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Boolean operations is a method of combining two mesh together. In Amorphium Pro

when you do a boolean function the 2 objects are merged together creating a new
and the 2 originals are deleted. There are 3 types of boolean in Amorphium Pro: Add,
Subtract and Intercept.

Click on the boolean tools then select what type of boolean you want to do.

Once the selected tool is in the tool box, it is active and it's name will pop up if you
place the pointer over it.
To do a boolean click on one object then the other while the tool is selected.

The add tool will merge or join ( add ) the 2 objects together.
The first object you click on will retain it's name

The subtract tool will cut away ( subtract ) the part of one object where ever the two
are touching. The first object you select is the positive object
and will retain it's name. The second object you select is the negative , and will cut
away at
the first object, Deleting all the polygons where they touch or meet. None of the
negative object will be visible after the boolean is complete.

The intersect tool will cut away at both objects. Leaving only the polygons where the
2 objects touch or meet ( intersect )
The first object selected will retain it's name. This tool will do 2 different
boolean depending on which object is selected first.
The undo command on the project menu will undo all of the boolean tools.

What can & can not be boolean

What Can:
All Amorphium mesh, wax, and biospheres can be boolean in any combination with
each other.
Any object made in Amorphium Pro then exported as another file type. Can be
imported back into
Amorphium Pro and boolean.
Amorphium 1 file, but they may leave a residue of color from one object to the next.

What Can Not:

Objects that are part of a hierarchy either parent or child.
Objects created in other programs then imported.

When A boolean crashes you will get a warning like this, which mat or may not crash
the program.

Some Tips:
Unlike some other programs, Amorphium Pro boolean effect the mesh. ( not just a
render effect)
So all boolean can be exported to other programs.
You can boolean an object many times, but they have to be done 1 at a time.
You can create a complex object with a hierarchy, then use the hierarchy flatten
tool to make it into one object that can be boolean all at once.
Save your file before attempting a complex boolean, Large boolean may crash
some systems.

Some Examples
Cube & Sphere Add Cube & Sphere Intersect ( cube selected

Cube & Sphere Subtract (cube selected Sphere & Cube Subtract (sphere selected
first ) first)

Sphere & Cube Intersect ( sphere selected Multi boolean using spheres & cube

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