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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

25, 2001, 37–58 Copyright C Munksgaard 2001

Printed in Denmark ¡ All rights reserved
ISSN 0906-6713

Periodontal risk assessment,

diagnosis and treatment planning

In today’s health- and cost-conscious environment, ruses in subgingival plaque. There is a biologically
it is essential that rational and cost-effective de- plausible explanation why herpesviruses may be
cisions be made for prevention and treatment of the causally related to periodontal disease, but so far, the
periodontal diseases. The prevention and treatment evidence of association with disease is based on
of disease is based on accurate diagnosis, reduction cross-sectional studies (31). A risk predictor is a fac-
or elimination of causative agents, risk management tor that has no current biological plausibility as a
and correction of the harmful effects of disease. causative agent but has been associated with disease
Since there are many types of periodontal diseases on a cross-sectional or longitudinal basis. Risk pre-
that require different treatment methods, it is critical dictors may be either markers of disease or other
that an accurate diagnosis be established. The pur- historical measures of disease (14). Examples are the
pose of this chapter is to provide the general dental number of missing teeth or past evidence of peri-
practitioner with an overview and update of risk as- odontal disease. The number of missing teeth is a
sessment, diagnostic methods and treatment plan- risk predictor for disease, but has little or no biologi-
ning for patients with various types of periodontal cal plausibility as a causative agent for periodontitis.
diseases. The risk for disease is often quantified using
relative risks and/or odds ratios. Relative risk is the
probability of developing disease if one is exposed
Periodontal risk assessment to a given factor compared with the probability of
developing the disease if one is not exposed to the
Risk assessment is a way of examining risks so that factor. In the example given in Table 1, smokers
they may be avoided, reduced, or managed (119). and nonsmokers were matched for age, sex, plaque
Risk can be identified in terms of risk factors, risk and calculus. The relative risk for smokers to have
indicators, or risk predictors (14). A risk factor is deeper pockets was 15/63º7/126 or about 4.3. This
thought to be causal for a disease. As such, it should means that smokers were 4.3 times more likely to
satisfy two criteria: 1) it is biologically plausible as a have deeper pockets than nonsmokers. An odds
causal agent for disease and, 2) it has been shown to ratio is defined as the odds of having disease if one
precede the development of disease in prospective is exposed to a risk factor compared with the odds
(forward design) clinical studies. Smoking is an ex- of having the disease if one is not exposed to the
ample of a risk factor for periodontal disease, since same factor. The odds ratio for smokers to have
there are a number of biologically plausible expla-
nations for it as a causative agent for periodontal
disease, and prospective clinical studies have shown
that smokers are more likely to develop periodontitis Table 1. Data from a cross-sectional study of
periodontal disease
than nonsmokers. A risk indicator is a factor that is
biologically plausible as a causative agent for disease Patients with
Patients with shallow aver- Total
but has only been shown to be associated with dis- deep average age probing number of
ease in cross-sectional studies. Some risk indicators Patient type probing depth depth patients
may be proven to be risk factors if prospective Smokers 15 48 63
studies are able to confirm that they precede the de- Nonsmokers 7 119 126
velopment of disease. An example of a risk indicator Relative risk of disease in smokersΩ15/63º7/126Ω4.3; odds ratio of
disease between smokers and nonsmokersΩ15/48º7/119Ω5.3.
of periodontal disease is the presence of herpesvi-


deeper pockets versus nonsmokers in Table 1 is 5.3 nephropathy, neuropathy, vascular disease and alter-
(15/48º7/119). The odds ratio and relative risk are ed wound healing. It is clinically associated with in-
similar when the prevalence of disease is low, but creased susceptibility to infection and individuals
the values diverge as disease prevalence increases. with both types of diabetes are at increased risk for
While both relative risk and odds ratios are used to periodontal disease. Poor diabetic control in the
quantify risk, relative risk is generally more intuit- presence of calculus is associated with an increased
ively meaningful for clinicians. frequency of probing depths Ø4 mm (113). Further-
more, many longitudinal and cross-sectional studies
have documented an association between diabetes
Risk factors and indicators for
or poor diabetic control and attachment or peri-
periodontal disease
odontal bone loss (odds ratioΩ2.6 to 11.4) (29, 88,
During the past decade, many risk factors have been 107, 109, 111–113).
identified for the periodontal diseases (36, 39, 92, Cross-sectional studies have established several
97). A comprehensive discussion of all risk factors risk indicators that are associated with periodontitis.
for each of the periodontal diseases is beyond the The presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Bacter-
scope of this chapter, and attention will be focused oides forsythus, Prevotella intermedia and Fusobac-
on plaque-associated gingivitis and chronic peri- terium nucleatum, being male, and older age are as-
odontitis in adults. Besides the association of peri- sociated with periodontitis (1, 39, 92). Moreover,
odontal disease with the local factors of bacterial Epstein-Barr virus type 1 and human cytomegalo-
plaque and dental calculus, open proximal tooth virus have a positive association with several peri-
contacts and food impaction have been associated odontal bacteria and with periodontitis (31). A longi-
with increased loss of attachment, decreased crestal tudinal study of up to seven years indicated that
bone support and increased probing depth (53, 62, smoking, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, lower education
66). Moreover, traumatic occlusion has been associ- level, irregular dental attendance and increased
ated with decreased crestal bone height (100), and symptoms of depression were risk factors or risk pre-
the presence of a parafunctional habit without the dictors for attachment loss (15, 24, 36). Although a
use of a nightguard has been associated with a poor- different longitudinal study of another population
er periodontal prognosis following periodontal ther- was unable to confirm P. gingivalis as a risk factor
apy (81). Specific teeth also appear to have a poorer for periodontitis, it did identify the presence of
prognosis following periodontal therapy. During the spirochetes as a risk factor for development of peri-
maintenance phase following active periodontal odontitis at previously healthy sites (odds ratioΩ3.13
therapy, molar teeth (particularly maxillary second to 3.68). Papapanou (92) reviewed longitudinal
molars) are among the teeth most frequently lost, studies ranging from 2 months to 28 years (16, 17,
while mandibular canines and first premolars have 24, 50–52, 60) and noted that that tobacco use
the highest retention rate (42, 58). (smoking and spit tobacco), specific subgingival bac-
Smoking has been confirmed as a true risk factor terial species, low education, infrequent dental visits,
for periodontitis in longitudinal studies (15, 21, 24, male sex, lack of flossing, and race (African-Ameri-
25) with odds ratios for periodontitis in the range of can) were statistically significant risk factors or risk
2.0 to 7.0 (20, 39). Furthermore, heavy smokers have predictors for clinical attachment loss. Although race
odds ratios that are over two times that of light and socioeconomic status are often associated with
smokers for loss of attachment (4.75 versus 2.05) and variations in periodontal disease, these differences
bone support (7.28 versus 3.25) (46, 47). Smokers are have not been observed in studies when periodontal
also at increased risk for tooth loss following peri- status was adjusted for oral hygiene and smoking
odontal therapy (81). (39). It is also interesting to note that depression has
Diabetes is also a true risk factor for periodontitis. been associated with disease activity (24, 36, 87).
Type 1 diabetes is caused by an absolute insulin de- Very recently, an analysis of over 11,000 women in a
ficiency resulting from destruction of pancreatic large epidemiological study revealed that the pres-
beta cells. In contrast, type 2 diabetes is caused by ence of severe osteoporosis in the presence of high
impaired insulin function and a relative insulin de- levels of dental calculus was a risk indicator for clin-
ficiency (83). Type 1 diabetes usually has its onset in ical attachment loss and gingival recession but not
childhood, while type 2 diabetes occurs in adulthood for increased pocket depth (105). Recent longitudi-
and is often associated with obesity. Diabetes has a nal data have confirmed that osteoporosis in women
variety of complications including retinopathy, is a risk factor for loss in alveolar bone density (94).

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

Genetic factors have also been associated with lent reviews of diagnostic techniques in periodonto-
periodontitis. Independent studies of twins in Minne- logy have been published recently (7, 9, 70, 93). Rather
sota and Virginia both reported that there is a signifi- than present an extensive review of all diagnostic
cant genetic component in chronic periodontitis in methods, the following section is an overview of pres-
adults (32, 84, 85). It has been estimated that between ent and future diagnostic methods that may be useful
38% and 82% of the population variance for gingivitis, in general dental practice.
probing depth and clinical attachment loss is due to
genetic variation (85). Moreover, a mutation in the re-
Patient interview
gion of chromosome 11q14 that contains the cathep-
sin C gene for prepubertal periodontitis was recently The patient interview includes information concern-
identified (54). Kornman et al. reported that a specific ing the source of referral, chief complaint, symptoms
interleukin 1 (IL-1) genotype was associated with se- and medical and dental history. The source of refer-
vere periodontitis (67). While Gore et al. were unable ral may be important if another dentist or physician
to confirm this association, they did find that a similar referred the patient and may be a valuable asset in
IL-1 genotype was more prevalent in adults with diagnosis. An example would be a referral of a pa-
chronic periodontitis (43). In the Kornman et al. tient with leukemia or human immunodeficiency vi-
study, the odds ratio of having the specific IL-1 geno- rus (HIV) infection from a physician. For such a pa-
type in severe versus mild disease in nonsmokers was tient, it would be critical that the referring physician
6.8, but there was no association of this genotype and be contacted in order to obtain an accurate and
disease in smokers (67). This supports the theory that thorough medical history.
specific environmental factors can be such strong risk The chief complaint of the patient should be re-
factors that they overwhelm any genetically deter- corded so it may be used for future reference. How-
mined susceptibility or resistance to disease. ever, chronic inflammatory periodontal disease is
In summary, confirmed risk factors for peri- usually painless, and most patients do not have a
odontitis in adults include genetic influences, smok- periodontitis-related chief complaint. They may
ing, diabetes, race, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, low have become so accustomed to the symptoms of
education and infrequent dental attendance. The periodontal disease that they do not notice them.
presence of furcation involvement, tooth mobility Some people may not even notice teeth becoming
and a parafunctional habit without the use of a bite- loose because their periodontitis has been gradually
guard are associated with a poorer periodontal prog- progressive over a number of years. For the majority
nosis following periodontal therapy. Several other of patients with chronic inflammatory periodontal
specific periodontal bacteria, herpesviruses, in- disease, the dentist must detect the disease. One
creased age, male sex, depression, race, traumatic cannot wait for patients to develop symptoms be-
occlusion and female osteoporosis in the presence cause they often occur only in the late stages of dis-
of high levels of dental calculus have been shown to ease. When patients with chronic gingivitis do have
be associated with loss of periodontal support in a chief complaint, it is most often bleeding during
cross-sectional studies and can be considered to be toothbrushing. Patients with chronic periodontitis
risk indicators of periodontitis. Although all risk fac- may complain of tooth migration, development of
tors cannot be modified, it is now possible to identify diastemas between the teeth or periodontal swelling
people at risk for progressive periodontal disease associated with an abscess. The history of the chief
and intervene to alter or modify some of their risks. complaint consists of more specific information
about the periodontal symptoms. For example, a pa-
tient with a chief complaint of gingival bleeding dur-
Diagnosis ing toothbrushing for the past 2 weeks might inform
the dentist that the bleeding is not associated with
Diagnosis may be defined as identifying disease from swelling or pain and that it stops soon after brush-
an evaluation of the history, signs and symptoms, lab- ing. The diagnosis for such a patient would be much
oratory tests, and procedures (6). An accurate diag- different than if the patient had reported that the
nosis can only be made by a thorough evaluation of bleeding continued for several hours after tooth-
data that have been systematically collected by: l) pa- brushing and was associated with generalized swell-
tient interview, 2) medical consultation as indicated, ing of the gingiva. In the first example, one might
3) clinical periodontal examination, 4) radiographic suspect marginal gingivitis and in the second ex-
examination and 5) laboratory tests as needed. Excel- ample, serious blood dyscrasia may be involved.


A current medical history must be taken before odontal therapy may have refractory periodontitis
starting the clinical examination. The minimum that that cannot be effectively treated with conventional
must be known is whether the patient is under the therapy. In such cases, the dentist should obtain per-
care of a physician, is taking any medication or has mission from the patient to request previous dental
any medical condition that may affect the peri- records. Detailed information about previous peri-
odontal diagnosis or treatment. Examples of such odontal diagnoses and treatment can be extremely
conditions include: cardiac disease, heart murmur, helpful in developing a treatment plan for patients
rheumatic fever, congenital heart disease, prosthetic with periodontal disease.
heart valve or joint replacement, kidney or liver dis-
ease, pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes, allergies,
Medical considerations and consultation
abnormal bleeding, infectious disease, disease of the
blood or blood-forming organs, malignancy or pre- Medical consultation should be obtained when the
vious treatment for malignancy. Any history of to- medical history indicates a need for more infor-
bacco use or substance abuse should also be re- mation. A common example is when patients give
corded. It should always be remembered that pa- a history of a heart murmur or joint replacements.
tients often consider themselves in ‘‘good health’’ Current recommendations preclude periodontal
when they have very significant medical problems probing or any procedure that may induce bleeding
that may influence their dental or periodontal care. in all patients with high or moderate risk for endo-
It is the dentist’s responsibility to obtain an accurate carditis unless antibiotic prophylaxis is provided
and complete medical history, and this should not (33). According to other recommendations, patients
be delegated to others. with orthopedic pins, plates and screws do not need
The history of oral care will determine whether antibiotic prophylaxis, nor is it routinely needed for
the patient has had previous treatment that affects most dental patients with total joint replacements
the diagnosis or treatment plan. For example, a pa- (5). However, it is advisable to consider prophylaxis
tient with a history of repeated and extensive peri- in some patients who may be at increased risk for

Fig. 1. Systemic diseases with periodontal manifestations.

A. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria with severe leu-
kopenia and associated gingival necrosis. B. Wegner’s
granulomatosis with gingival involvement. C. Acute mon-
ocytic leukemia with thrombocytopenic purpura; gingival
enlargement is due to infiltrating leukemic cells, and ne-

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

Fig. 2. A. Periodontal inflammation due to plaque and hygiene and meticulous scaling and root planing to re-
subgingival calculus. B. Same patient after improving oral move all subgingival calculus.

hematogenous joint infection, and it is important to tenderness to percussion. Pulp testing is accom-
consult with the patient’s physician before pro- plished as indicated by the history or the periodontal
cedures are done that cause bacteremia in patients and/or radiographic examination. The occlusion is
who have had total joint replacement. examined for centric, working, non-working and
There are many other findings in the medical his- protrusive interferences. Evidence of possible oc-
tory that may require medical consultation such as clusal trauma as indicated by fremitus (mobility in
a history of coronary disease, malignancy, allergy, ac- function) is recorded. Fremitus is best determined
quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), dia- by having the patient make excursive mandibular
betes, blood dyscrasia and endocrine or skin dis- movements and close repeatedly in habitual centric
eases. A review of systemic conditions that may have occlusion while the dentist feels for tooth movement
clinical manifestations in the oral and craniofacial with an index finger placed lightly on the buccal sur-
complex is beyond the scope of this chapter. How- faces of the teeth.
ever, some diseases with periodontal manifestations
may be life threatening. Prompt and accurate diag-
Clinical periodontal examination
nosis followed by effective treatment is essential for
such patients. Examples of systemic diseases with The periodontal tissues are routinely examined in all
periodontal manifestations are given in Fig. 1. Many oral examinations. The periodontal examination
systemic diseases may influence the diagnosis or consists of a visual inspection of the gingiva, peri-
treatment plan of a patient with periodontal disease, odontal probing, and assessment of tooth mobility,
and it is important that the dentist have all necessary dental plaque and calculus. A specific form should
information about the medical status of patients be- be used for recording dental and periodontal find-
fore establishing a diagnosis and treatment plan. A ings so that they may be compared over time. Exami-
good rule to follow is that, when in doubt, always nations such as the Periodontal Screening and Re-
consult. cording ExaminationTM (PSRA) that has been en-
dorsed by the American Academy of Periodontology
and the American Dental Association may be useful
Clinical examination
to the general practitioner (3). However, it is import-
The clinical examination should include an exami- ant to recognize that during such screening pro-
nation of the extra- and intraoral tissues, temporo- cedures, all surfaces of the teeth must be probed for
mandibular joints, teeth, occlusion and the peri- signs of periodontal disease.
odontium. Any abnormal findings should be re- The gingiva should be visually examined for signs
corded and used to develop a definitive diagnosis or of inflammation. Healthy gingiva, in the absence of
further investigated by referral or biopsy. The teeth significant melanin pigmentation, is normally a light
are examined for caries, prominent wear facets, un- pink color. Increased redness or erythema is a clin-
even marginal ridges, open contacts, malposition, ical sign of gingival inflammation because of the in-
failing restorations, evidence of food impaction and creased gingival vascularity in response to local irri-


Fig. 3. A. Healthy periodontal tissues with minimal in- of edema and swelling with knife-edged free gingival mar-
flammation. B. Close-up of healthy gingiva showing lack gin.

tants such as dental plaque and calculus (Fig. 2). The by necrosis of the gingiva with or without exposure
architecture of the gingiva should be examined for of the underlying bone. Interdental necrosis (Fig. 4)
changes in the normal knife-edged appearance of may be a clinical sign of necrotizing ulcerative gingi-
the free gingival margin and interdental papilla as it vitis or necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis. It may
meets the teeth (Fig. 3). In the absence of systemic also be a clinical sign that is associated with immun-
disease or drug-associated gingival enlargement, any ocompromised patients with AIDS (40).
swelling or an enlarged appearance of the marginal Periodontal probing is done on all surfaces of
gingiva is a sign of inflammation. The consistency of every tooth in the dentition (Fig. 5). During probing,
any gingival enlargement should be evaluated with
the side of a periodontal probe to determine
whether it is edematous or fibrotic. Another clinical
sign of gingival inflammation is bleeding from the
gingival crevice when the inner aspect of the gingival
sulcus is gently swept with the side of a periodontal
probe. Any significant lack of attached gingiva, espe-
cially if it is associated with gingival recession or a
high frenum attachment, should be noted and re-
corded in the dental record. Evidence of interdental
cratering is especially important if it is accompanied

Fig. 5. Periodontal probing: pocket depthΩ6 mm; clinical

attachment levelΩ8 mm. Probing depthΩdistance from
free gingival margin (FGM) to base of pocket or crevice.
Clinical attachment lossΩdistance from cementoenamel
junction (CEJ) to base of pocket or crevice. When there is
Fig. 4. Interdental necrosis mesial and distal to the lateral no gingival recession, clinical attachment lossΩpocket or
incisor that is characteristic of necrotizing ulcerative gin- crevice depth minus distance from the cementoenamel
givitis junction to the free gingival margin.

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

O IIIΩthrough and through extension of the pocket

into the furcation with complete loss of inter-rad-
icular bone without gingival recession; and
O IVΩthrough and through furcation invasion with
gingival recession (Fig. 6).

Gingival recession (Fig. 7) is also recorded during

periodontal probing as the distance of the free gingi-
val margin to the cementoenamel junction. In ad-
dition to the amount of recession, the morphology
of specific areas of gingival recession should be re-
corded in terms of width and its relation to the inter-
dental papilla. The following is a clinically useful and
widely accepted classification (86):

O Class IΩrecession that does not extend to the mu-

cogingival junction and is not associated with loss
of bone or gingival tissue in the interdental area;
Fig. 6. Class IV furcation involvement

a thin periodontal probe should be used with gentle

pressure and it should be ‘‘walked’’ around the entire
circumference of each tooth. Probing depth and clin-
ical attachment level should be recorded for all teeth
at each of six locations (buccal, lingual, mesiobuccal,
mesiolingual, distolingual and distobuccal). Probing
depths greater than 3 mm and clinical attachment
level greater than 1 mm should be recorded on an
appropriate form. Clinical attachment loss is the dis-
tance from the cementoenamel junction to the api-
cal extent of the pocket and represents the best clin-
ical measure of disease severity in terms of loss of
support for the teeth. Recording clinical attachment
level allows one to monitor stability of periodontal
health or document disease progression over time.
It is important to document furcation involvement
because teeth with periodontal pockets in furcations
have been shown to have increased loss of attach-
ment and a poorer prognosis following periodontal
therapy than teeth without furcation involvement
(81, 116). Furcations can be probed with an explorer
to determine extension of pockets into areas be-
tween roots (Fig. 6). The extension of pockets into
furcations is recorded using a classification such as
that given below (26, 41).

O IΩincipient or early suprabony pocket extension

into the furcation area with slight loss of bone;
O IIΩextension of the pocket into the furcation leav-
ing a portion of the alveolar bone and periodontal Fig. 7. A. Miller class III gingival recession measured with
ligament intact allowing only partial penetration color-coded periodontal probe. B. Miller class II gingival
of the probe into the furcation area; recession.


Fig. 8. Bleeding and suppuration after probing. A. Probing depth on mesiolingual of first molarΩ9 mm, attachment
depth on disto-lingual surface of maxillary first bicuspidΩ lossΩ10 mm. D. Bleeding after probing mesiolingual sur-
5 mm, attachment lossΩ5 mm. B. Suppuration after prob- face of first molar.
ing disto-lingual surface of first premolar. C. Probing

O Class IIΩrecession that extends to the mucogingi- available. In general, these can be divided into first-,
val junction and is not associated with loss of second- and third-generation instruments (96).
bone or soft tissue in the interdental area; First-generation probes include conventional peri-
O Class IIIΩrecession that extends to or beyond the odontal probes, second-generation probes utilize
mucogingival junction with loss of bone or soft controlled forces and third-generation probes incor-
tissue in the interdental area; and porate automated measurement, controlled forces
O Class IVΩrecession extending to or beyond the and computerized data capture. First-generation
mucogingival junction with severe loss of inter- color-coded or banded probes such as the Williams,
dental bone and/or soft tissue and/or severe tooth University of North Carolina or the University of
malposition. Michigan probes (Hu-Friedy, Chicago IL) are simple
and easy to use and offer excellent tactile sensitivity.
Bleeding or suppuration on probing is recorded (Fig. Second-generation probes such as the BrockprobeTM
8). Many practitioners find that using a Bleeding (Brockport Industries, Hackettstown NJ), PDT Sensor
Index to document the percentage of sites that bleed ProbeTM (Batesville, AK) and the TPS ProbeA (Viva-
on probing is helpful in monitoring the progress of care, Schaan, Liechtenstein) permit the use of con-
therapy. For example, if bleeding on probing is found stant pressure during probing. Third-generation
at 75 of 168 possible sites in a patient with 28 teeth, probes such as the Florida ProbeA (Florida Probe
a bleeding index of 45% would be recorded Corp., Gainesville, FL) and the Probe OneA (Ameri-
(75/168¿100Ω45%). Subsequent measures of the can Dental Technologies, Corpus Christie, TX) have
bleeding index can give an objective measure of the the advantages of direct data entry using computer
effectiveness of therapy over time in reducing peri- software and controlled force. Although available
odontal inflammation. third-generation probes do not currently measure
Many types of periodontal probes are currently clinical attachment level, the Florida Disc ProbeA

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

Fig. 9. Radiographs obtained of the same tooth using a ronal to the cementoenamel junction. Note overlapping of
bisecting angle method (A) and a parallel long-cone buccal and lingual cusps on parallel technique film (B)
method (B). Note distortion of interdental bone on bi- and realistic projection of interdental crest between mo-
secting angle radiograph (A) so that crest is projected co- lars.

(Florida Probe Corp., Gainesville, FL) allows relative for assessing patient plaque control and for monitor-
attachment level to be measured using the occlusal ing the effectiveness of patient plaque control pro-
surfaces of the teeth rather than the cementoenamel grams.
junction as a reference landmark.
Tooth mobility should be recorded because teeth
Radiographic examination
that are mobile have been shown to have a poorer
prognosis and increased attachment loss after peri- Radiographs are used to confirm and extend the
odontal therapy (81, 116). Mobility is recorded by findings of the clinical examination and are essential
moving the teeth in a buccolingual and occlusoap- in planning implant placement to determine the
ical direction. Slight mobility, beyond that which is amount and character of alveolar bone as well as the
physiological, is given a score of 1. If the mobility position of anatomical structures such as the maxil-
is somewhat more but the tooth cannot be de- lary sinus and inferior alveolar canal. The presence
pressed apically in the alveolus, it is scored a 2. If of gingivitis, periodontal pockets and gingival in-
the mobility is advanced to the degree that the flammation cannot be determined using radio-
tooth may be depressed apically, it is graded as 3 graphs, but radiographs are essential for determin-
(26). An electronic instrument (PeriotestA, Siemens ing the extent and severity of bone periodontal sup-
AG, Mannheim, Germany) is commercially avail- port and for detecting osseous lesions. Although
able for measuring tooth mobility and may be use- panoramic radiographs provide an excellent radio-
ful for documenting progressive tooth mobility graphic survey of the oral structures, they lack the
over time. resolution and detail needed for periodontal diag-
The presence and distribution of dental plaque nosis. When the clinical examination indicates the
and calculus should be recorded. A convenient and presence of periodontitis, selected periapical or bite-
useful method of recording plaque is the O’Leary wing radiographs should be obtained (4). A full
Plaque Control Record (90). It documents the overall mouth intraoral radiographic examination is appro-
percentage and specific location of tooth surfaces priate when patients have clinical evidence of gener-
with plaque. Briefly, each tooth surface (six surfaces alized dental disease or a history of extensive dental
per tooth) is scored for the presence or absence of treatment (4). Periapical radiographs should be ex-
plaque in contact with the free gingival margin. The posed using a long-cone paralleling technique be-
total score is then calculated as the percentage of cause the bisecting angle technique distorts the re-
tooth surfaces with dental plaque. For example, a lationship between the alveolar crest and tooth (Fig.
person having 45 out of a possible 156 tooth surfaces 9). There are several commercially available devices
with plaque (26 teeth) would have a plaque score of that facilitate radiographic positioning and long
45/156¿100Ω29%. This is a quick and useful method cone projection using a paralleling technique. More-


over, use of E speed film and rectangular collimation 10). Loss of bone in furcations is not readily iden-
should be used because it reduces radiographic ex- tified unless there is extensive bone loss or
posure by a factor of 8 compared to circular collima- through and through furcation involvement (class
tion and D speed film (38). III or IV) with loss of bone on both sides of the
When there is no loss of osseous support, the furcation and between the roots (Fig. 11). While
interdental septum is parallel to a line projected radiographs assist the clinician in determining the
between the adjacent cementoenamel junctions degree of osseous support, they underestimate the
and located slightly apically (about 1 to 2 milli- severity of actual bone loss (114).
meters) to this imaginary line (19, 103, 108). Peri- Bitewing radiographs are useful for monitoring
apical radiographs may also give an indication of proximal osseous support of the posterior teeth. If
thickening of the periodontal ligament space on taken at a right angle to the long axis of the teeth
the mesial and distal surfaces that may be associ- without horizontal angular distortion, vertical bi-
ated with traumatic occlusion. While interproximal tewing radiographs are useful for monitoring both
craters are usually not visible on radiographs, caries and crestal bone height during recall or sup-
infrabony deformities may be visualized depending portive periodontal therapy. They provide a rela-
on the morphology of bone loss. Hemi-septa or tively non-distorted image of the interdental bone
one-walled proximal infrabony defects usually may of both maxillary and mandibular teeth on the
be easily identified on radiographs, and defects same film.
with multiple walls may also be visualized (Fig.

Digital radiography
Digital radiography has many advantages compared
to conventional radiography and is becoming more
widely used in dentistry (61). The advantages of digi-
tal radiography include immediate image acqui-
sition without the need for film processing, the abil-
ity to adjust images to improve diagnostic utility and
the ability to electronically store or print images. It
also allows the comparison of sequential images over
time using subtraction radiography (55). Decreased
radiation may be an advantage of digital radiography
but only if used with a special computer controlled
timer. Digital radiography may actually generate
Fig. 10. Upper left. Multiple walled defect on distal sur- more radiation exposure than standard radiography
face of mandibular second molar. Upper right. Eight if it is used with a conventional timer (63). Digital
months following thorough scaling and root planing. Bot-
tom. Sixteen months following scaling and root planing
radiography allows the detection of as little as 0.54
showing apparent regeneration of bone. mm of change at specific periodontal sites and an
average full-mouth change of 0.1 mm from one visit
to the next (57). Because of their many advantages,
it is likely that digital radiography and computerized
image processing will continue to gain acceptance
as diagnostic aids in periodontics.

Medical laboratory tests

Medical laboratory tests are indicated when more in-
formation is needed about the patient’s medical sta-
tus or to help the dentist more precisely determine
the cause or prognosis of periodontal disease. An ex-
ample would be when a patient is taking anticoagu-
lant medication such as warfarin sodium (Coumad-
Fig. 11. Radiograph demonstrating advanced loss of bone inA). For such a patient, it would be essential for the
in furcation areas of mandibular molars dentist to know the appropriate laboratory coagu-

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

lation values such as the prothrombin time or INR. Table 2. Test sensitivityΩA/AπC; specificityΩ
Laboratory tests that are ordered to clarify the pa- D/BπD; positive predictive valueΩA/AπB;
tient’s medical status are best done in consultation negative predictive valueΩD/CπD
with the patient’s physician because it facilitates ap- Disease present Disease absent
propriate medical management during periodontal Positive test A (True π) B (False π) AπB
therapy. Negative test C (False (ª) D (True (ª) CπD
Disease activity and
periodontal diagnostic tests
The utility of diagnostic tests is defined in terms of
statistical sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive Clinical signs of periodontal disease and
value and negative predictive value (Table 2). The disease activity
statistical sensitivity of a diagnostic test is defined as
its true positive rate. In other words, it is the prob- Clinical signs of periodontal disease such as pocket
ability that a test is positive if the disease is present. depth, loss of clinical attachment and bone loss are
The statistical specificity of a diagnostic test is its true cumulative measures of past disease. They do not
negative rate, or the probability that a test is negative provide the dentist with an assessment of current dis-
when the disease is absent. The positive predictive ease activity. Indeed, current probing depth is not
value is the probability that the disease is present very predictive of future disease progression in the
when the test is positive, and the negative predictive near term (5–12 months) since the positive predictive
value is the probability that the disease is absent when value for future attachment loss of pockets ⬎4 mm is
the test is negative. Although any diagnostic test in the range of 0.02–0.45. Furthermore, other clinical
would ideally have a value of 1.0 for all of these values, findings such as redness (positive predictive valueΩ
no test is perfect in this regard. In general, the sensi- 0.02–0.05) and the presence or suppuration (positive
tivity and specificity for any diagnostic test should be predictive valueΩ0.02–0.82), while indicative of on-
at least 0.7 (9). However, the acceptable value for any going inflammation, do not appear to be very useful
of these statistical parameters depends on the conse- in terms of predicting future attachment loss (7). It
quences of a missed diagnosis as well as the risks and should be noted that the higher positive predictive
morbidity associated with treatment. For a disease values for suppuration or probing depth only occur in
that is invariably fatal, but is easily treated with mini- populations that have a high incidence of disease pro-
mal morbidity and risk, one would want to maximize gression (7). As noted by Armitage, suppuration has a
test sensitivity. For such a disease, the consequences stronger association with disease progression than
of not diagnosing the disease are catastrophic espe- redness, but its relative rarity and lack of standard de-
cially since treatment is effective, safe and has few tection methods make it a poor candidate for pre-
side effects. The specificity and negative predictive dicting progressive periodontitis (7). Based on clinical
value of the diagnostic test in this example are less im- experience, the presence of pus is viewed as unfavor-
portant because the consequences of treating the dis- able, and its high negative predictive value (0.85–0.98)
ease in its absence are not severe. Conversely, if treat- supports this opinion (7). However, data also support
ment for a disease has serious side effects or high risk, that the suppuration is not a good stand-alone predic-
one would want a test with a high specificity (true tor of disease progression (7).
negative rate) so that one does not receive treatment Bleeding on probing has also been shown to have
in the absence of disease. a low positive predictive value (rangeΩ0.01–0.41)
The predictive values of any test are influenced and a high negative predictive value (rangeΩ0.86–
by disease prevalence in the population. As disease 0.98). In other words, bleeding on probing does not
prevalence increases, the positive predictive value of appear to predict future disease progression at indi-
a test increases and the negative predictive value de- vidual sites very well, but the absence of bleeding on
creases. With low disease prevalence, the positive probing is an excellent predictor of stability. How-
predictive value decreases and the negative predic- ever, as noted by Armitage (7), there is evidence that
tive values increases. Moreover, disease prevalence patients with many areas of bleeding on probing,
in any population is dependent on the ‘‘gold stan- deep pockets and advanced loss of clinical attach-
dard’’ diagnostic test that is used to define the true ment are more likely to experience future attach-
presence or absence of disease (98). ment loss (30, 50). Moreover, based on a meta-analy-


sis of three studies involving treated and maintained flammation that have been studied as possible diag-
patients (64, 71, 72), subjects with a high frequency nostic markers of periodontal disease include
of bleeding (Ø50%) at recall visits during a 1-year prostaglandin E2, cytokines, antibacterial antibodies,
period were 2.79 times (odds ratio) more likely to total protein and acute phase proteins (7). Among
develop attachment loss (7). Overall, however, al- these, prostaglandin E2, the interleukins (interleu-
though common clinical findings in inflammatory kin-1b, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8) and tumor
periodontal disease are critical for establishing a di- necrosis factor-a have received most attention as po-
agnosis, they do not appear to be strong indicators tential candidates for markers of disease pro-
of future disease progression at specific sites. In an gression. The pro-inflammatory cytokines interleu-
attempt to better predict future disease progression, kin-1b and tumor necrosis factor-a have a broad
several types of diagnostic tests for the periodontal range of effects in tissue and have been associated
diseases have been studied. Tests that could accu- with bone resorption. Indeed, there is evidence in a
rately predict future disease progression would allow primate animal model that progressive inflam-
clinicians to better monitor the results of peri- mation and osteoclast formation in experimental
odontal therapy and prevent recurrent periodontal periodontitis is inhibited by local application of in-
destruction. terleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor–blocking
agents (44). Many studies have established that these
and other cytokines are either increased or de-
Biochemical assays of
creased in periodontal disease on a cross-sectional
gingival crevicular fluid
basis (7, 68, 80, 91). There is also recent evidence
Inflammation is associated with vascular exudation that a reduction in gingival crevicular fluid interleu-
and this serum exudate can be collected from the kin-1b following periodontal treatment is linked to
gingival crevicular fluid (Fig. 12) and analyzed to patient genotype (37). However, additional longi-
assess the inflammatory process in biochemical tudinal evidence is needed before these cytokines
terms. These biochemical gingival crevicular fluid can be employed in routine general dental practice
assays have been studied in an attempt to predict as predictors of future disease progression. More-
disease progression before it becomes evident over, although total protein, antibacterial antibodies
using routine clinical or radiographic assessment. and acute-phase proteins have been studied in
While such assays are not routinely used in clinical terms of their association with periodontal disease,
practice today, they may prove to be valuable indi- none has emerged for use as a marker of active peri-
cators of active disease in the future. In general, odontal disease.
these assays may be classified into three general Host-derived enzymes such as aspartate amino-
groups: 1) products and mediators of inflam- transferase, neutral protease, collagenase, b-glucu-
mation, 2) host-derived enzymes and 3) tissue ronidase, lactate dehydrogenase, neutrophil elastase,
breakdown products (7). arylsulfatase, myeloperoxidase and alkaline phos-
Host inflammatory products and mediators of in- phatase have been investigated for their association
with periodontal disease and as markers of peri-
odontal inflammation (7, 68, 69, 92). Several of these
have been shown to be elevated in the gingival cre-
vicular fluid of failing implants compared to success-
ful implants and may be good candidates for risk
markers of implant failure (22). Enzyme tests for
aspartate aminotransferase (PocketWatchTM, Steri-
Oss, Yorba Linda, CA) and neutral proteases (Per-
iocheckA, CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals, Newtown,
PA) are available as chairside gingival crevicular fluid
tests. Aspartate aminotransferase has been shown on
a cross-sectional and longitudinal basis to be associ-
ated with periodontal inflammation and loss of
attachment (28, 59, 78, 95). Neutral protease has
Fig. 12. Collection of gingival crevicular fluid from in- been reported to be elevated in patients with peri-
flamed gingiva using an absorbent strip of paper (Per- odontal disease (23) and has been reported to have a
iopaperA, OraFlow, Plainview, NY) high sensitivity (88%) as a diagnostic test for clinical

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

disease (56). However, there is conflicting evidence rapidly progressing periodontitis. Patients with juv-
regarding the utility of this enzyme for predicting enile periodontitis may have large numbers of
disease progression (11). Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (121). Adults
Tissue breakdown products such as glycosamino- with refractory periodontitis may harbor large num-
glycans, hydroxyproline, fibronectin, connective bers of B. forsythus, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia,
tissue proteins and calprotectin have been related to Campylobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens, Eubacter-
clinical measures of disease (7, 65) and may prove to ium species, Peptostreptococcus micros, Selenomonas
be helpful in the future for identifying sites or pa- species and spirochetes (121). It is important to
tients that are undergoing progressive destruction. know whether such patients have persistent peri-
In his review of gingival crevicular fluid diagnostic odontal infections with these organisms and to know
tests, Lamster noted that while many gingival crevic- whether the organisms are sensitive to specific anti-
ular fluid tests hold promise for the future as diag- biotics. This allows the dentist to control or treat dis-
nostic tests, it is not known if test results in patients ease by combining mechanical debridement with
with gingivitis can be used to predict future peri- appropriate antimicrobial chemotherapy.
odontitis (68). Furthermore, he noted that the valid- There are a variety of methods of assessing the
ity of gingival crevicular fluid–based diagnostic tests bacterial flora of patients with periodontal disease.
needs to be established in terms of sensitivity, speci- Typically, plaque samples are collected with a curette
ficity, and predictive values for future disease (Table or a paper point (Fig. 13). These samples can be ana-
2). It is also unclear whether the results of such tests lyzed using phase-contrast or dark-field microscopy,
are applicable to individual sites or if they are best bacterial enzyme analysis, immunoassay, DNA
applied to the patient in terms of predictive value. probes, polymerase chain reaction or traditional
In other words, full-mouth averages of gingival cre- microbiological culturing and sensitivity. Microscopy
vicular fluid enzymes may be more useful for pre- has been used for assessing motile organisms and
dicting patients at risk than the use of gingival cre- spirochetes during treatment and maintenance ther-
vicular fluid enzymes for predicting specific sites at apy (73, 120). However, individual bacterial species
risk for disease progression. cannot be identified with routine phase or darkfield

Subgingival temperature
Subgingival temperature has been proposed as a di-
agnostic aid. A commercially available device (Per-
iotempA, Abiomed, Danvers, MA) that resembles a
periodontal probe is used to measure subgingival
temperature to a precision of 0.1æC. Subgingival tem-
perature is increased in gingival inflammation (48),
and there is evidence that increased mean subgingi-
val temperature is related to increased risk for clin-
ical attachment loss (49). However, since a major in-
fluence on subgingival temperature at individual
sites is the anatomic location within the mouth (79),
temperature variation at various sites in the mouth
may not be as useful as overall differences in mean
subgingival temperature for predicting future dis-
ease activity.

Microbiological testing
Although microbiological testing is not indicated for
the majority of periodontal patients, it may help the
dentist to more precisely define the cause of peri-
odontal disease and guide therapy for specific pa- Fig. 13. A. Collection subgingival plaque using sterile
tients. For example, microbiological testing may be paper point. B. Insertion into a vial for transport to the
indicated for patients with juvenile, refractory or laboratory for microbial analysis.


microscopy, and it may not provide sufficient bene- tooth loss in periodontal maintenance patients (82).
fits to justify the additional time and labor that is However, a more recent prospective study reported
required for its use in preventive periodontal main- that this same composite genotype was not associ-
tenance (73). Some periodontal bacteria (B. for- ated with progressive clinical attachment loss during
sythus, P. gingivalis and Treponema denticola) pro- a 2-year period after periodontal therapy (35). Over-
duce enzymes that are capable of hydrolyzing a syn- all, it may be concluded that genetic testing has po-
thetic peptide (BANA), and this has been used in a tential for future use but that more research is
chairside detection test (PerioscanA, Oral-B Labora- needed to evaluate the utility of various tests for de-
tories, Belmont, CA) (74, 75). Other assays utilize termining genetic susceptibility to the periodontal
antibodies or DNA probes of nucleic acid sequences diseases.
to identify specific bacterial species. These tests are
very sensitive and can detect as few as 100 to 1000
Types and characteristics of
bacteria. Polymerase chain reaction technology is
periodontal diseases
the most sensitive test currently available for detec-
tion of viruses and bacteria. Polymerase chain reac- In general, the periodontal diseases vary in terms of
tion methods amplify exceedingly small amounts of age of onset, causation, clinical characteristics and
bacterial nucleic acid and can detect as few as 10 methods of treatment. Summaries of diseases and
organisms in a plaque sample (115). Although these disorders that affect the periodontal tissues are given
tests provide useful information, the only bacterial in Tables 3 and 4. For administrative and third-party
assay that can determine whether bacteria are sensi- insurance reporting purposes, the American Acad-
tive to specific antibiotics is laboratory culturing and emy of Periodontology classifies gingivitis and peri-
sensitivity testing. As noted by Armitage (7) in his odontitis into five broad case types (2). Plaque-as-
review of microbiological testing, potentially useful sociated gingivitis is designated as Case Type I and
information that might be gained from such testing chronic periodontitis is divided into four case types
includes the identification of putative periodontal based on increasing disease severity (II–IV) and lack
pathogens or unusual superinfecting organisms and of response to conventional therapy (Case Type V).
antibiotic sensitivity. It is important to use appropri- Case Type II (early periodontitis) is characterized by
ately licensed microbiological laboratories that rou- progression of inflammation into the deeper peri-
tinely perform culture and sensitivity tests for peri- odontal structures with slight bone and attachment
odontal bacteria, because most medical laboratories loss. Case Type III (moderate periodontitis) is classi-
do not routinely screen for these microorganisms. It fied as a more advanced state with increased de-
must be emphasized that the vast majority of peri- struction of the periodontal structures and notice-
odontal patients do not require microbiological test- able loss of bone support, possibly accompanied by
ing for diagnosis or to provide effective therapy. Mi- increased tooth mobility and furcation involvement
crobial analysis should be reserved for patients who on multirooted teeth. Case Type IV (advanced peri-
have unusual forms of periodontal disease such as odontitis) is characterized by further progression of
early-onset, refractory or rapidly progressive disease. periodontitis with major loss of alveolar bone sup-
port that is usually accompanied by an increase in
tooth mobility. Furcation involvement is a common
Genetic tests
finding. Case Type V (refractory periodontitis) in-
Recently, a genetic test (PSTTM, Medical Science Sys- cludes those patients that continue to demonstrate
tems, San Antonio, TX) has become available to test attachment loss after good conventional therapy.
patients for periodontal disease risk (67). This test These sites presumably continue to be infected by
determines if people possess a combination of al- periodontal pathogens regardless of thoroughness or
leles in two interleukin-1 genes. This particular com- frequency of treatment.
bination has been associated with severe disease in In 1999, the American Academy of Periodontology
nonsmoking Caucasians. Others (43) reported an in- revised its biological classification of the periodontal
creased frequency of a different interleukin-1 geno- diseases (8). This revision included the addition of a
type in people with advanced adult periodontitis section on gingival diseases, replacement of the term
compared to those with early or moderate disease. ‘‘adult periodontitis’’ with the term ‘‘chronic peri-
There is also retrospective evidence that genetic test- odontitis’’, replacement of the term ‘‘early-onset
ing for the specific interleukin-1 genotype (PSTTM) periodontitis’’ with the term ‘‘aggressive peri-
may give an indication of increased susceptibility to odontitis’’ and elimination of a separate disease cat-

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

Table 3. Gingival diseases

Disease Primary age of onset Primary causes Signs and symptoms Therapy
Gingivitis (American Any age Bacterial plaque, local Gingival redness and Debridement, plaque
Academy of plaque retention factors swelling, bleeding; does control, correct plaque-
Peridontology case (such as faulty not cause loss of clinical retentive factors,
type I) restorations) attachment supportive periodontal
Acute necrotizing Young adults, older Bacterial plaque, may Pain, gingival redness, Debridement, gentle
gingivitis children, young be associated with AIDS swelling, bleeding, plaque control,
malnourished children at any age necrosis of antimicrobial rinse,
interproximal papilla supportive periodontal
Desquamative Adults Skin disease: lichen Gingival redness; Gentle plaque control,
gingival disease planus, pemphigus and epithelial denudation; palliative and
cicatricial pemphigoid pain with trauma or on symptomatic therapy,
eating and brushing supportive periodontal
Gingivitis associated Any age Manifestation of Dependent on systemic Treatment of systemic
with systemic systemic disease in disease (such as gingival disease, atraumatic
diseases (such as gingiva (such as bleeding ecchymosis, plaque control,
blood dyscrasias leukemia, neutropenia, redness, swelling, antimicrobial rinse,
and Wegner’s erythema multiforme, necrosis and pain) supportive periodontal
granulomatosis) lupus erythematosis therapy
and Wegner’s
Gingivitis associated Young females Bacterial plaque, local Gingival redness and Debridement and
with pregnancy plaque retention factors, swelling, bleeding; plaque control,
hormonal influence pyogenic granuloma supportive periodontal
therapy; possible
excision of pyogenic
Drug-induced Any age Caππ channel-blocking Gingival enlargement Debridement and
gingival enlargement drugs, phenytoin, plaque control, surgical
cyclosporine excision, use of
alternative medications,
supportive periodontal
Allergic reaction May occur at any age; is Local allergens (such Gingival redness and Identification and
generally uncommon as mouthrinses, swelling elimination of allergenic
toothpastes, nickel agent
restorations and acrylic)
Herpetic Primarily children and Herpes type I virus Pain, vesicle formation, Palliative and
gingivostomatitis young adults ulceration symptomatic therapy,
antiviral medication
Gingival disease of May occur at any age Neisseria gonorrhoea, Varies according to Identification and
specific bacteria or but is rare Treponema pallidum, infectious agent elimination or control
fungal origin streptococcal species, of infectious agent,
Candida, histoplasmosis appropriate

egory for ‘‘refractory periodontitis’’. It also included cians. Note that periodontitis associated with endo-
a clarification of the designation ‘‘periodontitis as a dontic lesions and developmental and acquired de-
manifestation of systemic diseases’’, replacement of formities are not included in Table 4.
‘‘necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis’’ with ‘‘necrotiz-
ing periodontal diseases’’ and additions of disease
Assessment of data and diagnosis of the
categories on periodontal abscesses, periodontitis
periodontal diseases
associated with endodontic lesions, and develop-
mental or acquired deformities and conditions. The Traditionally, periodontal diagnosis has been based
classification given in Tables 3 and 4 incorporates almost entirely on clinical findings (9). The clinician
most of these changes, but retains other disease must rely on: 1) the severity and extent of inflam-
classifications, such as refractory and juvenile peri- mation, 2) severity and pattern of periodontal
odontitis, because they are clinical diagnoses that pockets and clinical attachment loss, 3) patient age
have treatment implications for patients and clini- at onset, 4) rate of progression, and 5) miscellaneous


Table 4. Types of periodontitis

Disease Primary age of onset Primary causes Signs and symptoms Therapy
Chronic Any age Bacterial plaque, Overall slow Plaque control,
periodontitis smoking, local plaque progression with smoking cessation,
(American Academy retentive factors such as generalized periodontal scaling and root
of Periodontology dental calculus and pockets, bone and planing, correction of
case types II, II, and faulty restorations clinical attachment loss, local plaque retentive
IV) may be generalized or factors, antimicrobial
localized chemotherapy,
periodontal surgery,
supportive periodontal
Aggressive Any age Bacterial plaque, Severe and rapid Specific antimicrobial
periodontitis superinfection with periodontal destruction therapy based on
(diseases formerly specific periodontal possibly followed by microbial analysis,
classified as juvenile bacteria, possible periods of remission; smoking cessation,
periodontitis by the impaired host response, may be generalized or debridement, possible
Amercian Academy smoking localized periodontal surgery,
of Periodontology supportive periodontal
may also be in this therapy
Refractory Any age Bacterial plaque, Progression of disease Specific antimicrobial
periodontitis of any superinfection with despite good therapy based on
type (American specific periodontal conventional therapy microbial analysis,
Academy of bacteria, possible and supportive smoking cessation,
Periodontology case impaired host periodontal therapy debridement, possible
type V) response, smoking periodontal surgery,
supportive periodontal
Periodontitis as a Any age Associated with Generalized and Treatment of systemic
manifestation of disorders of the blood or localized forms of severe disease, atraumatic
systemic diseases blood-forming organs destruction of bone and plaque control,
such as neutropenia, connective tissue tooth antimicrobial rinse,
leukemia or genetic support supportive periodontal
disorders therapy
Juvenile Near or during puberty Probably major Localizing juvenile Scaling and root
periodontitis: autosomal gene effect periodontitis: typically planing, specific
localized and and infection with loss of support in first antimicrobial therapy
generalized Actinobacillus molar and incisors; based on microbial
actinomycetemcomitans generalizing juvenile analysis, possible
periodontitis: regenerative surgery,
generalized loss of supportive periodontal
support throughout therapy
Periodontitis Any age May be of endodontic Periodontal pocket If primarily of
associated with or periodontal origin extending to area of endodontic origin,
endodontic lesions endodontic lesion endodontic therapy
alone; if primarily of
periodontal origin,
endodontic and
periodontal therapy or
extraction may be
Periodontal abscess Any age Subgingival bacteria Painful, acute swelling Nonsurgical or surgical
of periodontal tissues debridement, antibiotic
associated with deep therapy; regeneration
periodontal pocket of lost periodontal
support is often a
Acute necrotizing Any age Immunocompromised, Pain, rapid loss of bone Debridement,
periodontitis may be associated with and tooth support atraumatic plaque
HIV associated with gingival control, analgesic
and bony necrosis medication,
antimicrobial rinse,
supportive periodontal

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

signs and symptoms such as pain, ulceration, and cium channel-blocking medications such as nifedi-
amounts of local irritants such as dental plaque and pine (ProcardiaA or AdalatA) for cardiovascular rea-
dental calculus. Data from the patient interview, sons, cyclosporine (SandimmuneA or NeoralA) for
clinical and radiographic examination, and any lab- auto-immune diseases or to prevent transplant rejec-
oratory tests or medical consultations are thought- tion or phenytoin (DilantinA) to control seizures.
fully assessed to determine an accurate diagnosis. These medications may have the adverse effect of
The extent, location and severity of periodontal dis- causing gingival enlargement (Fig. 14), and consul-
ease are described in the diagnosis. Any systemic tation with the physician regarding the possibility of
diseases or considerations should also be identified using alternative medication is advisable.
in the diagnosis. Smoking has been confirmed as one of the strong-
est risk factors for periodontitis. Smokers should be
encouraged to quit and be given the opportunity to
participate in a tobacco cessation program. Diabetes
Treatment planning for gingivitis (especially long-standing and poorly controlled dia-
and periodontitis betes) is associated with increased severity and ex-
tent of periodontitis. Patients with diabetes should
Gingivitis is a reversible disease and therapy is aimed be monitored for diabetic control and patients with
primarily at eliminating or reducing causative fac- severe rapidly progressive or refractory periodontitis
tors. This allows inflammation to resolve and the should be referred for appropriate medical consul-
gingival tissues to heal (99). Treatment for peri- tation for diabetes evaluation. Patients who need
odontitis generally falls into two categories: 1) pro- prophylactic antibiotics for induced bacteremia
cedures designed to halt the progression of disease should provided with an appropriate antibiotic pre-
and 2) procedures designed to regenerate structures scription for premedication (5, 33).
destroyed by disease (99). Maintenance or support-
ive periodontal therapy following active treatment is
Hygienic treatment phase
essential to achieve a successful outcome (102).
Many years ago, Ramfjord proposed an overall plan This purpose of this phase of treatment is to elimin-
for the treatment of the periodontal diseases (101). ate as many of the local causes of periodontal dis-
This plan included four phases: 1) systemic, 2) hy- ease as possible including bacterial plaque and cal-
gienic, 3) corrective and 4) maintenance or support- culus, faulty dental restorations and any other fac-
ive care. Although the specific details of each treat- tors that appear to be associated with periodontal
ment phase need updating in light of new infor- inflammation or patient discomfort. This phase in-
mation, the basic outline of therapy that he cludes patient education and oral hygiene instruc-
proposed remains valid. It is critical that the diag- tion, extraction of hopeless teeth, placement of tem-
nosis and treatment plan be presented to the patient porary prostheses, endodontic therapy, thorough
in understandable terms. Patients should be in- scaling and root planing and use of local or systemic
formed of the disease process, treatment options antimicrobial agents. It also includes at least tem-
and expected results, potential adverse events or porary restoration of carious teeth and correction or
complications, and their responsibilities. The conse- replacement of defective restorations that have over-
quences of not having treatment should also be ex- hangs, open margins or open proximal contacts that
plained to the patient (3). result in food impaction. Final restorative care
should be delayed until after all active periodontal
therapy is completed because tissue contours may
Systemic treatment phase
be altered during subsequent periodontal treatment.
The systemic phase of periodontal treatment includes It is common practice to evaluate the results of
appropriate consideration of systemic diseases and the hygienic phase of therapy approximately 6–8
their impact on the causation or treatment of disease. weeks after its completion and make decisions for
For example, a physician should treat individuals with further therapy at that time. However, after scaling
systemic diseases such as blood dyscrasias before and root planing, periodontal healing continues for
periodontal therapy is initiated, and when peri- up to 4–5 months for moderately advanced peri-
odontal therapy is begun, close collaboration be- odontitis (12) and for up to 9 months for severely
tween the treating dentist and physician is essential. advanced periodontitis (13). Therefore, to take maxi-
Other examples include patients who are taking cal- mum advantage of the healing capacity of the peri-


Fig. 14. Gingival enlargement associated with three differ-

ent drugs: A) nifedipine, B) cyclosporine and C) phenytoin

odontal tissues, it may be best give patients support- Maintenance or supportive treatment
ive periodontal therapy every 3–4 months and wait phase
4–9 months to evaluate the results of the hygienic
phase of periodontal therapy. Indeed, a number of Supportive periodontal therapy is an essential part
patients who, on initial examination, appear to need of any periodontal treatment plan. Periodontal ther-
periodontal surgery do not require it because of the apy fails or is much less effective if it is accompanied
healing that occurs as a result of hygienic therapy by poor plaque control or infrequent follow-up sup-
(76, 77). If patients do require additional treatment portive therapy (10, 18, 89, 102, 106, 117, 118). More-
such as periodontal surgery, it is done in the correc- over, professional tooth cleaning every 3–4 months
tive phase of therapy. appears to be effective for maintaining periodontal
patients (27, 102). During recall appointments, the
medical history is updated and the soft tissue, teeth
Corrective treatment phase
and periodontal tissues are examined for any signs
The corrective phase of periodontal therapy includes of disease and the occlusion is checked for signs of
procedures that are designed to correct the effects of trauma. The periodontal tissues are probed, and
periodontal disease on the periodontal tissues, teeth changes in probing depth or attachment level are
and the masticatory system. This includes occlusal noted. Bleeding and suppuration on probing are also
adjustment, fabrication of occlusal guards or bite- assessed, and the clinical findings are reviewed for
planes, orthodontic treatment, implant placement evidence of disease progression. If there is evidence
and periodontal surgery for debridement, resection of increased loss of clinical attachment, deeper
or regeneration. As a general rule, initial healing oc- probing depths, or persistent bleeding on probing,
curs within 6 weeks after periodontal surgery, but to additional therapy should be instituted. This may
assure stability of tissue contours, it may be desir- take the form of additional scaling and root planing,
able to postpone final restorative care until 5–6 antimicrobial treatment or periodontal surgery.
months after periodontal surgery (34). Moreover, patients with refractory disease may re-

Periodontal risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning

quire bacteriological assessment and antibiotic ther- unusual forms of periodontal disease such as early-
apy to control disease progression. Patients should onset, refractory and rapidly progressive disease.
have oral hygiene procedures reinforced and have all There appears to be a strong genetic component in
plaque and calculus removed from the teeth at each some types of periodontal disease and genetic test-
recall appointment. Topical fluoride treatments are ing for disease susceptibility has potential for future
administered to caries-susceptible patients, and use, but more research is needed to determine its
anti-caries fluoride mouth rinses or tooth pastes utility for use in clinical practice.
should be prescribed for patients who are suscep- Treatment of the periodontal diseases may be di-
tible to dental caries. vided into four phases: systemic, hygienic, corrective
and maintenance or supportive periodontal therapy.
Regardless of the type of treatment provided, peri-
Summary odontal therapy will fail or will be less effective in the
absence of adequate supportive periodontal therapy.
The prevention and treatment of the periodontal dis-
eases is based on accurate diagnosis, reduction or
elimination of causative agents, risk management Acknowledgments
and correction of the harmful effects of disease.
Prominent and confirmed risk factors or risk predic- Special thanks to Bryan Michalowicz and Daniel
tors for periodontitis in adults include smoking, dia- Pihlstrom for their suggestions and critical reading
betes, race, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, low edu- of the manuscript and to the Erwin Schaffer Chair in
cation, infrequent dental attendance and genetic in- Periodontal Research and the Minnesota Oral Health
fluences. Several other specific periodontal bacteria, Clinical Research Center (NICDR P-30 DE09737) for
herpesviruses, increased age, male sex, depression, support.
race, traumatic occlusion and female osteoporosis in
the presence of heavy dental calculus have been
shown to be associated with loss of periodontal sup- References
port and can be considered to be risk indicators of
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