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It is easy to please the Gods and Goddesses whose appearance is a mix of human and animal

like Varaha, Narasimha, Pratyingara, Varahi etc. Varahi is the fourth of the seven Matrikas. She

is the power of Lord Varaha, the boar avatar of Lord Vishnu. She is the commander in chief of

Devi Lalitha and is also known as Varthali, Dandanatha, Vajra mukhi, Dhanya Lakshmi, Maha

Lakshmi, Bhoo sakthi, Krodha mukhi, Swapneshi, Maha karnika, Dhoomra roopi, and Sena

nayaki. She was mentioned in almost all traditions- in Tantra (she herself has a separate tantra

called Varahi tantra), Vedas, Sri Vidya, Vaishnavism, Buddhism etc. Like how almost all ancient

cultures and traditions worshipped snake gods/goddesses, varahi is equally famous. Varahi

occupies a special place in matrikas as she removes the addictions and impurities of her

devotees and uplifts the good qualities in them (like how Vishnu in his varaha incarnation

using his tusks lifted the earth or the wild boar just by smelling searches roots (or potatoes which

are inside of the ground) and lifts them to ground from using its tusks). Her Varahi nigraha

strotram is famous for this. Varahi has a face of a boar, blue complexion and sits in veerasana.

She is described as having four hands, eight hands or eighteen hands usually. In her four hands,

she carries a hala or plough, musala or pestle in two hands and the other two hands showing

Abhaya mudra and Vara mudra. Varahi is similar to Bagalamukhi among Dasamahavidyas

and Ajna Chakra in the human body. She is the ruler of the South direction, associates

with death and her vahana(vehicle) is a He-buffalo. She is the representation of altruistic

behavior in us. She protects mantra granthas and things which are protected using mantras.

There are seven different forms of Varahi- Unmatta Varahi (Tamasic roopam), Bruhat

Varahi (Rajasic roopam), Swapna Varahi (Satvik roopam), Kirata Varahi (Tamasic roopam),

Swetha Varahi(Satvik roopam), Dhoomra Varahi (Tamasic roopam), and Maha

Varahi(Satvik roopam). There are other two forms- Varthali mahavidya and Dandini

mahavidya which are lesser known forms but powerful. Worshipping Unmatta varahi with

Datura flowers and seeds will make the person (on whom the prayoga is done) mad and
worshipping Kirata varahi leads to his death. By worshipping Dhoomra varahi, one can destroy

vast areas like many villages or even districts as well as works for the welfare of them (like how a

cloud does- either gives good amount of rain or floods a large area). Worshipping Swapna

varahi gives you the knowledge of past, present and future through dreams. Worshipping Brihat

varahi gives you the capability for doing any great tasks effectively and successfully and Sweta

varahi removes impurities in you and gives uttam gatis after death. Worshipping Maha varahi

gives astha aishwaryas and astha siddhis.People who has weak lagna or problems related to

Kuja or Rahu or Chandra in their horoscope, will get benefited by worshipping her. One whose

career related to Media, Administration, Social services and welfare should worship her. Her

worship is must for people suffering from disputes related to land, water, court cases, stress and

thyroid related diseases or disorders and addictions. She is also the controller of Pituitary gland.

Varahi can be worshipped in both Dakshinachara and Vamachara. One can offer anything as

naivedyam to her. Worship her with red hibiscus or Datura flowers on Wednesday. Her

homam is done with sun flower seeds/white mustard seeds/sesame seeds. She bestows

wealth and prosperity as well as removes infertility if someone offers butter, pomegranate, potato

or food items made up of sesame seeds. She rules the time from night 12 P.M. to 4 A.M. and

satisfies easily if someone worships her at that time. There are many big and small temples of

Varahi in India. The famous temples are in Varanasi, Sapta matrika temple near Omkareswar, 64

yogini temple of Hirapur in Orissa, a temple in Ganga Sagar of West Bengal and in Tanjavur

Brihadeeswara temple. She can bestow agraha as well as anugraha, it depends on the tantric for

what purpose he is doing the prayoga. If she gets anger, it is almost impossible to escape. So it

is a caution for tantriks.If someone does her sadhana without guru, or try to control her or tries to

boast about self as her sadhak or tries to control others using her name, they will face dreadful

consequences. Only people who has very good past karmas and blessed and have maha yogam

can get siddhi by doing varahi sadhana. A normal person can never be able to get that. It is a

popular saying – stay away from- the gaze of a Kali sadhak (can burn you just with gaze),
arguing with Bagala sadhak (can paralyze you), friendship with Varahi sadhak (destroys families

even if he slips a wrong word) and Pratyingira sadhak (if says something wrong by mistake also it

happens).Varahi is a very powerful goddess. She is worshipped as Varthali, the goddess of

Banamati. The eight upavidyas associated with her which are used to torture the person(on

whom the prayoga is done) are- Kekamati (person shouts continuously without awareness),

Mainavati(sings madly and continuously), Madamati (experiences uncontrollable and extreme

sexual desire),Mandamati(forgets everything),Moodhamati(gets convulsion or fits),

Khelamati(plays crazily day and night), Raktamati( suffers from blood vomitings and motions),

and charumati ( stops eating and sleeping, becomes very weak as almost like a skeleton). That is

the power of varahi.

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