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Rise of the Z-State and faltering Societal Fate

Part 2
By Randy Gonzalez

Rise of the Z-State and faltering Societal Fate – Part 2

By Randy Gonzalez

With the popularity of the zombie genre, from graphic novels to the movie screen, it is
an apt depiction of post-modern humanity. Any devotee of “zombie apocalyptic” stories,
likewise, finds a correlation between the notion of a “z-state” and reality of a devolving
culture to be quite both alarming and fascination. From entertaining dystopic fiction in
terror-panicked shopping malls, to the government websites planning for societal
pandemic, the metaphorical admonition for survival preparedness and emergency planning
reflects real life issues and foolish behaviors.
The apocalyptic future human demise, while such fascinates millions, underscores the
viewpoint regarding the devolving probabilities of humanity. Reality suggests a looming
global transformation that eventually implicated the human species becoming extinct. On
a planetary scale, concerns about natural disasters from atmospheric warming, the threat of
nuclear terrorism, as well as universal viral pandemic, ought to awaken the productive
processes of international cooperation. Yet, seemingly, where human nature is concerned,
not much changes and more calamities are coming.
Add to that the grotesque and insidious specters of famine, disease and dismal poverty,
more war, and environmental exploitation. Of which, corrective actions should have been
underway long ago. These calamites naturally invite diverse perceptions about human
extinction, as well as solvability factors. For the smaller and narrower, albeit sophomoric
perspective, the certainty of death is frightening but appears way off somewhere in some
called “never-never land”.
One researcher in an academic setting collecting data for a dissertation has offered
commentary on disastrous consequences for human civilization. It has been suggested that
the fixation or obsession with apocalyptic scenarios is a means of imagining the fearful
individuality of dying. This always applies to the disbelief that future will actually happen.
Fictional versions come in many forms in the fabrication of divergent theories regarding
the end of the human race. The human capacity for deception with regard to storytelling
has deep roots in evolutionary processes. For the average person, fiction is sometimes
confused with the real world and the facts, by which the reality of evidence gets lost.
Stupidity is frequently more important than higher intelligence.

In a recent analysis by one college professor, conducted a few years ago, in particular
millennials, in the age grouping between 15 and 25, reportedly did not perform very well
in such things as simple problem-solving skills. One researcher expanded that age range to
include another 5 years, and concluded anyone under 30 displays similar deficits relative
to critical thinking skills. Of these, many have difficulty accepting the challenges of the
real world and displaying a keen grasp of significant social issues. As previously compared
to similar age groups in 20 other competitive countries, American teens exhibit deficiencies
in a broad range of intellectual capacities. In comparing educational systems on an
international basis, the U.S. ranked 14th behind Russia.
Disturbing trends in an increasingly “fact free society” portends scary prospects for an
inclination toward a dystopic future. As pseudo-science is valued more than real science,
belief systems slant more toward science fiction than science fact. Reality replaced by non-
reality reinforced by emotional reactivity hastens the devolution of the human species. In
the U.S., freedom of speech is being shouted down by an extremist slant on “political
correctness” and intolerance for alternative viewpoints. Devolution appears to be the
inclination for the human species. A divisive strain of infantile narcissism masquerades
behind a facade of intellectualism and “social justice”.
Political corruption, gangsterism, thuggery and “sanctuary enclaves” deface the
constitutionality of the rule of law. To underscore the regression of critical thinking in
application of proactive problem solving, the intellectual capacity for many continues to
slip away. As though “infancy” for dependence on primal needs does not mature over time,
the subsequent generational tendencies move toward social retrogress. In a special report
to a major national newspaper eight years ago, a gloomy point of view portrayed a dismal
portrait of 15 to 24 year olds. This could be referred to as the “Z-state”.
Yet, the metaphorical generalization of a “Z-state” of limited consciousness does not
necessarily have a well-defined line of demarcation. Weak thinking, emotional reactivity
and uninformed socio-political status crosses any attempt to establish secure boundary
lines. At any given moment, as essays on stupidity suggest, lazy, simplistic and
oversimplified interactivity infects several age groupings. Generally, being stupid affects
every age group and is often seen in the arrogance of self-deceit and selfishness of entitled
immediate gratification. So, sometimes the lines blur.

This of course does not speak highly of the absurd fixation U.S. education has with so-
called accreditation processes. The cumbersome lengthy procedures, rules, the
documentation processes, laws enacted, and the obsessive oversight, faculty credentials,
and so on, have not significantly improved learning, encouraged productivity or inspired
higher states of innovation. In spite of all the fascinations over accreditation, licensing
processes and endless expenditures, the U.S. does not make it into the top ten in education
worldwide. According to one report in a major national publication, the U.S. ranked 17th
among so-called developed countries.
The research suggested, after an evaluation of 49 countries in the period from 1995 to
2010, more countries were improving in education at a rate faster than the U.S. While this
kind of data offers gloomy future prospects, it is not the only bleak glimpse toward the
probability of a future dystopia. As intellectual capacity wanes negatively, human
extinction is also in the social mix as a likely prospect. The likelihood of mainstream
society regressing to realms of primordial stupidity has become more pronounced with the
onset of the z’s, or the youngest leaving high school at the present time.
On a nationally recognized publicly funded radio network, one college professor
lamented in his testimony that the newest generation is stupid. During the discussion, the
college teacher, and author of a book on the topic, further claimed the alleged “digital
generation” is filled with idiots. Of particular concern was the lack of motivation to be
creative and explore a diversity of imaginative possibilities. Published in 2008, a writer for
a west coast national news service suggested those in the ages from 15 to 24 spend less
time reading each day than previous groups. Woefully deficient in areas of history and
politics, the younglings of today know very little about such things.
As one generation follows another, the social courage for intellectual competence and
creativity, along with “mental-physical” achievement for the “greater good”, regresses to
a self-indulgent infantile narcissism. Everywhere one ponders the human condition; the
more deplorable the global state of affairs appears. While there are noble exceptions in
every assertion, action or possible claim, the general conclusion drawn is devastating in
terms of human species survival. From incessantly mindless commercials on every medium
of “infotainment”, to promoting grotesque gluttonous consumption and never-ending debt,
sophomoric communal discourse devolves to primeval levels.

Constant “news media” bombardment, where emotion overrides reason, tainted by

unsubstantiated opinion, the social babble degrades communal achievement to higher
realms of enlightenment. Alleged reporters, newscasters and so on, typically too young and
inexperienced in worldly knowledge, or history, regurgitate a kind of “zombified” fixation
of overly simplistic conjectures regarding complex human problems. Entitlement and
alleged “victimization” claim an arrogance of immaturity that little or no sense of self-
driven individuality in the evolving liberation for higher differentiation.
Meanwhile, back on “Madison avenue”, the advertising gurus contrive schemes, across
the wide expanse of social media, which is insulting, regressive and disturbingly intrusive.
Nonetheless, the inane gimmicks work on an increasingly less informed and younger
consumer, primarily those inclined toward increasing zombification. In your face,
marketing knows few boundaries of respect, courtesy and civility in the ongoing attempts
to con the consumer into greater consumption. No matter what telecommunication medium
one engages, the likelihood is very high an obnoxious and juvenile ad or commercial will
pop up and the most inappropriate time.
From television to movies, to online “tubes”, from cell phones to online video
streaming, the ads never cease. Not only that, but more often than not, such propaganda
typically claims an untimely moment prior to more serious subject matter. Not to forget of
course, the message frequently comes across as child-like feel good messages, while reality
speaks of horrible atrocities around the world. Rampant obsessive commercialization of
everything is symptomatic of the Z’s contemporary state of affairs in the myth and magic
of the illusion called the “American Dream”.
In that deception, which funds the lucre of the upper classes, the admonition is to
consume, consume, and consume more. Such is the post-modern American mantra. At the
same time, hypocrisy underscores the intentional gullibility of justifying anything that
satiates immediate gratification. Gluttonous worship often savors the “sage” wisdom of the
icons of “cosmic knowledge”, like overpaid athletes, rock stars, politicians and Hollywood
actors. Superficial testimonial anecdote passes as factual substantiation from illicit sources
that hide behind a false sense of security. Given the pretentiousness for instant indulgence
in robotic, mechanistic, and spoon-fed fixations, it is more relevant to “feel good” than
actually “be good”, or ensure the greater good.

As marches and demonstrations satiate the desire to feel good about not necessarily
doing anything about the common good, the superficiality pretends to express some sense
of “social justice”. Alleged “social warriors”, woefully ignorant of the very things they
protest, and stupidly immature about how social systems function; signify the divisive
aspects of human nature. Of which, the human species has changed very little. Over the
past 33,000 years or whenever you mark the starting point of modern humans, humankind,
with notable exceptions, has not transformed in significant ways.
No sign of imminent ascension appears probable. Yet, in spite of pretenses to the
contrary, common sense rationality evades social discourse and degrades to an inability to
form intellectual dialogue. While fighting among opposing groups or destroying
someone’s property, in between texting and posting on social media, having a latte after
the demonstration, individual and group selfishness prevails. More evident to a few, and
not to the masses, the foolishness of “herded” reactivity reinforces the fakery of making
“changes”, for which nothing really changes, and the status quo is maintained.
Meanwhile planet earth continues to be pillaged, and successive generations may be ill
equipped to handle an apocalypse, a global pandemic, or a mass extinction event. For that
matter, some research tends to suggest subsequent generations may be ill equipped to deal
with most social problems that plague the planet. An article appearing in another online
magazine that specializes in developing technologies and possible social impact, posed a
related question to the issue of stupidity. Surrounded by the usual bombardment of
excessive advertising, an initial query asked if people are getting dumber.
For many, the gluttony of various techno-options is relief from responsibility in personal
development. Excessive materiality is good for the consumer, commerce and
commercialized thinking processes. It reinforces varying levels of stupidity. One does not
have to focus too much, in fact not at all, and enjoy the blurry haze of simplistic ideation.
Serious introspective “anti-status quo” analysis, such as questioning so called “peer
review” in the pseudosciences, may be challenged as “thinking too much”. To further the
focus on such intellectual necessities as math, writing, and reading skills, the reality is that
these skills are weakening. The crisis of American education is exactly that, it is a state of
crisis. One writer suggests that the “system”, or multi-systems”, teach about a world that
does not exist. It is a world tilting in dystopic directions.

Within an organizational framework, or institutional setting, secular or otherwise,

outside the box thinking is just a colorful metaphor that disguises the real intent. In the
mainstream of any particular venue of human interaction, along a collective collusion, no
one wants to be outside the box. Of any particular guru, shaman, celebrity, or similar
conceited authority, the alleged expertise goes without question. For the sake of sinister
intentions, purposeful malevolence colludes openly, and lazy thinking accepts it.
Reinvention, or regurgitation, or even remake of any kind evidences that devolving
status of non-creativity. Mediocre is the state of excellence, while substandard is the
average and boring is the norm for any entertainment value. Superficiality admires
shallowness over substance, as symbolism reinforces the regressive fixation of emotional
reactivity. Actually, no one really wants another person to think too much.
The amative value of ignorance can be witnessed by the excessive promotion of
anything for sale. Be happy, get along with the group, stay in the conformity of the
consensus, and let famous people speak for everyone. More so than insisting upon the
rigors of self-evolving transformation to a better version than the original self. That
requires the dangerous risks of being outspoken, open minded and not easily swayed by
the masses. From the trials and errors in mature elevation, to the reality of a well-
differentiated rational thinking, enlightened ascendency is irrelevant and costly.
Hard work is required to think deeply about a variety of issues, with a logical process
of rationally mature deductive reasoning. Self-education is constant in every sphere of
human activity. Investigative ruthlessness peers behind the veneer of bias, selfishness, and
promotion of personal agenda. Too time consuming for most to endure, critical analysis
tempered by productive interactive debate is arduous. Stupidity is often the crutch for
avoiding accountability and the necessity of viable truths.
For those willingly embracing their zombification, the fear of singularity in personal
detachment erodes the ability to be exceptionally insightful. Lacking the courage of
mindful conviction, each subsequent generation shuns intellectual achievement in the
advancement of the species to higher planes of illumination. By intentional cowardice,
myth, magic and foolish metaphor contrive social deceptions. Instead, a growing number
of studies show a dismal regression of intellectual capacity as one generation vanishes to
the next. Historical replication devolves to the rise of the z-state.
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