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Webquest for the Cold War Era 1945-1990

Directions: Please follow the links provided to answer the questions.

The Marshall Plan
1. How many countries assisted under the Marshall Plan?
One country assisted the Marshall Plan, the United States of America, which gave
resources to six European countries (England, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Belgium).
2. Who designed and implemented the Marshall Plan?
The Marshall Plan was designed and implemented by George C. Marshall, an
American soldier and architect who helped win WWII.
3. What was the primary goal of the Marshall Plan?
The primary goal of the Marshall Plan was to rebuild the economies and spirits of
western Europe.
4. What type of aid was given to European countries?
The type of aid which was given to these European countries included shipments
of food, staples, fuel and machinery from the United States.

The Berlin Airlift
5. How was Germany divided after World War II? (Be specific)
Germany was divided after WWII into four sections between four allied forces,
France, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States. Because of Russian communism,
the four parts of Germany became separated as the other allies followed a more
democratic policy.

The Korean War
6. What was America's foreign policy centered on after World War II?
​America’s foreign policy was centered on the "containment" of communism, both
at home and abroad.
7. When and where did the Korean War break out?
The Korean War broke out on June 25, 1950, along the 38th Parallel.
8. Why did the United States become involved in the Korean conflict?
The United States became involved in the Korean Conflict due to the tense
atmosphere that characterized Cold War politics.

Korean War/U.S. Foreign Policy continued
9. Who was commander-in-chief of the UN forces during the Korean Conflict?
​The commander-in-chief of the United Nations during the Korean Conflict was
General Douglas MacArthur
10. When was the ceasefire agreement signed?
​ he ceasefire agreement was signed on July 27, 1953.
11. What was the total number of Americans killed in the Korean conflict?
​The total number of Americans killed in the Korean COnflict was an estimated
54,260 deaths.

12. What was Sputnik?
​Sputnik was the world's first artificial satellite launched into space by the Soviet
13. What did Sputnik launch the start of?
​Sputnik launched the start of the Space Race between the United STates of
America and the Soviet Union.

The Berlin Wall
14. What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?
The purpose of the Berlin Wall was to separate the Communist East Germany from
the “fascist” West Germany.
15. Describe the Berlin Wall. Be Specific!
The Berlin Wall was a wall introduced by the Communist East Germany in order to
separate East Germany from West Germany. The two sides of Germany held different
political views and East Germany did not want the “fascist” West Germany easily
16. What was the "Iron Curtain"?
​The “Iron Curtain” was the boundary dividing Europe during the Cold War.

Cuban Missile Crisis
17. What caused President Kennedy's alarm on October 16, 1962?
On October 16, 1962, a U.S. spy uncovered the Soviet Union exchanging nuclear
missiles with Cuba.
18. How did the Cuban Missile Crisis end?
The Cuban Missile Crisis came to an end when a public deal in which the United
States pledged not to invade Cuba if the Soviet Union withdrew its missiles, was
introduced. The Soviet Union agreed to take its Missiles out of Cuban hands.

Conflict in Vietnam
19. How did the wars in Vietnam start?
The wars in Vietnam began when France tried to restore colonial rule after World
War II.

Vietnam War
20. What years were American ground forces directly involved in the war?
​The American ground forces were directly involved in the Vietnam War in 1965
and 1973.
21. Following the Gulf of Tonkin incident Congress passed the Southeast Asia Resolution.
Who was the President at that time AND what did it allow the President to do?
​At the time, the president was Lyndon B. Johnson. This resolution allowed
Johnson to conduct military operations in the region without a declaration of war.
22. What was the opinion of the American people of the conflict in Vietnam? Please compare it
to their opinion of modern-day conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
​The American citizen opinion of the Vietnam war was mainly mistrust of
Washington that had begun after Tet increased with the release of news about bloody
battles of questionable value.

Reunification of Germany
23. When was Germany reunified as one country?
Germany was reunified as one country on Oct. 3, 1990.
24. Please describe the economic conditions of East Germany after the reunification.
​The economic conditions of East Germany after the reunification of Germany
largely collapsed, and the costs of reunification and the privatization of state-owned
businesses in the East pushed Germany into recession and led to increased social

End of the Cold War
25. Please describe the reasons for the end of the cold war.
​The reasons for the end of the Cold War was mainly the result of the Berlin Wall
being taken down and the Iron Curtain being lifted.

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