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CONSTRUCTION 10 November 2016
4th session Original: ENGLISH
Agenda item 5


Draft consolidated explanatory notes for the second generation

intact stability criteria

Submitted by the United States


Executive summary: This document provides draft consolidated explanatory notes that
restructure, generally consolidate and suggest some edits to
the draft working versions of the explanatory notes, set out in
document SDC 3/WP.5, into a single document, and proposes to
finalize the draft explanatory notes at the same session as the target
completion year

Strategic direction: 5.2

High-level action: 5.2.1


Action to be taken: Paragraph 6

Related documents: SDC 3/WP.5, SDC 3/21 and SDC 4/5/1, paragraph 11 and annex 11


1 Development of the second generation intact stability criteria is a long-term effort that
came from the framework described in document SLF 50/4/4 (Japan, Netherlands and
United States). It evolved into the draft regulations for vulnerability criteria contained in
annexes 1 to 3 to document SDC 2/WP.4, and annexes 1 and 2 to document SDC 3/WP.5.

2 To help ensure correct and consistent application of the second generation intact
stability criteria in general, and the vulnerability criteria in particular, explanatory notes have
been under development since SLF 55 (SLF 55/17, paragraph 3.14.3). The Correspondence
Group on Intact Stability (IS) established at SDC 3 was given terms of reference that included
the task to "further develop, harmonize, and refine the draft explanatory notes for the second
generation intact stability criteria, with a view to their finalization at SDC 4" (SDC 3/21,
paragraph This task would be based on the working versions of the explanatory
notes provided in annexes 3 to 7 to document SDC 3/WP.5. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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3 The United States proposed revisions to the organization of the explanatory notes to
the IS Correspondence Group and agreed to submit the restructured text directly to SDC 4.
The United States suggests that the draft explanatory notes be edited to harmonize
terminology and symbols, provide text clarification, and give sufficient detailed and validated
worked examples of both levels 1 and 2 vulnerability criteria of each stability failure mode.

4 Accordingly, the United States submits draft consolidated explanatory notes as set
out in the annex. The following considerations were taken into account:

.1 some relevant elements needed for the explanatory notes have not yet been
addressed, e.g. an introduction, general framework, symbols, and terminology,
(square brackets identify the location of such elements);

.2 descriptions of methods under assessment for consistency were not included

and, in appropriate locations, square brackets containing the words "to be
added" or "to be developed" were included;

.3 descriptions of alternative calculation methods and significant supporting

information were not included in the main body of the document but are
envisioned to be included in appendices to the main body of the explanatory
notes; and

.4 a working group needs to be established to discuss how to help achieve

consistency in nomenclature and definitions.


5 The United States expects that the explanatory notes will undergo several
refinements, because the second generation intact stability criteria contains complex material
and additional explanation may be needed as experience with the criteria grows. Accordingly,
the United States is of the opinion that the explanatory notes cannot be realistically completed
until all other elements of the output on second generation intact stability criteria are completed
and, therefore, suggests that the plan of action for the intact stability work should be revised
to show finalization of the explanatory notes at the same session as the target completion year.

Action requested of the Sub-Committee

6 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the discussion in paragraphs 3 and 4 and

the proposal in paragraph 5, and take action as appropriate.

*** Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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1 Introduction and framework of the second generation intact stability criteria

1.1 Motivation for and modes of stability failure covered by the second
generation intact stability criteria

1.2 Definitions, terminology and nomenclature specific to the second generation

intact stability criteria

1.3 Framework and tiered structure of the second generation intact stability criteria

1.4 Example input data set

1.5 Example output data set

2 Assessment of ship vulnerability to the pure loss of stability failure mode

2.1 Physical background and scenario and of pure loss of stability

2.2 Method to establish equivalence between regular and irregular waves

2.3 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to the pure loss of stability

failure mode

2.4 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to the pure loss of stability

failure mode

3 Assessment of ship vulnerability to the parametric rolling failure mode

3.1 Physical background of parametric roll

3.2 Method to establish equivalence between regular and irregular waves

3.3 Equation of motion for parametric roll and its solution to calculate
the maximum roll angle

3.4 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to parametric roll

3.5 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to parametric roll

4 Assessment of ship vulnerability to the surf-riding/broaching failure mode

4.1 Physical background of surf-riding and broaching

4.2 Input data for thrust and resistance

4.3 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to surf-riding/broaching

4.4 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to surf-riding/broaching Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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Annex, page 2

5 Assessment of ship vulnerability to the dead ship condition failure mode

5.1 Physical background of stability failure in the dead ship condition

5.2 Input data for wind forces

5.3 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in the dead

ship condition

5.4 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in the dead

ship condition

6 Assessment of ship vulnerability to the excessive acceleration failure mode

6.1 Physical background of stability failure related to excessive accelerations

6.2 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure related to

excessive accelerations

6.3 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure related to

excessive accelerations

7 Common methods of calculations recommended for assessment of


7.1 Estimation of inertial properties of a ship and natural period of roll motion in
calm water

7.2 Input data for the wave environment

7.3 Evaluation of wave forces

7.4 Estimation of roll decay with simplified Ikeda method

7.5 Evaluation of ship motion

7.6 Evaluation of metacentric height and righting lever curve in longitudinal


8 Appendices: additional relevant information Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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1.1 Motivation for and modes of stability failure covered by the second generation
intact stability criteria

[To be added]

1.2 Definitions, terminology and nomenclature specific to the second generation

intact stability criteria

[To be added]

1.3 Framework and tiered structure of the second generation intact stability criteria

[To be added]

1.4 Example input data set

[To be added]

1.5 Example output data set

[To be added] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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2.1 Physical background and scenario and of pure loss of stability

2.1.1 Variation of stability in waves When a ship is underway through longitudinal waves, the submerged part of the hull
changes. These changes may become significant if the length of the wave is comparable to
the length of the ship. As a first example, one may observe the changes that occur when
the trough of a wave is located amidships (see figure 2-1). For many ships, the upper part of
the bow section is usually wide, due to bow flare. Bow flare provides protection from spray and
green water shipping, and provides opportunity for deck cargo stowage. The bow flare makes
the waterplane larger, if the upper part of the bow section becomes partially submerged.
The upper part of the aft section of the hull may be wider. Cargo stowage considerations often
mandate wide afterbodies. Therefore, the after part of the waterplane also increases, once
the upper part of the aft section becomes submerged. Unlike the bow and aft sections,
the midship section of most ships is often nearly wall-sided. These characteristics mean that
very little change occurs in the waterplane width with variations in draft. When the wave trough
is amidships, the draft at the midship section is low, but as the hull is wall-sided in this region,
there is little waterplane change. As a result, when the wave trough is located around
the midship section, the overall waterplane area is increased (see figure 2-1b)


Wave trough amidships

M(n) water

Figure 2-1 – Changes in hull geometry when a wave trough is amidships:

(a) 3D view; and (b) waterplane When the wave crest is located near amidships, the situation changes dramatically
(figure 2-2). The underwater part of the bow section is usually quite narrow, especially around
the waterline. Even for a bulbous bow, it is still narrower than for the section with bow flare.
The reason for this is the consideration of resistance. The faster the ship is, the narrower its
underwater bow section must be. If the wave crest is amidships and the wave has a length
similar to a ship length, the wave trough is located around the bow section. This makes the draft
at the bow quite shallow. As a result, the waterplane becomes very narrow in this region.
The underwater part of the aft section is also very narrow. The main design consideration is to
provide the propulsor with enough to efficiently power the ship. Consideration of energy
efficiency impels a designer towards a buttock flow stern design. When the wave crest is
located amidships, another wave trough is located near the aft section. The draft at the stern
becomes shallow, which makes the waterplane very narrow in the aft part. This also is
exaggerated with increased ship speed, as more power must be handled by the propeller. As
mentioned previously, the midship section is typically more wall-sided, so it does not
significantly affect the waterplane. Figure 2-2b shows the effect of the wave crest amidships,
where the overall waterplane is reduced in area. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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Calm water
Wave crest amidships

Figure 2-2 – Changes in hull geometry when a wave crest is amidships:

(a) 3D view; and (b) waterplane The waterplane area has a significant effect on ship stability, which is well known from
ship hydrostatics. If the waterplane area is reduced, then the righting lever (GZ) curve is
reduced as well (see figure 2-3). The change of stability in waves, as examined above, is
the physical basis for the stability failure mode known as pure loss of stability. The dynamics
of pure loss of stability are different from that of parametric roll, but are also closely related to
the severity and duration of waterplane changes. A possible scenario for the development of
a stability failure caused by pure loss of stability is shown in figure 2-4.

Wave trough amidships


Calm water

Calm water

Calm water
Wave crest amidships

Figure 2-3 – Stability, represented by righting lever curves, corresponding to

waterplane changes with the midship located on the wave trough (Top)
and the wave crest (Bottom) Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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Ship is underway in following waves. A large Typical changes of

wave is approaching from the stern stability caused by
relatively small waves

Large decrease of
The large wave is overtaking the ship. If the time of
the instantaneous GZ
exposure to the crest of the large wave is long enough,
curve, caused by
the stability failure may occur
the crest of a large

Typical changes of
The large wave has passed the ship. stability caused by
The ship has regained its stability relatively small waves

Figure 2-4 – A possible scenario for the development of pure loss of stability

2.2 Method to establish equivalence between regular and irregular waves

[This paragraph sets a standard way to use a regular wave to represent irregular waves defined
by a spectrum - To be added]

2.3 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to the pure loss of stability failure

[To be developed]

2.4 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to the pure loss of stability failure

[To be added] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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3.1 Physical background of parametric roll

3.1.1 Development of parametric roll Parametric roll (a shortening of the formal term "parametric roll resonance") is
a dynamic stability phenomena in which an amplification of roll motion is caused by periodic
variation of transverse stability in waves. The phenomenon of parametric roll is predominantly
observed in head, following, bow and stern-quartering seas when the ship's encounter
frequency is approximately twice that of the ship's roll natural frequency and the ship's roll
damping is insufficient to dissipate additional energy (accumulated because of parametric
resonance). Figure 3-1 shows the process by which parametric roll develops. If the ship rolls while
in the wave trough, increased stability (i.e. righting lever) provides stronger pushback, or
restoring moment. As the ship returns to the upright position, its roll motion rate is increased,
since there was an additional pushback from the increased stability. If at that time, however,
the ship has the wave crest at midship, the stability is decreased and the ship will roll further
to the opposite side because of the greater roll motion rate and less resistance to heeling.
Then, if the wave trough reaches the midship section when the ship reaches its maximum
amplitude roll, stability increases again and the cycle starts again. Note that there was one half
of the roll cycle associated with the passing of an entire wave. So, there are two waves that
pass during each roll period. That means the roll period is about twice that of the wave period
(see figure 3-2).

Stability is Strong pushback, Stability is decreased, Stability is increased

increased picking up ship rolls further again, strong
with strong rotation speed pushback cycle is
pushback repeated

Figure 3-1 – Development of parametric roll resonance Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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Roll, deg Phase of wave


0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4

Roll period 1 Roll period 2

Figure 3-2 – Time histories plots of parametric roll resonance

3.1.2 Frequency characteristics of parametric roll Parametric roll is a resonance phenomenon and similar to roll resonance in beam
waves (see figure 3-3a), parametric roll has a limited frequency range (see figure 3-3b).
The principal difference between the two phenomena is that the span of the frequency range
for parametric roll depends on the magnitude of stability change, while the frequency range for
roll resonance depends on wave height (see figure 3-3c). Also, if the beam waves are far from
the resonance frequency, the ship only rolls with very small amplitude. Parametric roll does
not exist (the amplitude is equal to zero) outside of the frequency range.

a) b)
30 Roll resonance in beam seas
for a wave of three different 30 Parametric roll
Roll amplitude, deg

Roll amplitude, deg

values of wave steepness resonance for wave of

three different heights
20 20

10 10
Wave Wave
frequency, 1/s frequency 1/s
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
stability change

Wave height 3
Magnitude of

Wave height 2

Wave height 1 Wave

frequency 1/s
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Figure 3-3: (a) Roll resonance in beam seas, (b) Parametric roll resonance,
(c) Frequency range of parametric roll resonance Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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3.1.3 Influence of roll damping When a ship rolls in calm water after being disturbed, the roll amplitudes decrease
successively due to roll damping, see figure 4. A rolling ship generates waves and eddies, and
experiences viscous drag. All of these processes contribute to roll damping. Roll damping may
play a critical role in the development of parametric roll resonance. If the "loss" of energy per
cycle caused by damping is more than the energy "gain" caused by the changing stability in
longitudinal seas, the roll angles will not increase and the parametric resonance will not
develop. Once the energy "gain" per cycle is more than the energy "loss" due to damping,
the amplitude of the parametric roll starts to grow. There is then a roll damping threshold for parametric roll resonance. If the roll damping
moment is higher than the threshold, then parametric roll resonance is not possible. If the roll
damping moment is below the threshold, then the parametric roll resonance can take place.
During the parametric roll resonance the combination of harder push-backs due to
the increased stability on the wave trough and larger achieved roll angles due to the decreased
stability on the wave crest, which occur about twice during the roll period, makes the roll angle
grow significantly. The only other condition that has to be met is that the energy loss due to
roll damping is not large enough to completely consume the increase of energy caused by
parametric roll resonance – the roll damping is below the threshold value.

Roll Decreasing roll amplitude

during one roll period
Roll disturbance


Figure 3-4 – Successively decreasing roll amplitudes due to roll damping

in calm water

3.1.4 Influence of speed and wave direction The frequency of encounter with waves changes when a ship is in motion. When
a ship is sailing in following or stern-quartering seas, the direction of waves and the ship
heading are similar (see figure 3-5a). As a result, the relative speed is small and a ship
encounters fewer waves during the same time period (compared to a zero speed case).
The encounter period is increased (and the encounter frequency is decreased) in following or
stern-quartering waves. When a ship is sailing in head or bow-quartering seas, the direction of waves and
the ship heading are opposite (figure 3-5b). As a result, the relative speed is large and a ship
encounters more waves during the same time (compared with the zero speed case).
The encounter period is decreased (and the encounter frequency is increased) in head or
bow-quartering waves. The inception of parametric roll depends on the frequency of encounter being in
the frequency range where the parametric roll is possible (see figure 3c). Therefore,
the development of parametric roll depends on speed and heading. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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Figure 3-5 – Influence of speed and wave direction on parametric resonance:

(a) following and stern-quartering seas: the encounter period is longer that
the wave period; and (b) Head and bow-quartering seas: the encounter period
is shorter that the wave period

3.2 Method to establish equivalence between regular and irregular waves

3.2.1 Establishing equivalence between regular and irregular waves

[This paragraph sets a standard way to use a regular wave to represent irregular waves defined
by a spectrum – To be added]

3.2.2 Calculation of representative wave height For determining the maximum roll angle of parametric roll, each environmental
condition defined by subsection 7.2.1 is substituted by a representative wave, as
recommended in paragraph of part B. The length of a representative wave equals the ship length and the wave height is
calculated as follows:

4.0   Heff if 4.0   Heff  0.1  L

Hri  
 0.1  L 4.0   Heff  0.1  L

 2Heff   RAO Heff (i )  SW (i )

N eff

i 1

 k w ()  L sin 0.5k w ()  L 

   L
RAO Heff ()    2  0.5k ()  L 2 
 


 1.0 if   L Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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2 3 L 2 g
kW ()  ; i  (i  1) ; i  1,2 ,..N eff ;   ; L 
g N eff L

The recommended number for the wave frequency discretization is Neff = 300. The spectrum
of wave elevation is described in paragraph

3.3 Equation of motion for parametric roll and its solution to calculate the maximum
roll angle

3.3.1 General remarks The second check for the second-level vulnerability criteria requires calculation of
the maximum roll angle resulting from parametric roll. This calculation, while not too complex,
is beyond the scope of traditional naval architectural calculations. The conventional way to
evaluate ship motions is with the use of Response Amplitude Operators (RAO). The RAO
expresses dynamic properties of a ship. Its values are the characteristics of motions, multiplied
by the values of sea spectrum and summed up to yield the characteristics of motion. RAO is
an element or a form of a solution to the linear ship motion equation in waves. The term "linear
ship motion equation" means that the equation assumes that the motions are small and that
non-linear parts of the full ship motion equation can be ignored because their effects are
negligible (often because the waves are significantly longer than the ship). In particular, GM,
which characterizes transverse stability, is used to represent roll stiffness. Indeed, stability at
large roll angles cannot be characterized with GM alone. The maximum angle of parametric roll also cannot be found just with GM even if its
variation in waves is known. However, the responsibility for progressively growing roll angles,
i.e. parametric roll, is associated with these GM variations together with a frequency ratio in
which the encounter frequency is close to twice that of natural frequency. Once parametric roll motion starts, it grows to a certain maximum angle and
the motion repeats (i.e. it remains stable). This occurs because the GZ curve is not a straight
line over the range of roll motion. As a result, the natural roll frequency changes with
the increase of the roll angle (the instantaneous GM value also changes). Changing the roll
frequency sooner or later will break the parametric roll condition because the supply of energy
into roll motion will be stopped. The maximum roll angle is achieved during steady state
parametric roll. Thus, a large portion of the GZ curve is needed to find the maximum roll angle.
While the GZ curve is known, the motion equation is no longer linear if GZ is included and
a RAO-type of solution is no longer possible.

3.3.2 Equation of motion The equation of motion takes into account forces acting on the ship. The simplest
mathematical model that is capable of evaluating the maximum roll angle includes four

.1 inertia, including added inertia (or added mass) as a part of hydrodynamic


.2 roll damping, which expresses energy loss from roll motions in creating
waves, vortexes and skin friction; Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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.3 roll restoring (stiffness) is modeled with the calm water GZ curve;

the variation of stability in waves is included by GM represented with a sine
function; and

.4 transverse wave forces are absent for a ship in exact following or head
long-crested seas. The roll inertia of a ship as a solid body is measured by the transverse moment of
inertia Ix. Inertial forces are proportional to accelerations. There are also hydrodynamic forces
acting on a ship subject to accelerated motion that are also proportional to the accelerations.
These hydrodynamic forces are usually expressed as an additional mass or a moment of
inertia and referred as "added mass" in roll A44. The roll inertia is expressed as:

M IN  ( I x  A44 )  W

Where W is the angular acceleration in roll; calculation of the moment of inertia as well as
added inertia is described in section 7.1. Damping of roll motions is essentially a transfer of kinetic energy of a moving ship to
the environment. It is a complex process, because this energy transfer occurs through different
physical phenomena. Skin friction causes the layers of water nearest to the hull to move.
The moving surface of the hull leads to formation of vortexes; the kinetic energy of the water
moving in those vortexes is taken from the ship. Due to its motion, the ship also makes waves
on the surface that also dissipate energy. The complexity of these physical phenomena is
the reason why a model test is the most reliable source of information on roll damping.
However, recent developments in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) hold good promise for
the availability of this computational method in the future. In the absence of ship-specific or
prototype data, the simplified Ikeda method can be recommended (see section 7.4). A moment
of roll damping is presented in the following form:

M D  I X  A44   1V  3V3 

1 and 3 are coefficients computed with simplified Ikeda method; and

V is the angular velocity of roll motions.

The simplified Ikeda method contains some empirical elements and, for this reason, the range
of its applicability should be observed. A proper representation of roll restoring is very important for the correct representation
of parametric roll. The variation of stability in waves is a primary mechanism of development
of parametric roll (an explanation is provided in section 3.1). The calculation of
the instantaneous roll restoring, while straightforward, may be too complex for the level two
vulnerability check. Hence, a quasi-static approach can be used instead. The quasi-static
approach means that the GZ curve for the ship on a wave is calculated using the "conventional"
static algorithm (in which forces and moments are balanced in heave and pitch), but the
waterplane is not flat – it is determined from the intersection of a wave and the hull surface.
Known also as "wave-pass" calculations, the capability for this calculation is provided by
a number of commercially available hydrostatic software packages. For the assessment of
parametric roll, calculation of the GZ curve up to 180 degrees is recommended; it sets a natural
maximum and prevents the numerical solution from growing too large and causing a numerical Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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error. Alternatively, maximum cut-off angle can be used. Exceedance of the cut-off roll angle
stops the calculation. Practical value of the cut-off roll angle may be set equal to the largest
available angle in the GZ curve calculation and is expected to be around 60 to 90 degrees.
Figures 6a and b show the GZ variation in waves as a series of curves. Each curve is calculated
for a particular position of the wave crest relative to the midship which results in a surface
shown in figure 6c. For the intermediate values of heel angle and of the wave crest position,
a bilinear or bi-cubic spline interpolation can be used.

1.5 GZ, m c)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Heel, deg

b) GZ, m
Heel, deg
0 20 40 80 100 120 140 160 180

Angle of heel
Position of the wave
-4 crest relative to the
midship section


Figure 3-6 – The GZ curve in waves (steepness 0.02, C11 class containership, full load):
(a) positive range, (b) full range, (c) as a surface The definition of wave crest position is illustrated in figure 3-7. The position of
the wave crest is a function of time:

X C (t )  0.5 sin(et )


is the length of the wave;

e is the wave frequency of encounter:

e    VS cos 


g is the gravity acceleration; Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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 is the relative wave heading (0 degrees – following

waves, 180 degrees – head waves); and

VS is the forward speed in m/s.

Thus, the value of the GZ curve in waves can be presented as a function of time and angle of
heel, :

GZ  GZ (t , )


20 XC


-100 -50 0 50 100
Position of the wave crest relative to midship, m

Figure 3-7 – Definition of the position of the wave crest relative to the midship section If, the calculation software is not available, the GZ curve in a wave can be
approximated using only the GM value in waves. Then, the GZ in waves may be approximated
by the calm-water GZ "modulated" by the GM in waves:

GM (t )
GZ (t , )  GZ0 ()
GM 0


GM(t), m metacentric height values in waves;

GM0, m value of metacentric height for calm water; and

GZ0, m righting curve for calm water. For the symmetric GZ curve, the total restoring moment is expressed as:

M R  sign ()  g  GZ (t , |  |)

1 0
sign ()  
 1 0

For the asymmetric GZ curve, the calculations are to be done for starboard and portside
separately and the total restoring moment is expressed as:

M R  g  GZ B (t , )
GZ S (t , )   0
GZ B (t , )  
GZ P (t , )   0 Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

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GZB(t,), m complete righting curve;

GZS(t,), m righting curve for starboard; and

GZP(t,), m righting curve for port side.

Restoring action of the right curve is assumed to be described by a positive value while rolling
on the starboard and a negative value while rolling on the port side. Following Newton's second law, the equation of roll motion is expressed as the inertial
force equal to the sum of all other forces. Since the ship is in longitudinal waves, there is
negligible or no direct forcing that comes from the waves:

M IN  M D  M R In equation in the previous paragraph, the negative sign is inserted because both
damping and restoring forces are directed against the roll motion or the rate of motion.
The equation of roll motion can be re-written with each force as a function of motion parameters
or time:

M IN (W )  M D (V )  M R (t , )  0

This equation relates the roll motion with the roll rate and the angular roll acceleration. These
quantities are related through differentiation: the angular velocity is a derivative of roll and
the angular acceleration is a derivative of angular velocity. Thus, this equation is a differential
equation. The solution of a differential equation is a time history of roll motions, similar to that
shown in figure 3-8. Figure 3-8 shows parametric roll. As the ship is sailing in longitudinal
waves, there is no forcing in the transversal plane, so the observed rolling motion is a result of
parametric resonance.
, deg

t, s

0 100 200 300 400 500



Figure 3-8 – Time history of parametric roll The equation in the previous paragraph can be solved with an appropriate numerical
method. For this purpose the equation is presented in a form of a vector-valued function:

   1 V 
F   , t    
 V  I  A   M D (V )  M R (t , ) 
   X 44   Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 16 Besides the vector-valued function in the previous paragraph, the solver requires
initial conditions, i.e. values of roll angle and roll rate at the beginning (or at time step t = 0) of
the calculations. The solution, as illustrated in figure 3-8, was computed with assumed initial
conditions (= 5 degrees and V= 0 degrees/s). While the calculation can assume zero for
both  and V, the development of parametric roll may not occur until a much longer duration
is calculated. To complete the inputs necessary for the calculation, two more parameters are
needed: the time increment t and the total number of points N. These parameters can be
related to the natural period of roll, T, in calm water because a steady state parametric roll
motion in longitudinal waves occurs with this period:

t 
N ppp

The time increment t can be expressed in terms of the number of points per period Nppp:

t 
N ppp

Thus, the number of points depends on the number of periods Nper to be reproduced:

N  N pppN per

Practical experience recommends use of the following values:

N ppp  30 ; N per  15

3.3.3 Calculation of maximum roll angle The parametric roll response has a transition from the state where the initial conditions
still have an influence to the steady state where the amplitudes are similar or close to each
other. Different criteria for "closeness" can be used: relative (the difference is less than 3 - 5%)
or absolute (say, less than one degree). Following these criteria, the steady state portion of
the response can be extracted (see figure 3-9) and the resultant maximum roll angle can be
found as an average of steady state roll amplitudes.

40 , deg

t, s
460 480 500 520 540


Figure 3-9 – Steady-state portion of the roll motion in parametric resonance conditions Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 17 The steady state parametric roll is not the only possible type. If parametric roll is not
possible for the given wave conditions, the response is represented by decaying roll
oscillations – as shown in figure 3-10. The maximum roll angle here is the initial roll angle
of 5 degrees. The response is not expected to look like a decaying sine function because of
both the parametric excitation and nonlinearity of the equation of motion.

5 , deg

t, s
0 100 200 300 400 500


Figure 3-10 – Roll response in absence of parametric roll Another possible response may include "capsizing" (see figure 3-11) if the GZ curve
was computed for the entire range of 180 degrees (like in figure 3-6). If the GZ curve is not
computed for the full range, the calculation must be explicitly stopped once the roll angle
exceeds the cut-off roll angle.

, deg

t, s

0 100 200 300 400 500


Figure 3-11 – Roll response with parametric roll and capsizing The mathematical model, expressed by equation of motion is, probably, too simple to
model actual capsizing, but the response, similar to that shown in figure 3-11 indeed indicates
a condition of strong parametric roll in which the maximum roll angle exceeds the standard
level of 25 degrees. In rare cases, the user may observe response that does not stabilize. The roll
amplitude may grow steadily or look like roll in irregular waves. These responses are not the
result of an error, but of a known type of nonlinear behavior. In this case, the maximum
achieved roll angle during Nper periods is used.

3.4 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to parametric roll

3.4.1 Algorithm of level 1 assessment of ship vulnerability to parametric roll

[to be developed]

3.4.2 Algorithm of level 2 / check 1 assessment of ship vulnerability to parametric roll

[to be developed] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 18

3.4.3 Algorithm of level 2 / check 2 assessment of ship vulnerability to parametric roll

[to be developed]

3.5 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to parametric roll

[To be added] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 19


4.1 Physical background of surf-riding and broaching

4.1.1 General description of surf-riding/broaching failure mode Broaching (a shortening of "broaching-to") is a violent uncontrollable turn that occurs

despite maximum steering efforts to maintain course. As with any other sharp turn event,
broaching is accompanied with a large heel angle, which has the potential effect of a partial or
total stability failure. Broaching is usually preceded by surf-riding which occurs when a wave,
approaching from the stern, "captures" a ship and accelerates the ship to the speed of the wave
(i.e. the wave celerity). Surf-riding is a single wave event in which the wave profile does not
vary relative to the ship. Because most ships are directionally unstable in the surf-riding
condition, this manoeuvring yaw instability leads to an uncontrollable turn – termed
"broaching." Because surf-riding usually precedes broaching, the likelihood of surf-riding

occurrence can be used to formulate vulnerability criteria for broaching. In order for surf-riding
to occur, several conditions need to be satisfied:

.1 the wave length should be between one and three times the ship length;

.2 the wave must be sufficiently steep to produce sufficient wave surfing force;

.3 the ship speed should be comparable to the wave celerity.

[Large ships (i.e. over 200 metres in length) do not surf-ride because waves of this and greater
length tend to travel faster than the ship (i.e. 34 plus knots) and these ships have too much
mass (i.e. inertia) to allow them to accelerate to the wave speed before the wave passes.] When a ship proceeds in following waves, three main forces act in the axial direction.
Thrust is the force produced by the ship's propulsor to propel the ship forward. Resistance (or
drag) is the force that opposes the forward ship motion. The surging wave force is the force
imparted by a wave to either push the ship forward or back depending on whether the ship is
on the face or back of a wave, respectively. These forces are represented in figure 4-1.

Thrust Resistance

Forward ship motion

Wave Surging Force

Figure 4-1 – Forces acting on a ship in following waves Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 20 When a surging wave force is present, three conditions are possible:

.1 Surging motion. This condition occurs when the wave surge force is
insufficient to overcome the difference between the thrust of the ship's
propulsor and the resistance of the ship at the wave celerity. In this case,
the ship oscillates from increasing speed when on the front side of the wave
to decreasing speed when on the back side of the wave.

The other two conditions involve the two ship speed thresholds that can cause surf-riding and
that are directly related to the thrust the ship's propulsor delivers to maintain a given speed.

.2 Surf-riding under certain initial condition (first threshold of surf-riding). This

condition occurs if the ship speed for which the forward surge force of
the wave at a particular point on the wave can exceed the difference between
the thrust of the ship's propulsor and the resistance of the ship at the wave
celerity. In this case, surf-riding could occur if the ship is accelerated with
some external force under the self-propelled condition.

.3 Surf-riding under any initial condition (second threshold of surf-riding). This

is the situation for which the ship kinetic energy is too large for the ship to be
overtaken by a wave. Thus the oscillatory surge motion cannot stably exist
so that surf-riding occurs regardless the initial ship position and forward
speed. To explain these three conditions more fully and since surf-riding occurs when the ship
speed is equal to the wave celerity, locating the position of reference on the wave crest allows
a convenient way to understand surf-riding. In this view, when the ship surf-rides, it appears to
remain stationary because the reference position moves with the wave. In the case of surging motion, the thrust delivered by the ship's propulsor is not
sufficient to propel the ship to a speed equal to the wave celerity in calm water, which is
depicted in figure 4-2a. Figure 4-2b shows the difference between the thrust and resistance in
calm water for the ship located at different positions on a wave; this difference is negative when
the resistance is greater than the thrust. Because there is no position on the wave in which
the thrust – resistance difference is fully compensated by wave force, the only motion occurring
is surging forward and backward depending on the ship's position on the wave.

a) b)
Force Force Wave Force (with
opposite sign)
The difference
between thrust and
resistance at wave
celerity Wave Phase
G, m
0 100 200

Set speed Wave Difference between

celerit thrust and resistance
Figure 4-2: (a) Resistance and propulsion showing self-propulsion point and
thrust-resistance difference; and (b) Wave forces and balance between thrust
and resistance shown for different ship positions on a wave Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 21 The mechanics of surging can be illustrated using the curves of thrust and resistance
as shown in figure 4-3. When the ship is on the back side of the wave, the surging force pushes
the ship backwards which causes the instantaneous speed to decrease and the resistance to
become less than the thrust. This difference is directed forward, against the surging force.
When the ship is on the face of the wave, the surging force pushes the ship forward causing
the instantaneous speed to increase and the resistance to exceed the thrust. As the wave
passes the ship, these two conditions recur.


Backward Forward
Self-propulsion point

Figure 4-3 – Small surging motions around self-propulsion point

4.1.2 Description of surf-riding equilibrium: the first threshold

The value of the wave force depends on the location of the ship on the wave as well as
the wave height and wavelength. The face of the wave pushes a ship forward – hence,
the forward wave or surge force; while the back slope does the opposite. Indeed, there are
neutral points near the wave crest and wave trough. If the wave has appropriate length and
height, the surge force is sufficient to offset the negative difference between the thrust and
resistance. This creates two points of equilibrium as shown in figure 4-4. This figure
superimposes the surge force with the difference between thrust and resistance (the horizontal
line below the abscissa) and shows the intersections with the wave force curve to mark the two
points of equilibrium on the wave. The stable equilibrium marks the first threshold of surf-riding.

Force Positions on the wave

Wave Force (with
opposite sign)

Wave Phase  , m
0 100 200
Difference between
thrust and resistance
Equilibrium Stable

Figure 4-4 – Wave forces and balance between thrust and resistance for different
positions of a ship on a wave showing the first threshold of surf-riding Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 22

4.1.3 The stability of surf-riding equilibrium Figure 4-4 provides an example of the two points of equilibrium referred to as stable
and unstable. If a ship is considered to be surf-riding in which midship is located about 70 m
forward of the wave crest (marked as stable equilibrium near wave trough in figures 4-4
and 4-5), the ship speed will be equal to the wave celerity. If the ship is disturbed from this
location forward and toward the wave trough, the surge force decreases. Therefore,
the difference between thrust and resistance will cause a decrease in the instantaneous ship
speed and the wave will start to overtake the ship. As the ship moves back on the wave face
toward the wave crest, the wave surge force increases and pushes the ship back to the stable

F, kN Resistance
G, m Thrust Wave force
0 100 200


Sum Resistance
F, kN
Thrust Wave force
G, m
0 100 200


Figure 4-5 – A disturbance forward from the stable equilibrium Conversely to the case shown by figure 4-5, figure 4-6 considers the ship to be
disturbed from the equilibrium backwards – towards the wave crest. In this case, the wave
force becomes larger than the difference between thrust and resistance. Thus, the ship speed
will increase and move on the wave forward to the surf-riding equilibrium (trough). Therefore,
in either case (i.e. a disturbance forward or backward), the ship will tend to move toward
the equilibrium near the wave trough, which makes this equilibrium stable. If a ship is now considered to be surf-riding with the midship located about 30 m
forward of the wave crest (marked as unstable equilibria near wave crest in figure 4-4), the ship
speed will be equal to the wave celerity. If the ship is disturbed from this location forward
(towards the wave trough as shown in figure 4-7), the wave force increases and will cause
the ship speed to increase and move the ship further forward on the wave until it arrives at
the stable equilibrium near the wave trough. Conversely, if the ship is disturbed from this location backward, towards the wave
crest as shown in figure 4-8, the wave force decreases and the instantaneous speed also starts
to decrease. In this case, difference between thrust and resistance will cause a decrease in
the instantaneous ship speed which causes the wave to start to overtake the ship. There are
several scenarios that consider what may happen next, but in no case does the ship return
back to this equilibrium, which makes the equilibrium near the wave crest unstable. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 23

F, kN Resistance
G, m Thrust Wave force
0 100 200


Sum Resistance
F, kN
G, m Wave force
0 100 200


Figure 4-6 – A disturbance backwards from the stable equilibrium

F, kN
Thrust Wave force
G, m
100 200

F, kN
Thrust Wave force
G, m
100 200


Figure 4-7 – A disturbance forward from the unstable equilibrium If there is no surf-riding equilibrium, surf-riding is not possible and the ship will simply
surge. That means that all the combinations of instantaneous speed and position on the wave
lead to the same outcome. However, once points of equilibrium appear at certain positions on
the wave, not all the combinations of the wave position and instantaneous speed lead to
the same response. If a ship is "placed" exactly at the location of the stable equilibrium near
the wave trough and accelerated to the wave celerity, the ship will surf-ride. Any small
disturbance from this position will return the ship back to equilibrium. If a ship is placed at
the unstable equilibrium near the wave crest, accelerated to the wave celerity and then
disturbed towards the wave trough, it will end up at the stable surf-riding equilibrium as well.
Thus, there is a set of combinations of wave positions and instantaneous speeds that will lead
to surf-riding. One can say that these combinations form a "domain of attraction to surf-riding
equilibrium". Outside of this domain, two options are possible: surging or surf-riding. So, in
principle, once outside of the attraction domain, the ship either continues to surge or is
attracted to surf-riding equilibrium on some other wave. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 24

F, kN
Thrust Wave force
G, m
100 200

Sum Resistance
F, kN
Thrust Wave force
G, m
100 200

Figure 4-8 – A disturbance backward from the unstable equilibrium

4.1.4 Loss of oscillatory surging motion When the energy/work balance of the wave surging force and the difference between
thrust and resistance is considered, the latter disperses the kinetic energy obtained from wave.
When these two works are balanced, the ship's response is surging. However, if a wave
provides the ship with more kinetic energy than the difference between thrust and resistance
can disperse, this excessive kinetic energy eventually leads to acceleration and to attraction
to the surf-riding equilibrium. The surf-riding becomes a new energy balance between
the works of wave surging force and the difference between thrust and resistance. The ship
surf-rides because of the excessive kinetic energy imparted to the ship. The face of the wave provides more chances for surf-riding because the wave surging
force is directed forward. If the ship is on the back side of the wave, the wave surging force is
directed backward but a surging energy balance still may occur because both surging and
surf-riding may co-exist for the same speed setting and wave parameters. If the initial kinetic
energy level can be dispersed by the difference between thrust and resistance, surging will
occur; if not, surf-riding will occur. If the wave parameters are such that the wave adds too
much kinetic energy (steep waves) to ship motions that it cannot be dispersed by the difference
between thrust and resistance, then surging motions are no longer possible. Even when
the ship starts with low initial kinetic energy level on the back slope of the wave with the ship's
propulsor delivering a set thrust, each sequential wave will add a bit of kinetic energy that
cannot be dispersed; then inevitably surf-riding will occur as the ship moves towards stable
equilibrium. This is referred to as the "surf-riding under any initial condition" of surf-riding which
is the basis used for the surf-riding vulnerability criteria. The "surf-riding under certain initial
condition" is not used for the current criteria. For a particular wave, the thrust at the surf-riding under any initial condition identifies
the critical setting of the ship's propulsor in the vulnerability criterion for which surf-riding
becomes inevitable. For approximately consider energy balance during ship runs for one
wavelength, the Melnikov analysis or the systematic phase plane analysis can be used to
identify the surf-riding under any initial condition. The level 2 vulnerability criteria directly use
the Melnikov analysis with many possible combinations of wave height and wavelength at sea Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 25

and the level 1 vulnerability criteria are empirical estimates based on many calculated results
of such analysis under the wave steepness of 1/10, which is known as the practical limit of
stable water waves.

4.2 Input data for thrust and resistance

[to be developed]

4.3 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to surf-riding/broaching

4.3.1 Background of level 1 vulnerability criteria The criterion and the standard for the Froude number in the level 1 criterion were
adopted as a part of the MSC.1/Circ.707 in 1995 and then superseded as MSC.1/Circ.1228.
This guidance concludes that surf-riding may occur when the ship speed is higher than:

1.8 L
VS 
cos(180  )


VS is the speed of the ship in knots; and

 is the angle of wave encounter in degrees. Assuming following seas  and transforming the formulae to be based on
the Froude number yields:

1.8  0.5144
Fn   0.296  0.3
g [Explanation on 200 m length limit – to be added –use of the Melnikov analysis in
the explanation is not desirable]

4.3.2 On the assessment of the weighting factor, Wij, in paragraph in

the level 2 vulnerability criteria The calculation formula of, Wij, in paragraph of the vulnerability criteria for
surf-riding/broaching is the joint probability density function of local wave steepness and local
wavelength under the stationary wave state with a Pierson-Moskowitz type wave spectrum. The envelope of an irregular wave time history is described with the slowly varying
amplitude and phase. Then the joint probability density of the envelope amplitude, phase and
their time derivatives can be calculated as the Gaussian process. If the wave spectrum is
reasonably narrow, the envelope amplitude can be regarded as one-half the local wave height
and the time derivative of the envelope phase can be related to the local wave period because
of the wave dispersion relation. Thus, the joint probability density function of the local wave
height and the local wave period can be obtained by transforming the envelope amplitude,
phase, and their time derivatives. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 26

4.3.3 On the assessment of resistance, thrust, and the critical number of revolutions
in the level 2 vulnerability criteria The critical number of revolutions of the propulsor corresponding to the surf-riding
threshold, ncr, (rps) in paragraph of the vulnerability criteria, can be calculated by
solving the following equation by using a numerical iteration method. In the case that
the resistance in calm water is approximated with the fifth power polynomial, the critical number
of revolutions, ncr, corresponding to the second surf-riding threshold is calculated by numerical
solution of the following equation.

Te ci , ncr   Rci  64 1024

2  8a0 ncr  8a1  4a2  a3  12a4  a5  0
f ij 3 15


Te ci , ncr    0 ncr   1ci ncr   2 ci = thrust, see paragraph

2 2

Rci  = resistance, see paragraph

a0  
f ij  ki  ( M  M x )
r1  2r2 ci  3r3ci2  4r4 ci3  5r5 ci4  2 2 ci
a1 
f ij  ki  ( M  M x )
r2  3r3ci  6r4 ci2  10r5ci3   2
a2 
ki  ( M  M x )
r3  4r4 cw  10r5 cw2
a3   f ij
ki3 ( M  M x ) 3
r4  5r5ci
a4  f ij
k (M  M x ) 2

a5  f ij3
k (M  M x )
5 5

r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 = approximation coefficients for the calm water resistance
(see section 4.3.4). If a third order polynomial
approximation is used, r4 = 0 and r5 = 0;

M is mass of the ship (kg);

Mx is added mass of the ship in surge (kg). In absence of ship-specific data,

Mx may be assumed to be 0.1 M;

ci  wave celerity
ki Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 27

ki  wave number
H ij
f ij  gki Fci2  Fs i2
Fci   xm S ( xm ) sin kxm exp  0.5ki  d ( xm ) 
Fsi   xm S ( xm ) cos kxm exp  0.5ki  d ( xm ) 

xm longitudinal distance from the centre of ship mass to a m-th station (m),
positive for a bow section;

d(xm) draft at m-th station in calm water (m);

S(mi) area of submerged portion of the ship at m-th station in calm water (m2);

N number of stations.

Notes: The coefficients a1, a2, a3, a4, and a5 do not have indexes of the wave cases in order to
keep the formulae simple; however, they do depend on both the wave length and the
wave height.

The complete amplitude for the wave case with the wave length, i, and wave
height, Hij, is calculated by formulae from paragraph For a ship using one propeller as a main propulsor, the thrust approximation
coefficients  are calculated as:

 0   0 1  t p  D p4
1  1 1  t p 1  w p  D 3p
 2   2 1  t p 1  w p  D p2


tp approximate thrust deduction;

wp approximate wake fraction;

Dp propeller diameter (m);

 density of salt water, (1,025 kg/m3);

0,1, 2 approximation coefficients for the propeller thrust coefficient in calm

water (see section 4.3.5); Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 28

K T ( J )   0  1 J   2 J 2
J 

u speed of the ship (m/s) in calm water; and

n commanded number of revolutions.

These formulae are based on the Melnikov analysis, by which a boundary between periodic
and non-periodic ship surge motions can be identified. Here the periodic motion indicates
the case a ship is overtaken by waves, and the non-periodic motion indicates surf-riding, under
which a ship runs with a wave. Alternatively, also other numerical iteration methods can be used with the agreement
of the approval authority.

4.3.4 On resistance curve fitting in the level 2 vulnerability criteria The calm water resistance, R(u), can be estimated either by using results of
geometrically scaled model tests and the standard scaling law or by using a numerical method
approved by the Administration. [The ship's resistance should be estimated to a ship speed up
to 20% over the maximum service speed.] The Administration may establish specific
requirements on the approximation of the ship's resistance. The calm water resistance curve, R(u), is constructed based on the available
resistance data using a polynomial approximation which may, but need not, include terms up
to the 5th power:

R(u )   ri u i  r0  r1u  r2u 2  r3u 3  r4u 4  r5u 5
i 0


u speed of the ship (m/s) in calm water; and

r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 approximation coefficients for the calm water resistance. The polynomial fit should be appropriate to ensure the resistance is continuously
increasing as a function of speed in the appropriate range. The polynomial fit to approximate
resistance curve requires caution. Available data points may not extend to the phase velocity
(celerity) of the fastest wave under consideration. If this is the case, the following condition
should be verified for all values of ship speeds, u, up to the phase velocity of the fastest wave
in consideration, umax:

r0  r1  2r2u  3r3umax
 4r4umax
 5r5umax
 0 and umax 
2 Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 29

4.3.5 On thrust curve fitting for open propellers in the level 2 vulnerability criteria The propeller thrust should be estimated using geometrically scaled model tests and
standard scaling law or using a numerical method that is the agreeable to the approval
authority. The propeller advance ratio range should cover the whole positive range of propeller
thrust coefficient. For one propeller, the propeller thrust can be approximated by using
a second order polynomial approximation:

K T ( J )    i J i   0  1 J   2 J 2
i 0


J propeller advance ratio; and

0,  1,  2 approximation coefficients for the curve. In case of a ship having multiple propellers with the same propeller diameter and
number of revolutions, the overall thrust can be calculated by summing the effect of individual

4.3.6 On propulsor other than propeller in the level 2 vulnerability criteria For ships using propulsor(s) other than open propeller(s) or are using unconventional
propulsion arrangements, the propulsor thrust may be evaluated with a method appropriate to
the propulsor used and with the agreement of the approval authority. Recommended
procedures are listed in the following paragraphs. Podded propulsion: With podded propulsion, the underwater body of the unit affects
the propeller thrust considerably, and therefore the KT curve of the whole pod unit in open
water should be used. Otherwise, the same method described in paragraph 4.3.5 can be used.

4.3.7 On propulsion factors in the level 2 vulnerability criteria Thrust deduction, tp, should be evaluated using geometrically scaled model tests
and standard scaling law. In absence of ship-specific model test data, the following
approximations can be made:

[tp  0.1 For single screw ships,

t p  0.325  C B  0.1185 For twin screw ships


CB = block coefficient;

B = breadth; and

d = draught.] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 30

Alternative methods can be used with the agreement of the approval authority. Wake fraction, wP, should be evaluated using geometrically scaled model tests and
standard scaling law. [In absence of ship-specific model test data, a conservative assumption
of the wake fraction wP as 0.1 can be made.] An alternative method can be used with
the agreement of the approval authority.

4.4 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to surf-riding/broaching

[To be added] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 31


5.1 Physical background of stability failure in the dead ship condition

5.1.1 Dead ship condition was the first mode of stability failure addressed with
physics-based severe wind-and-roll criterion, also known as the "weather criterion", which
was adopted by IMO in 1985 (resolution A.562(14)) and is now embodied in section 2.3 of
the 2008 IS Code, Part A. The scenario of the weather criterion is shown in figure 5-1. This
scenario assumes that a ship has lost its power and has turned into beam seas, where it is
rolling under the action of waves as well as heeling and drifting under the action of wind.
Drift-related heel is a result of action of a pair of forces: wind aerodynamic force and
hydrodynamic reaction caused by transverse motion of the ship.

A ship lost its power and has

Wind turned into beam seas; she is
rolling in waves and drifts
under the wind
Drift Drift reaction

Wind gust A sudden (and long) wind gust

has occurred when the ship
rolled windward
Drift Drift reaction
The ship starts to roll back under
Wind gust combined wave and wind action.
Velocity of drift and drift reaction
start to increase
Drift Drift reaction

Wind gust
The ship continues to roll leeward,
while drift velocity and drift reaction
continue to increase, providing
Drift additional heeling moment
Drift reaction

Wind gust The ship has reached a

maximum roll angle on the
leeward side
Drift reaction
This is most likely the
instant for stability failure

Figure 5-1 – Scenario of stability failure in dead ship conditions Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 32

5.1.2 Next, a sudden and long gust of wind occurs. The worst possible instant for this is
when the ship is rolled at the maximum windward angle; in this case, action of wind is added
to the action of waves. The strengthening wind increases drift velocity and this leads to an
increase of the hydrodynamic drift reaction. The increase of the drift velocity leads to
the increase of the hydrodynamic reaction and, therefore, to the increase of the heeling
moment by the pair of aerodynamic and hydrodynamic forces. The gust is assumed to last
long enough so the ship can roll to the other side completely; the achieved leeward roll angle
is the base of the criterion. If it is too large, or some openings may be flooded, the stability of
the ship is considered insufficient.

5.2 Input data for wind forces

[To be developed]

5.3 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in the dead ship

5.3.1 Background for level 1 vulnerability assessment

For the purpose of level 1 vulnerability assessment for dead ship stability failure, the "Severe
wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion)" in section 2.3 of part A of the 2008 IS Code should
be used, but substituting the steepness factor s in table 2.3.4-4 in section 2.3 of part A, with
the steepness factor s specified in table 4.5.1 of the Interim Guidelines for alternative
assessment of the weather criterion (MSC.1/Circ.1200) (see figure 5-2).

Figure 5-2 – Substitution of table for the wave steepness factor s when applying
the weather criterion methodology in the level 1 vulnerability assessment
for dead ship failure mode

5.3.2 Assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in dead ship condition,

level 2 – Description of environmental conditions Wave conditions are described in section 7.2. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 33 Mean wind speed is considered to be dependent on significant wave height and
described as:

 
U Wind  0.06717 1 H S 3

[Description of wind gust to be added]

5.3.3 Assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in dead ship condition,

level 2 – Evaluation of reaction on steady wind and drift

The heeling moment MWind (N m) due to the action of the mean wind, and the corresponding
moment lever lWind (m) are considered independent of the heel angle and are to be calculated

M Wind
M Wind  0.5   air UWind
 Cm  AL  Z ; lWind 


air=1.222 kg/m3 is the air density,

UWind (m/s) is the mean wind speed;

Cm is the heeling moment coefficient. In absence of sufficient

information, this coefficient can approximately be taken as
Cm=1.22. Other values can be used, to the satisfaction of
the Administration;

AL (m2) is the lateral windage area;

Z (m) is the vertical distance from the centre of AL to the centre of

the underwater lateral area or approximately to a point at
one half the mean draught d; and

W (N) is the weight ship displacement.

5.3.4 Assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in dead ship condition,

level 2 – Evaluation of roll motions

[To be added / developed.

Note that common procedures for calculation of the linearized damping and the roll standard
deviation are described in section 7.]

5.3.5 Assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in dead ship condition,

level 2 – Evaluation of short- and long-term criteria values

[To be added / developed] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 34

5.4 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure in the dead ship

[To be added] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 35


6.1 Physical background of stability failure related to excessive accelerations

6.1.1 Accelerations caused by ship motions When a ship is rolling, the objects in higher locations travel longer distances. A period
of roll motions is the same for all the location on board the ship. To cover longer distance during
the same time, the linear velocity must be larger. As the velocity changes its direction every
half a period, larger linear velocity leads to larger linear accelerations. Large linear acceleration
means larger inertial force (see figure 6-1). Inertial forces acting in a horizontal plane are more dangerous for a human than
vertical inertial forces. The vertical inertia forces cause brief overloading, while horizontal
inertial forces cause humans to lose balance, fall or even be thrown against walls, bulkheads
and other structures. Large accelerations are mostly caused by roll motions so they have
predominantly lateral direction. If the GM value is large, the period of roll motion is smaller. Thus, for the same roll
amplitude the changes of linear velocity occur faster, so accelerations are larger.

Inertial forces at
Longer the location
traveled Smal

Figure 6-1 – Scenario of stability failure related to excessive accelerations

6.1.2 Synchronous resonance in ship motions A large angle of roll may be caused by different physical mechanisms. Some of them
are already included as a part of vulnerability assessment of the second generation of IMO
stability criteria: pure loss of stability, parametric roll and broaching. Among these phenomena,
parametric roll is known to cause excessive accelerations. However, synchronous resonance
is not covered by other vulnerability criteria. Synchronous resonance is a phenomenon of amplification of motion response when

the natural frequency of the ship motion is close to the frequency of the wave excitation. The frequency of wave excitation depends on wave frequency, ship heading relative
to waves and ship speed. When a ship sails against the waves (between head and beam wave
encounter angles) the frequency of encounter is higher than the frequency of waves. This effect
is the strongest in head waves, weakens in bow quartering seas and completely disappears in
beam seas. When a ship sails in the same direction as the waves, the frequency of encounter
decreases. This effect is the strongest in following seas, weakens in stern-quartering seas and
completely disappears in beam seas. Higher speed increases this effect. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 36 The motion amplification effect of the synchronous resonance is the strongest when
the encounter frequency is close to natural roll frequency (see figure 6-2). Increase of
the amplitude of excitation (angle of wave slope) leads to increase of resonance effect at all
frequencies, however, the strongest increase is around the natural roll frequency (see
figure 6-2a). Increase of roll damping leads to decrease of motion amplitude; the effect is
noticeable around natural frequency (see figure 6-2b). Thus increase of roll damping helps to
mitigate the effects of the synchronous resonance.

a) b)
30 Roll resonance for three different 30 Roll resonance for three different
values of wave steepness values of roll damping
Roll amplitude, deg

20 20

10 10

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Encounter frequency, rad/s Encounter frequency, rad/s

Figure 6-2 – Synchronous roll resonance: (a) influence of wave slope;

and (b) roll damping Physical reason of motion amplification near natural frequency (i.e. synchronous
resonance) is as follows. The work of excitation is spent on overcoming damping and making
the ship roll with excitation frequency, instead of natural frequency. If the excitation and natural
frequency are the same, all the work of the excitation is spent on overcoming damping, so
more energy remains in roll motions.

6.2 Algorithm of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure related to

excessive accelerations

6.2.1 Background for level 1 vulnerability assessment – roll damping

[To be added]

6.2.2 Background for level 1 vulnerability assessment – characteristic amplitude The standard deviation of roll motions is computed in paragraph as the area
under roll spectrum S defined in paragraph For the realistic assessment of
the excessive accelerations, the wave spreading is taken into account by multiplication with
the reduction factor 0.75:

21  0.75  2 [Formula in paragraph is used for the level 2 assessment; to be useful and
needs to be simplified for the level 1 assessment, it needs to be simplified]. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 37 As explained in section 6.1.1 and can be seen from figure 6-2, the dominating
contribution to this area comes from the region of frequencies close to the natural roll
frequency. Therefore, the wave frequency can be replaced with the natural frequency in

[To be added]

6.2.3 Background for level 1 vulnerability assessment – effective wave slope


[To be added]

6.2.4 Background for level 2 vulnerability assessment – accounting for wave

spreading and short-crestedness

[To be added]

6.3 Example of assessment of ship vulnerability to stability failure related to

excessive accelerations

[To be added] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 38



7.1 Estimation of inertial properties of a ship and natural period of roll motion in
calm water

7.1.1 [In absence of ship-specific data], the natural period in calm water is calculated as

2C  B
T 


C  0.373  0.023( B / d )  0.043( Lwl / 100)

B is the moulded breadth of the ship in metres,

d is the mean moulded draught of the ship in metres,

Lwl is the length of the ship at waterline in metres, and

GM is the initial metacentric height corrected for the free surface effects in

7.1.2 The roll inertia Ix including the added inertia A44 is estimated as:

gGM 0
I x  A44 
4 2T2


ρ is the mass density of salt water;

 is the volume of displacement;

g is the gravitational acceleration; and

GM0 is the metacentric height in calm water.

7.1.3 [To be added – alternative formulae for inertial properties for ship of specific hull form

7.2 Input data for the wave environment

7.2.1 Standard environmental conditions

A set of standard environmental conditions is assumed. The characterization of the standard

environmental conditions refers to both the short and the long term. The short-term
characterization is given in terms of the spectrum of sea elevation. The long-term
characterization is given in terms of a wave scatter diagram. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 39 The spectral density of sea wave elevation is calculated as follows:

H S2
 2   5  1  2  4 
SW ()      exp     4 
4  TZ     TZ  
 


 is wave frequency;

HS (m) is significant wave height; and

TZ is mean zero-crossing period. The long-term characterization of the standard environmental conditions is given by

means of a wave scatter diagram. The wave scatter diagram reports the statistical frequency
of occurrence of different sea state conditions of significant wave height HS and mean zero
crossing period TZ. The standard wave scatter diagram is given in table 7-1.

Table 7-1 – Standard wave scatter diagram

Number of occurrences: 100 000 / Tz (s) = average zero up-crossing wave period / Hs (m) = significant wave height

Tz (s) ► 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.5

Hs (m) ▼

0.5 1.3 133.7 865.6 1186.0 634.2 186.3 36.9 5.6 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1.5 0.0 29.3 986.0 4976.0 7738.0 5569.7 2375.7 703.5 160.7 30.5 5.1 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

2.5 0.0 2.2 197.5 2158.8 6230.0 7449.5 4860.4 2066.0 644.5 160.2 33.7 6.3 1.1 0.2 0.0 0.0

3.5 0.0 0.2 34.9 695.5 3226.5 5675.0 5099.1 2838.0 1114.1 337.7 84.3 18.2 3.5 0.6 0.1 0.0

4.5 0.0 0.0 6.0 196.1 1354.3 3288.5 3857.5 2685.5 1275.2 455.1 130.9 31.9 6.9 1.3 0.2 0.0

5.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 51.0 498.4 1602.9 2372.7 2008.3 1126.0 463.6 150.9 41.0 9.7 2.1 0.4 0.1

6.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 12.6 167.0 690.3 1257.9 1268.6 825.9 386.8 140.8 42.2 10.9 2.5 0.5 0.1

7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 52.1 270.1 594.4 703.2 524.9 276.7 111.7 36.7 10.2 2.5 0.6 0.1

8.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 15.4 97.9 255.9 350.6 296.9 174.6 77.6 27.7 8.4 2.2 0.5 0.1

9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 4.3 33.2 101.9 159.9 152.2 99.2 48.3 18.7 6.1 1.7 0.4 0.1

10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 10.7 37.9 67.5 71.7 51.5 27.3 11.4 4.0 1.2 0.3 0.1

11.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 3.3 13.3 26.6 31.4 24.7 14.2 6.4 2.4 0.7 0.2 0.1

12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 4.4 9.9 12.8 11.0 6.8 3.3 1.3 0.4 0.1 0.0

13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.4 3.5 5.0 4.6 3.1 1.6 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.0

14.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.3 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0

15.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

7.2.2 Alternative environmental conditions Alternative environmental conditions can be used, to the satisfaction of

the Administration, for ships in restricted service or subject to operational limitations. Such alternative environmental conditions should specify the short-term

characteristics of wind state and sea state, together with the probability of occurrence of each
short-term environmental condition. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 40 The short-term sea state characteristics should be given in terms of a sea elevation
spectrum. The short-term wind state should be given in terms of a mean wind speed and
a gustiness spectrum. The long-term characterization of the environmental condition should be given in

terms of probability of occurrence of each short-term condition. The probability of occurrence
of each short-term environmental condition corresponds to the weighting factor, Wi. The set of
short-term environmental conditions and corresponding weighting factors should be such that
the weighting factors, i.e. the probabilities of occurrence, sum up to one.

7.3 Evaluation of wave forces

[To be added]

7.4 Estimation of roll decay with simplified Ikeda method

7.4.1 General The equivalent linear roll damping coefficient, B44(a), as a function of the roll
amplitude, a, can be obtained by the following prediction method. Here the roll damping
coefficient B44 and circular roll frequency =2/ T are normalized as follows:

Bˆ 44  44 2
B 
ˆ 
∇B 2g 2g


 denotes water density;

∇ displacement volume;

B beam;

T roll period; and

g is gravity acceleration.

The prediction method used here separates the roll damping into the frictional damping BF,
the wave damping BW, the eddy-making damping BE and the bilge keel damping BBK
components at zero forward speed. The lift BL component is added and at forward speed. Then
the roll damping coefficient B44 is expressed as follows:

B44  BF  BW  BE  BL  BBK Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 41 For each component, a prediction formula was developed based on hydrodynamics
together with the parameters adjusted with systematic model experimental results and
validated with many merchant ships. As a result, obtained formula utilizes hull geometry offset
and bilge keel details. Then, for simplicity's sake, regression analyses for the systematically
calculated results of the established prediction method were executed. As a result, a simplified
prediction method, which only uses the ship principal particulars and the bilge keel dimensions,
was obtained. Because of the nature of regression analysis, if a ship parameter exists outside
its applicable range, the parameter value should be kept as the corresponding limit value for
the use of this method. This formula is applicable for the following range:

0.5  Cb  0.85; 2.5  B / d  4.5

 1.5  OG / d  0.2; 0.9  Cm  0.99
0.01  bBK / B  0.06; 0.05  lBK / LBP  0.4

here bBK and lBK indicate the width and length of each bilge keel, respectively.

7.4.2 Friction damping component

The friction damping at zero forward speed is given by the following equation:

BF  s f rf3a  c f


cf is frictional coefficient;

rf is average radius from the axis of rolling; and

sf is wetted surface area.

These parameters in the equation are given as follows:

c f  0.74
rf a

rf 
0.887  0.145Cb  1.7d  Cb B   2  OG

s f  LBP 1.75d  Cb B 


a denotes roll amplitude;

T roll period;

 coefficient of dynamic viscosity; Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 42

OG distance from calm water surface to the axis of rolling

(downward direction is positive);

LBP the ship length between perpendiculars; and

d draught.

7.4.3 Wave component

The wave component at zero forward speed is given by the following equation:



BˆW  1  exp  0.6944 A2 log( 
ˆ )-A3  2 

x1  B d ; x2  Cb ; x3  Cm ; x4  1  OG d
3 4 5
A1  AA1   Q1 j 4i ,k x15k x24 j x43i
i 1 j 1 k 1
2 4 5
AA1  1.0  (1  x4 )   Q1 j  4i 12, k x15  k x23 j x32 i
i 1 j 1 k 1
A2   Q 2i x45i
i 1

Factors Q1 and Q2 are to be taken from table 7-2. The first index of the factor
Q1 refers to the line number in table 7-2 and the second index of the factor Q1
refers to the column number in table 7-2.

Table 7-2 – Factors Q1 and Q2

Factor Q1
1 2 3 4 5
1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
2 0.00000 -0.00222 0.04087 -0.28687 0.59942
3 0.00000 0.01019 -0.16118 0.90499 -1.64139
4 0.00000 -0.01542 0.22037 -1.08499 1.83417
5 -0.06287 0.49893 0.52735 -10.79187 16.61633
6 0.11407 -0.81090 -2.21868 25.12697 -37.77298
7 -0.05893 0.26397 3.19497 -21.81266 31.41135
8 0.01077 0.00187 -1.24941 6.94279 -10.20190
9 0.00000 0.19221 -2.78746 12.50785 -14.76486
10 0.00000 -0.35056 5.22235 -23.97485 29.00785
11 0.00000 0.23710 -3.53506 16.36838 -20.53991
12 0.00000 -0.06712 0.96636 -4.40754 5.89470
13 0.00000 17.945 -166.294 489.799 -493.142
14 0.00000 -25.507 236.275 -698.683 701.494
15 0.00000 9.077 -84.332 249.983 -250.787
16 0.00000 -16.872 156.399 -460.689 463.848
17 0.00000 24.015 -222.507 658.027 -660.665
18 0.00000 -8.56 79.549 -235.827 236.579
Factor Q2
0.00000 -1.402 7.189 -10.993 9.45 Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 43

7 7
A3  AA3   Q3i , j x27  j x47  i
i 1 j 1

4 2 4  10  4 
10 i
3 
AA3   Q4 x 4 i
  Q42  j , k x 3 k 2  j
x   Q5i  x4- Q44, j x1    Q5i  9 x13i 
 4 j
1, i 1 2 4
 i 1 
i 1 j 1 k 1
  j 1  i 1

Factors Q3 are placed in table 7-3. The first index of the factor Q3, i, refers to
the line number in table 7-3, while the second index of the factor Q3, j, refers to
the column number in table 7-3. Factors Q4 and Q5 are available from table 7-4.
The first index of the factor Q4 refers to the line number in table 7-4, while the
second index of the factor Q4 refers to the column number in table 7-4. The
index for the factor Q5 is located above the values in table 7-4.

Table 7-3 – Factors Q3

Factor Q3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 -7686.0287 30131.5678 -49048.9664 42480.7709 -20665.147 5355.2035 -577.8827
2 61639.9103 -241201.0598 392579.5937 -340629.4699 166348.6917 -43358.7938 4714.7918
3 -130677.4903 507996.2604 -826728.7127 722677.104 -358360.7392 95501.4948 -10682.8619
4 -110034.6584 446051.22 -724186.4643 599411.9264 -264294.7189 58039.7328 -4774.6414
5 709672.0656 -2803850.2395 4553780.5017 -3888378.9905 1839829.259 -457313.6939 46600.823
6 -822735.9289 3238899.7308 -5256636.5472 4500543.147 -2143487.3508 538548.1194 -55751.1528
7 299122.8727 -1175773.1606 1907356.1357 -1634256.8172 780020.9393 -196679.7143 20467.0904

Table 7-4 – Factors Q4 and Q5

Factor Q4
1 2 3 4
1 -0.3767 3.39 -10.356 11.588
2 -17.109 41.495 -33.234 8.8007
3 36.566 -89.203 71.8 -18.108
4 0 -0.0727 0.7 -1.2818
Factor Q5
Index 1 2 3 4
Q5 -1.05584 12.688 -63.70534 172.84571
Index 5 6 7 8
Q5 -274.05701 257.68705 -141.40915 44.13177
Index 9 10 11 12
Q5 -7.1654 -0.0495 0.4518 -0.61655

7.4.4 Eddy component

The eddy component at zero forward speed is given by the following equation:

4ˆ a
Bˆ E  CR
3  x2  x1


x1  B d ; x2  Cb ; x3  Cm

CR  AE  exp BE1  BE 2  x3
BE 3

AE  (0.0182 x2  0.0155)  ( x1  1.8)3   Q61,i x25 i
i 1 Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 44

OG  OG 3 2

BE1  (0.2 x1  1.6)  (3.98 x2  5.1525)  
d  d i 1
Q 6 x
2, i 2
 
i 1
Q62,i  3 x22  i 

BE 2  (0.25 x4  0.95)  x4   Q62,i x25 i
i 1

BE 3  (46.5  15x1 )  x2  11.2 x1  28.6

Factors Q6 are placed in table 7-5. The first index of the factor Q6 refers to the
line number in table 7-5, while the second index of the factor Q6 refers to the
column number table 7-5.

Table 7-5 – Factors Q6

Factor Q6
1 2 3 4 5
1 -79.414 215.695 -215.883 93.894 -14.848
2 0.9717 -1.55 0.723 0.04567 0.9408
3 0 -219.2 443.7 -283.3 59.6

7.4.5 Bilge keel component

The bilge keel component at zero forward speed is given by the following equation:

Bˆ BK  ABK   
ˆ  exp BBK 1  BBK 2  x3 BBK 3 

x1  B d ; x2  Cb ; x3  Cm
x6  a (deg) ; x7  bBK B ; x8  lBK LPP
ABK  f1  f 2  f3
3 3
f1  ( x1  2.83) 2  Q71,i x23i   Q7 2,i x23i
i 1 i 1
f 2   Q7 3,i x63i
i 1
2 3
f 3   Q7 3i , j x73 j x83i
i 1 j 1

 3

BBK 1  x4   5 x7  0.3x1  0.2 x8   Q7 6,i x63i 
 i 1 
 OG 
BBK 2  15 x7  1.2 x2  0.1x1   Q77,i  
i 1  d 
BBK 3  2.5  15.75

Factors Q6 are placed in table 7-6. The first index of the factor Q7 refers to the
line number in table 7-6 while the second index of the factor Q7 refers to the
column number in table 7-6. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 45

Table 7-6 – Factors Q7

Factor Q7
1 2 3
1 0 -0.3651 0.3907
2 0 -2.21 2.632
3 0.00255 0.122 0.4794
4 -0.8913 -0.0733 0
5 5.2857 -0.01185 0.00189
6 0.00125 -0.0425 -1.86
7 -0.0657 0.0586 1.6164

7.4.6 Lift component

The lift component is given by the following equation:

S Uk l l  OG OG 2  B
Bˆ L  L n 20 R 1  1.4  0.7 
2B  lR l0l R  2 g


2d  B 
Kn    4.1  0.045 
S L  LBP d , l0  0.3d , lR  0.5d , U  Fn Lg
0 C m  0.92

  0.1 0.92  Cm  0.97
0.3 0.97  Cm

7.4.7 Estimation of the roll damping

The result of the estimation of the roll damping with simplified Ikeda method is a function of
the B44 ( N  m /  rad / s  ) as a function of the rolling amplitude, a , i.e. B44 a  .

[To be added – guidance on choosing critical roll frequency for with the roll damping estimation
is made]

7.5 Evaluation of ship motion

7.5.1 Calculation of standard deviation of roll The spectrum S (rad2/(rad/s)) of the wave slope is to be calculated as:

S  ()  SW ()


 (rad/s) is the circular wave frequency; and Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 46

g is the gravitational acceleration. The spectrum Se (rad2/(rad/s)) of the effective (accounting for the fact that wave
length may be comparable to ship beam) wave slope is to be calculated as:

Se ()  r () S ()


where r   (-) is the effective wave slope function as a function of the wave circular
frequency (see section 7.3). The Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) of roll angles is calculated as:

RAO (,   ) 
0  2 
 42  2


 is the natural frequency of roll;

 is the wave frequency; and

 is linearized damping coefficient.

Note: The RAO of the roll angle is a function of both the wave frequency and the linearized
damping coefficient. The spectrum of roll motion is calculated as:

S (,  )  RAO (,  ) Se (i )


Note: The spectrum of roll angles is a function of both the wave frequency and the linearized
damping coefficient. The standard deviation of roll angles numerically equals the square root of the area
under the spectrum of roll angles:

 2 (  )   S  (i ,   )
i 1

where,  is the frequency increment; its value is chosen to provide sufficient

engineering accuracy for calculation of the area under the spectrum.

Note: The standard deviation of roll angles is a function of the linearized damping coefficient.

7.5.2 Calculation of standard deviation of roll rate Standard deviation of roll rate may be necessary for the calculation of the linearized
roll damping coefficient. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 47 The spectrum of roll rates is calculated as:

S d (,  )  i2 RAO (i ,  ) Se (i )


Note: The spectrum of roll rates is a function of both the wave frequency and the linearized
damping coefficient. The standard deviation of roll rates numerically equals to the square root of the area
under the spectrum of roll rates:

 2d (  )   S d (,   )
i 1

Note: The standard deviation of roll rates is a function of the linearized damping coefficient.

7.5.3 Calculation of roll damping from roll decay data Roll decay data is presented in a form of the damping coefficient B44 (N m/(rad/s)) as
a function of the rolling amplitude a. For further roll motion calculations, the function B44(a) should fit the quadratic
parabola, using method of least squares:

B44 ( a )  02 4 3
 0   1  0   a    2  02   a

2  W  GM 3  8


 (rad/s) is the upright roll natural frequency;

W (N) is the ship weight displacement; and

GM (m) is the upright metacentric height.

However, depending on the shape of the curve B44(a), one or more roll damping coefficients
can be set a priori to zero, provided that the final fitting is sufficiently accurate, to the
satisfaction of the Administration. Evaluation of ship motions for vulnerability assessment for dead ship condition and
excessive acceleration requires linearized roll damping coefficient . Linearized roll damping coefficient  can be calculated from the following algebraic

 1   d (  )    2   d (  ) 
2 3
  0 

 2

As both parts of the equation contain unknown damping coefficient , the equation is solved
numerically using any appropriate iterative algorithm. Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 48 Alternatively, the roll damping coefficient  can be calculated from the following
formula for roll amplitude:

a  0.3T  d ( )

Whereas the linearized roll damping is expressed as:

4 3
  0   1  0  a    2  02  2a
3  8 Alternatively, the equivalent linearized damping can computed for roll amplitude
of 15 degrees.

7.6 Evaluation of metacentric height and righting lever curve in longitudinal waves

[To be added] Documents/English/SDC 4-5-6 (E).docx

SDC 4/5/6
Annex, page 49


[To be added/developed]

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