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Minggu: 2 Hari: Khamis Tarikh: 14/1/2016

Kelas: Isi Kandungan/ Standard Pembelajaran Impak/ Catatan

8.30-9.30 Focus: Listening and Speaking Teaching and Learning Strategy
60 Minit Theme: World of knowledge - Student Centered
Tahun 1 Topic: Unit 2 : All About Me - Sing A Song
Bahasa Inggeris Content Standard: 4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils - Alphabet song
will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment.
Learning Standard: 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with
guidance based on: Refection
a) nursery rhymes -
Objective: Pupils can sing a song
Teaching Aids: Laptop
 Pupils seat in a circle.
 Teacher play a song of alphabet.
 Pupils see and try to follow the song.
 Teacher guide pupils to sing the song.
 Pupils together sing the song
9.30-10.30 Bidang: Nombor dan Operasi EMK
60 Minit Tajuk: 1.0 Nombor bulat hingga 100 000 -Menyusun atur
Tahun 4 Standard Kandungan: 1.2 Memahami anggaran bagi sesuatu kuantiti. -Bekomunikaso secara matematik
Matematik Standard Pembelajaran: (i) Menganggar bilangan objek dengan -Berpusatkan murid
menyatakan kuantiti yang munasabah berdasarkan set rujukan yang
Objektif: Murid dapat menyebut pola nombor Refleksi
BBB: Bekas air -
 Guru menampal kad nombor dipapan putih.
 Murid cuba membanding beza susunan tersebut
 Panggil murid untuk menyatakan perbezaan antara dua kad.
 Guru menunjukkan bagaimana pola nombor berlaku.
 Berikan latihan kepada murid.

12.50-1.50 Focus: Language Art Teaching and Learning Strategy

60 Minit Theme: World of knowledge - Colour the picture
Tahun 2 Topic: Unit 2: All - Pet
Bahasa Inggeris Content Standard: 4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils - Student centered
will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs, through
Learning Standard: 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants Refection
with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. -
Objective: Pupils can read together
Teaching Aids: Picture
 Teacher give each pupils one picture.
 Pupils colour the picture
 Colour with their creativity
 The picture is pet for tomorrow activity
 Teacher show how to use the pet.

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