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***The left will always eat itself.

I've said it many times, the useful idiots of

the left are a rag-tag assortment of people who have
nothing in common except for their hatred of White people (this often means self-
hatred). Blacks overwhelmingly disapprove
of gays, gays on the whole don't actually like lesbians and rarely outside the
lgbtqrspov shop will they ever associate, same
goes for lesbians and their feelings about gays. Feminists and trannys, that has
gotten a little attention recently with many
top tier feminists coming out against male to female trannys as actual women.
Muslims don't like any of them, and all of the
lefts ideas are at absolute odds with islam in every way except they see it as a
threat to White people, especially Christians
so they are all for importing masses of people that hate them.

All of the "isms" and "phobias" that are routinely thrown about are a form of
linguistic terrorism designed to silence somebody
and render their arguement invalid. When people learn to reject the labels, they
understand that they are used to silence
debate and attack people because those using them want to stop you hearing another
viewpoint. In short, linguistic terrorism
is the weapon of choice for the intellectually weak and agenda driven traitors.

Mass Immigration benefits big businesses that employ large numbers of immigrants at
low wages thereby maximising their profit.
Their greed knows no limits and the long term safety, stability, wellbeing and
preservation of the nation and its people are not
taken into consideration. These parasites put profit before nation even if they can
see the long term consequences of their
treacherous actions.(** It is funny how the left, who claim to oppose big business,
completely ignore the fact that big business
just like them, supports mass immigration for a particular reason. The Cultural
Marxist left support it for destructive purposes
and it's demographic changing impact. They hope that importing the Third World
into Europe will lead to the conditions being
created for revolution.**) Big business supports it for financial gain at the
expense of their own people, not to mention the
outsourcing of jobs to foreign nations because of the benefits of having to pay
less wages. We have enemies on the left no
doubt, but never underestimate the role played in the current situation in Europe
and the West in general by big business,
bankers and politicians even so-called 'conservatives'.

The normalisation process is in full swing. Diagnose it as a treatable psychiatric

disorder and hope that people will come to
view it sympathetically. They are portraying it in terms of being something they
have no choice in ie that 'they were born that
way,' haven't we heard that one before?

***The true face of progressive tolerant liberals. Silence the opposition, deny
them free speech and expression by extorting
them to conform to the mentally ill standards of degenerates

It is important to note that Communist revolution did occur in Russia in 1917, and
the result of that violent revolution had
resulted in the slaughter of 30+ million people including the Russian Tsar and his
family.Communists did try and create
revolution after WW1 in Germany but it was swiftly repelled by returning German
soldiers from the front lines in the aftermath
of WW1. Communism also briefly had a grip on Hungary during 1918-19 as the
Bolshevik Bela Kun regime took power

With the widespread failure of Communist revolution throughout the rest of Europe,
some Communists sought to understand
why. Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs settled upon one
definitive reason. Western culture and
Christianity were the reasons why the workers had come to reject Communism. Their
�true� Marxist class interests had been
�blinded� by the foundations of Western society. Indeed in 1919, Lukacs asked,
�Who will save us from Western civilisation?�

That same year, when he became Deputy Commissar for Culture in that short-lived
Bolshevik Bela Kun government in
Hungary, one of Lukacs�s first acts was to introduce sex education into Hungary�s
public schools. He knew that if he could
destroy the West�s traditional sexual morals, he would have taken a giant step
toward destroying Western culture itself.

They needed a �new� revolutionary to advance the revolution. Who then, if not the
working class? Herbert Marcuse another
prominent member of the Frankfurt school answered this question In the 1950s, a
coalition of blacks, students, feminist
women and homosexuals would form the basis of the new cultural revolution. Through
their empowerment in society and
through a systematic brainwashing process, they would be the tools through which
the traditional culture of the West could be
subverted and destroyed bringing about the Communist revolution they so desired.

Among Marxists, Gramsci is noted for his theory that cultural hegemony is the means
to class dominance. In his view, a new
�Communist man� had to be created through a changed culture before any political
revolution was possible. This led to a focus
on the efforts of intellectuals in the fields of education and media

***Nationalism is targeted by the enforced implementation of multiculturalism, and

via state created race laws to stifle and shut
down Nationalist opposition. Multiculturalism is also used to dilute the
indigenous ethnic make up of Europe, and to remove
every sense of identity to ones Nation.

Because white countries have been targeted for Demographic Genocide via mass non-
white immigration and state enforced
multiculturalism. Why? Because homogenous white European nations with a racial and
cultural awareness are the biggest
obstacle to the globalist agenda dominated by a certain unmentionable tribe who
view the European as their main enemy.
'Racial Diversity' enforced by law is a Genocidal agenda designed to weaken
formerly homogenous European nations.

***Media and academic brainwashing of the white European, (Jewish form of Paideia
not Greek) has led to mass apathy across
the continent and a nihilistic belief system in which white Europeans have been
moulded to believe that they do not exist as
an ethnic group, have no interests as a group, and that their own identity is a
social construct based on �racism� and
�colonialism,� told that it is something to be �ashamed� of and to feel �guilty�
about. Despite white Europeans being brainwashed
to believe they do not exist as an ethnic group, they are still referred to as
white when Jews and leftists want to accuse us of
having �white privilege� or when they say the �white power structure.� If there is
no such thing as the white race as they like to
say, then surely there can be no �white privilege� and no �white power structure.�
They say they are anti-racist, what they are
is anti-white. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white European.

***The thought process of this entirely Jewish in creation, the ideology is driven
by the enforced totalitarian liberalisation of the
peoples attitudes toward sex, gender and the break up of the family (which itself
causes reliance on the state - Communism),
it is the forging of a path to Full Communism.From Capitalism > SOCIAL REVOLUTION
> Socialism > Communism, is how they
are attempting to break the westTheir pseudo-academic ideology of the destruction
of white western society, is implimented
by collectivist principles being applied to culture, they are socially engineering
the collectivisation of our culture, and of our
identity and ar dishing out a more supposedly 'equal' belief system upon the young
and impressionable.

Like all propaganda, their methods are based not on solid intellectual arguments,
but instead upon emotional
manipulation of the public in an attempt to gain widespread sympathy and approval

when taking control of or destroying a country from within, the key is to attack
and control the mind of the inhabitants you must
shape the way people view life and the values upon which their life is based.
Shape the mind and you control their direction.
Control their direction and you can lead them down a pathway to hell.

The centers of gravity I would shape in orchestrating a country�s downfall from

within are its perception of truth, its
future generations, the political philosophy, its sense of nationalism and of
course, the economy.

***Most people absorb what they know about life from the major media centers these
days. The media paints the picture
for all to see. If that picture is constantly distorted, lies become accepted as
truth, i.e. tell enough lies repeatedly
and soon those lies are accepted as fact. Spin and concoct, distort and influence
using the public platforms such
as television, radio and print and you can influence, sway and control the mind of
the vast majority of its population
in any area you choose. This subversive influence includes pitting one group
against another in order to foment
internal discord as well as ridiculing, discrediting and challenging moral
principles and national values in order to
destroy any hint of a strong spiritual foundation or allegiance to a unique
national culture. This is a much easier
task if many in your target audience have become lazy, ill-educated, ill-informed,
unthinking and apathetic. ********

Incrementally indoctrinate the children with principles that are sympathetic to

your philosophy. Make future
generations weak in mind, body and spirit. Avoid teaching children the basic facts
about their own history,
constitution or rights. Teach them that natural aggression is wrong and docile
submission is right. Teach
them that any basis of a moral foundation, like the principles of religion, is a
weakness to be avoided in the
name of freedom and also redefine the concept of patriotism to support your views.
Teach them to cast off
old values and traditions in the interest and name of sensitivity after all, we
wouldn�t want to offend anyone
with our old fashioned or traditional beliefs now would we

A strong society has at its foundation a unique culture and a common language.
Simply put, it is the culture
and language which ultimately defines and unites a nation. If you can manipulate
these two critical elements
through legislative action and social pressure, you can weaken the foundation of
any country. How? Introduce
and eventually force the acceptance of a multi-cultural concept and refuse to
accept a common tongue as the ********
official language. In short, prevent cultural assimilation and undermine any sense
of nationalism. Encourage
and orchestrate a mosaic society rather than a �melting pot� and you will
eventually mortally wound the national fabric

A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell
nothing to him. Even if I showered
him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures � even
if I take him by force to the Soviet
Union and show him a concentration camp � he will refuse to believe it until he is
going to receive a kick in his fat
bottom. When a military boot crashes his butt, then he will understand, but not
before that. That�s the tragedy of
the situation of demoralization.

Germany, which had seen the decadence of a Jewish dominated culture (Weimar), had
rid itself of the cancerous
cells that had poisoned their society from within. They regained control over
their cultural institutions, their media
, film and publishing houses. The Germans kicked out the Jewish bankers who were
plundering the nation whilst *********
the German people were starving in the aftermath of WW1 and the intentionally
crippling Versailles Treaty. The
Jews had been sussed out, and German nationalism no longer let them dictate and
destroy the German nation

The mentally unstable left will claim that �all people commit crime� and that �it
has nothing to do with race or immigration.�
They are wrong, it has EVERYTHING to do with race and immigration. Yes indigenous
British people commit crimes,
but they are our problem to deal with and we have enough of them without importing
the criminals from the rest
of the world in some suicidal belief in a world with no borders with no races and
cultures. Our men women and
children should NEVER be in a situation where they face robbery, rape, murder or
assault from anybody,
even less a foreign born criminal. It is the worst kind of treachery

The current definition of the words "racism" and "racist", spawned by

leftist/liberal types, associate these words
with hatred, discrimination and supremacy which is not entirely correct.
It is not hatred or supremacy to want to exist among ones own kind.
Its simply natural.

When one can not freely speak their mind or even indulge in some lighthearted non-
PC humour without threat of
prosecution, you are living under a state of Tyranny Political Correctness has got
nothing about teaching etiquette,
understanding, respect, politeness or good manners- it is all about CONTROL.
Controlling every aspect of our daily lives

Recent gene surveys found that even in England, if you can trace your family back
to being here pre-1950, your ****
genetic make up is likely to be an average of 75% post ice age settler. In other
words we are related to the people
who came here first after the last great ice age

the English are a mix of Viking, Anglo-Saxon, �Celt� and Norman. All white
Europeans. The nation of England was not
formed until the Viking and Anglo-Saxon invasions were complete. So the English
cannot be immigrants as you
cannot �immigrate� to a country that does not yet exist. Same for the �British�.
The Acts of Union were not passed
until 1800 and 1801, so again, the British cannot �immigrate� to a country that
does not yet exist. Anybody who had
family here before that cannot be an immigrant.

Explain why it is then that �equality� means we are all the same, but �diversity�
means we are all different. �Equality 1111
and diversity� is an oxymoron. You can have one OR the other. The two cannot exist

The Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Normans were certainly not immigrants. Firstly we
have already established that to be
the case. Their culture and genetic make up was almost identical to the host
population. So much so that they integrated
immediately. Vikings and Anglo-Saxons even spoke the same (dialectically different)
language. Vikings, Anglo Saxons
and Normans were all recently historically related. Vikings were Anglo-Saxons that
migrated north before crossing the
North Sea. Normans were Vikings that then migrated to France before crossing the
channel. Secondly, another reason
they were not immigrants is that they were �invaders� and openly acknowledged
themselves as such. They did not come
in, demand passports and get paid benefits. Immigration is not normal at all.
Thirdly, as already established, Europeans
do not �immigrate� to Europe. Fourthly, immigration is not normal and has never
been accepted as such.

Britain�s biggest cause of inbreeding birth defects is the immigrant population.

Many immigrant communities carry out first
cousin marriages. Island populations such as the UK, Japan and Iceland are classic
examples of how island communities
advance faster than those exposed to greater population movement. Iceland, Japan
and the indigenous Britons before
1950 had the lowest birth defects per head of population in the world. The reason
being that a population that marries
between six and eighteen stations of it�s own immediate family actually produces
less birth defects as it has the most
compatible genes. Another example is the very high rate of birth defects in mixed
race marriages. And it is also interesting 1111
that you are attempting to justify racial policies on the basis of eugenics.
Aren�t you meant to be against eugenics?

Postmodernism is opposed to civilisation and in paticular Western civilisation, and

it is opposed to any truth that society
has accepted as absolute truth. That could be religious or moral truths that
postmodernists disagree with, and seek to
discredit and destroy in the long term (long march through the institutions) in
order to remould thought and
�human consciousness� into anti Nation, anti religious, anti family, anti-gender
and anti identity sentiments

postemodernism:It is closely assosiated with Marxist theory and is a very

complicated term, it branches off into many 2222
directions but ultimately seeks the end of all standards, morals, traditions and
truths that have become foundations
of our civilisation, and what they consider to be a hierarchical domination over
people and society.

Postmodernism sees the world emerging out of modernism ie the modern world, which
gave birth to the rise of Western
civilisation as an economic, cultural and technological power house. They believe
that the pre and modern worlds gave
rise to �oppressive� economic and cultural ideas namely religion, Monarchy,
capitalism and Patriotism. They see Western
civilisation as one of war and suffering and never see it as the civilisation that
brought so much to the world in science,
technology, medicine, discovery, space exploration, art, music, etc. In fact the
list literally is endless. The postmodernist
sees the West as imperialist and speaks only of real or perceived Western wrong
doings that every civilisation has been
guilty of at some point in history, thier focus though is and always has been on
the real or perceived wrong doings of
Western civilisation.

To the postmodernist everything is a social construct, ie not real


Whites they say, and in particular White males are at the forefront of this
�oppression�. The family, with the father as
head of the family is a part of this �oppression�.

Economically, they see capitalism as the rich getting richer and poor getting
poorer, which is true to an extent in the
case of internationalist super capitalism were big corporations and big central
banks get rich off the backs of all of
us. However postmodernism believes that White society and White males are guilty
of this abuse of the average
man and woman, therefore believing that only an end to White societies and cultures
will �solve� this problem. These
are just some of the many postmodernist claims, and they substitute the real
people behind this ie Jewish globalists, 3333
for a supposedly �white elite.�

Postmodernism sees the world through an egalitarianist viewpoint. Everything

should be equal, and through deconstructing
the �old� with the �new� this they believe will come about. This false idea
manifests itself in many ways. The Nation and its
cultural and ethnic identity will be eradicated in favour of a borderless world
where eveybody is the same and �equal�.

what I am opposed to is the ridiculous argument that White Western culture, morals
traditions and standards are to blame.
The postmodernists and the Cultural Marxists are the useful idiots of the
globalist elite. They serve a purpose in
playing a vitol role in the divide and conquer strategy, which is employed to
achieve Jewish hegemony,
globalism/Nwo and a world with no National boundries or cultural identity ie a
global community enslaved
by international finance. They dont see this and believe that they are �righteous�
when in reality they are furthering 4444
the agenda of those who also wish to see the end of Western civilisation and who
also apparently oppose.

The traditional family environment is seen as a social construct by the

postmodernists, they say there is no traditional family
and that the family advances capitalism, again the same rhetoric as communism. The
natural gender roles of the man and
woman in raising a family are ridiculed, and described as old fashioned Christian
enslavement of women and children believing
that children are better raised and educated outside of the family environment.
This is where radical feminism comes into play
and the homosexual agenda.

Race is another area where postmodernism plays the social construct card, they deny
the differences between the races and
scream �racist� at anybody who dares to highlight that fact. Just as they scream
�racist� at anybody who displays an ethnic
and cultural awareness. To the Postmodernist, there is no such thing as diversity
of mankind because in their opinion 4444
�difference is a social construction and we are all the same�.

The important thing to note is that postmodernism is at the root of Cultural

Marxism as is critical theory.

Moral nihilism is the rejection and repudiation of moral distinctions, standards

and values. Racial nihilism is the rejection and
repudiation of all racial distinctions and values. It either denies racial
existence or seeks its annihilation � literally, its reduction
to nothingness or nonexistence.

Both the far left and Islam benefit each other in the West, each views the other as
serving a purpose, ie they both see each
other as a necessary evil to defeat what both see as the �bigger enemy� which is
the West. They essentially become useful
idiots of each other.

�The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks.
Catholicism sucks. We don�t believe in
authoritarianism.� Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture
and, as it penetrates to the very heart of
the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its
subversive character becomes more charged 5555

Islam is not only a religion, it is a brutal political ideology that seeks to

dominate and take over non-Islamic cultures via
many methods commonly known as Jihad.

The anti-Christian sentiments of the left are an outgrowth of Communism which

failed to penetrate the West mainly
due to it�s Christian culture, strong families, and patriotism (love of
fatherland). This failure led to the birth of Cultural
Marxism which is communism applied to culture, basically communism reinvented by
those who recognised that because
of strong Christian beliefs, the West would never capitulate to communism.

Cultural Marxism like its predecessor communism, were Jewish creations. Communism
was born out of the ideas of
Moses Hess who instructed Karl Marx in communist theory. Hess was the philosophical
father of Zionism. Marx, also
Jewish, believed that the ideas of Hess needed to be widely read and so in 1848
the Communist Manifesto was written.
Communism was a Jewish tool of nation destroying which showed it�s true colours
during the Bolshevik revolution in 5555
1917 as tens of millions of Russians were murdered. This Jewish communist takeover
of Russia was financed heavily from
Wall Street by Jewish bankers such as Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg. For more on
this read �Secret Behind Communism�
by David Duke or �Behind Communism� by Frank Britton

The primary assumption of critical pedagogy is that disparities between individual

and social group outcomes in life are due to entrenched societal oppression. So, if
anyone or any group has �more� than another it is because they are either
oppressing others or benefiting from the �oppression of the masses�

The goal of critical pedagogy is social transformation, which is the product of the
practice of social �justice� at the collective level. Social transformation is
accomplished through indoctrination of the young, leading to social transformation
of the larger society as succeeding generations inculcate the �lessons of
awareness� transmitted to them by their �teachers�.

Fascism is an economic system in which a nation�s government plays a central role

in monitoring all banking, trade, production, and labor activity which takes place
within the nation. Such monitoring is done for the sole purpose of safeguarding &
advancing the nation and its people. Under Fascism, the government will not approve
of any business activity unless that business has a positive impact on the nation
as a whole and the people of the nation � this is the axiom which determines
everything within the economic aspect of Fascism.

Fascism is based on free enterprise � but with constraints (the primary constraint
being, �Is the particular economic activity in question good for our nation/people?
�). Also, a businessman can become wealthy in a Fascist country, and the government
has no objection to this (this is in stark contrast to Communism). Fascism also
encourages private ownership of property (again, in stark contrast to Communism
where private property is not allowed).

In a nutshell, Fascism basically tells entrepreneurs, �Go ahead and start a

business, earn a lot of money, be successful, but don�t produce any products or
services which damage our nation and our nation�s people� and make sure you treat
your workers fair and pay them a living wage. If you don�t follow these rules,
we�ll shut you down.�

There is also a cultural/social aspect to Fascism as well. Under Fascism,

government plays a key role in monitoring: film, theatre, art, literature, music,
education, etc in order to maintain a high moral standard, keep things clean and
respectable, promote a strong sense of patriotism and honor, and prevent the
dissemination of depraved filth which corrupts society.

A few other things to mention. Fascism encourages respect for the environment as
Fascists understand that nature is the giver of life and thus must be preserved.
Contrast this environmental philosophy with that of Capitalism which too often
takes the short term view with regard to natural resources and foolishly believes
that pollution is a necessary byproduct of profit. Also, and somewhat related to
environmental issues, Fascism holds very progressive views with regard to animal

Also, under Fascism, if a person doesn�t like things, he/she can leave the country.
Contrast this with Communism where if you don�t like things, you better keep your
mouth shut. And, of course, there is no option to leave the country. You will
submit or else be sent to a re-education camp where you�ll be brainwashed to accept
the Communist system. And if you still resist, you�ll probably be killed. Again,
there is no leaving. Submit or suffer the consequences.

Fascism holds women in very high regard. Women are the carriers of new life. They
are expected to be educated, worldly, and well read. Women are encouraged to pursue
their interests and have a career but only if a career won�t interfere with their
family�s needs; family comes first, always. Women are encouraged to be strong yet
feminine. Consistent with these ideas, Fascist art often portrays women as heroic
and even goddess-like.

Fascism is rooted in the notion that people must stay true to two mental concepts
throughout their lives: 1) the individual�s needs (themselves) and, 2) the group�s
needs (their nation)� always evaluating how their individual actions affect the
group. Thus Fascism rejects the self-centered �me me me� mentality so common under
Capitalism. For example, in a Fascist nation each person is expected to maintain a
healthy diet & lifestyle. For if not, they may become seriously ill and thus
require expensive health care; this would negatively impact the group (i.e., they�d
become a financial burden on the nation).

Fascism all people of one�s ethnicity are considered the greater family of that
person. Hence, a Fascist nation is thought of as one giant family of several
million people. Therefore, just as one mustn�t do anything to hurt their brother or
sister in their immediate family, under Fascism one mustn�t do anything which would
hurt the nation/group (i.e., the greater family). This is the essence of Fascism �
a strong consideration of the group balanced with individualism

the primary goal of Capitalism is profit. On the other hand, the primary goal of
Fascism is the well being of a nation�s citizens and well being of the nation as a

The fasces, or a bundle of wooden rods tied together, with an axe head attached. It
represents strength through unity. When the wooden rods are bound together they are
unbreakable, but when isolated on their own they are easily broken. It has its
origins in ancient Rome and has come to represent national unity. When a nation is
united it is unconquerable, but when it is divided, it is easily fractured and

When you look at your nation today, you see almost total national, cultural and
ethnic disunity and a fractured society. Fascism, opposes all of the negative
elements that fracture the nation, and advocates national protective unity

Rampant individualism has created a weak point that has been seized upon by the
enemies of the nation. Belief in total individualism at the expense of the
collective good of the nation, has allowed us to become occupied from within by
those who recognise the benefit of working as a group. Like the fasces, when a
nation is full of individuals, it is susceptible to takeover, but when the
individuals of the nation come together for the collective good of the nation then
it is much less likely to fall victim to those who seek its downfall.

Deracination ideology is about deconstructing race. It is about nullifying the

effects of belonging and V�lkerhass in order to bring about a unification of all
mankind. It is about teaching it out of people. Deracination ideology is the major
content of Political correctness. Deracination is about making the raceless,
cosmopolitan man. It is also known as anti-racism.

Deracination plays an important part in socialist/communist ideology and

methodology in order to prepare the people worldwide to adopt a world government

Methodology of deracination:

(1) Stigmatizing natural patriotism as �racism�.

(2) Denying race exists.
(3) Denying that there are inherent racial differences.
(4) Denying that racialism exists.
(5) Teaching that to have �racial prejudice� is wrong. Criminalizing such
(6) Classifying racial epithets as �Hate Speech

UKIP is a political party that is supported by civic nationalist types. People who
believe that anybody can be British so long as they embrace our culture and our way
of life. Civic �nationalists� don�t care about race, they care only about culture,
yet they fail to understand that once the race who created the culture dissappears,
then the culture goes with it. Isn�t it pretty obvious that when you replace the
indigenous racial group with other races and cultures, then the culture will change
also. Once white Brits become the minority in Britain, then the culture created
over thousands of years by the ancestors of white Brits, will no longer be the
dominant culture and it will be replaced by the hordes of Africans, Asians and the
standing army of Islamic invaders brought to you courtesy of the Jew.

When will people realise that so called �freedom of speech� does not exist? You can
speak about and criticise anything that does not offend or expose those who really
pull the strings, but as soon as you mention them and a certain so called
�historical event,� then all hell will be unleashed on you. You will lose your job,
be attacked in the media, arrested, sent to prison, physically attacked and could
possibly end up dead.

The Communistic left always preach about equality and egalitarianism, they tells us
what a �perfect world� would and should be like. They believe in a Utopia, a
fantasy, a myth. They believe that we can attain this Utopia, if only we believe
that everybody is equal, and that there are no differences between the races,
between men and women etc. If we abolish borders and become a �unified humanity�
they believe, then we can have this Utopia

On the other hand, the Nationalistic right, say that the world doesn�t quite work
like that. People are not equal, the races are different, men and women are also
different, there are superior cultures, not all cultures are equal and relative.

Nationalists say how the world actually is, Nationalists say that there is no
mythical egalitarian Utopia that can be achieved, because human nature and natural
facts mean that it is nothing more than wishful thinking to suggest that we can all
be considered equal, and live happily ever after in a world in which its population
is believing in and living a lie.
Nationalists acknowledge that true global diversity exists, whilst the left
disregard true global diversity in favour of human uniformity and sameness. This is

The left say �this is how the world should be,� and we, as Nationalists say this is
how the world is, and that it cannot be changed, that we have to embrace the laws
of nature and not try to redefine nature and reality to achieve a non-existent
�perfect world.� The Communistic left can try and �change human nature� to create
the �new communist man,� and they can try to distort natural realities, but nature
will never allow it. Sooner or later nature will restore order, nature will
reintroduce and reinstate the natural order of things.

If you wanted to control the world, what would you promise the people of the world?
Total equality? Fairness? Tolerance? Diversity? Freedom? Acceptance? A share of the
wealth? All nice sounding words and promises that appeal to the hearts and minds of
the people. If you then said that the current system was oppressive, what would
happen? The people would move towards the false promises of the eternal decievers.
Classic divide and conquer using the Hegelian Dialectic ie problem reaction
solution. This divide and conquer strategy is still being used today both
internally (nationally) and externally (globally).

Racial Nationalism is an ideology that advocates love of one�s Race with love of
one�s nation and which advocates the self-determination of all Races. Racial
Nationalism is pro true human diversity as nature created and intended it to be.
Racial Nationalism is the protector of diversity, it is natures ideology

Anti-Racism is psychological warfare against White Europeans as it uses Whites to

work against their own interests, this is done through the Marxist indoctrination
system known as academia which distorts history and biological realities to serve
the overall agenda of destroying White European homogeneity

The Racial Nationalist believes that all National and Racial groups should have
loyalty to their Nation and Race and pursue what is in their best interests as a
Racial and National group. The anti-racist Marxist believes that people should
reject nationhood and Racial identity in favour of a world with no borders and no
Racial identity

The Racial Nationalist advocates large strong families, the anti-racist Marxist
seeks to destroy the family because the family is the strongest foundation of White
Western civilisation

of the term �Melting Pot�, it means the mixing of different races and cultures into
one monolithic group forming the �New World and the New Man�

The promotion of and normalisation of Homosexuality is being used as a weapon to

attack the West and its cultural foundations rooted in morality and the traditional
family. Communism and Cultural Marxism identified the Western family as being an
obstacle to their objectives, it was the protective cocoon that kept the hostile
forces of corruption and subversion at bay. The family was despised as an
institution, it was described as patriarchal, authoritarian, oppressive and they
said that the family was a breeding ground for �racism� and �fascism.� All nonsense
of course, but this is how they attacked the family by labelling it as a
patriarchal authoritarian racist and fascist institution.

national identity is not about how the odd individual thinks and behaves; it is
about how people in the mass � the average do so. A great many people of Afro-
Caribbean origin have been brought up in the same British environment as Mrs.
Perera. Some individuals amongst them have adapted to that environment and taken on
British modes of behaviour but an uncomfortable number have not, as is easily
demonstrable to anyone who cares to observe.

Socialism demands that�all of the economic and social functions of society are
subservient to and controlled by the state. The �state� is said to represent the

Supercapitalism demands that all of the social and economic functions of society
are subservient to and controlled by�. the corporation

Socialism is the poison masquerading as the cure. Socialism creates a state

monopoly dependant on people but funding the rich elite. The rich elite pretend
they have the best interests of the people at heart. They never do. As the people
begin to realise this the rich socialist elite have to become ever more oppressive
in order to maintain power.

�Diversity� benefits immigrants, it benefits politicians, it benefits Jews, it

benefits big business, it benefits bankers, it benefits the regressive destructive
left but it DOES NOT benefit Europeans in any way whatsoever. �Diversity� is our
biggest weakness and the biggest source of social, racial and cultural conflict
that there is. It is not in our interests and was never meant to be, it is designed
to purposefully work against our interests for the benefit of the unmentionable

In this engineered multiracial multifaith and multicultural society, it is ok for

Muslims to identify as Muslims and advocate their interests. It is ok for blacks to
identify as blacks and advocate their interests as blacks. It is ok for Jews to
identify as Jews and advocate their interests as Jews. But it is deemed
unacceptable for whites to identify as whites and advocate our interests as whites.

Psychological warfare, also called psywar, the use of propaganda against an enemy,
supported by such military, economic, or political measures as may be required.
Such propaganda is generally intended to demoralize the enemy, to break his will to
fight or resist, and sometimes to render him favourably disposed to one�s position.
Propaganda is also used to strengthen the resolve of allies or resistance fighters.
The twisting of personality and the manipulation of beliefs in prisoners of war by
brainwashing and related techniques can also be regarded as a form of psychological

The first and most important phase in the Left�s plan is to promote diversity
through mass immigration and multiculturalism in the West. But in seeking to bring
about this reality the Left cannot but confront ideological enemies and friends.
Therefore, the enemy the Left has in mind when it engages in psywar is purely
ideological, and since the central value of the Left is diversity, and diversity is
accomplished by bringing non-White out-groups inside White areas, then non-Whites
are in essence notenemies of the Left. Whites who agree with the ideology of
diversity, the very Whites who make up the Left and its pro-diversity ideology, are
not enemies either. But Whites as such, in essence, are ideological enemies of the
Left, since their existence violates the principle of diversity. The most hated
ideological enemies of the Left are Whites who self-consciously organize as in-
groups to protect their identity against diversity.

Using the definition above, we can say that the psywar of the Left consists in
using propaganda, the ideology of diversity, to demoralize the enemy, Whites as
such, �to break his will to fight or resist.� It also consists in using diversity
to strengthen the resolve of out-groups in their diversification of White areas,
and the resolve of ideological Whites who believe in diversity.

The Left is engaged in warfare in the sense that it aims to bring about a total end
to its perceived enemies, and this warfare ispsychological in that it involves the
use of propaganda to alter the minds and hearts of Whites as such. Propaganda is �a
form of biased communication, aimed at promoting or demoting certain views,
perceptions or agendas.� The Left knows that it is engaged in propaganda, biased
communication; it knows that most refugees are not children, but male adults. It
knows that Western nations are not �immigrant nations.� It knows that immigration
does not enrich European identity, and it knows that there is much evidence already
accumulated, facts and arguments, challenging its beliefs, yet it wilfully ignores
or sidesteps the counter-arguments, and presses with its propaganda.

They know how to destroy the morale of any White who shows in-group preference
through accusations of racism and charges that they are exhibiting neo-Nazi
attitudes. They know that Whites believe in equality and that it works to talk
endlessly about discrimination and global inequality. The Left consciously
�targets� the value system and emotions of Whites to bring about its political ends

The Left knows that non-Western cultures arefar more collectivist and in-group
oriented in their racial and tribal attachments, whereas Westerners are
individualistic and more tolerant of outsiders, and this is why they wilfully
target the individualist value system of Europeans with accusations of racism so as
to demoralize them and allow their countries to be taken over by collectivist
cultures, which the Left celebrates as harbingers of multiculturalism

If human beings didn�t discriminate then it could very well lead to death or severe
injury. It is only natural that young white children would perceive blacks as being
more of a threat. They learn to identify potential danger not because of the lefts
definition of racism, but because in the real world blacks commit more crime a fact
which is born out of the statistics and reality of living in the real world and not
the mythical non-existent utopia the left want you to believe in

Capitalism, creating economic wage slaves who fund the destruction of their race
and nation via their taxes propping up a hostile system dedicated to their
downfall. Capitalism, creating consumer zombies obsessed with material possesions
and selfish individualism who are unconcerned about what is happening to their
people and country. Capitalism, creating a society in which the greedy pursuit of
riches consumes all, leading to a society with no common cause and which views
money and possesions as the be all and end all.

When you look at 'diversity' logically then you realise that it is not something
that has been brought about naturally. It is something that has been implanted into
our nations by a hostile elite who see it as being beneficial to their agenda. The
entire narrative surrounding multiculturalism and diversity is one built on lies.
They are strategies of long term destruction and are not in our long term interests

Through the 'sexual liberation' of women, homosexuals and society in general they
hoped to create a 'sexual revolution' (sexual anarchy) to undermine and destroy the
traditional family which they viewed as an essential institution to be
deconstructed. The family to them was a micro fascist institution that instilled
'racist and anti-semitic' ideas into children. The family with the father at the
head of the family was also described as being authoritarian and responsibile for
sexual repression. Women were told that the home was their prison and that raising
children was a life sentence. Feminism along with 'sexual liberation' became the
battering rams used against Western civilisation and the family foundation that
perpetuated it. Look at society today and you can see what their subversive agenda
has caused.

Violence only emboldens our enemies and elevates their deceit to the moral high
ground where they present truth and freedom of speech as being hate speech.
Forcing different groups together will never work, it will always be a source of
conflict and tension because it is an unnatural state of the human condition. We
are a tribal species as mother nature created us, you cannot change what is
(reality) with what you would like it to be (utopia).

In Communist Russia political dissidents were diagnosed as being mentally unwell

and put into mental institutions. This was not because they were sick, but because
they did not conform to the agenda of the Communist state.

For anybody unfamiliar with what Marcusian Repressive Tolerance is, it is a

strategy employed by the left to silence all opposing viewpoints that diverge from
their own. Basically it is a tactic of using extreme intolerance against what they
deem to be intolerant. All views that come from the left are worthy of being heard
and considered, and any views that come from the right, or more accurately from
Nationalists, are to be silenced by any means necessary. This is what is happening
when the so called 'anti-fascists' attack Nationalists exercising their right to
freedom of speech. All violence that occurs at political rallies is a direct result
of this Marcusian Repressive Tolerance and as usual Nationalists are blamed by the
media for simply defending themselves or for having to fight to have their voices

The working class are red diaper babies.

They've been indoctrinated from birth by their parents and by the union movement.
They've been trained well to have a less than infantile understanding of even basic
They've been trained to hate wealthy people and believe wealthy people don't work
hard for a living.
They have little to no ability for critical thinking and they blindly accept
anything the unions, or their red diaper parents tell them.
They have no idead their left wing masters are rich people telling them the reason
they're poor is because of other rich people.
When you try to explian any of this to them, their cognitive dissonance kicks in
and their eyes just glaze over with cerebral shutdown.
And many of them will get angry when any of this is pointed out to them.
Karl Marx would love the useful idiots that they are.

Race is never considered to be a motivating factor when whites are the victims
because it doesn't fit the narrative.

The nuclear family was identified by the radical left as being one of the most
crucial foundations of Western Civilisation to be deconstructed. The family was
seen as being a prerequisite of bourgeois capitalism and of Christianity and the
culture that came about as a result. This Gramscian interpretation of Cultural
Hegemony is what they sought to undermine and destroy so that revolutionary
sentiments would grow out of it. The dominant culture was seen as a barrier to the
revolution, the family was seen as a major part of that dominant culture and
therefore it was to be targeted, and it has been. You only have to look at the
collapse of the family today and the promotion of alternative family setups to see
the strategy that was employed.

Isn't it strange how 'black lives matter' when a white police officer has taken a
black life whether justifiably or not, but black lives don't seem to matter when
they are killing each other in huge numbers. The BLM gravy train is nowhere to be
seen when it is blacks killing blacks. They are a radical anti white organisation
funded by George Soros with the intention to demonise white people at any given
opportunity. If they were really concerned about black lives they would be
protesting about the staggering levels of black on black crime and if they really
cared about all lives as they claim, then they would highlight the shocking levels
of black on white crime
Their politics are not the politics of freedom, they are the politics of
intolerance. You are not free to disagree with them as far as they are concerned,
they will try and silence you if you diverge from their idea of political freedom.
If you have a different opinion then the politics of freedom they claim to want and
support is soon replaced by the politics of Marcusian Repressive Tolerance.
Essentially you are only entitled to political freedom so long as they find your
political ideas acceptable to them.

Their 'religion of love' is straight out of the 60s countercultural movement, the
insane idea that love conquers all. It is utopian nonsense which does not take
human nature into consideration. Their phoney rhetoric is anti-human because it
denies the reality of human history. In nature there is no 'love' between species.
Does the Lion love its prey? Their idea of 'love' is really a euphemism for hate.
They hate Christianity, they hate white Europeans, they hate our cultural heritage
and they hate our traditions.

As the father sacrifices all for his family, so too must the king be expected to
sacrifice his life--his personal ambitions, desires, and even love--for the good of
the families which comprise his kingdom.

Patriarchy reflects historical monarchy, in that it is ultimately a bottom-up power

structure. The children and the wife make the Patriarch what he is, just as the
families, communities and the faith make a king whom he is. The father leads the
family as the king leads his kingdom, but leading (as any father knows) enacts
painful demands.

Liberal democracy is failing because the modern state is attempting to lead from
the top-down, and steal and control literally everything.

In-so-doing it has used secularisation to destroy faith, suburbanisation and social

engineering to destroy communities, feminism to disempower fathers, and feminism +
welfare to fragment families.

The atomised individuals left alive in this moral wasteland are kept engaged and
neutralised by a staggering array of useless materialistic distractions, and thus
all end up depending hopelessly (one way or another) on the unseen, all-knowing

A king realises that there is only so much he may control within his realm. He
trusts in his folk, and they trust in him.

How sickening is it to hear of politicians and their useful idiots saying that "we
must ensure cohesion and unity in the face of terrorism" when it is they who have
sewn the seeds of racial, cultural, religious and social tensions with their
insistence on multiculturalism. It is they who have created division, it is they
who have allowed terrorism to flourish, it is they who have destabilised European
nations and it is they who are responsible for the rising death count on European
streets. The political class, the Cultural Marxist left and the naive apathetic
masses have blood on their hands. Their pursuit of a non-existent utopia and their
hatred of Western Civilisation and the white European people is directly
responsible for the unsafe Europe we have today. Every single European man and
woman has a responsibility to the future generations of European children.
Collectively as Europeans we have failed them thus far, but we can put a stop to
this madness now. We have to stop voting in these traitors and whores of
international finance. You know who has been telling the truth and who has warned
what was coming for years. You know who has been demonised as racists for telling
the now obvious truth and you should now know why those people were called racists.
Postmodernism is opposed to civilisation and in particular Western civilisation,
and it is opposed to any truth that society has accepted as absolute truth. That
could be religious or moral truths that postmodernists disagree with, and seek to
discredit and destroy in the long term (long march through the institutions) in
order to remould thought and �human consciousness� into anti Nation, anti
religious, anti family, anti-gender and anti identity sentiments. This we can see

It is closely associated with Marxist theory and is a very complicated term, it

branches off into many directions but ultimately seeks the end of all standards,
morals, traditions and truths that have become foundations of our civilisation, and
what they consider to be a hierarchical domination over people and society

The reason the left repeatedly use this term in a negative manner is to keep people
away from ideas that they know will resonate with a lot of people. They also see
Fascism as being the cause of anti-semitism, they see the family as being a micro
Fascist institution hence their desire to deconstruct and destroy the nuclear

The ?#?BlackLivesMatter? 'movement' exercises Repressive Tolerance - which is a

left wing totalitarian, authoritarian and Machiavellian dogmatic doctrine that has
only one aim, the enslavement of peoples minds to a pseudo-intellectual political
philosophy that is the pathway to economic, legislative and cultural Communism

academics in general are intellectuals, and hence susceptible to ideologies.�

People seem to feel the need to believe in something, and when intellectuals
abandon traditional religion, as most have done, they tend to seek substitutes

This is what the Left is doing: it is promoting diversity by employing techniques

of persuasion which target the value system of their own people, their moral
sensibilities, in order to get them to accept their own ethnic displacement and
celebrate the cultures of others.

Psychological warfare, also called psywar, the use of propaganda against an enemy,
supported by such military, economic, or political measures as may be required.
Such propaganda is generally intended to demoralize the enemy, to break his will to
fight or resist, and sometimes to render him favourably disposed to one�s position.
Propaganda is also used to strengthen the resolve of allies or resistance fighters.
The twisting of personality and the manipulation of beliefs in prisoners of war by
brainwashing and related techniques can also be regarded as a form of psychological

The first and most important phase in the Left�s plan is to promote diversity
through mass immigration and multiculturalism in the West. But in seeking to bring
about this reality the Left cannot but confront ideological enemies and friends.
Therefore, the enemy the Left has in mind when it engages in psywar is purely
ideological, and since the central value of the Left is diversity, and diversity is
accomplished by bringing non-White out-groups inside White areas, then non-Whites
are in essence notenemies of the Left.

The most hated ideological enemies of the Left are Whites who self-consciously
organize as in-groups to protect their identity against diversity.

we can say that the psywar of the Left consists in using propaganda, the ideology
of diversity, to demoralize the enemy, Whites as such, �to break his will to fight
or resist.� It also consists in using diversity to strengthen the resolve of out-
groups in their diversification of White areas, and the resolve of ideological
Whites who believe in diversity.

Propaganda is �a form of biased communication, aimed at promoting or demoting

certain views, perceptions or agendas.� The Left knows that it is engaged in
propaganda, biased communication; it knows that most refugees are not children, but
male adults. It knows that Western nations are not �immigrant nations.� It knows
that immigration does not enrich European identity, and it knows that there is much
evidence already accumulated, facts and arguments, challenging its beliefs, yet it
wilfully ignores or sidesteps the counter-arguments, and presses with its

It is psychological warfare, a conscious manipulation of images and ideals, biased

propaganda by a Left that knows they are using deceptive arguments and facts. When
Leftists say that �more than half of the global wealth� is owned by the 1 percent
residing mainly in the West, they know they are misleading students into thinking
that this �global wealth� is somehow a communal pot that belongs to everyone in the
world even though Western nations create their own wealth through innovations and
efficient institutions. The Left knows, or should know, that non-European nations
are �happily racist,� sexist, and that diversity increases ethnic nepotism.

The foremost adversary of the Left is European in-group identity, and this is why
the Left has been teaching for decades to impressionable children and young
students that emotional attachments to in-groups are not only backward and
illiberal, but �a personality disorder, a public health pathogen.�Yet the same Left
welcomes the far more collectivist and racist cultures of immigrantsand passes laws
protecting this collectivist heritage. They know this is a flagrant double

No other conclusion can be reached but that the Left is wilfully carrying out a
form of psychological warfare based on deception, manipulation, and false
accusations, with the intention of destroying European identity, while pretending
to be the representatives of the highest ideals of Western civilization.

Left-wing people like to help other people by being offended on their behalf. This
means that the other people can carry on with their lives and the left-wing people
do all the work. This isn�t really fair, but the left-wing people seem to carry on
doing it, so they must enjoy it. Despite all this effort left-wing people are still
very sad.

Left-wing people care so much, it makes them hate people who don�t show that they
care. These people are right-wing people. Left-wing people have given them a name,
it is �Tory scum�. Left-wing people like to shout at the right-wing people and tell
them that they are scum, even when they aren�t listening.

Nationalists don�t seek to divide, we seek to consolidate and protect what is ours
and what our children will one day inherit. It is a constant theme of the Cultural
Marxist argument that Nationalism seeks to divide the working class along racial
lines, when the truth is that it is the left who have always employed the tactics
of creating division to achieve their aims. It is the globalist elite in banking,
media and politics who have brought masses of non-whites into our nations to divide
the white working class to ultimately destroy them. This the Cultural Marxist
Communsitic left completely support.

If we wanted to explain it in simple terms, Communism/Cultural Marxism use conflict

between groups to achieve a predetermined outcome, whereas Nationalism unifies the
people racially and culturally to protect the nation and to ensure the safety and
prosperity of the nation and its people.
Communism/Cultural Marxism is about corrosion and destruction, Nationalism is about
protection and preservation.

the mainstream media relentlessly focuses on a handful of police shootings of

blacks and ignores police shootings of whites, as well as the crime that brings
officers into disproportionate contact with black suspects

If race were a social construct, then there can be no oppressed non-whites and no
white oppressors, there can be no oppressed minorites. If they were true to the
false message that they are trying to push, then they would call it a human power
structure, or a human elite, or even oppressed human minority, after all we are
�one race the human race� or so they say.

if a racial elite were working solely for the benefit of their own racial group,
then why would they open up the borders and create conditions of life that harmed
that racial group? If whites had some sort of privilege as a result of this elite,
then why are so many whites living in poverty, why are they the victims of anti-
white violence, brainwashing and the only racial group �guilty� of historical wrong

Mass Immigration puts a strain on public services, it can�t be anymore of an

obvious statement of fact although those delusional characters on the Cultural
Marxist left would still try and deny it and label the self-evident truth as hate

What took our ancestors thousands of years to create and to nurture is being given
away cheaply by a population consumed by rampant individualism and materialism as
their nation is being taken over. Only when it impacts them on a personal level
will they react

Do you ever think about what you say, or do you just repeat slogans. You have just
said we are all the same. Then you tell me to �celebrate diversity�, which cannot
exist if we are all the same. So you admit there is such a thing as diversity,
which means we are all different?�

Isn't it amazing that a man who has promised to bring back American jobs, stop
crime, secure the borders, try and prevent terrorism, end financial corruption, end
political corruption, end foreign nations meddling in American politics receives so
much hostility. Those hostile to him and who claim to want progress, support open
borders, financial corruption, political corruption, crime, lost jobs, terrorism
and demographic Genocide. However they and their failed agenda is of yesterday

The left are tools of Globalism and always have been. They are useful idiots and
many of those who march on the streets do not even realise the extent of mental
grooming that has taken place for them to be there. They view themselves as being
revolutionary, as wanting change, however they prop up the failed system by
supporting the very same culture destroying agenda of the Globalist establishment.
The organised left know this well, they know that the white majority has been
manipulated into facilitating their own destruction with lies about equality,
diversity and multiculturalism. The left view whites as being a means to an end, a
disposable people to be discarded after their use has run its course. The ultimate
aim of the left is to replace the white working class with the third-world in whom
they see a �revolutionary potential.�

When they can't argue against a message, and when they feel powerless to stop the
growing awareness of that message, the only option left for them is to censor and
to silence that message. This is the crux of the entire Cultural Marxist strategy
which is Marcusian Repressive Tolerance. They don't want alternative viewpoints to
have a platform because they know that they cannot win intellectually against them.
Rather than debate or allow the public to consider an alternative message they do
everything within their power to shut down the message. They will not tolerate
differing opinions because those differing opinions are a threat to their hegemonic
mind control over the masses. If they were so confident in their own worldview and
its infallibility, then surely they would allow the public to consider all
arguments for themselves.

Political Correctness, which in essence is Cultural Marxism, has its roots in

Communism. It first showed its true colours in Judeo-Bolshevik Russia and spread to
Maoist China. The concept of Political Correctness was and is to be correct in ones
thinking, or to put it another way, to be a conformist to the doctrine of the
ruling elite. Better to not speak your mind or articulate your opinions than end up
face down in a blood filled ditch, that was how Communism maintained its brutal
control. To be silent about ones own opinions and to say what was expected of you
was to be politically correct, to do otherwise was to be politically incorrect.

In the contemporary world, Political Correctness manifests itself in a different

way but is cut from the same Communist cloth. In place of the bullet comes the
prison sentence, in place of the Gulag comes social ostracism, in place of torture
comes the social media ban. Non-conformist ideas are not to be tolerated and will
result in the curtailing of freedom of speech just as they did in the Communist
hellholes of the past.

What you see on social media today in the form of banning people and groups with
alternative viewpoints, is the new digital Communism, it allows no opposition and
will eradicate all who challenge the prevailing narrative. It is the same strategy
employed by the state sponsored useful idiots of the left when they violently try
and shut down opposition on the streets. It is extreme intolerance that once led to
mass slaughter under the hammer and sickle.

Multiculturalism allows for the creation of naturally segregated communities who

differ racially, culturally and religiously and these differences are
irreconcilable because that is just how nature works. Different communities who
live in close proximity develop grievances that result in tension and animosity and
this is a consequence of ignoring nature by trying to force different groups
together. This tension arises out of distrust, different values, traditions,
cultural norms and a different morality. This happens only in societies that are no
longer homogenous.

Multiculturalism is literally a Weapon of Mass Destruction that will bring nothing

but conflict and suffering. That is true for Europeans, just as it is true for non-
Europeans. It is an unnatural way to construct society and as usual it will be the
innocent who will, and who are suffering.

When armed police and the military patrol the streets of Europe at Christmas to
protect landmarks and people from terrorism, then you know that something is
seriously wrong.

�At its root, populism is a belief in the power of regular people, and in their
right to have control over their government rather than a small group of political
insiders or a wealthy elite. The word populism comes from the Latin word for
�people,� populus.�

Populism is the rise of the controlled masses against their corrupt leaders. It is
anti-establishment and speaks truth to power. Nationalist Populism is anti agenda
driven pseudo-academia that attacks our race nation and culture incessantly through
our educational institutions. Nationalist Populism is anti Cultural Marxism (anti
Political Correctness) and stands up for the native people of the nation that are
being targeted for demographic replacement via mass immigration under the false
banner of �diversity.�

The truth is not hatred, but the truth. In an age when chivalry was the norm, when
behemoth castles dotted beautiful countrysides brimming with bountiful harvest,
nothing was more sacred than honor, nothing more priceless than to be counted among
the Godly. Today, we have lost our very souls. Today we are shadows of the men we
once were.

Am I called a hater for loving my family more than the family of another? If I
prefer my wife over another, does this mean I hate all other women? And yet this is
the logic our enemies often use when they accuse us of hatred for loving or
preferring our racial family more than another

Feminism is an ideology of hate, it is not about �women�s rights� it is about

irrational hatred of men. Those who push Feminism do so to drive a wedge between
the ancient and natural bond between the male and female which is complementary,
mutually beneficial, and crucial to the long-term survival and continuity of the
group. Feminism is one the tentacles of Cultural Marxism used to destroy the family
unit by creating that animosity between the sexes, the end goal being the
undermining and destruction of one of the major foundations of Western
Civilisation. Feminism leads to a breakup of families, it leads to a reduced
birthrate, it leads to women rebelling against their natural role in life, it also
leads young generations of women to mistakenly believe that men are their enemy.
Feminism tells women that the daily grind of the workplace is somehow liberation
from the home environment in which they are told that were slaves to men. If they
believe that to be true, then they have simply swapped one form of �slavery� for
another, only this time the establishment benefits from their taxes as their
children and families suffer. Liberation for Feminists is to be a tax slave to

The Left as an Inversion of the Right � The worldview of the Right is the default
one. The Left comes into being reactively by way of a complete inversion of
everything the Right stands for. If the Right is the Sun, then the Left is the
Shadow � the Left is a pure negation of the Right (psychologically reactive.) And
the world is in a constant struggle between these two poles.

The Left originates in a psychological neurotic complex, which inverts every one of
the Right�s core aspects and ideals, and pushes for them under the language of
various pseudo-ideals: �equality�, �freedom�, �progress

socialism is still essentially individualism; it is the banding together of

individual egos for mutual benefit.

the Right�s preference is for hierarchy � not mere inequality

The Right is defined by its 5 principles:Hierarchy, spirituality, organic unity,

particularism, and a cyclical conception of history.

The Left defines itself by 5 antithetical principles:Equality, materialism,

individualism, universalism, and a linear conception of history (�progress.�

with spirituality; we come from consciousness, into matter, and then back to
consciousness. And in materialism; we come from matter, into consciousness, and
will descend back into matter.

Organic Unity: the social order conceived of as a unified whole � comparable to a

living organism; with internal structural/functional differentiation. All the
organs/parts acting harmoniously and for the greater good of the whole. In
possession of an internal hierarchy, and with each part playing its role according
to its intrinsic nature and abilities

Individualism can be boiled down to the following: that as long as they are not
actively harming anybody else, the individual should be able to do whatever they

As life becomes easier, adaptation renders men weaker. The preferences of a type of
person are reflected in their value-system. Hence the value-system of a weak age
will reflect weakness.

egalitarianism is in reality the product of resentment, fear, and aversion. It�s a

psychological reaction to ones social circumstance. It is therefore necessarily
hostile to the present; and is necessarily actualised in an ideal vision of the
future � where these things are overcome, and freedom/equality is attained. This is
why the visuo-spatial orientation of the Left is forwards-backwards. The Left
doesn�t believe in degeneracy, because they don�t believe in an objective standard
of quality which things can be judged negatively against, coupled with their
perception of the natural tendency of the world as �forwards.� (i.e. improvement.)

Propaganda is �a form of biased communication, aimed at promoting or demoting

certain views, perceptions or agendas

The Left knows that it is engaged in propaganda, biased communication; it knows

that most refugees are not children, but male adults. It knows that Western nations
are not �immigrant nations.� It knows that immigration does not enrich European
identity, and it knows that there is much evidence already accumulated, facts and
arguments, challenging its beliefs, yet it wilfully ignores or sidesteps the
counter-arguments, and presses with its propaganda.

At Frankfurt University worked a group of Jewish Marxist sociologists, who designed

this new ideology for The New Left.

Marxists from the Frankfurt school created a devastating ideology, the goal of
their ideology is to:

Create a psychological and cultural terror against Western white society using
psychoanalysis, manipulation.Until they exterminate all patriotism, pride, European
Christian cultural and traditional model of a family.

In practice, their ideology expresses itself like this:

He who shows a national pride tramples an oppressed minority. And thus he is a

�Nazi� extremist.

He who supports the traditional model of a family oppresses a homosexual minority.

And thus he is a homophobic fascist.

Immigrants have the �RIGHT� to come to European countries. He who refuses

multiculturalism oppresses an immigrants human rights. And thus he is a xenophobic

He who has different ideas from New Leftism must be disqualified from public life.

Another Marxist philosopher called upon The New Left to:

�Long march through the institutions.� Antonio Gramsci

Meaning, to grab power slowly, democratically, to left leftists slowly occupy the
education system, film industry, media, politics, to spread their ideology and
overrule Europe using their propaganda, their law, quotas and restrictions.

It was the beginning of:

� Political correctness.
� Positive discrimination (Affirmative action) of minorities.
� Modern anti-fascism.
� Anti-racism.
� Multiculturalism.
� Human rights movements.
� Radical feminism.
� Homosexual rights movements.
� For drug legalisation.

Progressivism (A.K.A. Cultural Marxism) is a leftist thought process implemented

into society via media, academia, politics and entertainment. It desires a world
with no traditional families, no religion, no pride, and no identity. It promotes
degeneracy, immorality, ugliness, miscegenation, false history and self loathing.
Progressivism is societal rot, it eats away at the foundations of a civilisation
until it falls in on itself. What is left is the decayed remnants of a once great
civilisation, the one time envy of the world and eternal enemy of the progressives.

Progressivism is a false term when applied to what progressives say advances

society, this is intentional. For them to deconstruct and destroy Western
Civilisation they needed to give it a positive term, and �progress� is that term.
When somebody thinks of the word progress, they think of a positive rather than a
negative and this is capitalised on by the progressives.

Another way in which the naive compliance of the masses is created and maintained
is through the promotion of materialism. If enough goodies are available for the
masses and enough mind numbing entertainment on offer then the public tend not to
question anything. The old adage that says as long as they have their family
holiday every year, enough money for their new gadgets and their sports and reality
tv, then the sheeple are happy in their ignorance. This keeps them comfortable, and
whilst they are comfortable they won�t rock the boat and won�t risk upsetting the
apple cart even though they know that things are not right in their society and

Wherever Communistic ideas threaten a nation, Nationalism rises in opposition to it

and in defence of the nation
With this re-emergence of Nationalism, the enemies of the West have once again
shown themselves. The media, politicians and the feral antifa types have shown
beyond any doubt what they are about. They have shown that in their version of the
future, whites are to be marginalised, shouted down and violently attacked if we
dare stand up for our own interests. Like we have said before, identity politics
are politics designed to destroy white identity and that whites are now engaging in
our own brand of identity politics has driven our enemies mad. Identity politics
are for everyone else BUT whites.
Nationalism is natures way of providing a safe home for the group, to protect the
group, preserve the group and guard the interests of the group. Communism and it�s
offshoots are all about endangering this through false ideas that weaken the
cohesiveness of the group thereby making the group susceptible to an ideology like
Nationalism is the default position for any closely related group of people
desiring to protect their interests and preserve their common identity. Communism
and all other closely related ideologies are totally against any recognition of
group interests outside of the class war narrative that they espouse. They are
against the Nation state and seek to eradicate all borders and nations in what they
say would be a classless and stateless society
Nationalism seeks the eradication of class distinctions through a sense of national
unity, a collective spirit, mutual respect and common goals. Once the working class
of a nation realise this they naturally gravitate towards Nationalism and that�s
why the militant and violent left engage in Repressive Tolerance to silence the
message they know destroys their ideological deceptions.
With the advent of Cultural Marxism in the West, the violent nature of Communism
was replaced with the strategy of no platform, slander and labelling. This was how
they would render impotent those who dared to stand against them. This is how they
now muted the intelligentsia, through alienation, stigmatising and labelling.
Whereas once they were silenced by a bullet, now they are silenced through
character assassination.
Violence is the domain of those who have no argument

Cultural Marxism manifests itself in many ways, but one of the key strategical
objectives of the Frankfurt School subversives, was to remove the father as the
disciplinarian, the provider, and as head of the family. They did this by
portraying him as an irrational authoritarian personality which they linked to the
rise of Fascism. The family was portrayed as being a micro-fascist institution and
the father as the authoritarian leader. The working class acceptance of Fascism and
National Socialism therefore, was due to the obedience to authority that was
instilled in the nuclear family environment which became obedience to authoritarian
figures in general.

Deconstructing the family with the intention of bringing down the West, could only
be achieved by alienating the father and taking him out of the home. The nuclear
family is what provided continuity for our people and culture and without that, it
is no coincidence that our birthrate is in rapid decline and society lacks purpose
and discipline.

Tolerance of different ideas and beliefs, has now become tolerance of different
racial and cultural groups being forced onto your country through intentional
government policy. It means tolerance of cultural practices that are totally alien
to our own and which are seen as unacceptable going by our own cultural standards.
It means tolerance of hostile groups who mean to cause the public harm, it means
tolerance of unnatural sexual behaviour and tolerance of anything that the Cultural
Marxist left and the globalist elite tell you that you MUST tolerate. Tolerance
now, is tolerating your own demographic genocide and cultural atrophy because if
you don�t, then you are a �racist� and a �Nazi.�What they consider as being
unnacceptable, they will always try and shut down through violence and
intimidation, which is now a hallmark of the left. Tolerance therefore, is not
really tolerance at all. It is a one-way street in which those people who think
differently are demonised and ostracised from society all for daring to disagree
with what the establishment is doing to Western nationsMany on the left would no
doubt consider themselves to be supporters of animal rights, or may even be animal
rights activists, yet when it comes to an issue like Halal/Kosher slaughter and the
cruelty involved, they suddenly go mute because they don�t want to be seen to be
opposing the �cultural practices� and �religious beliefs� of �oppressed minority
groups.� Much like the feminist hypocrisy in relation to the treatment of women
under Islam, leftists have nothing to say about animal cruelty because it would
contradict their own pro-multiculturalism narrative and their demand for
�tolerance.�To use an analogy, it is akin to poisoning a medical patient with drugs
you convince him are for his own good to make him better, but which are actually
causing him to get worse, and which will eventually lead to his death. He fully
believed that those administering him the medication were trying to help him, but
little did he know they were slowly killing him. This is what is happening in the
West today.Those who preach about tolerance, only tolerate thought and speech that
conforms to their own deleterious worldview,Tolerance therefore, is not really
tolerance at all, but a means with which to engender meek submission to the
dogmatic principles of the Globalist establishment which are designed to destroy

Cultural Marxism is just a different way to achieve Communist goals due to the fact
that the working class of the West rejected Communism and fought against it.
Cultural Marxism therefore is essentially subvervise warfare being waged against
the West through demographics, psychology and moral degradation.

Cultural Marxism is a negative and demoralising force used to break down the
defences of Western Civilisation. It is used to attack our moral defences, our
sense of identity, our history and our morale as a people. Those who push it do so
because their aim is to sever us from our ancestral roots and to undermine our
collective spirit and consiousness as a people. They want to seperate us from each
other as a group so that we are more easily destroyed. The people of Europe have
been coerced into seeing their interests not as a group, but as individuals
obsessed by materialism whereas non-European groups and other so-called minority
(grievance) groups are encouraged to pursue their interests as groups. Muslims,
blacks, Jews, homosexuals, feminists and any other group that can be used against
the West are defined by their identity and their specific gripe against the West is
seized upon as a tool of deconstruction by those who empower them.

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