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Continuing o w ruaamg commentary on the recently held con­

vention of the Ukrainian Youth's League (need we say in Akron
j and over the Labor Day weekend?) we turn now to the Ukrainian
music and dance festival portion of it.
Unqualifiedly it was one of the > • і • •'' ' "
{very best ever presented by our that the Ukrainian Youth's League
j younger generation. It was in- |©f North America entered upon the
deed a worthy successor to similar scene. This was at fin nfta eeo-
functions tbe League held In pretention (then called congress), in
war times, in conjunction With its Cleveland, when at the bandshell
conventions. *It revealed that just'of the Great Lakes Ekposttton, be.
as before our musically and folk-J fore an ondience of about three
dance minded young people have thousand, it presented a "Choral
more than an ordinary measure of and Dance Festival," featuring the
talent, which with proper train- Ukrainian Yoath'S Chorus of N.Y.
ing, handling, direction and pro- and N.J., directed by Manraevich.
duction can provide a spectacle [and the Detroit Youth Chorus dl-
that not only entertains and rected by Olga Bhooweka. Part
U.N.A. PASSES 50,000 MEMBERSHIP I Pageant Article On THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL thrills but also inspires one to give of the program was broadcast'
greater heed to our cultural herit- over the Columbia broadcasting
MARK tfPA • COUNCIL age, learn more about it, and cul- system. Besides the,, dance hunt-
The current October number of tivate it here on the American soU, bers there was also a Ukrainian
the Pageant maga|fne features Its Representative: Arrives Here The Ukrainian Congress Committee for its own sake aad: fur the pur- fashion show,
At the dose of laet month, the Ukrainian Nettoaai Assoclatioa an article by Albert Brandt and Mr. Dmytro Andriovaky arrived of America pose of enriching-our Jrberioan This Cleveland affair • set the
passed the SbJtoQ Membership mark, t i e V.UA. florae Office reports.J. Payne, entitled "Ghost Armies here from London over a week culture. • pace for other annual UYL-NA
Against Russia,*' and telling of the ago as a special representative of This union of the Free Ukrain­ • That tins la a proven point can convention cultural festivals, euc-
The exact nwmberahip of the U.N.A* as of then Ь 50,027. ian parties under one common
"herculean task" of "UPA, the be judged by past performancea, cesaiveiy in Pittsburgh. Newark,
Reeestly the assefcv of the VJKA. attained the peek of over f їв,- Ukrainian Army of Liberation, the recently formed'Ukrainian Na-I leadership, represents s e v e r a l
tional Council in Europe, which is a years of diligent effort on the The youth, which sang, for ea- New York and Detroit. The great-
0вО,0вв>ЄО, once known as the 'Banderovci' coalition of various Ukrainian ample, in the combined N.Y.-NJ.'est of them all, of course, was tbe
Beth the membership end the assets ef the association are uttl! after the revolutionary leader political groupings comprising tbe part of many to effectuate i f choirs chorus, initially under Hay-Pageant* of Uk r a i n і an Songs,
S t e p h e n Bander(a) and new Ukrainian liberation movement. Among those here.has been the voronaky and then continually, un- Dances, and Costumes presented
A<e«lBV .- "made up of approximately 30,000 Ukrainian Congress Committee of
The U.N.A. b now hi the flfty-fifth year of Its existence.' M. Andrievsxy'a task is to ac­ America, the most national rep­ der tbe late Koshetz, BtUl to this in conjunction with the league's
Ukrainian Nationalists," in wrest­ ;

quaint Americans I of both Uk­ resentative Ukrainian American day remains unshakenble in its de-'eighth (1040) convention at the
If you're sfffl not в member of It, better Join it now, aad. ahare ing the Ukraine from Russia and rainian and non-Ukrainian origin
with бДОв* ether fellow flraetiHttw aad Canadians of Ukrainian de­ Poland." . organization of Its kind, which votlon to Ukrainian choral muate.jN.ew'Yorjt Workfs Fair-before an
with facta concerning the Ukrain­ came into being to aid the Amer­ In this respect, the ^l^-thnets**, audience nuihbering well over. 20,-
scent aD the life insurance and fraternal benefits it offers to its mem- ian National Council, which rep­ havo a definite advantage over the 000 persona,
$55» CHECK GIVEN CARE resents a great step forward in ica's war preparedness effort, did fast-growing youngsters" of our] Aad now, during the past Labor
quite a bit more than its share
One hour after the CARE booth the unification of pro-free Uk­ In our country's war effort, and younger genettttkm. They have Day weekend in Akron there took'
opened, at Pittsburgh's Kaufmann's raine elements in Europe outside at present is concentrating on its the rich memories of the 1030's' place the already so-widely report-,
Ukrainian DP Receives Dartmouth •tore, John Mitchell, president of the Iron Curtain. He will speak peace effort. which the utter fannpt pnasibly ed UYL-NA convention'cultural
the Associated Ukrainian Youth from first-hand knowledge, as he The Ukrainian Canadian Com­ have. Who from the former can? festival. From the choral and folk-
Scholarship Clubs of Western Pennsylvania, personally conferred with tbe lead­ mittee also played a role in get­ not help but recall the first con*'dance viewpoint, it good
presented a (550 check to the ers of the Council in Germany, ting the various European Ukrain­ cert of that moss chorus of over as any of the preceding conven-
On the eve of their departure Yugoslavia, Igor Medvedeff of head of the Pittsburgh Commit­ which he visited. He is a Ukrain­ ian groups together. 300 voices in New York led by tion festivals, in some respects
ian political emigre, and long a Hayvoronsky. So wonderful, thrill- higher, in other respects lower,
for studies at Dartmouth Univer- [ Poland and Kiriil Abramovich of tee for CARE, Judge Lois Mary Maintaining that the establish­ ing and unprecedented it was that the soloists, Donna Grescoe, vio-
resident of Brussels, Belgium.
sity, dve students, including a Uk­ Czechoslovakia. All have been McBribe, the local press reports.
The money will be- used to pur­ Last year, M. Andrievsky came to ment of lasting peace in Europe is during intermission the great Ko- linist, and Mary Polynack Lesaw-
rainian, recently arrived from the guaranteed part-time jobs by the this country to attend, in the role to a major degree contingent upon
DP camps of Europe were given Hanover, Mass., Chamber of Com­ chase food packages for needy in of a European Ukrainian observer, the freeing of Ukraine of the rule shetz rose from the audience, yer, were undoubtedly the heat
a farewell party on Monday, Sep­ merce, for food-and pocket-money, Europe. rushed upon tbe stage and with ever. Bui the most striking and
and oppression of Soviet Russia,
tember 20th at^ the home of Mr. while living quarters have been Mr. Mitchell was accompanied the Pan American Ukrainian Con­ and thereby depriving the latter tears streaming down his cheeks radical feature of the program was
ference. Subsequently he toured
William Sudduth, 1? Б. 87th St, given by the Theta Delta Chi by Miss Mary Mykita, chairman this country and Canada aad then of much of its war potential and congratulated Hayvoronsky, the the presentation by the N.Y.-N.J.
New Yet* City.' Fraternity, whose head, Mr. Feer, of the CARE committee of the As* choir directors and singers for a choral and dunce group of a sec-
returned to Europe! its aggressive imperialistic designs wonderful performance. tion of the colorful, mdodius and
The students, chosen from among was on hand at the party to wel­ sociated Ukrainian Clubs, who ap­ the. Ukrainian Congress Commit­
the hundreds of students of many come the new students. Married peared in native Ukrainian cos­ And then, those grand concerts fast-moving "Vechernitsi" opera.
Its Creation tee of America has constantly
nationalities assembled nt Heidel­ students are given apartments for tume. at Carnegie or Town Hall of this This was under the general direc-
sought to impress its views in this
berg University', Germany, at the their families, The drive for CARE donations The creation of „the Ukrainian respect upon our government in aame mass chorus under Koaheta. tion of Miss Olga Dmytriw with
close of the war by Mr. Sudduth, William Sudduth, seen and beard is being assisted by the Pittsburgh National Council took place in Washington aa well as upon the Despite its size it proved itself a Stephen Marusevich as choral dl-
former UNRRA Official, were recently on television and radio Junior Chamber of Commerce and Augsburg, Germany, American various United Nations and peace wonderful instrument producing rector and John Flu as nance
brought to the United States when be pleaded his cause, has will continue, according to Judge zone of occupation, during July I conferences, in San Francisco, choral music of such magic quality director. . ' r

through his further interceasi^atelpgd nmndtwKtfUfcjBd McBride. 16-20 of this year, і | Paris, and Lake Success. and poignant charm that it seemed j This feature of the Akron affair
-Scores .o£,^rspcJitefc^tkeLv-re^. to wash, awqy Л*o« the fouj аП ^ in New
' А Ш Ш sei eight major Free Ukrainian Par-i The Pan-American Ukrainianr T t h T o u i f o l nffle7to*carry'jYork'- ami
delberg Committee housed at the and hospitals in the short time
'87th St. address, and which ob­ since he left, his UNNRA position
New Yorkers to Hold ties in exile took part in-the con- Conference one away to new, strange world of presentation of a section of the
tains further American education at Heidelberg. Notable among Convention ference which- led to the creation
f fh« rv4.,»,„ti
_ .. .. IT w-.i-«-» hidden beauty and emotion.
Concurrently, the Ukrainian Such was the. introduction of convention It heralded the arrival
Katcrina opera. Still at the AkrVm
for these students. ' among them is Natalia Koval,

*& F * 2 & u . Congress Committee of America some of Our younger generation to of a new. era' in the Ukrainian
The Ukrainian student, Mr. Vo- gifted young pianist who has ap­ Hailed as the first of its kind, tives form the Council, originally; has sought to bring about a uni­ Ukrainian choral music. To it American younger generation cul­
a convention of Ukrainian Ameri­ These parties, whose representa- jfication
^ J ^ of ^ ail ^ pro-free'
. „ , Ukraine
„ _<_
lodymyr Ihor'Baranetzky, is one peared with Mr. Sudduth on his formed the coalition democratic
4 л ИІММ1

must be added that of our young tural progress., tt fat in this re­
of the first to be admitted at Dart­ television and radio appearances can youth of up-state New York and organizations
wiU take place
in Utica, October government ^of the « ДUkrainian^ Na-^ «throughout
" * » « » t »the - —world, ^ ' , " people in other localities through­ spect thai the Akron convention
" * particular-
mouth under ' a I new student-aid and who is studying on a scholar- out the land, the church choir cultural festival cut be cohsfdefed
plan initiated at the University Ship at the Eastman School of 2
* m 9
fwar I days. They are: Ukrainian,*" £ _ • • ? • £ _ ? £ ? *[^L^T members, singing Sunday after the best thus far, a fitting tribute
last spring by Mrs. A. Frey, wife Music at Rochester, N.Y. Natalia's) The young people of Utica and National Democratic Union! (2)} in this direction has manifested it Sunday a Mass which in its music { to our younger peop}o in' their
of a faculty member who won the interesting story will appear m vicinity have taken the initiative in U k r a i n i a n National-Statehood self in the establishment last year content as well as in its rite, is J quest of better achievements to
interest and-' support of the the "Weekly" next week. .organizing various young people's Union; (3) Ukrainian Social De­ of the Pan-American Ukrainian one of the most beautiful in the come in the field of Ukrainian cul­
Trustees, and the President of the Other Ukrainian students a i d e d \ ШЖ local i n
* • *&&* * • mocratic Union; (4) Ukrainian So­ Conference agency (50 Church world. ture. •
university for the plan which now by Mr. Sudduth's Heidelberg Com­ Hudson valleys. cialist Revolutionary Party; (5) St. New York City), of which it Such then, too, was the prelude According to our prognostlca-
promises to become national in mittee are Dr. Osyp Onyshkevych, According to the convention Ukrainian Socialist Radical Party; is a constituent part and which
committee announcement, the af­ is composed of other organizations to the movement among the young ttoa, the next UYL-NA festival-
scope and will eventually place 10,- interning now at a Brooklyn Hos­ (6) Ukrainian Democratic Revolu­ people tp form their own choral end we have some idea Where and
000 DP students in American pital; Elena Evasenko, chemist; fair Is designed to stir among tionary Party; (7) Organization of similar to it in Canada, Brazil, groups and arrange entirely on | under what circumstances it will
school and universities. Texas Mykola Hryzantovich and his wife the young Ukrainian Americans a Ukrainian Nationalists; (8) • Or­ Argentine, Paraquay and Uruguay. their own initiative concerts and be held—will definitely be the best
University has' also adopted the Mariyka, the latter a senior at greater interest in their Ukrain­ ganization of Ukrainian National- Acting through the Pan-Ameri­
plan and others are expected to Barnard College and both entering ian cultural heritage. The an- can Ukrainian Conference and in other cultural affairs. It was here ever heh*. <
sscribes " ',",' і pg ,'iai , .
follow. a southern-university this fall as nouncement
- ™ ~ at
describes the cultural, ^ f t w ' S S ^ ^ ^ ««im, conjunction with its partners in
„f *H. r~*„t Akmn « « . Th* first parliamentary session £ ^J
,«,. „„ n^JZL. r ™ .
the recent Akron con
Mr. Baranetzky completed his medical students. Mr. Sudduth is vention of the Ukrainian Youth's <of this historic g a t h e r i n g it, the Ukrainian Congress Com­ A Taste of Freedom These Benighted

studies for a Masters degree in the proud godfather of their daugh­ League of North as a stimulant І ' ° P l * w a s ene< n a
mittee of America has exerted a
solemn atmoa- positive influence of no mean de­
ter Natalka. Bohdan Borzemsky,
economics in Lviw, Halychyna, to tbe New York up-staters 'pherfe by Mr. Andrew Livitsky,
Western Ukraine and will study gifted graphic . artist is studying Ukrainian origin, in that they will who, at one time, headed the for­ gree on the endeavors among pro- ditions in Russian-dominated coun­
of A vivid commentary on the con­ Americans
business administration at Dart­ at Cooper Union, and young Dr. now devote more effort in ar­ mer Ukrainian National Republic, Ifree Ukraine
, . „ , elements who
, have
tries was provided daring the re­
mouth. Under the Plan, tbe ad­ Peter Yaremchuk, already prac­ ranging, Ukrainian cultural dis­ The fact that he officiated at this escaped the Soviets to unite them- cent Olympic games held in Lon­ With Russia's relations with the
ministration of Dartmouth baa tising medicine, Is attached to a selves for the good of the Uk­ Western democracies getting more
plays and song and dance pro­ gathering gave the assemblage a don when a number of the athlete?
waived student fees for him and New York hospital. rainian national cause. Contacts strained every day, Its vilification
Significant status in relation to
for Pieter Von Herman of Ger-j M.M.
grams. among all have been well estab­ from these countries refused to re­ T£ them is at present occupying a
At the same time the serious the government of the Ukrainian turn to them.
lished and cooperation has been
many. Cladfaair Shlshnojf of] aspects of the present global situa­ National Republic of some thirty set into motion.. Eight Czechoslovak and Hun­ nrmninent place m the Soviet press
tion will be discussed from the years ago. garian athletes, after having wit­ and radio. While a year ago the
American and Ukrainian view­ Those present at the sessions World-Wide Congress Planned nessed what life is like in a free­ Soviets directed their wrath main­
UCCA Brochure Widely Reviewed point. Special emphasis will be put took an oath of loyalty to the Uk­ The next necessary and in dom-loving country such as Eng- ly against Great Britain, our USA
rainian national cause and to the evitable Step will be the conven­ land, decided to remain in it aa re­ is now the tarket of their slander
on Ukrainian American youth sup-' campaign.
'Death and Devastation on the the Michigan Catholic, the Courier port of the Ukrainhm national traditional democratic principles ing, in as near a future as pos­ fugees. They discovered in Eng­
sible, of the planned World-Wide land some of those qualities of A good example of the nature
Curzon line," a pamphlet written Journal of Rochester, and the liberation movement and also aid aahnating it. freedom and democracy which of these ealumnies is furnished by
by Walter Dusbnyek, Ukrainian Catholic Herald of St Louis, Mo. for the Ukrainian displaced per-j CJounoU Elects Executive Board Free Ukrainian Conference.
American Journalist, and pub­ "This is a somber story- of the sons. Following its formation, the Uk­ In conclusion it should be noted Kremlin mouthpieces talk about a aa article published in "Rahva
that hi their efforts to aid lot but that few of tbe comrades Haal," the organ of the Estonian

lished recently "by the Committee fate that befell some тІШоп Uk Gregory Herman, vice-president rainian National Council elected here
Against Mass Expulsion in co­ ralnians living west of the Curzon of the Ukrainian National Asso­ from amongst its members an І their kinsmen in their enslaved ever see. And so when these ath­ communists, by s Professor 811-
letes did see aad enjoy the at- berg, who, we are informed, is s
operation with the Ukrainian Con­ line, or the postwar Polish-Soviet ciation, will address the gathering Executive Board, which is to func- land Ukraine to win their national mosphere of freedom and safety,{personage unknown to the Eston-
gress Committee of America, has boundary" says s committee state­ an October 2. Mayor Golder of (tion under its authority and su­ freedom, Americans of Ukrainian
been extensively reviewed and ment accompanying the pamphlet Utica will be on hand at the pervision. birth or descent set always as tbey decided not to return to their tans. . . . '
quoted by a number of publica­ "When the Ukrainians of post­ opening of the convention. Americans. Their primary in­ totalitarian countries. | 'thm dlatrible bears the title of
The Executive Board includes
tions in this country, especially by war Poland refused to heed the Mary and Stephanie Bodnar, such leading Free Ukrainian fig­ terest is in the interest of their One commentator c o r r e c t i y . « M a s s Ignorance in America" and
the Catholic press. Soviet call to go to the Soviet well known New York Ukrainian ures as Wasyl Mudry, Prof Ivanlt- country, the United States ot Amer­ pointed out recently that thia act* ^^ i b A t hhjjona of American
soprano duo, will appear as guest ica. They are neither bound, nor ob­ of athletes in electing to remain children fall to receive any educa-
The pamphlet* tells a document­ Ukraine, the Warsaw puppets of sky and Prof. Ivan Mazeppa. (

ed story of the mass deportations Stalin unleashed on them a terror artists at the concert program, a ligated nor connecter with any for­ away from home Speaks more tion whataover because the coun­
feature of the.convention. A com­ eign power. eloquently than a thousand radio try is short of st least 150,000
of .Ukrainians living west of the of unprecedented brutality." broadcasts or propaganda movies. teachers. According to it there
Curaon Line and with the per­ Entire villages were fired upon bined Ukrainian- youth chorus will releasee for Ukrainian prisoners At the same time, they have al­
One can only conclude that If
secution of those who refused to by artillery with the definite in­ sing under the direction of Rev. who were unjustly accused of of­ ways been supremely conscious of many of the millions of their fel­ tare several millions of children
be sent to the Soviet Union. It tention Of destroying them. In Joseph Bodnar, of Utica. Miss fenses which they did not commit their obligations to aid their na­ who are not going, and will never
low countrymen could be given thejg^ ^ echool,"over two million chil
also describes the underground several localities, men, women and Irene Korolova, from Odessa, In fact this department has at­ tionally enslaved kinsmen in their
Ukrainian liberation movement children were murdered in cold will appear as piano soloist tained its objective by almost 100 valiant and bound to be victorious same opportunity, there would be dren attend unsatisfactory schools,
spearheaded by the Ukrainian In­ blood to terrorize the population. percent struggle to win their national a general exodus from the, areas three million adults have never
Copies of the pamphlet (25» UCARC The UUARC inaugurated a proj­ freedom and independence. under the USSR, especially Uk­ had any schooling whatever and
surgent Army. • ,
may be obtained by writing to ect of vocational training of the Tbe winning of that struggle, raine. ten million adults,have received so
Among those Which reviewed The Legal Department of UU-
the pamphlet are the Catholic Sen­ the office, or calling there, of the ARC is rendering legal advice prospective emigrants and is now the establishment of a sovereign little that, actually, they are 11-
tinel • of Portland, Oregon, The Ukrainian Congress Committee of preparing a publication of diction­ Ukrainian state, free and inde­ can national security and of the j literate, while the rest of the
Tablet of Brooklyn, N. Y., the America, SO Church St, Room 252, and assistance whereever it is aries and textbooks "for the pur- pendent of Soviet misrule, is de­ world-wide American effort to population know little more than
Monitor of'Sah Francisco, Cal., New York City. found necessary. It has obtained jpose of teaching languages. finitely in tbe interest of Ameri- secure lasting peace. | how to barely read aad write. «


(Address delivered at the Banquet of the 11th convention of t h e * ПГНЕ World War I and its after­ mental work oh the History of
Ukrainian Youth's League of North America. held during the past inn community responded whole­ math might be termed as an Ukraine has never been completed;
Labor Day weekend in Akron, Ohio) heartedly to the Committee's ap­ "era of professors." Our own although nine volumes had been
peals for funds, food and clothing. President Wilson and Masaryk of written they extend only to the
Three Notable Anniversaries , had been repatriat«*i by October Czechoslovakia would head the middle of the Seventeenth Cen­
ULARC Agreement With IBO list containing a score of states­ tury. Fortunately he left for us
rrtrrro Ї . .. 1945 under the Yalta agreement
is a year of notable an­
With the demise of UNRRA, men of professorial rank who at­
HPHIS is a year of notable an- _ ,. r . ... i L a complete one-volume History of
J. niversaries.
, I ..
„ mention
. . O f these the vast majority were our Committee entered into a tended the Peace Conference at Ukraine for general use, which
only three which have had a di-! Ukrainians. By the terms of this working agreement with the Inter­ Versailles.
has been translated into English
I secret and nefarious . deal, Red national Refugee Organization, In that respect the Ukrainians
rect impact upon this gathering. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ щ which, was signed in Geneva by were not outdone, for they elected at U . N A expense.
г е l o o a e m

First is the tercenary of B o h d a n ^ 1

^ ^ Germany our European director, Roman Professor Hrushevsky to the of­
A m e r i c a n
A prolific writer and a brilliant
o f

Khmclnitskye great revolt and d A u H t r i a

Smook. This was no small achieve­ fice of President of the Ukrainian scholar, Hrushevsky would have
t o f e r r e t o U t U U c a l

the rebfath of Ukrainian national l a n d refugees, few of ment and it enabled our Commit­ National Republic when Ukraine's been a world figure if he were of
n U g i o x i B

and political freedom. Second, the. w , h oretted m l - tee to establish and maintain re­ independence was proclaimed on some other nationality, say Ameri­
w o u d h a v e v o

one hundredth anniversary of t h e | g ^

u n t a r i l y t o r y . Be- lief offices among the Ukrainian January 22, 1918. Only the col­ can. It was in recognition of his
t o t e r r i

Communist Manifesto of K a r l DP centers in Europe with a small

| C a u g e o f Ш я
lapse of the Ukrainian state pre­ services to his people that the Uk­
f a U l b u t a v o l d a b l e

Marx, whose goepel of violence w e a k e n i r i c a n moral but an efficient stafi*. The approval vented this great man from attain­ rainians elected him as their Presi­
f t h e A m e

and ruthless dictatorship has e n - j f l b r e respect of our Relief Committee by DEtO ing the. universal recognition that dent He did not remain in this
a t Y a J t a A m e r i c a n

slaved half of Europe and threat-' ^ political and the American Military Gov­ was accorded to Masaryk. As his office long; less than four months
p r i n c i p l e o f

ens the peace and freedom of the^ ^ ^ ^ ^ и, . ernment of Occupation has been
I u m
birthday falls on September 29th after his election the Germans in­
t o е ш

entire world. Third, the fifteenth | с ^ і ^ з м е a n d 8 of the of incalculable value in restoring

the self-respect of Ukrainian D P B it is only proper to remember him vaded the country and set up
d e m

anniversary of the Ukrainian | K r l o r d s for human

w a U a ove their favorite as a ruler. Hrushev­
Youth Leagues of North America * and refugees who had no gov­ at this time.
я 1 а У е л
Hrushevsky was born five years sky retired -to Vienna to resume
symbolising the American spirit gent in protecting Ukrainian was dili- ernment or agency to represent
Q u r
re­ R e l i r f С о т ш Н І
his scholarly work.«In the mean­
е е

of liberty, opportunity and demo­ fugees against unjust and invol-i their needs and interests. The after Shevchenko died, when the time Ukraine became completely
І гесаН rather vividly the World ^ repatriation as soon as the long and bitter period of day to idea of Ukraine free from Mos subdued by the Bolsheviks.
Fair of 1933 held in Chicago, where ^ , ' - day existence in crowded camps, covite oppression, as advanced by
c r i e f l for h e p т ( М o u r

midst .inspiring moments at the sen- with the ever present threat of the poet, was rapidly taking root A general invitation to Ukrain­
8 h o r e f l W e a p p e a ] e d to o u r

Ukrainisn pavilion, the Ukrain­ ators and representatives in Con­ forcible repatriation to Soviet Shevchenko spoke to the heart ian scholars, to return to their
ian Youth League was born. As gress, to the executive and the Russia, unfavorable screenings in­ and soul of the people—of their native land and serve their own
people, was issued by the Com­
a witness- to the high hopes and ^Ub^ T respeYt the right of volving loss of DP status and glorious past and of the freedom
t (

resolves of our youth in launching / u h e Ukrainian privilege, and slender prospects of of which they were robbed. Then munist regime in 1924. Like many
м у 1 ц т A h o u g h T
other, Hrushevsky believed that he
an association devoted to the pre- ^
D P J J Д finding friends and relatives in the came Qrushevaky with the histori­
h a v e h e a f d o f o u r

Bcrvation and cultivation of the efforts the military did, as the United States who could help cal proof of the past in his re­ might be useful to Ukrainians .in
rich cultural heritage of our Uk- f o l l o w i n g them, was relieved through the searches and voluminous publica­ a scholarly way even under com­
ет t f r o m a l e i t e r

rainian forebears, I share with committee from hard work of the United Ukrain tions. To Shevhenko's emotional munism, and like many others he
i v e d b o u r

you the knowledge and satisfac-1 ^

Q f f i c e ian American Relief Committee.
Q f
appeal Hrushevsky added a solid returned to Kiev and began his
C h i e f Q f S t a f f o f

Uon of seeing the enduring qualt- E u r ry l T h e a i e r

foundation of reason for the re­ research work with enthusiasm.
m F e b r u a o t

Ues of the League, growing strong- 1 9 4 6 . . ^g^8 h o w B

Director Smook's Report vival of Ukrainian national con- But in 1930 he was arrested, in-
1 R e g a r d i n g
er year after year giving cul- ,
ш . { Writes our Western European sciousness which culminated in terned and deprived of a right to
о п і Ш п р я М л Х і о п o f ш

tural nourishment and Inspiration " ^ ^ directed Roman Smook in his re­ the national revolution in 1917. I carry on further research in bis-
d i 8 p l a c e d M i n

to the Ukrainian segment of Amer-1

lean youth. |
A ^
m e Headquarters port of August 25: / T h e United
r i c a n
Educated at the University of tory. In poverty and despair, al-
t h i s

received numerous complaints Ukrainian American Relief Com­ Klev, Hrushevsky'в career as pro- most completely blind, the first
Spiritual Significance AwardedScholarship
b a a

I feel honored in appeanng be from you Committee anchassociated mittee in Europe has gained not fessor 1894 at the Uni- President of the Ukrainian Na- Miss Alice Mae " Lapitcki of
fore you again, with vision still organizations [Ukrainian Congress only recognition but also respect, versity of Lviw, where a professor- tional Republic died in Caucasus As one lies on a velvet lawn
undimmed whatever other physic- ^ ^ a . - Editor] authority and privileges accorded ship of the History of Eastern **• 1934. amidst beautiful scenery and 13512 Sparling Avenue, Detroit,
o f A m e r i c
Michigan, has been granted a
al signs of age the passage of to like organizations and its per- Europe was established at that| Had Hrushevsky remained in gazes to the heaven's above a re­
alleging pogroms and other in­ scholarship to Wayne University
fifteen momentous years may sonel." At long last, the talents, time. In this position he remained exile he would have enriched us ligious feeling subconsciously en­
cidents." We received assurance of the same city. The scholarship
otherwise disclose to the young­ cultural achievements, fine per­ for twenty years until 1914 when more with "his works. After we velopes one. A spiritual exalta-
that no forcible repatriation would is sponsored by the Ukrainian Club
sters around me. I am grateful sonal character, self discipline and the World War I broke out. These had seen so many Western states- tatlon occurs. One's, mind and
be carried out. of the university.
for your invitation to speak on community spirit of the Ukrain­ were his most productive years,'men duped by Stalin it is not sur- heart uplifts itself to God above,
About a quarter of a million of ian DPs have so impessed the oc­ Miss Lapitcki is a graduate of
the great task bebore us, the find for in addition to many of his prising that Hrushevsky yielded thereby enhancing the soul with a the Edwin Denby...High School
ing of a haven and a new home for Ukrainians remained who could cupation authorities that we hear spiritual beauty, bringing joy and
published works Hrushevsky was to the urge of returning to Uk-
for the Ukrainian displaced per­ not be cajoled into repatriation. nothing but the most favorable an untiring leader in the Ukrain- raine and of entrusting his life contentment to the heart and where she took active part in the
sons. Americans and Canadians of Uk­ comment regarding them. serenity to the mind. Such an Service Club, school, paper, and the
rainian descent assumed the re­ ian scientific societies. His monu- to the Red Hangman.
Among the Ukrainian refugees emotional experience is not only Girl Reserves. She is a musician,
Ukrainians Largest DP Group sponsibility of protecting their are to be found some of our fin- pleasurable, but also serves as a playing the accordian-and piano in
It is no exaggeration to state rights to asylum and of Щ ^ ^ І ^ ^ ^ І і Ш ш І Ш л ^ vital contribution to one's being. one of the local-opchestras, and
that Ukrainians constituted the ing relief through voluntary I ^ ^ a r t l s t 8 v t t a M m есош - -
Nipped in the bud, an individual plans to major in,the field of ^edu­
single, largest group of displaced hiving. They are a precious reaer- . ——-— Indoctrinated along religious prin- cation. '.
-•jerswes a t thв талі;of-Oie:-warrr;;HertrjfertberWitcetf States, Aira?r- ' voir of Ukrainian cultural heritage are і inataHmg • brand- -new • showers;^ ciplea-growa, in/fiwaess^ioblcness, Each year the Ukrainian Club of
and national patriotism.
look to us in the United States
to lace involuntary servitude in • net uommittec, which was 11- j for salvation and opportunity to play host to the many young Uk­
Soviet Russia, Kccordhxg to a re- j censed and approved by the Presi- enrich America with their gifted rainians from the upper part of
UTICA, N. 'Y.-^Tbis "city will
locker rooms, bar, meeting rooms, strength and stability of charac­
office and recreation rooms. Bill ter, virtually
Hussar writes that the work has fortress capable of weathering
becoming an inner
Wayne University holds an open
competition for high school gradu­
ates in the Detroit arete, and offers
the winner a scholarship to the
just started and will run a mere storms in life. Without spiritual
port to our Committee by Sec- dent'sBoard to provide voluntary minds and talents and add a New York State, over the 2nd of power, man topples and succumbs university.. The scholarship is
retary of State James E. Byrnes, | relief to Ukrainian displaced per- j spark to* democratic order and October Week-end. It certainly is (gulp) $80,000.00. Mr. Hussar
to the evils of life resulting in a de­ good for one semester, but if the
ovec two million Soviet citizens | sons snd refugees. The Ukrain-, love of freedom (To be concluded good to see something big going mentions that it is small change? gradation of character. As only student is making.* satisfactory
up there in the north. Personally
on in New York State. Might be progress in his studies, it is renew­
I feel that is really some change. religion and morality walk hand
a good idea if the natives of Man­ in hand. able without any. further action
'Shame that we can't take some of
UKRAINIAN CULTURAL COURSES field, and considering the recipro­ hattan and Brooklyn paid these our die-hard friends up there and So, in traveling along the mid­ by the scholarship committee. The
cal needs of our League members country cousins a visit up in Utica. prove to them that Ukrainian na­ dle course of life let us follow the winners are chosen .on the basis of
FOR OUR YOUTH and our fine musicians in DP Could be they, might even learn tional homes can be beautiful and example of a beautiful tree. It scholastic merit in their high
C a m p 8, the Executive Board something from these hardy north­ practical. (P.S. I understand Ro­ stands in spiritual glory looking school, social adjustment, and
By MILDRED MDLANOWICZ moved to set aside the sum of ern New Yorks. I understand one chester wants the next UYL-NA to God all day with lean arms to character development
Cultural Chairman of the UYL-NA $100, earmarked for the purchase carload of adventurous New York­ convention too) Small wonder. pray, yetAbi productivity is aimed Dr. Stephen Mamcnur, Club Ad­
ers is actually going to cross the
(Concluded) (2) of new musical compositions by SHARON, Pa.—In Akron I had for the benefit of mankind. visor, Stephen G.'Lucky, President,
modern Ukrainian composers; for Hudson and travel to Utica. All Virginia Brodel, Counselor Student
The Faculty Bavaria. It is Mr. Kolosiw's the use of our singers, instrument­ reservations can be made through the pleasure of meeting some very .' MYROSLAVA.
Financial Aids, ffa Andrew Wi-
charming people from this fair
Faculty may be assembled from opinion that a summer theatre is alists and choruses, who are mak­ Miss Pauline Merena, 317 King S t city. The young lady informed chorek served on (he scholarship
a very promising array of quali­ possible and is'an immediate ne­ ing more and more urgent re­ Herkimer, N. Y. I might add that me that her club was interested in committee. 7
cessity. In conjunction with the quests for new compositions. this is one of the most beautiful dollars. Before I could blurt out
fied experts on almost all Uk­ joining other organizations. I anything she added almost apolo­ • » < =
theatre venture, a plan of train­ scenic journeys during the *fall
rainian cultural subjects, who are asked her what kind of club they getically that the club had more, parents have at least- the chance
ing teachers of authentic folk- The Financial End of It months.
now in our midst in the United had and how long it was organized. but when they had meetings about to decide whether і ttiey want to
dancing could be adopted. The financial problem of sub­
States or are expected to arrive NEW YORK,. N. Y.—Something I learned that they had about fifty dollars were spent for re­ attend an Institute of. higher edu­
shortly. I would like to mention In the field of music, our best sidizing these Ukrainian Cultural
new in the line of requests was thirty members (all young) and freshments etc. By that time cation or not. H they, 'have chosen
some of them and their qualifica­ field, the outlook seems most Courses was not fully worked out received by one of the executive they had been organized about a your's truly was ready to give to do so, they have indirectly
simply because initial inquiries re­
tions, merely to show that they promising. There are three out­ officers of the Ukrainian Youth's year. I next naturally inquired anything for the secret of their agreed to five years of compul­
vealed that the Youth League
will meet the high standard set standing Ukrainian musicians who League of North America. The wife about the condition of. the club. success. At first I asked if they sory labor. This chance is absent
are at present in DP camps, but would not be in a position to fi­
by our American Educationel in­ of one of the solo dancers with the Had they managed to make | a few held up banks or some such re­ in the case of the., -conscripts to
nance the venture at all. As a
stitutions. This list is by no means may be brought over shortly. They Jaroff Don Cossacks, -Jtfrs. John dollars from dances e t c As I creation. The young lady replied labor reserve schools*
result, sponsorship of these
complete, but is merely indicative. arc Dr. Zenovy Lyshko. musician,
composer and former editor of the Courses must be left to other or­ Kozak, was wondering if the UYL-. stood there and gaped, amazement to my question quite simply, "Oh As our contactmen. from behind
There is Professor Lysohir (Mi­ NA could possibly locate a one written all oveiy my face, the, we just run bingo games once a the iron curtain Inform us, these
music journal ''Ukrainian Music," ganizations, whether they be our
chael), authority and university bedroom apartment (furnished) in young lady calmly mentioned'that week." And they say our youth schools are also . used for other
as well as director of the Insti­ Churches, which have done such
teacher of Ukrainian language, New York or New Jersey, while they had about three thousand J isn't enterprising. aims than to create labor-reserves,
tute at Striy. At present he is fine work, to Educational Societies,
grammar and literature. We have her husband was on tour with the viz. for the ruseianization of na­
head of the United Ukrainian Mu­ to other organizations which have
Professor Nicholas Chubaty, fam­ chorus. No wonder they say tional minorities. ^Tbus, e.g., the
sicians in Germany and is inspec­ the financial means. Our move is
iliar to you also, as an authority
tor of Ukrainian music schools in to approve or disapprove any such League officers have to be gifted. labor reserve schools created In Forced Labor For Soviet Youth
on Ukrainian History. There is future venture, and perhaps die (If you have any information this (Concluded) ' (2) the Baltic area haye, almost ex­
emigration. .
Prof. Paul Slrotiuk too. for his­ cuss means of sending a member column will be only too glad to clusively Russian pupils who stay
Dr. Wasyl Witwitsky. composer, While at school the "drafted". Factory in Narva, Yegorova and
tory, and geography. For Folk pass it on to the harried execu­ in the country ofter completed
director of the school in Pcre- or two of each community on boys live in a state boarding Muravieva at the oil shale mines
Art, we have Mrs. T. Koshetz,
myshl, former head of the Musi­ League scholarships to these tive). house and wear a uniform. There of Kivioli (all in Estonia), etc.
training, while the drafted U k r a i ­
well known to you; and Mrs. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio—The en­ are few theoretical classes, most While in 1940 the number of con­ nian, Estonian, Latvian and Lithu­
cians. There is Roman Savitsky, courses when they are established,
Maria Chomyn and Mrs. Stephanie
excellent concert pianist and teach­ with the view that these students thusiasm aroused by the Akron of the time is spent in practical scripts per year was 800,000, it anian children are, scattered in
Pushkar. The latlcr two headed er, secretary at present of the Mu will return to their communities as Convention is being carried right schools all over Russia, never to
work at the factory. Board, lodg­ is now 1,100,000 and a further
the famous Ukrainian "Narodne return to their homelands.
sicians, and has a music studio Ukrainian teachers and leaders, or along in this city. The various ing and uniform are supplied free rise is contemplated for the com­
Mistetstvo" Cooperative in Lviw ., I
at one of the DP camps. He is will use the knowledge in his or factions in this city of iron and of charge but the pupils receive ing year.
before the recent war. her chosen artistic field, for the steel have united to sponsor a
a former music critic, something no pay whatever for their work. This system of compulsory la­ "SVOBODA*
In the fine arts field, with its
very necessary to the Ukrainian glory of his Ukrainian forbears. dance on October 30th. It just During the four years of compul­ bor was not invented in the US­
promise of Ukrainian summer art American scene. He is said to There you have the results of goes to prove the old saying, sory work, however, which they SR in 1940; this date only mark­ ( C K B A I N I A N ,1>AILY)
colonies and summer experimental be very energetic and a success­ my survey. It is by no means "understanding leads to coopera­ have to do on ftniwhing school,
ed its application on a large scale. FOUNPED' 1893
theatres, we have any number of ful producer. A person like he complete, as the situation changes tion." I hear that the Executive they receive the wages of an or­
Compulsory labor existed for the Ukrainian newspaper* "published dally
established Ukrainian artists, such would be invaluable in establish­ and I might say, improves, from Board of the UYL-NA will hold dinary worker. " Р , Sundays and •aojidsya by the С е 4

graduates of higher educational

as Hordynsky, Andrushkiw, Buto- ing Ukrainian music schools, in day to day. May I offer the sin­ its first general meeting there on As appears from the Soviet establishments since 1933. A joint 81-83 UkralnUn National Association, Inc.*
vich, Osinchuk snd expected to presenting fine concerts and in cere suggestion that the next Cul­ that date to honor the occasion of press, this system of compulsory Grand St., Jersey City 3. K. J.
ordinance of the Council of Peo­
arrive is Dmytrenko. For drama, preparing good music teachers. • tural Chairman be charged with this united effort labor for children has undergone ple's Commissars of the USSR Entered и Second <Уш Mail Matter
a necessary adjunct of our Uk­ The above-mentioned three were the further duty of working out ROCHESTER, N. Y. — Certain­ certain changes during the war. and the Communist Party pro­ a Post Office at Jewey City, N. J;
rainian conixnunlty life, we have highly recommended and vouched a method of scholarships from the ly is doing things in a big way Whfte the decree of 1940 provided vides that the graduates of the oo M a r c h i £ i o n under the Act
as .teacher of future dramatic for by Prof. Hayvoronsky. of Merch 8. 4879.
I League regional sections, to these and I might say, in the right way. for the conscription of boys only, higher educational establishments
coaches, Mr. John Kolosiw, actor would like to read his recom­ Courses, and to set up a method By December of this year, this girls of 14-17 are at present also have to work for five years at Accepted for maUInf, at special rate
0 e I > r o v l d e d
and .director residing here, and mendations and suggestions, but of distributing the material we city 4vilf have completed the re­ working in many labor reserve posts to which they are appointed, S *[H , for Section 1103
expected in the near future is Mr. already this report is overlong. have bought from our Ukrainian novation of their National Home. schools. Some of them have even without rights of refusal. In the of the Act of October 3,' 1917
Mthorittd Juhr 3t; « 1 8 . ' -
Joseph Hirniak, already famous Suffice it to sav that as a result musicians abroad for our mem­ Last year they had the large hall J become stakhanovites, e.g. Sholo- case of these young people, how­
for his Ukrainian Theatre in of our. research into the music bers. painted etc. but this year theyjvieva at the Kreenholm Textile ever, they themselves or their Classified Advertising Department, -
liV/ — /tn Ave., ft«w lork 18, И. Г,
• •

• •


Irving^ Bowlers First to Lead League . SPORT NEWS Choir of Si George to Celebrate 35th Honor Michelesen
{? ' ~ By WALTER WM. DANKO Anniversary
• • •

cluding many leading figures in

Tenia Standings
BASEBALL: mile course In 5 hours and 18 The Ukrainian Choir of S t pains to wear on every occasion). civic, professional, and sports life,
The opening matches of the now vets, whose 208 game placed him minutes to place second in a race George is celebrating its 35th An­ But this attachment to duty attended a testimonial dinner in
one-year old U. N. A. Bowling Big Steve Souchock <6'2" and niversary this season, commemor­ was not at all one-sided. We have honor of Johnny Michelosen for-"
as highest individual scorer for at Lake George, N. Y. Steve col­
League of the Metropolitan N J . - 200 lbs.) hammered out a home- ating thirty-five years, of service you, our countless friends from all mer Ukrainian American football
the day, could not keep his team
N.Y. Area, held Friday evening, run with G. Stirnweiss on base in lected $1,000 for this effort to the Ukrainian people in Amer­ over the country to thank for star and now coach, in the ball­
Srom being steam-rollered by the
September 17th, at the Star Aca­ the 11th inning to give the champ­ BOXING: ica and abroad, as well as duty supporting us in our work. Were room of the William Penn Hotel,
powerful Irvington Eagles. M. Mo-
ion N.Y. Yanks a 4-2 wm for their Pittsburgh, Pa., Sunday evening,
demy in Newark,'New Jersey, saw linsky's 109, 166 and 180, making Dan Parker, ace sports column­ to its church, S t George's Uk­ It not for the nourishment of our
3rd straight Mayor O'Dwyer Cup September the 12th.
the Irvington Ukrainian Eagles a total of 515, and B. Bogalas' ist of the N.Y. Mirror," asked one rainian Greek-Catholic Church in morale by your very presence
victory over the N.Y. Giants in as as well as your sincere applause
take an early ^Iead in the team 165, 189 and 163, totalling 507, of his pertinent questions in a re­ New York City. "Rosey" Rowswell, who served
standings with,''a three-game win many years. That game took place Since its very inception, ,the given us, we may not have been as toastmaster, Introduced a Jong
proved to be a formidable barrier cent column "Now that Lee О т а
Monday evening August 16 and
over the SLxffohn Catholic War to the plucky Vets whose aggre­ has become a father, will he, with Choir has been called upon to par­ able to accomplish what we have. list of speakers, who lauded t h e
the teams and fans heard of the
Veterans oft Newark, registering gate pin-fall of 2,088 placed them another mouth to feed, settle down ticipate in manifestations, present You, our friends, have always successor of Dr. Jock Sutherland
great Babe Ruth's passing just
a total of ?,359 pins. They also fifth in the league.. to serious business and whip all concerts and, in general, to enter­ heartened us with your warm co­ and predicted success for him in
before the contest began. Inci­
scored the ^.bigbest team single U.N.A. Bianch 14 of Newark the current heavyweight contend­ tain our people as well as to bring operation. his new role. •<
dentally, since that night, the
game of 889 in which the often- ran away from their New York ers as he is capable of doing?" our Ukrainian cultural heritage Whether we put on plays or The speakers included "Bo" Mc-?
Yankees have been on a red-hot
mentioned MoHnsky brothers play­ opponents, U.N.A. Branch 435, Lee, whose folks came from Kiev, before our fellow Americans who operettas or participated with Millin, Detroit Lions' coach; Mayor
streak that has put them in the
ed no small ijar£. - who were handicapped by the av- the capital of Ukraine, seems to be are not fortunate enough to be other groups in such presentations, David L. Lawrence, Judges John'
middle of the AL pennant race
Second ptax^ honors in this sence of their fifth player. E. coming along in fine fashion in descended from Ukrainian ances­ sang formal concerts or sponsored Egan, Francis X. Blair Gunther*
(P.S.—I pick the N.Y. Yanks in 1
first session *eT a planned 35-week Kdknan led his Newark team-mates his comeback. He recently KO'ed tors. The Choir has always been a benefit ball, you were all there. and Samuel A. Weiss; County
6 games over the Brooklyn
schedule werS captured by New­ to victory with 164, 187 and 156, "Red" Appelgate (fresh from a ready, nay, eager, to take up the Thirty-five years of choristers rep­ Commissioner John J. Kane, She­
Dodgers in the World Series, or
ark's U . N X "Branch 14 which totalling 507 and was ably assisted win over Billy Fox) in 9 rounds at challenge whatever the occasion, resenting over 400 singers join in riff Walter C. Monaghah, Mike
"Serious" If you come from
scored a three-game total of 2,273 by S. Zartin who scored 154, 164, N.Y.C. and big Howard Chard in so long as its members were af­ saying "Thank you** and in pray­ Milligan, Coach at the UniveMty
pins. A singte game total of 848 and 154 for a set of 472. The one round at Syracuse. His next forded an opportunity to serve the ing for you and yours: a grand of Pittsburgh; Kass Kovalcheck;
Mike. Treah, catcher for the Chi­
also put thefr Jr* the second high­ principal defender of New York's bout is scheduled .for September 21 just cause. Indeed, the Choir of "Mnohaya Lyita." Duquesne coach, "Моє" Rubenstem,
cago White Sox, is now complet­
est rating forvtJ&week. honor proved to be A. Semkow in London against Bruce Wood­ S t George has always been in Every year of late, we have Michelosen's high school coach at
ing his tenth year in the major
Although ^Jsfct teams are par­ with a set of 387. cock, British and European heavy­ the forefront in the field of fine held an Annual Dance and have Ambridge, and Harry Keck, sports
leagues. choral music, and even (by the tried our utmost to assure you all editor of the Pittsburgh Sun-
ticipating in ,*$»'. league, only she Bowling with only three men, weight champ.
Alex Daneli.shen, 23 year old
of them wer£-^presented at the the Newark Ukrainian Vets found Pete Zaduk, young Toronto grace of God) was able to work of an enjoyable and memorable Telegraph.
pitcher who was up with the Chi
opener, amcit»* them being the themselves outmatched by the slugger, added another good win through two World Wars without evening. We thank you again for
Sox this spring and who formed The testimonial'dinner and dance
three Newark teams, viz., U . N A . strong Irvington Ukrainian Social to his fast growing list of vic­ interruption. This despite the fact your support, for only the pro­
with Tresh the only "All-Uke" was sponsored by the Ukrainian
Branch 14, St. John Catholic War Club, losing all three games. J. tims when he punched Eddie Miller, that thirty-two of our men went ceeds from these affairs have en­
big league battery as far as I Americans of Western Pennsyl­
Veterans and the Ukrainian Amer­ Sipaky's 473 set and Bill Dudak's tough Dayton, Ohio middleweight to serve during this last conflag­ abled us to help our Ukrainian
know, is now hurling for Saginaw vania who plan to sponsor Sports
ican Veterans, Irvington was rep­ 451 did much to contribute to Ir- around for 8 rounds' at Buffalo. ration, and we lost our beloved charities, schools and churches.
of the Central "A" League. He Joseph Plazowecki in North Africa. scholarhlps to Ukrainian youth of
resented by the Ukrainian Eagles vington's win, and M. Hynda's 402 Producer Jerry Wald is trying to This year, instead of our An­
recently slammed-out a 3-run From the Parochial Auditorium nual Dance, we are commemorating Western Pennsylvania.
and the Ukrainian Social Club, for the Vets had little effect on obtain the story'"The Harder
homer w i t h . 2 out in the 10th to WWSW broadcast a half-hour
while from New York City the the outcome. They Fall" from the RKO studios, or Madison Square Garden; "Lis- our 35th Birthday by holding an
win his own game against Flint
Friendly C i r c l e : U N A . Br. 436 In the match between the "A" as he wants to make it into a topadoveh Svyato" or War Bond Anniversary Banquet and Ball. It of the program.
Mike вахеїіа, who played the in-, John S. Muran presented Mi­
team. The two'teams representing and "B" teams of the Jersey City movie. You may recall that it was Rally, S t George's might be found will be held hi the Crystal Room
field with the great N.Y. Yanks giving its all, satisfaction at see­ chelosen a United States savings
the Jersey CHy-fiocial and Athletic S. and A. Club, in which the "A" shelved recently by RKO as all of the Hotel McAlpin, Broadway
of the 1927 era, was recently hon­
Club were not present owing to team, captained by J. (Big Noise) the movie scripts turned out by ing the job well done often being at 34th Street We are therefore bond. *t'
ored with a "Mike Gazella Night"
their participation in an important Lasxek, won all three games from the screen writers sounded like the the only recompense. Occasional­ extending this Invitation to you Others present at the affair In­
in Denver where* he is managing
social function elsewhere. Their the "B" team led by Sam Chelak, recent picture "Body and Soul." ly the members would receive ex­ all: to come and join us in this cluded Art Rooney and Barney
the local entry in the Western
matches, however, were played Sr., 15 players participated, thus It was to have starred 'big Ben pense money to defray costs of celebration so that we may once McGInley, owners of the Pitts­
"A" League. His Denver B e a n
against each other two days later spreading the games around pret­ Moras (7'1" and 800 lbs) former costumes (which they always took again greet each other as friends burgh Steelers, John Holahan, Joe
won 16 straight games of late for
at a local center, and thus the first ty thinly. Team "A" 's winning to­ pro boxer from Philadelphia. Per­ to friends We hope that you will Carr, and Ed Kelly, of the Steel-
the longest winning streak in or­
week of the, schedule was com­ tal of 1,974 pins puts them in 4th haps Big Ben may yet get a chance favor us once again by being J era, Johnny Boyer, sports caster
ganized baseball this year and
pleted. *• • place, while Team "B' 1,897 to show in this picture if Pro­ string center job for Columbia. there with us, and at the same at Station KDKA, John L. Her-
have recently set several attend
John Motlacli of the S t John makes them sixth. ducer Wald can get the movie Thus it looks as though the "light time have a good time for your­ non, director of the County Fair
ance records. Mike received the
rights to that story. blue" will be a power among the self too. Come to the McAlpin on at South Park; Judge Francis
High 8 Game Total usual number of gifts from the
eastern teams. October 1 6 ; bring your friends too, O'Connor, Mike Nixan, Harvey
- " Won Lost Game High Pins Aver. fans, Including a wrist watch and FOOTBALL:
a new $2,857 automobile. Mike Dimltro, all-Pacific Coast and we'll all have a good time Rooker, and Ken Ormlston, assist­
1. Irvington Ukrainian Eagles 3 >
0 889 2359 2359, 786 With the AAC season in full land All-American mention 'at UC­ together. ant coaches of the Steelers.
2. Branch 14" U.NA., Newark 3 0 848 2273 2273 758 George HonochlcK, who former­ swing and with the season's open- LA last year, will probably be Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. The Rev. Eugene Korolyshyn,
3. Irvington Ukr: Social Club 3 0 778 2200 2200 733 ly played the outfield for Balti­ era of thei N F L and the. various back at bis guard, position for the and dancing begins at 9 p.m. Con-! local Ukrainian priest, delivered

4. Jersey City S. & A. Team"A" 3 0 717 1974 1974 658 more of the International "AAA" colleges just around the corner,
coast school this year.. Mike wrote suit our ads in another part of the invocation and benediction,
6. S t John C.W.V., Newark — 0 3 714 2088 2088 696 League, is now in his second sea­ it is only natural to turn .some
me that he was undecided as to this newspaper for the details.' The wife, father, and mother of
6. Jersey City S , * A. Team "В" 0 3 663 1897 1897 632 son as an umpire in the same of our attention toward tfysigrid- whether he would turn pro or Whichever you choose: to come
700 1855 1855 618 league. Michelosen were introduced. A
7. Newark Ukr.' Veterans .0 3 iron sport And who else'should use up the one year college eli­ for the Banquet and Ball, or come poem tribute, composed ijL'Jfiac!!
8. Branch 435 U . N A , N.Y.C. 0 3 628 1813 1813 604 Steve Lazar, 23 year old in- we have in our lead-off spot but gibility left to htm, but .as/Тйе опіуме- "danceiTe'sure float you
Naumann," was read to the m e m ­
--• --STEPHBM^-KURLAK-- ЄоЦег^Ші..І)и1икЬ-.о^ДЬв- North­ our old reliable,' Br Jirfko" Nagurskl, trained with the school's squad come. ory of Dr. Sutherland, and all in
ern "C" League who was one of the Minnesota Mangier, ibx the last spring and is listed on their
We'll all be looking forward to attendance Btood for a moment in
6 players killed in the bus crash fall issue of "All-American Foot­ fall playing roster, it appears that
selng you again. silent memory of "Jack" and
Youth and the U.N.A. recently, was or* Ukrainian descent ball Magazine" there is- a fine Mike will again spell trouble for
Steve came from Olyphant Pa., story cm the Bronko titled "Gang­ UCLA's opponents.
Ralph Calcagni, the Steeler who
GEORGE W. DRANCE, Pres. recently died. Two vacant chairs
which was the birthplace of the way—Here Comes Nagurski," It By the way, this year's Ukrain­ were draped In mourning for
WHY VMJk.. BATES ABE lower rates for its insurance. The aforementioned Gazella. Gazella
deals mostly with Bronkq's ter­ ian All-American College Football JOIN THE UKRAINIAN NAT'L. them. -• :
'«' .,
LOWER U N A . does not have collection now makes his home in Los An­
rific playing while att Minnesota U Team should be as formidable as ASSOCIATION. DO ГГ NOW!
agents. AH the business is con­ geles.
The other day we had occasion ducted through the branches or when in 1920, he achieved "All- ever.
to visit the Йоте offices of one lodges of which the certificate- Andy Mathews of Bayonne, N.J., American" rating at 2 positions рФ0Ф0ФФФФФФФ0Ф0фф0ФФфФфіфОФфффф4фф
of the largest commercial insur­ holders are members. The officers was recently beaned while play­ (tackle and fullback) on same A FINE UKRAINIAN UKRAINIAN ENGLISH
ance companies" in the United- of these branches are elected by ing for Knoxville of the Tri-State team, the only player In history Miss Melanie Ishchuk, secretary
States. This particular concern the members, and they themselves "B" League. Andy Is unluckcky to attain this unique honor. His of the Ukrainian Catholic Social
occupies two or ""three large office must be members. They do not in this respect as he was also college coach, Doc Spears, said Club of 708 McDvain St.. Chester, Excellent Book
buildings, а і й " has .numerous receive salaries. The members beaned in a title play-off against that Bronko could have become Pa., writes me that the Chester — by —
branch offices, 'Many people were come to monthly meetings and pay Allentown last year after he an "All-American" at any posi­ group .would like to engage in ELIAS SHKLANKA
Poet of Ukraine 91.54) per copy
at work in the office buildings, their dues. The cost of these meet­ sparked Trenton of the Inter- tion for which he tried o u t In­ bowling matches with other Uke
where loan, mortgage, policy, em­ ings is paid from the treasury of State "B" League to their first cidentally, what is more significant groups. All interested parties Price $2.50 Order f r o m /
ployment and many other depart­ the branch. The branch derives in­ pennant in their entire history. is that this story on Bronko states should contact Miss Ishchuk. Per­ "SVOBODA" "6VOBODA"
ments are maintained. Insurance come from the occasional affairs Andy is a "senior" at Stevens that he is "of Ukrainian descent" haps this may lead to Ukrainian P. O. BOX 346, P. O. BOX 346,
agents operate from the branch it sponsors, and from small month­ Tech .where he is studying for a (although occasionally some publi­ Youth's League of North America JERSEY CITY 3 . N. J. JERSEY CITY 3 , N. J.
offices, which are managed by dis­ ly contributions (five or ten cents) degree in engineering. cation still will call him a "Pole" bowling leagues.
trict manager* OF supervisors. We from the members. The U."N.A. SWIMMING: or some other nationality, which is
did not get the opportunity to therefore has no expenses in con­
study the entire set-up. because nection with a g e n t s . . . and this
that would haye..taken more time is a big factor.
altogether false). I know that we
Steve Wozniak of Buffalo, N. Y., Ukrainian Americans are really
recently won the 10 mile world's proud that Nagurski, a fellow Uk
swimming championship at the rainian, is called the greatest
f It's CONVENTION time at Utica!!!

than' we had on hand...but we The U N A . does not have to

did get certain impressions. The pay huge bills in connection with Canadian National Exhibition at football player of all time by
thought occurred to us, for in­ extensive radio, magazine, and Toronto. Steve, who received $1,- most experts.
stance, that here was big business. newspaper advertising. It Is a 000 last year for coming in third, Johnny Michelosen should do ЯзЬе American Youth of Ukrainian Descent
A business made.possible by hun­ mutual benefit society seeking to collected $5,000 for winning the better than OK as bead coach of
dred of thousands, perhaps mil­ unite and protect the Ukrainian marathon event this year. Then, the Pitt Steelers in the UFL. Joe of Upper New York State
lions, of policyholders. The policy­ people and their dependents. There 5 days later, Steve covered a 12 Skladany, All-American end at
holders are the backbone of the is no point in sponsoring a costly Pitt in '32 and '33, is the end
entire orgamaatioiL. publicity campaign, for there would comparison between a large com­ coach for the Steelers. An the
presents itsfirstregional
playing roster, they have 6*4"
Thinking along such lines, we be little to gain from i t The mercial company and the U.N.A.
Frank Wydo, All-American men
came to the conclusion that the U.NJV.. is not interested in making is Improper, because it is similar
mention as tackle for Cornell 2
concern must "have overhead ex­ huge profits at the expense of its to comparing a mountain to an
penses in astronomical figures. The members. Its primary function ant hill. It
company undoubtedly derives much is to invest the dues of its mem­ though, that because of its very
should be remembered, years ago and Penn State's All-
American guard of last year, rug­
ged Steve Suhey of Cazenovia, N
Income from its numerous Invest­ bers for their benefit; the better nature, a commercial company,
the investments the m o r e the even one having the same num­ Y.. With a couple of more Ukes
ments and projects,' but at the
on the team, I don't see how; they
вате time it i s 'quite clear that it members receive in benefits. The ber of certificate-holders as the
functions primarily from^the pay­ U.NA. is most careful
ments made by Its policy holders. the money of its members is used.
It is logical to •conclude that the
as to how U.N.A.,
the larger
operates as
can be beat do you ?
Big Joe etydahar ( 6 4 " and 250
The U.N.jA. does not have dis­ f a m i l y . . . everyone works for the lbs.) has turned down an offer to
policy holders "help pay the com­ trict managers, or supervisors, or benefit of the entire group. No one serve as head-coach for his Alma
pany's operatiag expenses.. .start­ heads of business departments, gets rich overnight... all the in­ Mater, West Virginia U., and has
OCTOBER 2 & 3 — Saturday and Sunday
ing with the very" agents who ring and the like.. It has three salaried surance money goes into the signed up again as line-coach for ^Program includes:
doorbells and collect premiums. officers... a president, a treasurer, treasury. A commercial company the LA Rams. Joe was an АП- REGISTRATIONi 9AM..
is interested in big business and league tackle when he played for
We all know, that there is a and a secretary. These officers are SESSIONS: 11—12
to promote such business must the Chicago Bears' great clubs be­
difference between black and white. members of the U.N.A. They were 2nd SESSION 1—5 — Gregory Herman
elected to their positions at the make heavy investments In pub­ fore the war.
There Is also a difference between BANQUET: 6 P. M. — Rep. Fuller
Walter Kondratovich and Emll
a large commercial Insurance com­ quadrennial convention'of the or­ licity, pay numerous agents, and BALL, Semi-Formal: 9 P. M.
pany and a fraternal benefits so- ganization, which they had attend­ maintain expensive staffs. The Ladyko, both from Bridgeport. HIGH MASS: 10:30 P. M- — SL Peter A Peul Church
• ciety such as the.Ukrainian Nation­ ed as delegates of their branches. Ukrainians, having their own or­ Conn., were named to the coach­ CONCERT: 3 P. M. — Mary ant! Stepbenya Bodaar
al Association. The commercial com­ They do not receive fabulous ganization, do not have many over­ ing staff at Columbia to aid coach
pany, for example, has higher in­ salaries. They alone are respon head expenses and consequently Lou Little as backfield and end
surance rates^ The rates are high­ sible for all the business of the enjoy low insurance rates in com­ coach respectively. Walter play­
er because the* company has big organization. The U.N.A. auditors bination with benefits, fraternal- ed at Columbia from 1944-46 and Auburn thru Hudson, N. K—Sveryone Welcome! Price 7.50
operating expe/ags. The U.N.A. and advisors, who are also mem- ization, and other advantages, Emil played in 1945 and '46. Both
has expenses, too. - . but these ex- here, receive pay only for work many of which are unobtainable boys also expect to take graduate
penses are so-email In comparion! actually accomplished, in commercial companies. courses at the school.
Ail Roads Point To Utica In October!
that the U.N«A\ can safely charge | The reader may argue that the J THEODORE LUTW1NIAK Gene Sbekltka has won the first-
4"P —-—
U K R A I N I A N WEEKLY, MONDAY, S E P T E M B E R 27, I M S No. 39
•egg" "М'і' ИвВМВМв>

Карін Міхаеліс, Ів. Керннцькнй. ^HW!imilJ«>gwnml)#WW»l1
Тріюмф ритму ПОШУКУВАННЯ 1
Героїчний вчинок злочинця Премудрий Наум ( З життя української еміграції в ЕвропІ).
МИХАЙЛО ФІКТА1ІІ, тепер на ски-
талЦцнМ, пошикує сшЛх сірнечйих
(Переклад з німецької мови). (За старожи дівсь ким переказом.) ФІКТАШ, сині а 6л. п. Василя ФІкта-
Дивишся на залізні штаби, школи перед суспільністю, але ша, родом з ' села' Дррошева Вел.,
У нас, у Данії, перед іиною ловннй вантаж прибуде пізні­ Жив чоловік убогий на ім'я,ни всі разом потрапили за Що перехрещують угорі табо­ це й не „гра для гри"; не жуй­ Галичини, ЯКИЙ в Ш12 р. вніши-ру-

вав д о Америки. Вони гамі, або хто

було багато злодіїв, але мало ше. Наум, що трудився зовсім нік­ день вкрасти! Або ви, може, ровий театр, на грубі порохи ка для розваги; — а високо знає їхню адресу, -звелять написати
справжніх злодіїв. А тому по­ Петерсон умів поводитися з чемним ремеслом: пхав тачку міркуєте, що їм досить було на паперових пацьорках, в очіідейна, внховавча школа й для ДО: Droytro Dxcfa, P. О. Box 3 6 0 ,
відомлення про те, щ о Ганс людьми. Він скоро почав от­ від ями до ями, від смітнища одного балю на рік?..; Куди >зе криво зшита завіса, сіда- глядача. Прийдіть у театр і
Newark, N. I.
Петерсен м а й н е безпечніший римувати запрошення від ба­до смітнища та збирав ган­ там! Вони робили балюнки еш на грубо стесану лаву ви побачите самих себе, свої
злодій Данії було для населен­ гатьох родин острова і навіть чір'я, потовчені пляшки, роз­ щодень, а иа кожний балю- мимоволі закрадається зрад­ болячки, (знаменитий Мамай), СЬКОГО НАРОДНОГО COK>
ня несподіваною сензаціею. був запрошений на чай до на­ биті баняки і всяку послідь. А нок спрощували хмару гос­ ливий ковток позіху. Звичай, переживете в античні*6 ніби о- ЗУ. ТО НЕ ВИСТАРЧИТЬ НА*
Не дивлячись на те, що Петер­ стоятеля місцевої церкви. Він коли вже призбирав* цього ба- тей!... То ви собі тепер спро­ но, якби це справжній театр... дежї свої думи („Оргія) легко ЛЕЖАТИ САМОМУ ДО CO*
сен половину свого сорокріч- часто бував кумом на христи- рахна повну тачку, тоді прода­ буйте уявити, скільки така Але... відкривається криво засміється, аж сльози виступ­ ЮЗУ. БО ДО ЧЛЕНСЬКИХ
ного життя просидів у в'язни­ нах, розповідав про свої смі­ вав його ганчіркареві за смі-хмара гостей випила і з'їла. зшита завіса і — відбувається лять на очах, а часом і інши­ ОБОВЯЗКІВ С В І Д О М О Г О
цях, він не був таким страш­ ливі вчинки в минулому, на­ хотворну суму грома. Звичайно, воно на тому не збу­ таїнство перетворення колиш­ ми страшними думками засну­
ним, Які про нього повідомле­ очно показував, як відмика­ З того ремесла важко ігри* лося, що гості випили та з'їли, нього гаражу чи стайні на а -ється.ваша голова. Хіба ж не ОБОВЯЗОК ЗАПИСАТИ Д О
но офіційно, бо ж його про­ ють всякі замки звичайною ходилося пов'язати кінці вбо­ бо вони ще й господарів у кадемічнин столичний театр. таке життя? Г хіба такий те­ СОЮЗУ ШЛУ СВОЮ РОДИ­
фесійна гордість не дозволила жіночою шпилькою, або як гому чолвікові, прогодувати кості обіграли!... Не подумайте, щ о декорації атр не формує ідейно те су­ НУ, с в о ї х ПРИЯТЕЛІВ ТА
йому опуститися до звичайно­ пролізти через вузьку щілину. та зодягти себе т а дружину. Отак-то наші свіжоспечені якісь там особливі. Найменше! спільство, перед яким він зві­ БЛИЗЬКИХ ЗНАЙОМИХ.
Тому гірка біда була в них най­
го грубого рабунку, тим біль­ В будні він сидів вдома і пи­частішим гостем, а навіть на її багатії гуляли-гулялн, пнрува- їх, очевидно, й. не треба: ту єтьс я?
ше, до тілесного пошкодження сав свої мемуари. На жаль, ли, аж догулялися, аж процин- „щось" втярае тебе в свою, ор­ 1 захоплення перетворюєть­
місце зараз приходила нужда,
людського організму. його стиль був такий високо- ще й злидні волікла за собою. рили з легкою душею все добг біту І ти, бідний глядачу, так ся в почуття вдячности май­
Петерсен кваліфікувався на парний, а лексикон такий об­ Але ж тому, що вбогий чо­ ро з легкої душі нажите... І само слухняно крутишся в страм Гірнякові й ДобровЬ|ь-
старовинних речах. Негайно межений, що читати ці руко­ ловік та його дружина горю­ прийшов тоді день, що з усіх ритмі вистави, як той вітряк V ській, які усю щедроту своєї
слідуючого ж дня після краде­ писи було невеликим задово­ вали вже доволі довго, то, кі- їхніх палаців, коляс, пишних „Пошилися-в дурні" в ритмі майстерности, в своїх неви­
жу, він посилав у поліцію по­ ленням. Одного разу я запро­ нець-кінцем, вони д о горюван­ шатів, з усього їхнього блис­ музики. І це „щось" є той без­ черпних знань уклали в цю
відомлення з детальним вичис- понувала йому свою допомо­ ня звикли й примирилися з кучого багатства, їм залиши­ доганний ритм, що характери­ церлйну, театральну студію.
ленням вкрадених речей й їх­гу, але він, з властивою йому лихою долею, і навіть перес­ лася наприкінці лише ця тач^ зує роботу молодого театру, Вдячности за те почуття лег-
ньою вартістю. Коли він по­ с а м о в п е в н е ністю, заявив: тали вже на неї нарікати, бо ка, що нею Наум возив ко­ починаючи від найменшої де­ кости, розпружености г - ду­
трапляв до будинку, господар „Вельмишановна господине, я мали нагоду впевнитись, що це лись ганчір'я... талі^ переходить через кожну шевної веселости — з якими
якого мав поганин смак, то взнаю, що ви маєте добрий на­ їм ніколи нічого не помагало. І прийшла така чорна годи­ сцену, В'яже частини * ціле. виходиш із' театру, тріюмфу
своєму листі до нього він да­мір. Але, бачите, у вас свій на, що цей Наум, ще вчора ду- Захоплення, почуття, щ о пе­ ритму, Яким поєднана блиску­
вав поради, як ліпше розта­ стиль і я не відважився б йо­ Аж скоїлась така нечувана ка-багатир» сьогодні, як старець ред тобою великий столичний ча форма з багатим змістом.
шувати меблі, повідомляв, що го виправляти, а в мене £він". подія, що одної днини вбогий жебрущий,' мусів рад-не-рад
театр, зростає після кожної Вдячности за те, що вихову­
деякі „старовинні" речі є не Через кілька місяців здійс­ чоловік, риючись в купині сміт­ поплювати в жмені й взятися вистави, розростається в п о ­ють вони, — наперекір сти­
дійсні, а фалшиві. Найпопу- нилась його довгождана мрія тя — знечев'я помггив, як у за своє давнє нікчемне ремес­ Comfortably alt conditioned
ній засяяло щось райдужним, ло, щоб заробити на прожи­ див. Д е ж межа творчій ви­ хіям, — актора для глядача,
І І " Іv
вчинком було
* л rasaaavwiB v s « t v .
він зміг відкрити
w i n „».ч«і 4
•-» »—»•» у - • • • •
• Ч ' Т ^ - " '
відвідання будинку шефа по- ку з старовинних і рідкісних був шляхетний камінь чудової ток.
горицвітним блеском!... Це гадці, фантазії у цих різнома­ а глядача для актора та роз­
нітних театральних жанрах, віюють злобний міт про від­
ліції, коли той саме перебував речей. Грошей, заощаджених породи, надзвичайної краси й Важко, ох, як важко довело­ UKRAINIAN
з сім'єю на дачі. Переночував- під час сидіння по в'язницях,, безцінної вартости... ся їм обом звикати знову д о що пройніли за коротких сталу провінційність українсь­ x
шість* вечорів? І хоч усі виста­ кого театрального мистецтва
ши у будинкові, Петерсен як йому взичайно не вистачило. Як убогий чоловік, на ім'язлиденного животіння! Перед- ви — творчий звіт театральної 801 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE
і завжди повідомив газети, але адвокати, полщіині уря­ йому Наум, цей доргоцінний ше — ,не засмакувавши розко­ д. г„ NEWARK, N. J.
що будинок дуже гарний, але довці, судді та інші особи, які камінь знайшов, т о він ужешів, вони покірливо корились
. and 1RVINGTON, N. J. '
пружини матераців надзвичай­ раніше мали з ним справу, до­ далі не рився в купині сміття волі Господній та горювали
E»*ex 5-5555
рай, щераз закоштувавши йо­
но кепські, а порцелянова по- помогли йому, влаштувавши і не збирав ганчір'я ні, він біг­ сумирно, без плачів і жалів, »">я не простягнулася по ньо го солодощів... Тоді з жалю та OUR SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE
суда низької якостн. між собою збірку грошей. З цем почвалав д о банкир'я і тепер ж вони щодень, щого-іго, щоб його сховати. Я крп- розпуки ми, хіба, збожеволі­ J ANYWHERE IN NEW JERSEY
дина гудили Єгову, проклияа- "У» ueA чудовий скарб ногою
Данець вибачить Вам усе,покупцями він був надзвичай­ продав дорогу знахідку за таку ли своє безталання й залива-,» вш полетів надаопомийної ли о. Так, хоч у нищоті та
якщо Ви його примусите роз­ но, але своєрідно ввічливий, несамовиту купу грошей, що лися гіркими на саму згадку .*** \ « Н пропав без сліду? злиднях, зате ж у мирі й спо­
сміятись, а тому й не дивно, хоч не пропускав випадку по­ мусів, хіба з-тричі обернути про колишнє раювання. ' L о х
° * » » якже заломить руки кою ми доживатимем наших
що вся країна з неприхованою вчати й перевиховувати на тачками, поки позвозив їх до­ Аж одної днини трапилася Наукова дружина, як заридає, днів, як довго нам судив Гос­
симпатією стежила за Вчинка­ свій лад. Коли йому приносив дому. подь.
така нечувана подія, що вбо- « к заголосить:
ми Петерсона. Ніхто не хотів, хтось книжку для легкого чи­ Ну, тепер убогий чоловік і гий чоловік Наум випорпав випорпав ~~ ** безумний. ї й нещас­ Так сказав убогий чоловік
щоб поліція його зловила. Ми тання, він починав виголошу­ його дружина- зажили на всю ний! Ти біснуватий!... Щ о ти Наум, щ о був навдивовижу » УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ПОГРЕБНИМ
чудово розуміли, що й полі­ вати цілу лекцію про „втрату губу, "неначе яка цісарська па­ знову з купини сміття шляхет­ ПОГ»БЯ«
доброго зробив, що ти зало- розсудлива людина. А вже най­
ція його ловила більше для часу на читання такої дрібни­ ра! Ви собі, може, гадаєте, що ний камінь чудової породи, діяв?... Чому рука твоя, всох краще свідчить про його гли­ мрвджуанмвькті оогребаїш во йШ Ш\\
mt $150.
збереження своєї репутації, бо ці". „Сумліня не дозволяє вони вдоволялился одним ла­ втроє-четверо кращий та цін­ ла б вона йому, не простягну­ боку умілість ця незаперечна
й вона, як і ми, цінувала його мені нродавати книжки про кеєм у срібній Ліберії, чи од­ніший за попередній! Та цей лася по таке безмірне багт- істина, що пам'ять про нього ОБСЛУГА НАЙКРАЩА
гумор. До державних установ жорстокість і хамство людей". ною вигинчастою колясою, чи Наум — то була навдивовижу ство? Чому ти копнув ногою збереглась посьогодні в старо­
Петерсен завжди відносився з Пізніше він познайомився з •одним пишним одягом, чи од­розсудлива людина! То він ви­скарб, за який можна купити давніх книгах. - -І JOHN BUNKO
особливою чемністю і вони одною дівчиною, покохав її йним розкішним палацом?... Ку­ збирав з тої купини всяке най- четвертину світу? (Час). tlo—мгі Undertaker ft
відповідали йому тим же. одружився. Зробився Петер­ ди там!... Вони зразу забажали підліше ганчір'я та найгіршу 43? E a s t 5th Street
послідь, а цей чудовий камінь І відповів їй убогий чоловік
Нарешті його недавно зло­ сен скромною людиною, доб­ мати аж чотири колясн і п'ять шляхетної породи як не коп­ і сказав: N e w Y o r k Ci ty
вили. На суді він захищав сам рим комерсантом, турботли­ розкішних палаців! — а в.кож­ не, то це камінь покотився на — Я побоявся!.
себе. Він признався, що свої вим чоловіком. Колишній зло­ ному палацові по сто покоїв, дно глибокої помийної ями і — Безумний, чого ж ти по­
ІВІІ ІІІІІИІІ Dignified taunt* м low м s i t e
TelcDhone: GR**»rcy 7-7651.
здобичі він переправляв д о дій дійсно переродився. а в кожному покої по десять FUNERAL HOME
там пропав безслідно... боявся?... Розкішного, пансь­ яиад**ААе< і
Лондону, де мав торгівлю ста- Але ось прийшли німці. Во­ служників т а лакеїв у срібних кого життя? Світлих теремів,
"" ровннннми речами, "яку вела ни знали. про.... Петерсона все. лібсріях! То ви, будьте ласка, А над вечір по цілоденному пишних коЛяс, череди слуг ла­ З АНИМАЄТЬСЯ ПОХОРОНАМИ
надійна людина, яка, щоправ­ Він був у спискові потрібних тепер собі порахуйте, скільки труді прийшов убогий чоловік кеїв, ПЙПІНЙ* балгегтй забав г\\. ВСТЕИТІ
да, нічогісенько не знала про їм людей. Скоро його бачили було тієї голоти і скільки во- додому та Й каже своїй дру­ Подумай лише, ти нещасний,
часто в товаристві німецьких жині: І NEW JERSEY IE ИШШЕ ШІПТІ,
походження краму. 1

старшин. Він був одягнений у — Люба моя. ти не знаєш, — чи наші прабатьки, Адам і ЦІНИ ПРИСТУПНІ ДЛЯ ВСІХ Завжди іДАДІТЬ дещо '
Я вирішила запропонувати чудове вбрання і в ньому від­ сом. В ній говорилося: „Че- не відаєш, який щасливий Ева завагалися б хоч на мить ОБСЛУГА ЧЕСНА І НАЙКРАЩА s вашбго обезпечення. <
Петерсенові моральну підтрим­ родилась попередня, образли­ рез два дні опівночі буду біля [день Мав я сьогодні! Я випор* переступити райські межі, ко­ У випадку смутку в родині « ,Мн удаджуеио пре^ А< r-л пп
ку, в якій він, очевидно, мав ва для людей гордість, його входу до заводу. Буду зодяг-|пав із купини сміття такий ли Єгова простив би їм їхню кличте як • день так і в ночі: красний Ц І Л И Й J h J U

потребу. Написавши до нього друзі були гірко розчаровані. провину т а відкрив для них ПОХОРОН и ІUU. Г
НЄНИИ у німецьку уніформу красний, такий чудовий ка­ ще раз браму Едену?...
листа, я висловила думку, що В Данії розпочалася під­ мінь, що за нього я сміло міг У випадку смутку в родині кличте: і
допоможу йому, як тільки він пільна діяльність місцевих па­ Замки відімкну. Ганс Петер- І відповів їй убогий чоловік
би купити коли вже не поло­
вийде із тюрми. Я пішла до тріотів. Під керівництвом лю­ сен".
Вірити йому, чи, ні? Але, пе­ вину, то зовсім певно, четвер­
і сказав:
короля і просила помилування дей із Англії провадився са­ тину світу! — Люба мдя, я собі таке k
Найбільший укранїський '
Петепсена. й о г о Велнчїсть за­ ботаж. На острові Рефсхалео ребуваючи в безпорадному
міркую: коли всесильвйй Єго- cor. Warren Street,
І • погребовий зарядчик '
питав мене чи усвідомляю я був завод літакових частин. становищі, вирішили рискну­ Ох, ох, як зраділа тією звіст­ JERSEY CITY, % H J . | |
ти. В обіцяний час Петерсен кою Наумова дружина! Ва і простив би нашим пра­ в Америці
собі ризико свого наміру. „Ва­ ГЇідпілля вирішило його зни­ батькам їхній гріх та відкрив Tci. BErgcn 4*5131
ша Величність відповів я щити. Сотні людей виробляли прийшов v своїй нацистській — Серце мре! — заговори­ для них щерав райські ворота,
— я поселю його в себе до пляни як здійснити цю ідею. уніформі. Незабаром усе було ла. — Радосте моя, сонце ду­ т о не минуло б від сабашу д о 4 3 3 STATE STREET^
того часу, аж поки не буде Одні пішли працювати на цей готове. Сторожу швидко при­ ші моєї! Це ти насправді най­ ГЕЯТН AMBOY, N. J .
неділі, як янгол із вогняним Buy F r o m в Ukrainian
ясно, як він вирішив себе вес­ завод як звичайні робітники. брано. шов такий казковий скарб? мечем прогнав би їх знову по­ Гвоа* Г Е 4 4 М 4
ти", „Я прийшов виконати свою Він тут, пр*и тобі, ти мінно
Інші видумували автомобільні обіцянку — сказав Петерсен. держиш його в руках?... Ох, за межі раю... Бо встерегтись SPORTING GOODS • УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ПОГТЕБНИК
Floro Величність нічого не аварії ц фальшиві пожежі для Прошу вас про одне: якщо зі від первородної спокуси ВОНИ • M ELIZABETH AVENUE.
пообіцяв, але в день наро­ того, щоб відвернути увагу, мною щонебудь трапиться, то покажи мені його, сонце моє, і тим разом таки, либднь, не TROPHIES
хай зрадіють і звеселяться мої [ \ NEWARK, N. X
дження короля злодій вийшов німецької поліції. відновіть честь МОГО імени. очі його світлопромінним ярін- встереглися б... Так само, лю­ BADGES • EMBLEM PINS f П о я в BIgolow 3-67ЙЯ
на волю. Петерсен написав, що Наступив день виконання Моя дружина..." Він замовк і бонько із нами: коли МИ вже
приїде до мене через тиждень пляну. Була темна ніч. Дина­ почав працювати біля замків. ням! раз процнндралн таку велику * A CELLULOID BUTTONS ELIZABETH, R X.
на острів Туре. Коли він приї­ міт занесено своєчасно на за­ Через три хвилини ворота бу­ І відповів їй убогий чоловік фортуну, то хто мені гарантує
хав і моя мати побачила лю­ вод. Час здійснення вибуху ли відчинені. Тепер він міг і сказав: й ствердить теє на письмі, що MICKEY (
Г Ь о м і EL. 2-3611
дину, яка вийшла з авта, чудо­ наближався. Але тут появи­ спокійно піти, але він відмо — Люба моя, як же тобі по­ ми тепер не прогайнуємо ще
во одягнена, сухорлява, трохи лась несподівана перешкода: вився. „Хочу запалити і я од кажу цей чудовнії камінь, ко­ більшу? Люба моя, мені не
сутуловата — вона не повіри­ підпільники ніяк не могли ві­ ного ґнота , — сказав він. Ко ли його в мене немає?... Бо ко­ лячно гараздів і розкошів, але
ла своїм очам. „Невже ж це дімкнути замків біля тяжких ли був поданий відповідний ли я вишкробав його з купини я побоявся того чорного від­
злодій? — вигукнула вона. Ад­ залізних воріт. За два дні до сигнал, люди побігли на рані­ сміття, то хребет мій не зігнув­ чаю, що постиг би нас тоді,
же він виглядає як професор!" цього один із провідників о- ше визначені місця. Так же ся, щоб його підняти, а рука якби ми вдруге втратили наш COMPANY
По обіді я повела гостя в держав записку. Він. правда, і швидко, один за одним вони
один з ЧЗунгалів мого велико­ раніше одержував записки, на­ повертались назад. На безпеч­
60S Lexxngtoa Avenae ЯРЕМА
го саду. Оглянувшись навколо, писані однією ж і тією ж ру­ній віддалі вони спостерігали Заннкаггься похоровавв
він посміхнувся і сказав: „Так кою, якими підпільників попе- величезні вибухи, які знищили HEW YORK 22, N. Y.
усе виглядає дуже тепло і за­ реджувано про наміри й пля­ завод. Наскільки Петерсен був
тишно". Він розбирав свої е- ни німців. Але ніхто не знав швидкий у відмиканні замків,
Pre-Convctttion Dance -*-•• sponsored by J-—

легантні валізи із крокодиле- від кого вони були. Та ця, настільки він був повільний у N E W YORK, N . Y .
вої шкіри й появняв, що го-остання записка, була з підпи- поводженні з динамітом. Він
був єдиний, який не вернувся
I T e l : ORchard 4*2568

on Saturday, October 2nd, 1948
з з а в о д у . ' Ц е був героїчний кі­ Trana. b y Waldlmlr
W i t h a biographical s k e t c h o f
B r a n c h Office a n d C h a p e l :
IF 7 0 7 P r o s p e c t Атавяаа,
UKRAINIAN CHOIR OF ST. GEORGE Іноді мені здається, що Пе­
терсен сам вибрав свій кінець.
2 1 7 EAST 6tb STREET, NEW YORK C I T Y . :
Ivan Franko
by Stephen
( n r . E. 155 St.).
Bronx, N . Y .
— (Час). cM.usic by Joseph Snihur cftdtTL of C.
35th Anniversary Т. А—ський.
Price 5 0 cento

l e t : i m r o s e Ь-ШІ
І Ш М В Ш п м а м в м і ш м

Banquet and Ball -4ДЙ A N N U A L FALL. FROLIC HOMEUOANS '

Saturday evening, October i6 щ8 y W E B S T E R HAL.L.
\ BANQUET A N D BALL: $6.00 per person. — DINNER at 7 P. M. < 1 1 9 - 2 5 E A S T 11™ S T R E E T % SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS.
BALL: $2.00. — DANCING from 9 P. ML Ґ NEW YORK CITY .
RESERVATIONS: le*«e c.l! or writ*:


121 Ea.t Tenth Street, 3 0 4 East Fifth Street, PVT. NICHOLAS MINUE POST NO. 1£>вО Htospect3«27 2190 PTOffcsor St
New York 3. New York. Now York 3 , Now York. AMERICA* LftOlON . g ^
OR 3-8771. OR 3-2856 s p. м. т о ? A Q M
Member Federal Savings ft Loan Insurance .Corp.
"—— —• :r-rr::-~Tz;:.:--:irr=zrrj " * • " " frir*ttir*tmsisttrt

. _. _. . 1-і

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