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ISSUE: 20180110- Re: Sex, etc, & the constitution

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

There can be no doubt that the Framers of the Constitution some 14 times referred to ‘sex’ but
one has to ask was this some sex obsession by the framers of the constitution as we have
experienced in recent years with Parliamentarians flaunting the kind of sexual relationship they
are engaging with some with one or perhaps more constituents or was it that the Framers of the
Constitution were if anything honourable persons who in the overall contrary to today’s
politicians were pursuing women’s equality. I let the reader judge for him/her self by below
quoting the relevant statements.
If then women were to be in general equal to men then why support now homosexual marriages
that in fact means homosexual men thwart women and homosexual women thwart men?
I have d absolutely no doubt that the Framers of the Constitution were honourable in their
conduct to debate about women. See also my PRESS RELEASES; ‘20180106-PRESS
RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE - Re CIVIL RIGHTS & is NSW
Garry Burns a homosexual litigation freak’ and ‘20180109-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H.
Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE - Re Religious Non-Religious rights verses homosexuals, etc,
the constitution’
We had the so called Safe School’ program that really makes the schools unsafe, this as it bullied
children into accepting genderfluidity. It is about children being told you can change your gender
as you desire.
california/ January 2, 2018 CBS GEG Commentary 2
LGBT Classes Now Are Mandatory for Elementary School Children in California
When I went to primary school (OK more than 60 years ago) wed mainly had maths, language,
etc. Hence, when I am at a checkout without calculating the prices the moment I get the bill I
usually detect it is too high or too law. Either way I ask the checkout staff to check details and
usually I am correct. Also I tend to tell the price before the item is scanned and if the price is
different a check with the shelf price shown proves I was right. Often I am told that some staff
member forgot to update the computer, this even so days later the same swindle is going on that
customers are charged more than the shelf price indicates. It is because I learned maths,
language, etc, that more than 60 years later I still value having had proper education and none of
this homosexual nonsense. My issue is not there are homosexuals, as I am too aware that this has
been going on for centuries but for parliamentarians (including the governments) to abort it laid
up responsibilities for peace, order and good government’ and to promote unnatural
homosexuality and other sexual engagements that politicians are misusing the Parliament to
make clear what kind of sexual practices they are engaged in to me is not just lowering respect
for their moral bankruptcy but also lower the morality of the general community.
If an identical female twin were to sit at the beach being identically clothed in the same bathers
but one also has a towel over part of her body then generally men will be more interested in the
one who has the towel as she so to say is hiding something. That creates a curiosity. Regretfully
we now have females, even parading on television shows for children programs where their
breast is about popping out or sometimes actually do. This is the sickening of society. A real
beautiful woman doesn’t need to conduct herself in such manner as a real beautiful woman is
well aware that there is more to the beauty of the skin, as it is all about personality. More than

p1 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
likely the more a woman needs to bare flesh, etc, the more likely she is anything but attractive.
The same could be stated about men.
Women have been flaunting their so called sex appeal more and more, on bill boards and
wherever and again many are dressed that their breast are about popping out of the narrow
clothing worn by them but then if a man looks at what is displayed this is then claimed to be
sexual harassment. Well, to me the woman is sexual harassing the men/women in dressing
challenging in such manner! And again the same with men. No use to claim I am bias not
referring to men.
Women often pursue equality and equality of pay is a major issue. Yet, decades ago, when I was
in management of factories we had the men in the packing rooms to lift up to 25 kg whereas
women only were permitted to do up to 5kg. Where was the equality when they nevertheless had
the same wages?
Women could have a day of without medical certificate whereas men had to have a medical
I for one accept that biologically men are a different sex then women. A woman generally can
conceive a child while the men generally can be only the sperm donor.
‘Sex’ is what one is biologically and this is either ‘xx’ or ‘xy’ and all this gender nonsense is
precisely that.
Women have been using their ‘sex appeal’ in some or other manner to climb the corporate or
other ladder. They didn’t tell some movie producer they wouldn’t bother to take a role if it was
meaning to denigrate themselves for sexual purposes. And again I understand men also accepted
jobs/roles to submit to some sexual deviant. It are those men/women who became submissive
who really enhanced this sexual abuse. After all if they had spoken out then many others
following them would not have become victims. When I hear over the news that a woman claims
she didn’t want to speak up because of then losing her role this then I view shows her total
disregard to others who might have been next in line by some sexual deviant.
Women who present themselves for sexual appeal for example to sell cars I view are in a sense
sexual abusing people with their display.
I read this story about so to say a has-been-model who claimed that she was misused as a sex
symbol for marketing for companies. Well, obviously she wasn’t complaining at the time she
was doing the marketing. She complains after being paid handsomely and then well who was the
sexual deviant one has to ask? There are ample of people who object to women using sex appeal
to sell cars or whatever. As such a model rather is sexual harassing potential customers to
purchase a car or other item they try to flaunt without having anything to do with sex.
baby/ Morgue worker arrested after giving birth to a dead man’s baby
Kansas City, Missouri| A 26-year old morgue worker was arrested this morning after a DNA test revealed
that her newborn child was the result of a necrophiliac intercourse with a man she was supposed to autopsy.
Jennifer Burrows, an assistant pathologist with the Jackson County medical examiner services, is accused of
having sex with dozens of corpses over the course of the last two years, a behavior which led the birth of a
baby boy on January 7.
According to the Kansas City Missouri Police Department, her baby is the son of man who died in a car
accident in March 2015, and whose body she was supposed to autopsy. They allege that she Ms. Burrows
sexually abused more than 60 other dead bodies, belonging to males from 17 to 71 years old.
“We opened an investigation about this case in October after we were informed that the suspect may have
been sexually abusing corpses,” Police Chief Forté told reporters. “We accumulated enough evidence over
the last few months to obtain a warrant for a paternity test on her newborn son. It confirmed our
suspicions, that the father of her child was, indeed, a 57-year old veterinarian from Texas who was driving
through the county when he had a fatal car accident. All the evidence that we have gathered suggests that he
had never met Ms. Burrows before his demise and that he was already dead when the baby was conceived.”
I know too well as a rape victim (And I do not consider I was lucky because the perpetrator was a
woman) what is to having to live with this.

p2 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
With SSM which really was a perverted survey as the real issue was for transgender also to be
married leaves the door open that the following story about a man marrying a rat in his believe
being the incarnation of his deceased wife, then well as long as he maintains it is his wife, and
legally by Indian laws he has a marry certificate, then well the amendment could not discriminate
against him. Who is the Commonwealth of Australia to deny this man his legal rights to have his
incarcerated wife with him on any business trips into Australia? Can the Commonwealth of
Australia insist they are to be separated as husband and wife because of quarantine laws? Can
this loving couple be separated for a flight where his dearly beloved wife might be placed in the
luggage area and denied the comfort of an ordinary seat during the flight next to her husband?
Hindu man marries a rat, claiming it is the reincarnation of his dead wife
Bangalore, India | A rather unusual wedding took place this morning in the third most populated city in India,
as a Hindu man married a female rat which he claims is a reincarnation of his first wife.
41-year old Chidhatma Basu lost his wife in a car accident in January 2017.
The father of four young children says he was completely devastated for months, until one day, he made an
unusual encounter.
“This little female rat showed up on my doorstep, and it had my wife’s eyes and nose.”
Mr. Basu says he rapidly understood that the rodent was the reincarnation of his deceased wife.
“I offered it my wife’s favorite cookies, and it devoured it just like she would have done.”

As one doesn’t really to become legally married as a De Facto relationship also may attract
Centrelink (Social Security) payments then the rat being the wife may just also for deserted
wife’s pension and possibly Child Support Payments if she drops litter as the husband is deemed
to be the biological father of the litter but refuses to accept this and decide to separate? Perhaps
he could have married a rabbit as they are more known to have a lot of litter?
Mainstream media now positioning sex with animals as normal
Sunday, December 28, 2014 by: J. D. Heyes Tags: zoophiles, beastiality, morality
Well if a rat can become married to a human being then why not other animals. And considering
that De Facto marriages are not needed to be registered, as plenty of housemaids declare to have
been a partner when some old rich man dies to inherit the estate, then why not can someone
having sex with an animal is his domestic De Facto partner?
Raped, tracked, humiliated: Clergy wives speak out about domestic violence
With the spade of allegations (and I for one do not doubt many might be true) we nevertheless
can end up with the STOCKHOLM SYNDRONE where anyone can now stake a claim as more
than likely some financial benefits might come out of it.
Stockholm syndrome-Families are still living the nightmare of false memories of sexual abuse
Chris French is a professor of psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, where he heads the
Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit. He is a member of the scientific and professional advisory board of
the British False Memory Society, and edits the UK version of the Skeptic magazine

And well are we also perhaps going to have DNA testing if a person is a male or a female, that is
biologically to determine if a person is or isn’t guilty of sexual harassment, etc?
Law here protects only women, judge says in rejecting arguments for more jail time for man
K.C. Vijayan Senior Law Correspondent
The value of a man's modesty versus a woman's has come under the spotlight after the Public Prosecutor
appealed against a 10-week jail term given to a man who covertly took obscene videos and photographs of 33
men in public toilets.
The prosecution had urged the court to punish 27-year-old Teo Han Jern with a six-month jail term, arguing
that this would have been the benchmark if the Malaysian's victims had been women.

p3 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
But District Judge Kenneth Yap, in explaining last week why he rejected the prosecution's arguments,
pointed out that Singapore's law on insult to modesty protects only women - and this could be down to the
different way society regards the two sexes.
"The fact that male urinals and changing rooms are typically more 'open concept' than their female
equivalents would, to some, speak volumes of a differentiated approach to modesty," suggested the judge.
Using his mobile phone, sales executive Teo had secretly captured videos and photos of men - some of them
engaging in sexual acts and others defecating. He committed almost all of his offences at the Paragon and
Cathay shopping malls.

When I was in management way back already in the 1970’s I made clear no nicknames, name
calling, etc. To me any employee was entitled to be peaceful at work without any form of
harassment by any other person (male or female).
Sexual harassment isn't a women's issue: it's a workplace health and safety problem
By Lisa Heap Updated 7 minutes ago Fri 29 Dec 2017, 10:51am

And the nonsense of the purported Racial Discrimination Act 1975

The following quotations are some of my written submissions of my self-represented successful
appeals before the County court of Victoria on 19 July 2006 against compulsory voting ,which
was also part of a S78B NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS (As per court order
dated 4 December 2002)
County Court of Victoria, Case numbers T01567737 & Q10897630
As a self educated “constitutionalist”, I view that the Racial Discrimination Act in effect (even so
unconstitutional in its conception) in fact robs every person of their “citizenship” and so their “franchise” as
the Framers made clear that any legislation within the race provisions disqualified every such person of their
“citizenship” and so their franchise”. Hence, there can be no one who is eligible to vote or to be a Member of
And, as the British Parliament did provide for what the Framers of the Constitution intended that any person
subjected to a race legislation by this is having a disability that denies the person to have citizenship and so
franchise (obviously as to avoid persons subjected to race legislation to overturn the legislation) then by the
unconstitutional Racial Discrimination Act each and every Australian is by this disqualified to have
citizenship and so also franchise and to be in the Parliament.
If the unconstitutional Racial Discrimination Act is deemed to be valid, then again it is a “disability” against
every Australian, British national or not, and then this disability automatically disqualifies every Australian
from having “citizenship” and so “franchise” in both State and Federal elections.
For the record the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Act is unconstitutional as it deals tih more then one
specific race.
What we have is that the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 clearly is beyond Commonwealth constitutional
powers as it is directed against the “general community” and by this is a disability of every member of the
“general community” which includes every “elector”. Hence, in that regard, albeit unconstitutionally, every
person within the term of the “general community” has been robbed of “citizenship” and so electoral rights.
Meaning, that technically no one is entitled to vote by not being an elector, by not having citizenship! As the
Framers of the Constitution made clear that any unconstitutional law was ULTRA VIRES, but remained law
until challenged. I for one have challenged the validity of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, as it is not a
law against a specific race but against the “general community”.

p4 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
As set out above, Aboriginals are not even citizens, as they lost it because of legislation within section
51(xxvi) but also the citizenship of others are in question, where by the very existence of the Commonwealth
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 they (the general community) all lost citizenship. And, as the Attorney
General for the State of Victoria made clear, there is no State citizenship! Then how on earth can anyone
have Commonwealth citizenship and how on earth can then anyone be an elector? How then can I be in
breach of law, where constitutionally required State legislation to provide State citizenship and so Australian
citizenship does not exist?
We find however that despite this, we now find that the Commonwealth of Australia unconstitutionally
seeks to use the Companies Act to interfere with State jurisdiction as to Industrial Relations. Yet, while
it was given constitutional powers to protect Australian workers their jobs as to make specific laws
against any “coloured race” as to prevent them as cheap labour to undermine Australian workers
their job security, we find theat the Commonwealth of Australia is precisely acting contrary to this by
allowing “coloured races” to undermine Australian workers job security and to turn , albeit
unconstitutionally, the constitutional provisions of Subsection 51(xxvi) into a Racial Discrimination Act
directed against the “general community”.

Bu this effectively have caused a “disability” against all Australians and so robbed them of their citizenship,
and so franchise.

I understand that in Tasmania they were unable to conclude any DNA proving person to be an
Was that racist? Sure, maybe black Africans in South Africa constituted a race – but could people of mixed
descent? Coloured people could have different mixes of Indian, black and white descent. How could they be a
race if they came from different racial and ethnic backgrounds?
So under this argument, the Apartheid government was being racist when it discriminated against black
people. But when it oppressed Coloured people – who again, were not a race – was it something else,
something different to racism?
Let us turn to the case of Australia. The oppression of Aboriginal people can surely be regarded as racist.
They were disfranchised, denied all civil liberties, had their wages stolen and so on. But what about people
who weren’t oppressed on the basis of being Aboriginal? The government discriminated against people of
partial Aboriginal descent, using grotesque language to refer to Aboriginal people of mixed backgrounds
(“octoroon”, “quadroon” etc). Aboriginal people of mixed descent were particularly subjected to the policies
of forced removals from their families. As Justice Bromberg observed, “the flawed biological
characterisations of many Aboriginal people was the basis for mistreatment, including for policies of
assimilation involving the removal of many Aboriginal children from their families until the 1970s”.

Now, under the theory of INARB, oppressing Aboriginal people is racist. But what about the people who
were oppressed for being of mixed descent? What about those who spent their whole lives not knowing they
had any Aboriginal descent? If being of mixed descent isn’t a race – and presumably it isn’t – then it seems it
should follow the way they were treated wasn’t quite racist either. Only those who were regarded as
Aboriginal under this logic were subjected to racism. Those obscenely regarded as “octoroons” or otherwise
not really Aboriginal, under this theory, weren’t exactly subjected to racism either. Already, the noxiousness
of the logic of this position should be clear.
But let us take one more example. Nazi Germany is perhaps the only government more notoriously racist
than Apartheid South Africa. It openly espoused theories of racial superiority, with some races towards the
top of the hierarchy, and others at the bottom. For example, the Nazis regarded the Slavs of Eastern Europe
with contempt. Their murderous policies towards the civilian populations of Eastern Europe killed tens of
millions of people – and would have been worse, if the Nazis had won the war.
Let us suppose that ethnicities can count as a race, even though today most would regard this as white people
murdering other white people. What about the Nazi treatment of the Jews? Jews come from a diverse array of
backgrounds. For example, there are fair Jews in Western Europe, and black Jews from Ethiopia. There are
Arab Jews and Indian Jews. Whilst today they are considered a national as well as a religious group, only the
Nazis and fringes of the far right have ever considered Jews a racial group.

p5 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Modern research into genetics has firmly established that there is more variation within racial groups than
between them. See the extract from the Australian Law Reform Commission’s report on genome research
“One of the most interesting outcomes of the Human Genome Project and other current scientific research is
that there is no meaningful genetic or biological basis for the concept of ‘race’. As discussed in Chapter 3,
any two human beings are 99.9% identical genetically. Within the remaining small band of variation,
scientists estimate that there is an average genetic variation of 5% between what are called ‘racial groups’—
which means that 95% of human genetic variation occurs within ‘racial groups’.
It is now well-accepted among medical scientists, anthropologists and other students of humanity that ‘race’
and ‘ethnicity’ are social, cultural and political constructs, rather than matters of scientific ‘fact’. In 1997,
the American Anthropological Association (AAA) recommended that the United States government no longer
use the term ‘race’ on census forms or other official data collection documents, because the term has ‘no
scientific justification in human biology’. The AAA noted that:
ultimately, the effective elimination of discrimination will require an end to such categorisation, and a
transition toward social and cultural categories that will prove more scientifically useful and personally
resonant for the public than are categories of ‘race’.”
That is, there is no actual scientific basis for the idea of race. It is simply a social construct. And if races are
socially constructed, that means so is racism. Racism isn’t directed at races. It is directed at groups that are
racialized, people who are socially constructed as a particular collective. They are then, on the basis of
certain allegedly shared traits, oppressed.
So, is it possible to be racist to Muslims? Absolutely. It doesn’t matter if they are a race – again, there is no
such thing as races anyway. The important thing is how they are treated. Which means – and this may upset a
lot of internet trolls – saying Muslims aren’t a race is not the knockdown argument many think it is.

Facial characteristics are claimed to come all from Africa.
The human faces of Asia Posted 23 Dec 2016, 8:02amFri 23 Dec 2016, 8:02am

And well we now have also that there are people who are claiming to be of a ‘race’, well a
pretended race, which they may not be at all.
Genetically white woman now claims self-identify as black: If you can choose your gender, can you also
choose your race? What about your species? Can a human claim to be a llama?

Some of the Framers of the Constitution claimed to be ‘natives’ this because they were born in
When then Government authorities ask if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander it by
principle is racist. Where there is no such things as a ‘race’ then one has to question what is
s51(xxvi) about?
Well, as I have canvassed in the past the Framers of the Constitution held that for example
Afghanistan’s were a race. Likewise Chinese, regardless that many of the same characteristics
would live and reside in Russia and other countries. Essentially the Framers of the
Constitution held that a ‘race’ was a group of people who had a common recognition apart
of Caucasians. However they specifically excluded Aboriginals [(s51(xxvi) as it then was prior
to 1967 referendum], but not Torres Strait Islanders.
Hansard 10-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
We, in Australia-federated Australia, I may take it, because the matter is one which applies to the
whole-have no enemies within our borders; we have no Indians to dispute with us the possession of the
soil; we have no powerful Maori race, to fight, as was once the case in New Zealand, for the territory
the right to which belonged to the Maoris themselves.

We also have the problem that if a woman is not a woman but claims to be a man then what?
If a man is not a man but claims to be a woman then what?

p6 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Sexual Harassment East and West
by Denis MacEoin January 5, 2018 at 5:00 am
 "I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national
duty to rape her." — Nabih Wahsh, Islamist lawyer, on Egypt's al-Assema TV, October 19, 2017.
 The Iranian Revolution of 1979 sparked off increasingly revolutionary movements across the Islamic
world, and in the process saw women in many countries denied the freedoms they had started to acquire
under earlier regimes. The veil returned widely, notably in Turkey, following the growing power of
authoritarian and fundamentalist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with women's rights being
increasingly denied.
 We urgently need to drop our unwillingness to contrast Western and Islamic values -- whether regarding
violence, treatment of religious minorities, anti-Semitism, or treatment of women. There are also
growing numbers of Muslims, as we are seeing today in Iran, who find wider Islamic attitudes abhorrent
and work hard, mostly against the odds, to bring their faith closer to modern values.
Well, politicians vying for votes will tell us that multiracial community is what it is about, while
in fact that are cowards selling their soul like those who became submissive to those preying on
victims for sex for the sake of a job/role. A parallel society cannot co-exist and one has to be so
to say a moron and complete idiot, mentally retarded to hold that Sharia law is for the equality of
And while men often are blamed in programs to make them feel guilty about wife bashing, I for
one refusing to retaliate found the cops to be laughing. It was when they I filed a formal
complaint with the then Chief Commissioner of Police that the police then laid formal charges
and subsequently the lawyer made known his client pleaded GUILTY.
Queen bees: Do women hinder the progress of other women?
By Reality Check team BBC News 4 January 2018
Women can be worse than man when it comes to violence and aggressiveness. The Federal
government against domestic violence against men clearly fails to address the domestic violence
by lesbian women between each other.
I now will draw attention to the quotations:
Mr. MCMILLAN presented an address from the
Hansard 10-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Conference, which was read by the Secretary as follows:-
Gentlemen,-It is with deep interest that the Women's Christian Temperance Union regards the movement
which has called your body together, namely, the federation of the Australian colonies.
May they not hope that in this enlightened age the last-born nation of the world may have embodied in its
constitution universal suffrage without regard to sex; and the prohibition of the drink traffic by the vote of the
people, except for medicinal and scientific purposes.

Hansard 2-4-1891 Constitution Convention Debates

Dr. COCKBURN: I think there are some matters which ought to be left to the states. On the other hand,
there are certain definite lines regarding vital principles which should be laid down as part of the constitution.
Therefore I move:
That the clause be amended by adding the words: "But no property qualification shall be [start page 614]
necessary for electors of the said house, and each elector shall have a vote only for one electoral district."
I think this follows what we have already passed in clause 24, where it is laid down that the house of
representatives is to be chosen by the people of the several states. I imagine that "the people of the several
states" means without any restriction as to class interests.
Mr. MUNRO: Or as to sex!

p7 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Dr. COCKBURN: I do not think it is well to raise the question of sex at present; but I do think that,
although the question of woman suffrage has not got far enough to be seriously debated in this Convention,
the question of manhood suffrage has got far enough, and should, as a vital principle, be embodied in this
constitution: otherwise we might have a diversity, one roll obtaining in one state and another in another state.
In one state the will of the people might be supreme, and in another you might have a property qualification. I
think that it is already recognised as one of the canons of the constitution, and need not be argued; and
therefore I have moved that the principle of manhood suffrage, and also the principle of one man one vote, be
embodied in the constitution.
Hansard 23-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
Dr. COCKBURN presented the following petition, signed by the President and Secretary of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union of Australasia:-
To the President of the Federal Convention of Australasia, in Session assembled:
Sir-On behalf of the executive of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Australasia, which numbers
about 8,000 women and has branches in every colony, we have the honor respectfully to forward the
following resolution, adopted on February 26th, 1897:-"That this executive, representing the Women's
Christian Temperance Union of Australasia, earnestly urges the Federal Convention of Australasia to secure
in the Federal Constitution the provision that all voting by electors for Federal Parliaments be upon the basis
of equal voting rights for both sexes."
Hansard 24-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. BRUNKER: I have the honor to present a petition from the Womanhood Suffrage League of New
South Wales.
The petition is respectfully worded, and ends with the following prayer:-
Your petitioners, therefore, humbly pray-That your honorable Convention will so frame the Federal
Constitution of Australasia that the right to vote for representatives to the Federal Parliament shall be
possessed by women and men without any distinction or disqualification on the ground of sex.
I move that the petition be received and read.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
Hansard 24-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
QUOTE The CLERK read the petition, which was as follows:-

4. That women are patriotic, and law-abiding citizens, taking an equal part in the religious and moral
development of the the people, and doing more than half of the educational, charitable, and philanthropic
work of society as at present constituted-that, therefore, whatever federal franchise shall be conferred upon or
possessed by male citizens should also be conferred upon or possessed by women.
5. That, in view of the facts and considerations abovementioned, we are justified in appealing to [start page
33] your honorable Convention to so frame the Federal Constitution as to give the women of all the colonies
a voice in choosing the representatives of the Federal Parliament, so that United Australia may become a true
democracy resting upon the will of the whole and not half of the people.
Your petitioners, therefore, humbly pray-
That your honorable Convention will so frame the Federal Constitution for Australasia that the right to vote
for representatives to the Federal Parliament shall be possessed by women and men without any distinction or
disqualification on the ground of sex.
Hansard 31-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
I allude to one fact of which some members probably may not be aware, viz., that on October 6th next a
period of thirty years will have elapsed since the first Dominion Parliament was opened in Canada by
Viscount Monk. I trust that we will be able to so push forward our work so that thirty years after the
inauguration of the Federal Government in Canada, the Federal Government of Australia will be an
accomplished fact. Considering also that it will be the sexagenary of our beloved Queen, it will be a great
compliment to Her Majesty to make these two dates uniform.
p8 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Hansard 13-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
In this Bill there is a provision that the suffrage of the Upper House is to be identical with that of the Lower
House, that the age of electors is to be the same, and that presumably the sex is to be the same; therefore I
cannot see on what grounds democracy is to find a hold in the House of Representatives, and how aristocracy
is to find its buttress against the so-called encroachments of democracy in the Senate.
Hansard 15-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
QUOTE The CLERK read the petition, which was as follows:
The petition of the undersigned citizens of Tasmania humbly showeth-
(1) That as Tasmanian inhabitants as a whole are represented at the Federal Convention solely by men, in
this both sexes heartily concur; and that as the majority of the Tasmanian women do not desire political
responsibility to be thrust upon them, we consider it unadvisable that Federated Australia should force adult
suffrage upon this colony, but that each colony should frame its own franchise,
Hansard 15-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. FRASER: It has not grown in the United States; it has not grown even in your own colony. A lady
presented herself-a very estimable and eligible candidate stood for the Convention-but the people of South
Australia did not elect her. Her own sex voted against her, probably.
Hansard 6-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
The question of consumption, so far as we can test it by customs and excise, only relates to goods that pay
excise within the colony, and goods imported from abroad. Limiting it to that, and again taking Western
Australia as, not a shocking, but an admirable, example, we find in that colony a population of 70 per cent of
males. It is the habit of the male species to consume more narcotics and stimulants than the female. I am
informed that between one-third and one-half of the customs revenue of these colonies is raised from
narcotics and stimulants. We can understand, therefore, that the overflowing treasury of Western Australia is
very largely due to the simple fact of the abnormal number of males in that colony, not to speak of the
abnormal quantity of stimulants and narcotics consumed by them.
Mr. MCMILLAN: Federation will cure that!
The Hon. A. DEAKIN: Time will cure it. The new woman is not to be excluded from Western Australia
any more than from any other colony. There is no doubt that the sex inequality which at present exists will, in
course of time, be removed by purely [start page 52] natural causes. I understand that the Premier of Western
Australia signalised, amongst many other achievements, his visit to the mother country by importing a certain
number of females in order to make up for the deficiency which at present exists.
Hansard 8-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
QUOTE Mr. ISAACS (Victoria).-
The phrase "equal protection of the laws" has been defined by the court to mean exemption from legal
discrimination on account of race or colour. This provision would probably, therefore, not be held to cover
discriminations in legal standing made for other reasons; as, for example, on account of age or sex, or mental,
or even property qualifications. The court distinctly affirms that the history of the provision shows it to have
been made to meet only the unnatural discriminations springing from race and colour. If a discrimination
should arise from any previous condition of servitude, I think the court would regard this as falling under the
inhibition. The language of the provision implies this certainly, if it does not exactly express it.
Hansard 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
We recognise at the outset, and it cannot be too often repeated, trite as the phrase is, that perfection of any
kind is impossible to us. We do well to aim at it, but we surely act unwisely if we demand absolute
faultlessness in our Constitution, and refuse to accept anything that comes short of it.
[start page 2500]
It has been said that we may marry in haste and repent at leisure, but we may also refuse in haste and repent
at leisure, none the less bitterly. If either sex insisted upon absolute perfection, there would be no marriages
either in haste or leisure. Moreover, it is not the acceptance of a new obligation that alone involves risk.
p9 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
There is the risk of accepting a low ideal. The minor and the smaller success that belongs to a shrunken and
narrow federation can never be contrasted with the effort after a greater and nobler union, even if that be
attended by some measure of failure. Perfection is unattainable in any sphere.
This limited set out (in itself of some length) may just underline that what we are throwing out is
the stability of the sexes. We now have a purported Racial Discrimination Act that violates
s51(xxvi) embedded legal principles and we have this concocted gender bender perception
indoctrinated that schools become terrorism upon students.
When you sow divisions and hatred then you can expect this to multiply. And one day it will be
driven home to the politicians themselves and no good then to claim you were in the past wrong
about it. Too late. You reap what you sow!
I understood that former Premier Jeff Kennett now reveals that he really had been wrong to sell
of the SEC (State Electricity Service) as the charges went from about the lowest in the world to
about the highest of the world contrary to what he had expected.
Well, this is the nonsense we often get from past politicians who drive their mantra and then are
proven to be wrong but at the cost of taxpayers and others.
Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
The point is that we are not going to make the Commonwealth a kind of social and religious power over us.
We now have ended up with sex-education rather than proper education of the old days, where a
child would be able to calculate and understood ordinary words for what they stood for. By all
means the world is evolving and nothing wrong with teaching students about science (real
science that is not false science – based upon mock up details) but let make sure that a ‘safe
school program actually is ‘safe’ for students and not as is now used to gender-bend children that
an unnatural act is normal.
Yes we have ample of perverts around and it appears to me the parliament is not excluded from
this nor certain teachers as from time to time is reported in the media but surely we should have
competent representatives in the parliament and Members of the governments who will deplore
this filth and will insist that ordinary schools are there to teach children maths, language and
other basic skills and not the rot about masturbation, etc. The mere fact that ‘sex’ education has
taken the forefront in schools has become itself a form of terrorism and bullying upon student.
For a teacher (as was reported in a video) to ask students to go home and report back the next day
about masturbation I view shows the utter filth we have now as teachers.
Malcolm Turnbull, Paedophilia & Pornography: 8 Disturbing Connections
Australia’s current Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has a long history of disturbing activities and
associations with regard to sexual morality. As a result of a sympathetic left-wing media, this is something
the broader Australian public knows nothing about.
Whatever is alleged in the above internet link website is not for me to determine lacking all the
facts however if it is true then obviously this gives me grave concerns as to what kind of
government we do have, where ‘sex’ is the primary issue for the last 2 years, at least as I
perceive it, where politicians rather than representing their constituents are bragging about their
own sexual lives of homosexuality, etc.
“mitigating circumstances” for an act of paedophilia he committed to be ...

This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)
p10 10-1-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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