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Presentation Outline

Hailey Nicholls
Hailee Walker
-Stakeholders and History
Joel Sotelo Cecena
-Chore chart
Kyndra Prietzel
-Policies and Politics


Hook: Who here loves having a dirty room or living space? What about living with messy
roommates or family? For you who prefer to have a clean living space here are some ideas on
how to change that situation.
Problem: The problem our group had to break down and find a solution for was, How can we
help the 5 roommates get their living environment to a condition that satisfies all of them?
Analysis: Before we were even able to begin to come to a conclusion for our problem, it was
very important of us to not only fully understand the conflict in the household, but to decipher the
resolved needs of each of the roommates. Each of us needed to be open minded about all the
possible solutions suggested, in our discussions. We used the five methods of analysis to come
to a solution, we researched the characteristics, stakeholders, history, policies and politics, and
some resources. After thoroughly studying and analyzing our problem, we finally were able to
come to a conclusion.
Characteristics: Our first method of analysis we researched was the characteristics of the
roommates. There were three main characteristics that we focused on frustration, social, and
oblivion. The roommates were starting to become exceedingly frustrated which each other due
to some of the roommates not doing their chores around the house. They hated this way of
living, causing major conflict between all five of them. Therefor leading to substantial social
conflict. All five of the roommates began to argue with each other on what should and shouldn’t
be done. Their friendships were slowly separating and they started to distance themselves from
each other. Some of the roommates felt embarrassed to bring their families over to the house
due to the unkept area. However we do believe there was some oblivion in the household.
Everyone is different and everyone has different beliefs, the roommates not doing their chores
could be completely oblivious to their doings and think the house is clean enough. They may not
have caught on to the hints that had been dropped by other roommates. However through this
oblivion they sometimes neglected their responsibilities.
Stakeholders: We had 5 stakeholders in our problem, each of the roommates, and this
problem affected all of them as a group.
All roommates were affected by the growing tensions with their roommates as their
relationships with each other began to decline. The clean roommates felt angry that they were
left to do all of the cleaning as when they moved in the roommates agreed to work together to
maintain a clean living environment. The messy roommates have a different idea of cleanliness
than the clean roommates and are negatively affected by the clean roommates anger towards
History: While thinking about the history behind this problem we looked at housemate
upbringing as well as past examples of this problem and the solutions that were used.
Housemate upbringing was important to think about because it allowed us to think about why
some of the roommates did not value cleanliness as highly as others. Some housemates were
most likely raised in an environment where everything was always tidy, while others could have
been raised that it is okay to leave clothes on the floor until it is time to wash them. It was
important for us to take into account that not all roommates would see the problem as much of a
problem at all. We also looked at other examples of this same issue occuring to other groups of
roommates and how they solved their problem.Aaron Shaver, a recent graduate from Nazarene
University in Nashville, talks about what worked for him and his roommates saying, ”It is
important to create a roommate contract and decide on responsibilities together. This contract
should be detailed and cover every household activity, such as “who takes out the trash?” and
“who cleans the shower?” This example along with others helped us to see what worked for
others and what did not.
Policies and Politics: Through research we found many policies that contributed to our
solution. Many policies in Utah for apartment living states that we should keep the living area
sanitary for our needs but also for others around us like neighbors. In the Utah Residential
Lease Agreement it says that the occupants must keep their apartment clean for the next
occupant.In the Utah Housing Coalition we read that keeping an area clean can prevent mold,
pests, and sickness. Along with that, being clean, including taking out the trash, can keep you
safe since trash can be a fire hazard. Cleanliness can affect your well-being, health, and safety.
Being clean is important.Through research we have also come to understand that cleanliness is
a sign of respect. Keeping a clean environment will help with the relationships within the
apartment. Any damage done in the living area could potentially be paid by the occupants, so
keeping clean and making sure things aren’t damage can have a higher influence of respect,
and gratitude on everyone.
Resources: Some good advice from people who have gone through the same scenario are
other college students. We have found articles with examples of students who have
experienced similar dilemmas such as this one. The two articles are My roommate’s a slob! And
How to Avoid Roommate disasters. These articles can give effective advice that can help.
Another way to solve this problem could be talking to roommates. Using communication to talk
through problems is a good way to go. If you are struggling there is a communication textbook
called Elements of Effective Communication with a specific chapter called Interpersonal
communication that can be useful and helpful trying to communicate with roommates. Learning
how to communicate with others can help solve issues.
In the end all we want to do is to satisfy each roommate’s idea of cleanliness and to ease the
tension building in the household. Some of the criteria we came up with is everyone agrees on
the terms of the agreement, that the agreement outlines each roommates responsibility clearly,
that the tasks do not interfere with any of the roommates school or work schedules, that each
person shares an equal amount of responsibility and accountability for their share of the
agreement, must be compromising and take into account each roommate's idea of cleanliness,
it takes into account the things that have or have not worked in the past, and most importantly
our contract follows the renter’s agreement.
Brainstorm: After we created our criteria we brainstormed all possible solutions. During this
process we wrote down every solution we could come up with without judging any of them. It
didn’t matter if they were weird or if we thought they wouldn’t work, we just wrote them down.
Some of these solutions were to, create a contract, make a chore chart, or even to hire a maid.
After completing this list we would move on to grade the five best solutions based on the criteria
we had come up with earlier on.
Organize: Our top five solutions were a contract, a chore chart, rewards and consequences,
hiring a maid, and pick up what you see in the apartment. We organized a chart that followed
our criteria with the possible five solutions. Those with the higher scores were more evaluated,
but the highest score was not our one solution. The scores from highest to lowest were the
contract with 34 points, the chore chart with 33 points, hiring a maid with 27 points, rewards and
consequences with 25 points, and picking up what you see with 19 points. After thorough
examination, and discussion we finally came up with our solution.
Solution: Our solution to the problem came from a combination of solutions. We combined a
contract, rewards, consequences, and a chore chart. This contract needed to be fair, keep them
comfortable and satisfied, help them live in harmony, and overall to keep them in check about
keeping the house clean. This contract is combined negotiations of all roommate’s
understanding, and any amendments made must be discussed with all individuals present.
Chore Chart: The chore chart has a list of tasks that need to be done around the house,
each roommate will be assigned one or more tasks that need to be done that week. Each week
the assigned tasks will change for each person.
Conclusion: In the end, we used our research to analyze the problem and used the
information to come to a conclusion we felt was best. Our final solution combined three of our
brainstormed ideas together, a contract, a chore chart, and rewards and consequences. We
believe that our solution will solve the messy roommate problem and will satisfy all affected

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