Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3


--> repeats the last change

u --> reverses the last change

>G --> increases the indentation from the current

line until the end of the file

a --> enters Insert Mode and appends after the

current cursor position

i --> enters Insert Mode and appends right under

the current cursor position

yy --> yank the whole current line

p --> paste the clipboard after the cursor

P --> paste the clipboard before the cursor

Ctrl+[ --> switch to Normal Mode

R --> switch to Replace Mode

[Insert Mode] Ctrl+o --> switch to Insert Normal Mode

while in Insert Mode

zz --> redraws the screen with current line in the

middle of the window


w --> moves the cursor to the start of next word

(punctuation is considered a word)

W --> moves the cursor to the start of next word

(punctuation is ignored and spaces separate

e --> moves the cursor to the end of next word

(punctuation is considered a word)

E --> moves the cursor to the start of next word

(punctuation is ignored and spaces separate

ge --> moves the cursor to the end of previous word

b --> moves the cursor to the start of previous word

(punctuation is considered a word and start
of current word is considered)

B --> moves the cursor to the start of previous word

(punctuation is ignored and spaces separate

$ --> moves the cursor to the end of the line

^ --> moves the cursor to the first non-blank
character of the beginning of the line

0 --> moves the cursor to the first character

A --> moves the cursor to the end of the line

and enters Insert Mode

I --> moves the cursor to the beginning of the

the line and enters Insert Mode

o --> open blank line below current line and enter

Insert Mode

O --> open blank line above current line and enter

Insert Mode

gg --> moves the cursor to the beginning of the file

G --> moves the cursor to the end of the file


c --> change

d --> delete

y --> yank

gu --> make lowercase

gU --> make uppercase

> --> shift right

< --> shift left

= --> autoindent


C --> deletes the current line and enters Insert


s (cl) --> deletes the character under the cursor and

enters Insert Mode

S (^C) --> deletes the whole current line and enters

Insert Mode

x --> deletes the character under the cursor

r --> replaces the character under the cursor

dd --> deletes the whole current line

db --> deletes from the cursor's starting position
to the beginning of the word

dw --> deletes from the cursor's starting

position to the end of the word

daw --> deletes the entire word under the cursor

cb --> deletes from the cursor's starting position

to the beginning of the word and enters

cw --> deletes from the cursor's starting position

to the end of the word and enters Insert Mode

caw --> deletes the entire word under the cursor and
enters Insert Mode


f{char} --> looks for the next occurence of {char}

; --> goes to the next occurence of {char}

, --> goes to the previous occurence of {char}

/pattern --> scans document for next match of pattern

* --> searches for the word under the cursor

n --> goes to the next match of pattern

N --> goes to the previous match of pattern

:%s/target/replacement/g --> substitues target with


:%s/target/replacement/gc --> substitues target with

replacement with confirm-


Ctrl-a --> performs addition on number

Ctrl-x --> performs subtraction on number

(If cursor isn't placed on a number, it will

automatically jump forward to the next number)

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