Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

1) to delete a local account:

name: WINDOWS-OS-Delete_Local_user-1008.bat

I.E: to delete users czhpyr and tznp59, use the following parameters:

czhpyr tznp59

2) to list group and members


<there is no parameters to use, just run it and the script just shows all the
groups and members from the selected server>

3) to find specific local users

name: WINDOWS-OS-Find_local_user-1328.bat

The script search for a local user(s) using the net user command.

Example: User1 User2 User3...

to find czhpyr tznp59 use the following parameters:

czhpyr tznp59

4) To create local users:

name: WINDOWS-OS-Manage_multiple_local_users-1329.vbs

' Description: The script is used for local windows account and multiple users. You
can create new users or modify existing.
' Usage:
' 1) Choose one of these two actions:
' -add -> to create new users
' -mod -> to modify an existing users
' According the selected action:
' a) Action -add:
' List the action and the mandatory parameters: ticket number, primary group
' Use Secondary group just in case you need it, using the prefix '-sg'.
' Use the '-u' prefix to list each user with: password, user name and user
full name.
' All parameters separates by spaces; use quotes to list just a single
parameter, example: "Remote Desktop Users"
' Format: [-add] [-t ticket_number] [-pg Primary_group] [-sg Group1 Group2
Group3..] [-u user password_user name_user full_name] [-u user password_user
name_user full_name]...
' Example 1: -add -t 100-05-11111-001 -pg Administrators -sg "Remote Desktop
Users" Guests "Power Users" -u Pa$w0rd1 userID1 "Full name1" -u Pa$w0rd2 userID2
"Full name2" -u Pa$w0rd3 userID3 "Full name3"...
' Example 2: -add -t 100-05-11111-001 -pg Administrators -u Pa$w0rd1 userID1
"Full name1" -u Pa$w0rd2 userID2 "Full name2" -u Pa$w0rd3 userID3 "Full name3"...
' b) Action -mod:
' List the action with each user using the '-u' parameter, and he desired
parameter to modify separated by spaces. Use quotes to list one single parameter.
' Format: [-mod] [-u userID [disabled [true/false]]] [-u userID [force
[true/false]]] [-u userID [fullName "user full name"]]] [-u userID [description
"100-05-000"]] [-u userID [pass [Pa$$w0rd]] [-u userID [PassNeverExpire
' where:
' Disabled: option to enable or disabled the user.
' force: option to force the password to be changed at first login.
' full name: option to change the user full name.
' description: option to change the user description.
' pass: option to change the user password (it will be forced by
' PassNeverExpire: option to set the user password to never expire.
' You can use either uppercase or lowercase for any parameter.
' Example 1: -mod -u userID disabled true -u userID force false -u userID
fullName "user Full Name" -u userID description "100-05-000-001" -u userID pass Pa$
$w0rd -u userID passneverexpire false

5) to change the groups members:

name: WINDOWS-OS-Group:manager-1349.bat

With this script you can do one of the following 3 options at time:
Use -chk to check for a local group/s members.
Use -add: to add multiple existing users or groups to a single local group.
Use -del: to Remove member/s from a single local group.

-Separate multiple parameters with space.
-Use quotes for names containing spaces - e.g: "Remote Desktop Users"
-For domain users/groups use just the standard - e.g: DOMAIN\user

It is required to use the following parameters:

[-add/-del/-chk ] [local group name] [local/domain user IDs/groups

I.E: -add Administrators test1 test2..

I.E: e.g: -del "Remote Desktop Users" DOMAIN\test1 test2..
I.E: e.g: -chk Administrators "Remote Desktop Users"..

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