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Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422 – 436

Mapping mine wastes and analyzing areas affected by selenium-rich

water runoff in southeast Idaho using AVIRIS
imagery and digital elevation data
John C. Mars *, James K. Crowley
US Geological Survey, National Center—MS 954, Reston, VA 20192, USA
Received 23 January 2002; received in revised form 19 August 2002; accepted 24 August 2002


Remotely sensed hyperspectral and digital elevation data from southeastern Idaho are combined in a new method to assess mine waste
contamination. Waste rock from phosphorite mining in the area contains selenium, cadmium, vanadium, and other metals. Toxic
concentrations of selenium have been found in plants and soils near some mine waste dumps. Eighteen mine waste dumps and five vegetation
cover types in the southeast Idaho phosphate district were mapped by using Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)
imagery and field data. The interaction of surface water runoff with mine waste was assessed by registering the AVIRIS results to digital
elevation data, enabling determinations of (1) mine dump morphologies, (2) catchment watershed areas above each mine dump, (3) flow
directions from the dumps, (4) stream gradients, and (5) the extent of downstream wetlands available for selenium absorption.
Watersheds with the most severe selenium contamination, such as the South Maybe Canyon watershed, are associated with mine dumps
that have large catchment watershed areas, high stream gradients, a paucity of downstream wetlands, and dump forms that tend to obstruct
stream flow. Watersheds associated with low concentrations of dissolved selenium, such as Angus Creek, have mine dumps with small
catchment watershed areas, low stream gradients, abundant wetlands vegetation, and less obstructing dump morphologies.
D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Selenium; Phosphoria; Mead Peak Member; Dinwoody; Park City; Remote sensing; Phosphate; Phosphorite; Mine waste; Hyperspectral; Digital
elevation model; AVIRIS

1. Introduction extensive area affected (Fig. 1), the large size of individual
mines, and the large total volume of mine waste.
The Permian Meade Peak Member of the Phosphoria Over the last 10 years, chemical studies of mine waste,
Formation in southeastern Idaho has been extensively sur- soil, rock, surface water, and plants have focused mainly
face mined for phosphorite for over 50 years. Waste rock on two localities, the South Maybe Canyon and the
from phosphorite mining contains trace amounts of sele- Wooley Valley Unit 4 mine dumps (Fig. 1). Vegetation
nium, cadmium, vanadium, and other elements. Selenium growing on both dump surfaces contains elevated selenium
concentrations in the hundreds of parts per million have concentrations of 100 –500 ppm. Selenosis poisoning of
been found in soils, plants, and seeps in close proximity to livestock has been reported near Maybe Canyon Creek, a
some mine waste dumps. Mortality of livestock due to stream that flows from the base of the South Maybe
selenosis poisoning has been linked to the contamination Canyon mine dump. However, no selenosis poisoning of
of water and vegetation by mine waste (Piper et al., 2000). livestock has been reported downstream of Angus Creek, a
Mapping mine waste and evaluating associated environ- stream that flows from Wooley Valley Unit 4 dump.
mental concerns is a difficult problem because of the Various studies of surface water samples report average
selenium concentrations ranging from of 751.0 to 955.0
Ag/l from Maybe Canyon Creek compared to average
selenium concentrations ranging from only 2.0 to 4.0 Ag/
* Corresponding author. l for water samples from Angus Creek (Amacher, 1994;
E-mail address: (J.C. Mars). Montgomery-Watson, 1998, 1999, 2001; Piper et al.,

0034-4257/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 4 - 4 2 5 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 3 2 - 3
J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436 423

Fig. 1. Location of study area, mine dumps, and AVIRIS image. A letter indicates the locations of each dump. The letters correspond to the mine dump names
on Table 1 and are included in Figs. 5 and 6 that illustrate more details on elevation contours, extent of dumps, and drainages. WV4 is the Wooley Valley Unit 4
mine dump and SMC is the South Maybe Canyon mine dump.

2000). Field mapping of the mine dumps also indicates involved, and each of the large mine waste piles in
that the South Maybe Canyon dump is somewhat smaller southeast Idaho is likely to have somewhat different
than the Wooley Valley Unit 4 mine dump (Table 1). Thus, characteristics.
selenium contamination is not a simple function of dump To gain a better understanding of the selenium problem,
size, but instead is complexly linked to local hydrologic, we used imagery from NASA’s Airborne Visible-Infrared
and perhaps, biologic factors. For example, previous work- Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) to remotely map mine
ers have found that selenium is readily absorbed by waste dumps, wetlands vegetation, and other local vegeta-
organic mat associated with wetlands (Weres, Bowman, tion cover types. This information was analyzed in con-
Goldstein, Smith, & Tsao, 1990), and field observations junction with digital elevation (DEM) data to determine
show a greater abundance of wetland vegetation in the catchment watershed areas for each dump, and to estimate
Angus Creek watershed. But wetland vegetation is just one water runoff potential for mine dumps of various morphol-
of many possible factors influencing selenium dispersal. ogies. Results of the hyperspectral and DEM analyses were
Additional water runoff and vegetation attributes may be then related to selenium contamination near each mine
424 J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436

Table 1
A list of all mine dumps mapped by AVIRIS and physical parameters for each dump
Mine dump Catchment Surface area Mine dump Affected streams Stream Riparian Distance Stream AVG. Se.
watershed of mine dump morphology type surface area from stream gradient up Con. Surface
area (km2) (km2) mapped 1 km source to to 1 km Water-Creek
from source pastureland from mine (Ag/l)
(m2) (km) dump source
A Wooley Valley 1.93 0.91 UCVF (1)Angus Creek P 28512 5.04 35 3.33
unit 4
B Wooley Valley 1.755 0.30 UCVF (2) no name; I 23652 0.00 10 3.70
unit 1 (3) Little Black-Foot
C Wooley Valley 1.54 0.30 UCVF (4) no name, I, P 4536 1.73 23 1.75
unit 3 Angus Creek
D South Maybe 5.14 0.64 LCVF (5) Maybe P 6156 2.71 53 954.55
Canyon Dump Canyon Creek
E North Maybe 0.53 0.31 UCVF (6) East Mill P 324 3.35 51 400.00
Canyon Dump Creek
F West Maybe 1.31 1.31 USRD (7) no-name I 0 0.82 162 no data
Canyon Dump
G North Champ 0.31 0.31 M (8) Goodheart I 3240 0.00 3 10.65
Mine Dump Creek
H West Champ 0.37 0.37 M (9) Dry Canyon I 9396 0.00 1 no data
Mine Dump Creek
I East Champ 0.83 0.83 M Goodheart Creek I 5832 0.00 9 6.34
Mine Dump
J North Mountain 0.33 0.05 UCVF none na na na na na
Fuel Mine Dump
K South Mountain 2.94 0.36 LSRD (10) no-name I 324 1.62 56 no data
Fuel Mine Dump
L East Mountain 9.36 1.45 LSRD (11) no-name I 648 0.00 14 no data
Fuel Mine Dump
M West Mountain 0.16 1.30 UCVF none na na na na na
Fuel Mine Dump
N Enoch Valley- 2.63 1.25 UCVF (12) Rasmussen I 324 0.00 28 0.67
Rasmussen Dump Creek E. Fork
O North Dry Valley 0.57 0.57 M (13) Dry Valley P 20412 0.00 7 24.72
Mine Dump Creek
P South Dry Valley 4.34 0.60 LSRD (14) no-name, I, P 16200 0.00 10 24.72
Mine Dumps Dry Valley Creek
Q Lanes Creek 0.85 0.12 LSRD none na na na na na
Mine Dump
R Georgetown 2.99 0.33 LUSRD (15) no-name I 12363 >6.8 193 na
Mine Dumps
S and plant dump 28.08 0.54 LSRD (16) Georgetown P 0 >6.8 26 17.00
included Creek
The locations of each dump are indicated by a letter that corresponds to the same letter on either Fig. 5 or Fig. 6. The location of each affected stream is
similarly indicated by a number that corresponds to the same number on either Fig. 5 or Fig. 6. Average selenium concentrations from Amacher (1994) and
Montgomery-Watson (1998, 1999, 2001).
Abbreviations: UCVF, Upper Cross-Valley Fill; LCVF, Lower Cross-Valley Fill; USRD, Upper Side-Ridge Dump; LSRD, Lower Side-Ridge Dump; LUSRD,
Lower and Upper Side-Ridge Dumps; M, Mound; I, Intermittent; P, Perennial.

dump as measured by available data on surface water graphic relief of about 450 m. Most of the valleys contain
selenium concentrations. low-lying pasturelands that support grasses and small
amounts of sagebrush. Areas near streams typically support
riparian vegetation such as willow trees and sedges. Sage-
2. Site description and geologic setting brush and aspen trees occur at slightly higher elevations
along the valley borders. Upper ridge areas typically have
The study area lies within the Rocky Mountain Range sagebrush cover on the southwestern slopes, and coniferous
and Forest Region, and has a sub-humid climate with annual forest cover (Lodgepole pine and Douglas fir) on the
precipitation of approximately 51 –64 cm (Austin, 1965). northeastern slopes.
The area comprises a series of northwest trending ridges and Pre-Eocene sedimentary rocks have been folded into a
valleys with base elevations of about 1900 m and topo- series of plunging anticlines and synclines that trend
J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436 425

northwest (Mitchell & Bennett, 1979). Northwest to north- 3.2. Definition and mapping of spectral units
east trending extensional faults postdate the folds. The
Permian Phosphoria Formation consists of phosphatic, Vegetation, lithologies, and mine waste were used to map
organic-rich mudstone, black chert, and dolomite (Herring mine dumps. Training sites were selected in the field for
et al., 2000). The mined phosphorite ore beds are separated rock types, mine waste, and vegetation and were located on
by a thick section of phosphatic mudstone commonly the AVIRIS imagery. Spectra were then extracted from the
identified as the ‘‘center waste shale,’’ which contains up AVIRIS image training sites for use in mapping which are
to 500 ppm selenium, and makes up much of the mine defined in this paper as spectral units. Mixture-tuned match
waste dump material (Herring et al., 2000). In addition, filter (MTMF) was used to map all spectral units because of
mine dumps commonly contain rocks of the overlying the partial unmixing capability of the algorithm using image
Triassic age Dinwoody Formation, and the underlying spectra (Boardman, Kruse, & Green, 1995; Harsanyi &
Permian age Park City Formation. The basal part of the Chang, 1994). Except for three lithologic spectral units,
Dinwoody Formation consists of brown-gray mudstone MTMF correctly mapped >95% of sites that were field
and claystone, whereas the upper part of the Park City checked and assessed in the AVIRIS image. The three
Formation consists of limestone, dolomite, and clayey lithologic spectral units were correctly classified (>90%
limestone and dolomite. accuracy on field checked sites and AVIRIS image) using
spectral angle mapper (SAM; Kruse et al., 1993). SAM is a
spectral shape-matching algorithm that treats spectra as
3. Data and methods multi-dimensional vectors and calculates angles of similarity
between them. Mixture-tuned matched filter and SAM are
3.1. Image calibration part of the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI)
software package (RSI, 2000).
Five segments of AVIRIS data were acquired from the To generate maps of the mine waste dumps we utilized
high-altitude NASA ER-2 aircraft during clear sky con- the spectral attributes of (1) exposed lithologies within
ditions on September 7, 1999 (Fig. 1). AVIRIS records 224 mines, (2) typical vegetation on mine dumps, and (3)
channels of data in narrow, contiguous, spectral bandpasses exposed mine dump material. Exposed lithologic units
spanning the 0.4- to 2.5-Am wavelength region (Green et within mines are useful for helping to delineate mine waste
al., 1998). An AVIRIS image covers a swath about 12-km dumps because the dumps are always situated in close
wide with a ground Instantaneous Field of View (gIFOV) proximity to mines. Many mine waste dumps have been
of approximately 20 m at sea level. Due to an average seeded with wheat grass and alfalfa; thus, these vegetation
elevation of 2100 m in the study area, the gIFOV and types situated adjacent to a mine typically indicate the
swath were reduced to about 18 m and 11 km, respec- presence of a mine waste dump. Areas of wheat grass/alfalfa
tively. that are not situated near a mine generally constitute
The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory calibrated the agricultural fields. In addition, mine waste dumps com-
AVIRIS data to radiance-at-sensor. We calibrated the data monly contain bare patches of waste rock. Such areas are
to approximate surface reflectance by using the Atmos- spectrally distinctive and provide direct evidence of a mine
pheric Removal (ATREM) software (Gao, Heidebreicht, & waste dump. Details of the identification of various spectral
Goetz, 1992). A ‘‘spectral polishing’’ procedure (Empirical units and the choice of mapping methods used in each case
Flat Field Optimal Reflectance Transformation—EFFORT) are given below.
(Boardman, 1998), and in situ spectral calibration were
subsequently performed to improve the reflectance cali- 3.3. Lithologic spectral units
bration (Clark, Swayze, Heidebreicht, Goetz, & Green,
1993). The in situ spectral calibration was based on field Four spectrally distinct lithologic units are exposed in
spectral data collected at the Wooley Valley Unit 4 Dump the foot and/or hanging walls of the phosphorite mines:
using an Analytical Spectral Devices portable spectrom- carbonate rocks, clayey carbonate rocks, micaceous –calca-
eter at approximately 9:45 AM MDT on June 23, 1999. reous mudstone, and phosphatic mudstone (Fig. 2). The
These spectral measurements were averaged and re- carbonate rock spectral unit consists of limestone and
sampled to the AVIRIS wavelengths and spectral resolu- dolomite and has a strong absorption feature centered near
tion using a Gaussian filter function and AVIRIS full- 2.33 Am (Fig. 2). The clayey carbonate rock and mica-
width half-maximum waveform and band center values. ceous –calcareous mudstone spectral units exhibit absorp-
The resampled field spectrum was then divided by an tion features of somewhat variable relative intensities due
average AVIRIS spectrum extracted from the same image to muscovite (2.20 and 2.35 Am absorption features),
location to produce a scaler spectrum. The ATREM and smectite clay (2.20 Am absorption feature), dolomite
EFFORT corrected data were subsequently multiplied by (2.31 Am absorption feature), and calcite (2.33 Am absorp-
the scaler spectrum to produce the final AVIRIS reflec- tion feature) (Fig. 2). Due to high organic content (5% –
tance dataset. 10% total organic carbon; Herring et al., 2000) and
426 J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436

Fig. 2. Lithologic, mine waste, and vegetation spectral units. Each spectrum displayed is an average of all mapped spectra for each spectral unit. Due to
atmospheric noise, parts of each spectrum were ommited and replaced with a dotted line for clarity.

moderate to high thermal maturity (Claypool, Love, & phosphatic mudstone contains clay (2.20 Am absorption
Maughan, 1978), the albedo of the phosphatic mudstone feature) and small amounts of calcite (2.33 Am absorption
spectral unit was about 16% lower than the albedo of the feature) the high organic content and thermal maturity
other three lithologic spectral units (Fig. 2). Although the subdues their spectral absorption features.
J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436 427

To map the lithologic spectral units a vegetation mask tion of false color composite imagery, and by field obser-
was first used to constrain the spectral mapping to areas vations.
with minimal vegetation cover. The mask was constructed
by using the sum of band ratios 1.10:0.66 Am and 3.6. GIS techniques
0.508:1.325 Am. The MTMF procedure was then utilized
to try and map the four lithologic spectral units. However, AVIRIS-based mine waste and vegetation maps were
the carbonate, clayey carbonate, and micaceous mudstone registered using 57 UTM coordinates taken from a regis-
spectral units contained mineral absorption bands that the tered Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image. USGS 7.5-
MTMF interpreted incorrectly to represent linear mixtures min DEM data and the AVIRIS mapping results were
between the units. More accurate maps of these three imported into a raster GIS program (Idrisi) in order to
lithologic spectral units were obtained by using SAM, analyze catchment watershed areas and runoff flow lines
limited to the 2.0- to 2.4-Am wavelength region. The for the various mine dumps. A ‘‘catchment watershed area’’
phosphatic mudstone lithologic spectral unit, which does is defined as the part of a watershed that channels surface
not contain strong mineral absorption features, but has a water onto a mine dump plus the surface area of the dump
distinctive overall spectral shape, was accurately mapped by itself. Precipitation within the catchment watershed area
using the MTMF procedure over the full 0.4 – 2.4-Am flows onto and potentially into and through the dump.
spectral range. The Idrisi watershed algorithm superimposes each mapped
mine dump on the DEM and maps catchment watershed
3.4. Mine-waste spectral units pixels up-elevation from the mine dump boundary to the
boundary of the watershed. ‘‘Runoff flow lines’’ are com-
Two mine-waste spectral units were defined representing puter-generated lines that define the most likely water flow
both the bare and vegetated dumps (Fig. 2). The bare dump paths based on the topographic data.
spectral unit consists mostly of phosphatic mudstone, some
limestone, dolomite, and calcareous micaceous mudstone,
and up to 5% vegetation. Spectral features are subdued 4. Results and discussion
because of the high content of organic matter in this mud-
stone (5– 10% total organic carbon; Herring et al., 2000). 4.1. Mapping of mine waste
However, the spectral unit does show weak 2.20-, 2.33- and
2.35-Am absorption features probably due to the presence of A combination of mine waste and lithologic spectral
calcite and muscovite (Fig. 2). The vegetated dump spectral units defines mine waste dumps. At Wooley Valley and
unit consists of at least 70% vegetation and less than 30% Maybe Canyon, mine waste dumps are mapped as mottled
dump material. patterns of vegetation and bare dump spectral units adja-
Because the mine waste spectral units occur in mixtures cent to mapped lithologic spectral units (Figs. 3 and 4). In
with ordinary vegetation and other image materials, a partial contrast, a field to the east of Wooley Valley Unit 4 dump
spectral unmixing procedure was necessary to distinguish and an area northwest of the Dry Valley Mine Dumps (Fig.
their spectral characteristics. The MTMF algorithm applied 4) are spectrally similar to the vegetated mine dump unit.
over the full 0.4- to 2.4-Am spectral range was effective for The absence of associated lithologic and bare mine waste
mapping both mine waste spectral units. spectral units, however, is an indication that the areas are
agricultural fields of wheat grass or alfalfa. Some pixels
3.5. Vegetation-land cover spectral units classified as lithologic spectral units are most probably
mine waste on some of the mine dumps (Figs. 3 and 4).
Besides the mine waste vegetation, five additional veg- The bare mine waste spectral unit consists of a mixture of
etation-land cover spectral units were defined, both to all the lithologic units. If part of the mine waste consists
enable mapping of wetlands that may play a role in reducing primarily of one lithology, it will be erroneously mapped
selenium transport, and to characterize other land cover as a lithologic spectral unit. Some of the larger mine
types potentially affected by mine waste contamination. access roads in the area are mapped as a combination of
Training areas of each vegetation-land cover type were mine waste and lithologic spectral units (Fig. 3). These
observed in the field and located on the image. The roads are typically constructed of mine waste material and
vegetation-land cover spectral units are (1) sagebrush domi- are also subject to dust and spillage from ore haulage
nated slopes, (2) grass dominated pastureland, (3) riparian trucks. The roads are another potential source of selenium
vegetation along wetlands and streams, (4) aspen forests on contamination, although the associated waste volumes are
lower ridge slopes, and (5) coniferous forests of Lodgepole relatively low.
Pine and Douglas Fir on higher ridges and on north-facing All of the large mine dumps present in the study area (a
slopes (Fig. 2). The MTMF algorithm applied over the full total of 18) were identified from the AVIRIS mapping
0.4- to 2.4-Am spectral range appeared to produce accurate results (Figs. 5 and 6; Table 1). To evaluate the AVIRIS
vegetation mapping results. This was verified by examina- mapping accuracy we compared our interpreted mine dump
428 J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436

Fig. 3. AVIRIS image of the Wooley Valley Mine with lithologic and mine waste spectral units, and interpreted mine dumps mapped in black lines.

areas to digital maps of the dumps compiled from field data rocks include ore loading areas, haul roads, and areas of ore
(Causey & Moyle, 2001). New mine dumps at Rasmussen spillage. Thus, some field checking of results is critical to
Ridge, Enoch Valley and the two southern mine dumps at determine the accuracy of the remote mapping technique,
Dry Valley mine were excluded from the accuracy assess- and to adjust the AVIRIS-interpreted mine dump boundaries.
ment because these dumps were still under construction at On the other hand, there were no major errors of omission,
the time of the AVIRIS overflight. In a pixel-by-pixel i.e., cases where large contiguous areas of mine waste were
comparison to the digital map the AVIRIS analysis correctly not detected by AVIRIS.
mapped 76% of the mine dump pixels. A substantial
fraction (at least 10%) of the AVIRIS mapping error is 4.2. Mine dump morphological classification
due to minor misregistration between the image and the map
caused by instability in the AVIRIS aircraft platform. An in- Early in the study it became evident that mine dump
flight GPS dataset would correct this anomaly but was not morphology could be an important factor in selenium
available at the time these AVIRIS data were collected. mobilization and transport. Large amounts of water infil-
Other problems with the AVIRIS mapping results in- trating a dump are likely to mobilize greater amounts of
volved veneers of mine waste on steep talus slopes adjacent selenium, potentially leading to high concentrations of
to dumps, or in areas affected by ore spillage. For example, selenium downstream. A morphological classification of
field checking showed that the southern boundary of the dumps was therefore developed based on different dump
West Maybe Canyon dump was considerably less extensive forms, topographic positions, and relative amounts of sur-
than shown in Fig. 4. In this case, AVIRIS detected a thin face water infiltration (Fig. 7).
veneer of talus that included mine waste material. Field Lower cross-valley fill dumps have the greatest potential
observations determined the correct extent of the southern for surface water infiltration (Fig. 7). A lower cross-valley
boundary of the West Maybe Canyon dump (F, Fig. 5). fill dump situated at the mouth or lower reach of a valley
Similar areas mapped by AVIRIS where there are thin acts like a dam to restrict surface water runoff. The runoff
veneers of phosphate ore or mine wastes over the country waters infiltrate through the dump and typically emerge as
J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436 429

Fig. 4. AVIRIS image of the Maybe Canyon Mine with lithologic and mine waste spectral units, and interpreted mine dumps mapped in black lines.

seeps from the base of the dump (Fig. 7). The South Maybe catchment watershed area is approximately the same as
Canyon mine dump is an example of a lower cross-valley the dump surface area (Fig. 7). The West Maybe Canyon
fill (D, Fig. 5; Table 1). mine dump is an example of an upper side-ride dump (F,
Upper cross-valley fill dumps fill the upper parts of Fig. 5; Table 1).
valleys. In this case, there is less catchment watershed area, Mound dumps are situated in broad valleys or on level
and the runoff onto the dump and associated water infiltra- terrain (Fig. 7). Most of the surface water that infiltrates a
tion is derived mainly from the surface of the dump itself mound dump is from precipitation that falls directly on the
(Fig. 7). Examples of upper cross-valley fill dumps are dump surface. Although there may be a large catchment
Wooley Valley Unit 4 and North Maybe Canyon mine watershed area above a mound dump, most of the surface
dumps (A, E, Fig. 5; Table 1). runoff flows around the perimeter of the mound. Therefore,
Lower side-ridge dumps are situated on lower ridge the catchment watershed area is defined as being equal to
slopes, and the catchment watershed area extends from the the dump surface area. The North Dry Valley mine dump is
dump to the top of the ridge. Catchment watershed areas classified as a mound dump (O, Fig. 5; Table 1).
above lower side-ridge dumps commonly are quite steep Large amounts of surface water infiltration are likely to
and, during storms, surface water flows down, over, and be associated with lower cross-valley fill dumps. Moderate
around the dumps (Fig. 7). However, because lower side surface water infiltration may be associated with upper
ridge dumps do not fill across stream valleys, they are less cross-valley and lower side-ridge dumps, and minimal sur-
likely to impact perennial streams. The South Mountain face water infiltration is likely to be associated with mound
Fuel mine dump is an example of a lower side-ridge dump and upper-side ridge dumps.
(K, Fig. 6; Table 1).
Upper side-ridge dumps are situated near the tops of 4.3. Watershed analysis
ridges and do not have extensive catchment watershed areas
above them. Most of the surface water infiltration occurs The mapped mine waste areas and vegetation land-cover
when precipitation falls directly on the dump and the classes from Wooley Valley Unit 4 dump (WV4) and South
430 J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436

Fig. 5. A contour map compiled from a USGS 30-m-resolution digital elevation model, USGS digital line graphs and AVIRIS data, illustrating AVIRIS mapped
mine dumps, intermittent and perennial steams, and outline of AVIRIS image. Letters and numbers on the map identify specific mine dumps and drainages
listed on Table 1. Area in map corresponds to the northern part of the AVIRIS flight line in Fig. 1. Map grid is Universal Transverse Mercator on WGS 1984
J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436 431

Fig. 6. A contour map compiled from a USGS 30-m-resolution digital elevation model, USGS digital line graphs, and AVIRIS data, illustrating AVIRIS
mapped mine dumps, intermittent and perennial steams, and outline of AVIRIS image. Letters and numbers on the map identify specific mine dumps and
drainages listed on Table 1. Area in map corresponds to the southern part of the AVIRIS flight line in Fig. 1. The label ‘‘plant waste’’ indicates the location of
the plant dump at the Georgetown Mine plant. Map grid is Universal Transverse Mercator on WGS 1984 datum.
432 J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436

Fig. 7. Morphological classification of mine dumps. Grey areas represent catchment watershed area. Dotted areas represent surfaces of mine dumps.

Maybe Canyon mine dump (SMC) were registered to a east of Wooley Valley (Fig. 8). From the seeps at the base of
DEM in order to analyze and compare water runoff direc- the WV4 dump, to the point where the stream enters the
tions, riparian vegetation, and affected downstream areas. pasture, 57,672 m2 of riparian vegetation was mapped by
On the basis of hyperspectral mapping, the surface area of AVIRIS. Biologic and geochemical studies indicate sele-
the WV4 dump is 0.91 km2 and the surface area of the SMC nium concentrations in plants and water at the base of WV4
dump is 0.64 km2 (Figs. 3 and 4). Both dumps are situated dump range from tens to hundreds of ppm (Piper et al.,
in valleys; however, there is an important difference in 2000). However, at the point where Angus Creek flows into
setting. The WV4 dump fills the upper part of Wooley the pasture, average selenium concentrations in the water
Valley (upper cross-valley fill), whereas the SMC dump is are less than 4.0 Ag/l (Montgomery-Watson, 1998, 1999,
located in the central to lower part of Maybe Canyon (lower 2001; Piper et al., 2000). The marked decline in surface
cross-valley fill) (A, D, respectively, Fig. 5; Fig. 7; Table 1). water selenium concentrations points to the effectiveness of
Thus, while the WV4 dump has an upstream or ‘‘catch- wetlands vegetation for fixing selenium.
ment’’ watershed area of 1.93 km2 (Fig. 8), the upstream Maybe Canyon Creek flows northwest from the base of
area of the watershed above the SMC dump is significantly the SMC dump, swings to the southwest, and then back to
greater (5.14 km2; Fig. 9). the northwest upon entering Dry Valley (Fig. 9). Horses
Runoff flow lines for the WV4 dump indicate northwest pastured in Dry Valley next to Maybe Canyon Creek had to
and southeast flow directions (Fig. 8). The southeast out- be destroyed due to selenium poisoning, and water samples
flow is an intermittent stream channel for which there is no taken in May 1992 and October 1993 had an average
water chemistry information. The primary outflow from selenium concentration of 955 Ag/l (Amacher, 1994). Veg-
WV4 is along the northwest flow line, Angus Creek, which etation maps superimposed on the runoff flow lines of the
is fed by mine seeps at the northwest end of the WV4 dump DEM show the pasture where the horses were poisoned
and a spring northeast of the dump. Vegetation maps super- (Fig. 9). Along the stream course from the base of the SMC
imposed on the Angus creek flow lines indicate that water dump to this horse pasture, only 8242 m2 of riparian
from the WV4 dump flows through a pasture to the north- vegetation is mapped by AVIRIS. Thus, Maybe Canyon
J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436 433

Fig. 8. DEM of Wooley Valley illustrating catchment watersheds, mine dumps, computer generated channel flow lines, direction of surface water flow, and
riparian vegetation.

Creek below the SMC dump contains about one-fifth as shown in Table 1. Water chemistry data are from Amacher
much riparian vegetation as Angus Creek below the WV4 (1994) and Montgomery-Watson (2001).
dump, suggesting that there is much less organic mat
available for selenium absorption in the lower part of Maybe 4.5. North Maybe Canyon—a watershed with selenium
Canyon Creek. In addition, the larger watershed area asso- concentrations similar to Maybe Canyon Creek
ciated with SMC dump indicates that more surface water
flows through the dump compared to the WV4 dump, The AVIRIS imagery and USGS 1:24,000 series topo-
potentially increasing selenium mobilization and transport. graphic maps indicate that a mine dump designated here as
Local stream gradients may also influence runoff and the North Maybe Canyon dump is situated in the upper part of
related leaching of selenium. Higher stream gradients in- East Mill Creek (E, Fig. 5). This creek has the second highest
crease stream velocity, possibly transporting selenium fur- surface water selenium concentration in the study area (400
ther downstream before it has time to be absorbed and Ag/l, Table 1). There is only 324 m2 of riparian vegetation
immobilized. In addition, streams with higher velocities have mapped by AVIRIS over a 1-km distance from the dump.
smaller amounts of organic-rich sediment needed to reduce Over the same distance the stream drops 51 m in elevation—
and fix selenium. SMC has a stream gradient of 53 m/km the second greatest perennial stream gradient in the study area
over the first kilometer from the mine dump. Over the same (Table 1). The upper cross-valley fill morphology and small
distance the WV4 dump has a stream gradient of 35 m/km. catchment watershed area (0.53 km2) suggests that there
should not be a large surface water supply to the dump.
4.4. Other AVIRIS-mapped mine dumps However, field data indicate that there is a perennial seep at
the base of the dump. Elevated selenium levels in this case
The 16 other mine dumps mapped by AVIRIS have may reflect a significant ground water component to the
significant differences in setting compared to the SMC inflow waters in addition to the high stream gradient, and low
and WV4 dumps. Comparative data for all the dumps are amount of wetland vegetation at North Maybe Canyon dump.
434 J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436

Fig. 9. DEM of the upper part of Dry Valley and Maybe Canyon illustrating catchment watersheds, mine dumps, computer-generated channel flow lines,
direction of surface water flow, and riparian vegetation.

4.6. Watersheds with intermediate selenium concentrations and low stream gradient, selenium levels in Dry Valley
Creek were expected to be low and similar to Angus Creek.
Surface water samples from perennial streams near mine The somewhat elevated selenium concentrations in Dry
dumps from the Dry Valley and Georgetown mines have Valley Creek probably reflect selenium contributions from
selenium concentrations much lower than samples from Maybe Canyon Creek, which joins Dry Valley Creek
South Maybe Canyon Creek, but nearly an order of magni- approximately 1.8 km upstream from the Dry Valley mine
tude higher than samples from Angus Creek (Table 1). (5, 13, Fig. 5).
There are three dumps north of the Dry Valley mine (Fig. The Georgetown mine dumps are relatively small and are
4; O, P, Fig. 5). Two of the dumps nearest to Dry Valley scattered along a high ridge, resulting in a moderate catch-
Mine are so close together that the total catchment water- ment watershed area of 2.99 km2 (R, Fig. 6; Table 1).
shed and mine dump surface areas were combined and However, an ore processing plant is situated in the valley
designated as the South Dry Valley mine dumps (Fig. 4; below the Georgetown mine and includes processed waste
P, Fig. 5; Table 1). These dumps plus the North Dry Valley piles bordering Georgetown Creek (S, Fig. 6). The process-
mine dump have a total catchment watershed area that is ing plant wastes are classified as lower side-ridge dumps (S,
similar to SMC. However, the mound and lower side-ridge Fig. 6; Fig. 7) and the catchment watershed area above these
mine dump morphologies indicate that most of the surface dumps is quite large (25 km2). Because the processing plant
water flows around rather than through the dumps (13, 14, wastes are likely to exert the most influence on selenium
O, P, Fig. 5; Table 1). Riparian vegetation density mapped concentrations in Georgetown Creek, the physical parame-
using AVIRIS in Dry Valley Creek below the Dry Valley ters for the Georgetown mine dumps and the processing
mine dumps is also quite high (20,412 m, Table 1). Based plant waste dumps were combined (Table 1). The area
on the dump morphologies, high riparian vegetation cover downstream of the processing plant has a moderately low
J.C. Mars, J.K. Crowley / Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (2003) 422–436 435

amount of riparian vegetation (12,363 m2, Table 1). Sele- observations. Relative amounts and directions of surface
nium concentrations of surface water samples taken from water flow associated with each mine dump were analyzed
Georgetown Creek are the fourth highest in the data set. The using digital elevation data, and combined with information
elevated selenium concentrations are consistent with the on stream gradients and riparian vegetation cover. Variations
large catchment watershed area associated with the process- in selenium concentrations in surface water samples col-
ing plant and mine wastes, coupled with the limited riparian lected in the southeast Idaho phosphate district appear to be
vegetation along the creek (Table 1). complexly linked to variations in the physical attributes of
local watersheds and mine dumps. These attributes include
4.7. Watersheds with low selenium concentrations or no dump morphology, catchment watershed areas associated
data with individual dumps, stream gradients below dumps, and
riparian vegetation densities along outflow pathways. All of
Surface water samples from intermittent streams near these attributes can be quantified by using hyperspectral
mine dumps of the Champ, Wooley Valley, and Enoch imagery in conjunction with digital elevation data. How-
Valley– Rasmussen Ridge mines contain low selenium con- ever, additional attributes, such as actual dump volumes and
centrations similar to Angus Creek (Table 1). Most of these compositions, groundwater infiltration, or special engineer-
dumps have catchment watershed areas similar in size or ing measures taken during mine dump construction, (e.g.,
smaller than the WV4, coupled with relatively benign dump water diversion structures, or impermeable surface treat-
morphologies. Thus, surface water available for selenium ments to inhibit water infiltration), cannot be evaluated
mobilization and transport should be relatively limited. without additional sources of information. The results pre-
The Enoch Valley mine dump is an upper cross-valley fill sented in this study are also limited by the sparse data on
that has 35% more catchment watershed and surface mine stream selenium concentrations—particularly the lack of
dump area than WV4 (Table 1). USGS 1:24,000 series temporal information on selenium variations for all but a
topographic sheets and AVIRIS imagery indicate that the few of the best-studied localities. Nevertheless, geospatial
east fork of Rasmussen Creek flows through the eastern part data appear to have excellent potential for characterizing
of the dump (N, Fig. 5). AVIRIS mapped 324 m2 of riparian mine dump physical settings, and for testing hypotheses
vegetation coverage for 1 km below the mine dump in concerning the causes of selenium contamination. Eventu-
Rasmussen Creek. Despite the small amount of riparian ally, such data should aid in developing mine waste reme-
vegetation mapped by AVIRIS, surface water selenium diation strategies.
sample concentrations are just one-fifth those of Angus
Creek. The lower than expected selenium concentrations
may be related to the low stream gradient, or may reflect References
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