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Honors Project Checkpoint #2-Cancer and Health

Name: ______________________________________ / Patient #: __________

Answer the following. Make sure you use correctly formatted in-text for each question.
Remember-these should match your work cited portion of the checkpoint in #9.
1. Define cancer in your own words: overgrowth of cells
2. Describe how cancer develops and it’s connection with mitosis: cancer is a group of cells
that are stuck in a constant state of mitosis.
3. Define Metastasis. In a timeline, list the steps for how metastasis occurs. Metastasis is
when cancer spreads to a different part of the body (Dictionary), the steps are the cells start
overgrowing to the bloodstream and enter the bloodstream then the bloodstream carries the
broken cell to another organ.
4. What cancers have been scientifically linked to poor nutrition and obesity? For each, state
why scientists think poor nutrition or obesity is a contributing factor.
Breast cancer- this is linked to a change in hormones when you intake too much food
Gallbladder cancer- the gallbladder breaks down fats so if you intake a lot of fats it will think it
needs more cell to cope.
Kidney cancer- this is because high blood pressure helps form kidney cancer. Commented [1]: how are high blood pressure and
All of this is from hormones related to poor nutrition or obesity?
5. For the cancers that you described in #4, list the ethnicities that most often get these Commented [2]: (cancer)
Breast cancer- caucasian (CDC)
Gallbladder cancer- same (CDC)
Kidney cancer- hispanic (CDC)
6. What foods/diets are linked to lowered cancer risks? (Hint: Looking up “antioxidants” and
describing what they do would be good here). Broccoli, spinach, berries, bell peppers, dark
leafy greens.
7. Describe how at least one of the following factors also relates to cancer: genetics, lifestyle,
stress, environmental factors. Genetics is related to some cancers for example cancer in your
eye is almost purely genetics. Commented [3]: how?
8. Give a detailed analysis of your patient’s risk for developing cancer later in life. Include in Commented [4]: -1
your analysis ALL of the following: genetics (family history), nutrition, antioxidant intake,
ethnicity, lifestyle, environmental factors in this area. My patient has a high risk of developing
breast cancer because he does not have a good diet and is caucasian.
9. List at least 3 primary or secondary resources that you have cited in this checkpoint.
These should be in correct MLA format!
“Gynecologic Cancers.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 19 June 2017,


“Obesity and Cancer.” National Cancer Institute, National Cancer Institute,

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