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Dellemonache 1

Olivia Dellemonache

Mrs. Bouch

Honors 11-period 2

25 October 2017

Catholicism vs Puritanism Essay

God reveals Himself to humanity in His works and deeds He once did on Earth. As once

said in 2 Corinthians 4:6, “For God who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness,”’ is the One

who has shone our hearts to give Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of


Catholicism has the fullness of God because Catholics have been given the Bible and all the

truths. However, other religions, such as Puritanism, have rays of truth that Catholics believe in

as well. Also, the Catholics story of Creation comes from the book of Genesis in the Bible,

however Puritans are also Catholics but do not believe in the same things Catholics do. God

showed Himself to all Catholicism in a way that touches all Catholics’ lives. The Catholic

Church has the fullness and Truth about God, but have respect for other religions, Genesis relates

to other religions origin stories, and God reveals Himself to Puritanism and Catholicism in an

important and special way.

The fullness of truth is through the Catholic Church, but there are truths in other religions

that are shared between Catholicism and Puritanism. Catholics and Puritans have some of the

same beliefs; however, (there should be a comma here because the independent clause and

conjunctive adverb are going separated) Puritans only have the rays of the truth of God. Unlike

Puritans, Catholics have the fullness of God through the Church and His works. Puritans only

have parts and pieces of God in their religion, (a comma should be added here because it would
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be a run on without it and it splits up the two different sentences by and) and that is why they do

not have the fullness of God in their lives. Catholics believe that God is with them always, no

matter what they do. Puritans, on the other hand, believe that there is a God out there, the just do

not have the full truth in order to believe God is true. Puritans do not have God present in their

lives like Catholics do. They only have parts and of what they choose to believe and what

Catholics are raised to believe. Catholics know God is always full in their lives and living it with

them. In Catholicism, “God is the means of Salvation in the Church” (Vatican para. 16). Other

religions besides Catholicism have beliefs that Catholics follow, but they have a different

understanding of them than Catholics do about the Church. Puritanism has pieces of God in their

faith; (a semi-colon should be here because the two independent clauses would make a run-on

sentence) however, (a comma needs to go here because of the conjunctive adverb to split up the

two independent clauses) Catholics have the fullness and greatness of the Lord in the religion.

“The have pieces of God that we find true, however they do not have the fullness we do”

(Vatican para. 2).

Even though they may not agree with everything Native Americans and Puritans say,

Catholics respect their opinion and hear them out about what they say. Puritanism and

Catholicism have many contrasting views and points about their religions that are different with

each other. The Catholic Church does not decline any ideas or thoughts of another religion;

(needed add because the sentence would be a run-on without it) they hear them out on their

opinions and respect them. “The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these

religions” (Vatican para. 2). This quote is explaining that the Church does not reject another

religion’s beliefs if they are true and holy. Also, God does not reject any person because of their

beliefs, faith, or backgrounds. Even though God may not agree with what the Puritans say, He
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will not reject someone from coming into Heaven with him. Catholics believe to treat everyone

as a child of God and respect them like one of his children. At times, Puritanism has very

differing views of God and the Catholic beliefs, but Catholics are taught in the Church to show

reverence to every person whether the person believes in what a person thinks it right or wrong.

God has also shown that, (needed to split up two independent clauses so that it would not be a

run-on sentence) no matter how different you are compared to Catholics, He will never deny

someone into his loving family with Him.

Origin myths are like the Catholic story of Genesis because it explains how God came

into the world and how He brought His works into the world. God put all humans on the world to

respect the nature of it and take care of all the creatures inside it. For Catholics, the story of

Creation is explained in the story of Genesis. However, other religion has the origins myths that

describe how they think humans came into the world and how the Earth was created. From the

story of Genesis, Catholics are taught to preach and live out the Gospel because that is through

God. “We are obligated to spread the Gospel” (Vatican para.15). Even though Genesis is not

directed to non-Catholics, Jesus does not deny them into his Church. Some origins myths make

God out to seem that only Catholics can be part of his Church and that no one else could ever

join Him. God desires everyone in the world to be part of His Church and all honors and Glory

should be given to God.

In both religions, Puritanism and Catholicism, God revealed Himself to all people in a

special way. Puritans believe that God existed, but not all their beliefs match up with the beliefs

of Catholicism. Catholics of the Church completely and fully believe that God existed and will

come to save Catholics again one day. God revealed Himself to all people in a special way,

which leads Catholics to believe the truth of Jesus Christ. Puritans believe that God realized
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himself in a different way than the way Catholics believe He realizes Himself. God loves

everyone whether they are a part of his Church or not; (needed to split the two clauses so that it

is not a run-on) however, (splits up the sentence) He desires for them to be in His Church and

one with Him. “God loves everyone even if you’re in a ‘shadow’” (Vatican para.16). This quote

is explaining that even if someone is lost in their faith or does not know where to turn to, God

will not reject or deny them.

The Catholic Church is taught everything by God’s works, the bible is what Catholics

confide in as part of the Church, and God is revealed to all people in a way that had never been

forgotten over thousands of years. The Catholic Church has true fullness because of the

relationship each Catholics owns. However, the Catholic faith does not reject any other religion

or beliefs. Other religions have rays of truths Catholics believe in, nevertheless they are not able

to believe in them fully because they do not have God. The Book of Genesis in the bible reflects

how Catholics believe the world was created, just how other religions believe that their origin

stories teach how human beings were created also. Other religions have a basis of their version

of God. The Catholic Church is an environment like no other with the feeling that God is always

on one’s side and guiding them to the right place.

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