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04/11/2016 Dental Veneers ­ Template dentaire

Sherbrooke, QC J1H 4M6
819-340-1934 bit-like-false-nails/

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers  are a bit like false nails

Used to repair a cavity or a broken tooth, dental veneers can also enhance your smile. They cover the front of your
teeth.  This is a simple and painless treatment allowing you to get a brighter smile.  It may be advisable to proceed
with a tooth-whitening treatment before the placement of the veneers.

The difference between the veneer and the crown: the veneer covers only the front of the tooth and the crown
covers completely the tooth.­dental­veneers­are­a­bit­like­false­nails/ 1/7
04/11/2016 Dental Veneers ­ Template dentaire

What is a dental veneer?

It is a thin shell made of porcelain or composite resin, which is attached to the front part of the tooth.

Porcelain veneers (ceramic):

Do not get stained;

Do not change colour;
Look like false nails that are moulded and cemented on the teeth;
Have a longer lifespan than composite veneers;
Their fabrication is done in a laboratory; a second visit is necessary to apply the veneers.

Composite veneers:

Are done in a single appointment;

Are less expensive than porcelain veneers;
Are made directly at the dentist’s of ce and shaped on the tooth;
Have a shorter life expectancy than the porcelain veneers (may require touch-ups with time).

CEREC porcelain veneers:

Are made in a single appointment;

Offer an unlimited choice of colours;
Do not get stained;
Do not change colour;
Look like false nails that are moulded and cemented on the tooth;
Have a longer lifespan than the composite veneers.­dental­veneers­are­a­bit­like­false­nails/ 2/7
04/11/2016 Dental Veneers ­ Template dentaire

Dental veneers allow to change:

Colour of teeth;
Shape of teeth;
Angle of teeth;
Spacing between teeth.­dental­veneers­are­a­bit­like­false­nails/ 3/7
04/11/2016 Dental Veneers ­ Template dentaire

Placing veneers on your teeth


Local anesthesia may be necessary to remove a thin layer of enamel;
An impression of your teeth is necessary for greater accuracy;
While you are waiting for the permanent veneers to be made, your dentist may place temporary
veneers to protect the teeth of which a thin layer of enamel was removed;
At the second appointment, the temporary veneers will be taken out to af x permanent porcelain
veneers using a composite resin cement.


A mild chemical solution is applied to the tooth to make the enamel rougher;
Composite resin is applied in several layers and each layer is cured with a special light;
Once the last layer is hardened, the resin is shaped and polished so that the tooth has a natural
appearance.­dental­veneers­are­a­bit­like­false­nails/ 4/7
04/11/2016 Dental Veneers ­ Template dentaire

What you should know about dental veneers:

The procedure is not painful;

Veneers require the same maintenance as natural teeth (brushing and ossing every day);
This treatment is irreversible as part of the enamel has been removed to af x the veneer (about half a
millimetre under local anesthesia).
If the veneer is broken or if a cavity forms on the tooth, the treatment must be redone;
You must be careful not to bite too hard into objects;
Check if your insurance covers the installation of veneers (it is a cosmetic treatment).­dental­veneers­are­a­bit­like­false­nails/ 5/7
04/11/2016 Dental Veneers ­ Template dentaire

WARNING! Veneers are not for you if…

You have cavities or gum disease (you rst need to treat them);
There is not enough enamel on the tooth (reduced adhesion to af x veneers);
You are missing a large part of the tooth (you will need a dental crown);
You grind your teeth (because you may damage and even break your veneers). In this situation it is better to
opt for a complete crown.­dental­veneers­are­a­bit­like­false­nails/ 6/7
04/11/2016 Dental Veneers ­ Template dentaire

Veneer or crown?

The primary function of the veneer is to beautify while the crown is used both to strengthen and enhance the
appearance of the tooth.­dental­veneers­are­a­bit­like­false­nails/ 7/7

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