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Lesson 6 Hobbies

What will students be able to do by the end of this lesson?


Listening Reading Person-to-Person Speaking Writing

● I can understand ● I can understand ● I can ask & answer ● I can talk about ● I can write about
when other people passages about questions about my what I enjoy doing my interests
talk about their what people do in interests for fun on the ● I can write about
interests their free time ● I can have a discussion weekend and what I plan to do
● I can understand with someone about what holidays for a
questions about they like to do during their ● I can talk about a weekend/holiday
what I do in my free time time when I spent
free time ● I can ask/invite friends to time with friends
do something fun together

What will students know by the end of this lesson?


小时候 xiǎoshíhòu 差不多 chàbùduō about 运动裤 yùndòngkù sweat 项链 xiàngliàn necklace
childhood 太阳 tàiyáng sun pants 条 tiáo measure word
住 zhù live 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú 游泳衣 yóuyǒngyī 件 jiàn measure word
加拿大 jiānádà Canada badminton swimming suit 双 shuāng measure word
非常 fēicháng very 排球 páiqiú volleyball 袜子 wàzi socks 顶 dǐng measure word
常常 chángcháng often 网球 wǎngqiú tennis 帽子 màozi hat 副 fù measure word
滑冰 huábīng ice-skating 乒乓球 pīngpāngqiú table 再 zài again
滑雪 huáxuě skiing tennis 耳环 ěrhuán earring
钓鱼 diàoyú go fishing 已经 yǐjīng already

小时候 (我小时候喜欢看PBS Kids。) childhood
有时候 (他有时候午餐会吃汉堡。) sometimes
的时候 (上课的时候不能用手机。) when
什么时候 (你什么时候回家?) when?
会 (明年暑假你想做什么?) will
不要再V 了(不要再看电视了。)Stop ...

● I can compare what people find interesting in the U.S. with what people find interesting in the target

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