraints imply eH > eL .

I Then a θL worker has a profitable deviation choosing eL < eL∗ ,

f (θL ) > f (θL ) − c(eL |θL )

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High Productivity and Education

I The incentive compatibility constraints can then be written as:

c(eH |θH ) ≤ f (θH ) − f (θL ) ≤ c(eH |θL )

I Hence, incentive compatibility conditions imply:

eH ∈ [e, e] where c(e|θH ) = f (θH ) − f (θL ) = c(e|θL )

I All Bayesian Nash equilibria of the Spence Education model

are such that
eH ∈ [e, e] eL = 0
with beliefs:

1 if e = eH
Pr {θ = θH |e} =
0 if e = eL

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Off the Equilibrium Path Beliefs

I To guarantee that no worker chooses e 6∈ {eH , eL } impose:

1 if e ≥ eH
Pr {θ = θH |e} =
0 if e < eH

I Recall that Bayes rule does not impose any constraint on the
off-the-equilibrium-path beliefs.

I The beliefs above imply that:

f (θL ) if e < eH
w (e) =
f (θH ) if e ≥ eH

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Off the Equilibrium Path

I Given these beliefs and wage offers no θH worker wants to


f (θH ) − c(eH |θH ) ≥ f (θH ) − c(e|θH ) for all e > eH

f (θH ) − c(eH |θH ) ≥ f (θL ) − c(e|θH ) for all e < eH

I Moreover no θL worker wants to deviate:

f (θL ) ≥ f (θH ) − c(e|θL ) for all e > eH

f (θL ) ≥ f (θL ) − c(e|θL ) for all e < eH

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Multiplicity of Equilibria

There is a multiplicity of separating Perfect Bayesian equilibria

I They are characterized by the education levels satisfying:

eH ∈ [e, e] & eL = 0

I Workers receive the efficient wage, namely their productivity

I But no equilibrium is efficient since θH workers waist resources
to signal their θH type by investing in education
I The Pareto dominant equilibrium is the one in which eH = e
since the cost of acquiring education is the lowest
I The multiplicity is due to the off-the-equilibrium-path beliefs.

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