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TASK 1 A chronicle Of TimeKeeping , Air Traffic Control In The USA, and Telepathy

1. Depend on
 The successful depends on your self
2. A number of
 A number of students in Aceh did not pass the national exam test.
3. Take advantage
 You should take advantage from this lessons
4. A large number of
 A large number of religions in Indonesia is Islam
5. Air traffic
 The government was in trouble to manage air traffic
6. According to
 According to doctors, we should sleep 8 hours in a day
7. Freezing weather
 Freezing weather always happen in December
8. Took place
 She took place on the back seat
9. Weather condition
 The weather condition in USA is heavy winter
10. Radio communication
 Radio communication is one of communication tools
11. Traffic control
 The police should manage the traffic control in the highway
12. Certain areas
 The police observe in the certain areas.
13. Making up
 She is making up the story
14. Drew up
 They drew up a new innovation
15. Having tried
 Having tried through the experiment but they also didn’t find the result
TASK 2 The Rocket- From East to West, The Risk of Cigarette Smoke, The scientific Method

1. Solve a problem
 We need to solve a problem to find a solution
2. Built up
 NASA built up rockets successfully
3. Medical conditions
 Cigarette is dangerous for our medical conditions
4. Passive smoking
 Passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking
5. Active smoking
 The death of passive smoking is higher than active smoking recent years
6. Heart disease
 Mostly smoker are more risk to get heart disease.
7. High level
 Bill Gates has high level things in his life
8. Daily lives
 You should do physical exercise in your daily lives
9. Heart attacks
 One of deathly disease is heart attack
10. Public places
 We must keep cleanness even in public places
11. Collect data
 The researcher collect data from his experiment
12. Work out
 They try to work out to find the answer
13. Bacterial infection
 Putrefaction is caused by bacterial infection
14. Point of view
 Every people has different point of view for that news
15. Turn out
 Suddenly the hot weather turn out to be rainy
TASK 3 A spark, a flint: how fire leapt to life , zoo conservation programmes, Architecture- Reaching
for the sky

1. Make flame
 In the primitive era, human can make flame
2. Sun rays
 A beautiful sun rays appears In the morning
3. Making fire
 Avoid your children while making fire
4. Speeded up
 Everything can speeded up by high technology
5. Deadly poison
 A murderer kills a victim with deadly poison
6. Handed out
 KFC handed out free coupon in Ramadhan month
7. Work properly
 That machine doesn’t work properly.
8. Endangered animals
 Mostly endangered animals find in the Amazon forest
9. Accurate data
 Based on the accurate data, human more need water than food
10. Put the issue into perspective
 We need to put the issue into perspective
11. Historic building
 Mostly historic buildings found in Indonesia
12. Closed down
 The coffee shop closed down at 10.00 PM
13. Natural behavior
 Every living things has natural behavior
14. International conference
 The president of United States held an international conference in Australia
15. High standard
 Toyota company has new high standard for their new car innovation
TASK 4 Airports on Water, changing our Understanding of health, children’s Thinking,

1. Make up
 Don’t make up a story
2. Bad weather
 Bad weather in july is reported by weather forecast
3. Daily lives
 fibrous food and fruit in your daily lives are recommended by Nutritionists
4. Poor health
 Indonesian children are still in poor health
5. International conference
 International conference held in Indonesia
6. Basic requirements
 Every people should fulfill their basic requirements
7. Addressing Issues
 The president was in trouble in addressing issues such as corruption, social economic,
poverty and many others.
8. Natural resource
 Greed human took all natural resources
9. Medical care
 When you are injured, you need to get medical care
10. major resource
 Major resources for your health are fibrous food, protein, fruit and etc.
11. Clean water
 Indonesia lack of clean water
12. Reach a goal
 You must reach a goal for a better future
13. Biological factors
 Down syndrome is caused by biological factors
14. Environmental conditions
 environmental conditions in the village are more cleaner than in the cities
15. individual behavior
 Individual behavior of children influence their creativity

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