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Homeopathic Constituional Types : Examining the

Six Phenotypes
Posted on April 13, 2012 by jkorentayer Posted in Diagnosis, Healthy Emotional
Expression, Ideogenic Beliefs,Inside The Consult Room, Materia Medica, Therapeutics
The six genotypes which I have just completed examining in my recent blog series form the complete set

of constitutional types which we find in people who are in a relative state of health. There are six additional

constitutional types, called ‘phenotypes’, which may co-exist with a person’s natural constitution, and

which represent the state of the most stable form of compensation possible in the face of their layers of

disease and/or trauma. The genotype, being a state of relative health, expresses a set of characteristic

responses to the environment and patterns of healthy thinking, feeling, and willing centring around a

particular core theme or healthy state of mind. The phenotype, in contrast, also represents a certain set of

characteristic personality responses and behaviours, but based on cumulative constraints or limitations to

the core state of health. It is a pattern of compensation which has become chronic, and will continue even

after the original conflict or trauma situations have passed. The role of medicine within Heilkunst is key to
unlocking such deeply engendered disease states.

With the six genotypes, one of the characteristic distinctions we make is between the three IQ, or
introverted types (Silicea, Lycopodium, Calcarea Carb), and three EQ, or extroverted types (Phosphorous,

Pulsatilla, Sulphur). For the phenotypes, one of the key structural characteristics we are looking at is the

differences between stasis neurosis and psycho neurosis. These are psychological terms which represent

blockages to the natural flow of the person’s life energy based either on external factors of suppression
(stasis neurosis), or internal factors of repression (psycho neurosis).
The emergence of a particular phenotype in a patient will come from a variety of factors in terms of their

life history, and in particular, the nature of their shocks, traumas, and conflicts, as well as their broader

ideogenic terrain (which is the realm of the highest form of disease caused by false beliefs, illusions, or
delusions), as well as the genetic inheritance of the chronic disease patterns in their family tree.

The treatment of the phenotype is done with the corresponding homeopathic remedy, usually given in the

patient’s daily dropper bottle. If there is still enough of a corner of a healthy state of mind remaining, it is

possible to diagnose both the genotype and the phenotype, and prescribe for both simultaneously. Also,

the phenotype will gradually melt away (sometimes faster, sometimes slower) over time as the patient’s

time line of shocks and traumas are gradually whittled away, moving them always one step closer towards

their natural state of health. As this process unfolds, their natural genotype becomes more and more
visible, and the heavier elements of their personality fall away

2 thoughts on “Homeopathic Constituional Types : Examining the Six


1. lucina says

September 22, 2015 at 5:53 pm

Could this be the reason that I seem to recognise my childhood self as one type (pulsatilla) but following many
difficult life blows and tough experiences, I had thought I must have changed type? For example – I now don’t cry
often (when anyone is there anyway) am more ‘tough’ and less romantic now that I have reasons to be cynical. Or
if someone say took drama lessons so they don’t feel so shy / inhibited as they did during childhood. Would the
new characteristics be considered repressions / phenotype? Just trying to learn a little to aid self treatment 🙂

2. jkorentayer says

November 25, 2016 at 4:07 pm

Hi Lucina – very good questions!

The core of this topic gets to the difference between “a state of health” and “a state of disease”. Your core state of
health is with you forever, but intrusions of shocks, traumas, conflicts, ego power plays, etc. will eclipse that core to
a greater or lesser extent.

The purpose of Heilkunst treatment is to systematically remove all those intrusions, and progressively return a
person to their pure natural state of health. The same process is true for physical symptoms equally as mental /
emotional issues.

Viewing the 6 Genotypes Through the Lens of the

Autism Spectrum
Posted on November 13, 2015 by amcquinn Posted in Autism, Calcarea
Carbonica, Lycopodium, Phosphorous,Pulsatilla, Silicea Terra, Sulphur

“Autism” by Hepingting

I’d like to lay out for you the Constitutional Genotypes from the Autism perspective to make it easier for

you to see them through the lens this condition. Let’s look at the spectrum of typology from the
quiet Silicea at the top of the equation, as the quietest, most insular in comparison to the bottom of the
spectrum with Sulphur being the most loud and verbose.
I will do my best, then to fill in the middle parts for you so that you can see how the typical autism child is

reflected within Heilkunst. Perhaps that way, you will see how giving that child their Constitutional Remedy
would help to round out their Autistic edges while en route to curing the cause of their ills.

 Silicea – is well behaved, morally sound, quiet, homebody preferring his own company to being with others. He can
suffer OCD patterns to the extreme if faced with new circumstances that he does not feel comfortable with. Siliceas
can feel lost in their own little world and parents will say that they’re almost invisible.

“sanda-child-silhouette-cutout-1936” by Fabrice Florin

 Lycopodium – are described as ruling the roost. They’re persuasive, sneaky, manipulative and bossy. They’ll
generally be obsessed with money. Deep inside, they fear that they’re not smart enough for the task before them
and will wangle you with excuses why they can’t step up.
 Calcarea Carbonica – love their rituals and systems. They will drive their parents crazy with their stubborn rituals,
routines and systematic methodologies. They’re detail-oriented to the extreme, rarely letting things go, and will
seemingly create more obstacles, roadblocks and reasons for making things as difficult as possible for themselves
and others.

“drenched in starlight.” by Charlotte McKnight

 Phosphorous – have an overactive imagination, creating a life of fancy and mysticism that is entirely ungrounded.
They can feel like a floaty kite without a string. They will speak constantly of fairies and mystical pets and seem to
have two feet in an entirely made up world where things are much better than reality. They’re beyond talkative and
their constant expressions might try the patience of any parent, if they weren’t so delightfully charming!
 Pulsatilla – are needy, clingy and constantly hiding behind Mom’s or Dad’s trousers if in the Spectrum. They have a
difficult time mustering the confidence to engage with others, preferring to play with their dolls or find sweets to eat.
They want others to conform to playing house with them to the exclusion of all other play. They tend to be puffy and
 Sulphur – are the most aggressive, enraged and “radial” of all the Genotypes. They will smear feces on the wall,
aggressively hit, kick, bite and suffer screaming tantrums that will cause the most patient parent to lose it. Sulphurs
only want their way and are almost impossible to appeal to with reason when they get all wound up.

“012|365” by Steven Worster

My hope is that this is a help to you. Are you able to see more clearly which Genotype might be a best fit
for your child? Let us know if you want to clarify anything mentioned here.

To learn more by listening to my whole audiobook for FREE (including the Chapter on
Constitutions) click here: The Path To Cure; The Whole Art of Curing Autism

August 20, 2013 at 4:17 pm

Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog!
I have this blog post pointing out all 6 genotypes:
And this one pointing out the 6 phenotypes:

Start exercising for your blood type

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