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UMU HANIFAH / 1510302066

Table Manners
Table manners or ‘Dining Table Ethical’ is the rules of etiquette used while eating,
which may also include the appropriate use of utensils. The ethics of eating was introduced
by Europeans which were predefined rules, especially when dining together at an official
event or eat together in a large family. But whether we are eating at a fancy restaurant, in the
cafetaria, or at home with friends and families, good table manners make for a more pleasant
There are a lot of table manners in the world. Different cultures observe different
rules for table manners. Each country, region, family or group sets its own standards for how
strictly those rules are to be enforced. Table manners have evolved over centuries to make the
practice of eating with others pleasant and sociable.
When we are visiting many countries, we will find many kind of table manners that
appropriate with tradition and culture in each country. So, when we are around people from a
different culture it’s important to know their customs, because we might insult them without
even realizing it.
For example in Africa, the people of Ethiopia have a tradition of hand-feeding each other,
called gursha. It’s a gesture of hospitality that builds trust and social bonds between those
sharing the food.
Diners in Europe never rest their hands in their laps, rather they place their wrists on the
table. They probably started doing that originally to show that they weren’t hiding a weapon.
In many muslim cultures, people use only their right hand to eat. Why not both hands? The
left hand, traditionally used for (maintaining) hygiene, is concidered unclean.
In Japan and China, slurping your noodles shows appreciation for the meal. You should
leaving a small amount on your plate for symbolize that you’ve had your fill and don’t refill
your own glass, even if you’re thristy. Fill someone else’s cup and wait for them to
Indonesian also has many kind of table manners. There are some regions that have unique
table manners. There are society who do not use a plate for their food, but they use a banana
leave or rattan plate for eat. And there are people who do not use a spoon or a pork, but they
just use their fingers of right hand for eat. They feel more enjoy when they do that kind of
table manner.

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