Sie sind auf Seite 1von 12

1. Connect Laptop to ETH port in board AUX.

Set IP local for laptop

2. Search NE choose filediscovery and input the NE range

3. After NE Appears click NE and configure

4. If the NE is new NE, click MANUAL CONFIGURATION. If NE is already commissioning, click UPLOAD!.
5. Then choose Query physical information
6. Modify NE ID as plan design
7. After we change NE ID then NE IP will change also and the comunication will loss then we delete
NE in NMS and create again use the new NE IP.

8. Create NE with user :root password:password or user:lct password:password or you can create
new login user in navigator with command :sm-add-user
9. Upload NE

10. Modify NE Name

11. If NE is GNE then set the IP Address, Subnet mask and IP Gateway in communication parameter

12. When we set the IP Address NE will restart again and communication will loss so we need to
delete NE in NMS and create again with new ip address
13. Set NE time Synchronizationchoose synchronization with NM

14. Enable NE Performance Monitoring

15. Setting Clock if NE connect with external clock (BITS)
16. Start SSM Protocol

17. Query Clock Quality

18. Check Clock Synchronization Mode

19. When disconnect external clock source NE Working mode change to hold over
20. Quality Clock Source only get from internal clock

Alarm that appears

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