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| 3127

[12] Johansen T, Rybalko O, Zhurbenko V, Bowen S, Hesler J, constitutes a secure way to achieve conjugate matching
Ardenkjaer-Larsen J. Modeling of Schottky barrier diode
between the 2 devices (ie, the antenna and the RFID chip),
millimeter-wave multipliers at cryogenic temperatures. In: Proc
of SBMO/IEEE MTT-S Int Microw Opt Conf IMOC 2015,
and finally enhance the reading range of the RFID tags.
Porto de Galinhas/Pernambuco, Brazil, 2015, pp. 1–4. Also, since RFID tags are designed to be placed directly
on different surfaces, the proposed procedure is further
evaluated by mounting the antenna onto 2 more surfaces.
How to cite this article: Rybalko O. A cryogenic mea-
surement setup for characterization microwave devices. KEYWORDS

Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2017;59:3123–3127. https:// balanced antenna, chip, impedance, integrated components, paper sub- strate, passive structures, RFIC, RFID, tag, wire antennas

Received: 11 May 2017

DOI: 10.1002/mop.30887

Experimental characterization
of the impedance of balanced RF IDENTIFICATION (RFID) is a rapidly developing tech-
nology with roots back to 1948 that achieves wireless and
UHF RFID tag antennas automatic data collection through a reader device and an
RFID tag, using RF signals.1,2 The tag is typically a metallic
coplanar antenna printed on a substrate, and is commonly a
C. K. Stoumpos1 | dipole on whose terminals an integrated circuit (IC) or chip
D. E. Anagnostou2 | is mounted. The RFID tag receives, modulates and backscat-
ters the RF signal that is transmitted from the reader. RFID
M. T. Chryssomallis1
tag antennas must be conjugate matched to the complex
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus impedance of the RFID chip3 for their performance to be
University of Thrace, Xanthi 67100, Greece maximized. They also differ from traditional antenna sys-
Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, Heriot Watt University, tems, as an external matching network is not feasible due to
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom cost and size limitations.
In most RFID applications, the tag is affixed on different
Dimitris Anagnostou, Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, Heriot Watt objects with surfaces of varying size, material composition,
University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom. and electrical properties, which alter the impedance of the
Email: tag antenna, leading to mismatch and therefore deterioration
of the reading range.4 Consequently, the tag designers design
Abstract usually a tag antenna for a specific application, taking into
An experimental procedure for the accurate characteriza- account the arisen limitations. The experimental characteriza-
tion of the impedance of balanced tag antennas for RFID tion of the antenna impedance and IC of a tag validates and
applications is reintroduced. The balanced devices that are assures that a sufficient conjugate matching is achieved. The
characterized are modeledas 2-port networks and their strong dependence of the conjugate match of an RFID tag
impedance is derived from network parameters, through a with the reading range is illustrated by Friis’ free-space for-
rarely used equation that is preferred because it accounts mula and is presented in Refs. [5,6]:
for the losses of non-reciprocal structures such as imper- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
fect test fixtures or baluns. The measurements are rmax 5 4p Pt Gt Gr ð12jsj2 Þ
conducted using a test fixture for the proper excitation of Pth
the balanced devices, and its effects are removed by shift- where Pt is the power transmitted by the RFID reader, Gt is
ing the measurement plane to the plane of the device the gain of the transmitting antenna (PtGt is the EIRP, equiv-
under test. The accuracy of the proposed method is dem- alent isotropic radiated power), Gr is the gain of the receiving
onstrated through the measurement of the impedance of a tag antenna, and Pth is the minimum threshold power neces-
balanced dipole antenna, and is complemented by the sary to power up the chip. Typically, the power reflection
measurement of the RFID ASIC chip. The experimental coefficient is that, which primarily determines the resonance
characterization of the impedance of an RFID tag antenna of the tag and is calculated as:

the problem of inequality of feeding current, and thus to extract

quite accurate results for the input impedance of balanced
antennas are (i) the use of a balun7 which force an equal current
flow toward the 2 antenna arms and (ii) the imaging method.8,9
by mounting half a radiator on a ground plane, which provides
a mirror image. The first: method relies on how ideal the balun
is and the second method relies on the size of the ground plane
and can be used only with symmetrical antennas
Based on Ref. [10], the input impedance of a symmetri-
cal balanced antenna can be characterized through S-parame-
ters derived through a VNA. The VNA is terminated to
coaxial ports, so the introduction of a test fixture with coaxial
to microstrip transition and differential feeding is needed.
Figure 1 shows the test fixture used for the measurements of
F I G U R E 1 The test fixture used for the measurement of balanced balanced loads. The common ground (therefore, differential
devices. [Color figure can be viewed at] excitation too) is achieved by soldering the outer semi-rigid
conductors of the test fixture together, whereas the tips on
ZAnt 2Z  2
Chip the edge are connected to die device under test (DUT). The
jsj2 5 (1.2)
ZAnt 2ZChip effects of the test cables must be removed, and for this rea-
where ZAnt and ZChip are the complex impedances of the son the de-embedding technique is used to shift mathemati-
cally the measurement plane to the device plane. Figure 2
antenna and chip of the tag, respectively, and * means com-
shows the configuration of the DUT and the currents and
plex conjugate.
voltages for the balanced antenna model.
In this work, the measurements of 3 balanced devices are
The antennas are then modeled as a 2-port network with
presented. According to the impedance model of balanced
common ground between their radiators, and after the circuit
devices and the relative measurement procedure, the input
analysis and parameter transformations,11 the equation,
impedance of a linear wire dipole antenna is extracted, in
which yields the input impedance of a balanced load from
order to validate the proposed methodology. The input
the S-parameters, is derived:
impedance of an RFID tag antenna and of its IC are also
measured in laboratory environment through a vector net-
work analyzer (VNA) and extracted by the S-parameters.
Last but not least, the impedance of the antenna of the RFID
tag is measured on 3 different surfaces and the input imped-
ance is calculated. The method, its validation using the dipole
antenna and the additional presented results comprise a useful
set of data to an RFID design and test engineer.
The structure of this article is organized as follows. Section
2 describes the main principle that characterizes balance
devices and how their impedance is extracted. Section 3
presents the experimental procedure chosen, Section 4 presents
the experimental results and Section 5 presents the conclusions.


Since RFID tag antennas are—in their majority—balanced

devices, but most instruments are terminated to unbalanced
ports (eg, the coaxial test ports of a common VNA), during an F I G U R E 2 Configuration of the DUT with the two test fixture
antenna measurement the problem of common-mode excitation halves presenting the measurement and the device plane. The balanced
arises and leads to unequal feeding current; to the arms of bal- antenna as a 2-port network is also illustrated. [Color figure can be viewed
anced antennas. The 2 traditional methods that try to eliminate at]
| 3129

DUT matrices. Therefore, the T-parameters for the DUT can

be extracted and after converting them back to S-parameters.
The calculation of the input impedance for each DUT will be
found using (2.1).


The measurements took place in laboratory environment

were a VNA was used for the extraction of S-parameters of
the DUT. The configuration of the measurement setup is
shown in Figure 3. The measurement plane is on the tips of
the test fixture, whereas the VNA is also calibrated to the
test fixture connector’s plane so that its systemic errors could
be corrected. After that, the de-embedding technique was
used so that the effect of the test fixture could be eliminated
and finally the shift of the measurement plane to the device
F I G U R E 3 Measurement setup using Agilent HPS510C network plane could be achieved. The test fixture is constructed by 2
analyzer. [Color figure can be viewed at] semi-rigid coaxial cables with a length of approximately
65 mm and an outer conductor diameter of 3 mm. The one
2Z0 ð12S11 S22 1S12 S21 2S12 2S21 Þ end of the test fixture leads to 2 SMA (SubMiniature version
Zd 5 (2.1)
ð12S11 Þð12S22 Þ2S21 S12 A) connectors which are connected to the test cables of the
Equation 2.1 differs from the rather common and simpli- VNA, whereas the other end is open with the small exten-
fied version, Equation 2.2, which is used exclusively for sions of the inner conductors forming the tips where each
symmetrical balanced antennas and which indicates that the DUT is soldered onto. The measurement can be conducted
devices under test are balanced. The simplified equation via the following steps:
assumes that S11 5 S22 and S12 5 S21, then: 1. The VNA is calibrated at the SMA connectors using the
  manufacturer’s calibration standard kit.
2Z0 12S211 1S221 22S12
Zd 5 (2.2) 2. Short-circuiting the test fixture (soldering the tips of the
ð12S11 Þ2 2S221
test fixture and outer conductors of the coaxial cables
It is notably significant that the measurements extracted together) yields its parameters.
from the simplified Equation 2.2 yield incorrect results,
3. The parameters of the DUT free from the effects of the test
unless the fixture halves have precisely identical lengths and
fixture (or equivalently the shift of the measurement plane
therefore no phase difference between them. Thus, for the
to the device plane), after being measured by the VNA,
results presented in this article, Equation 2.1 has been used.
can be extracted using the de-embedding technique of
Before the mathematical process of de-embedding is
Equation 2.4.
developed the test fixture, after its characterization, and the
DUT are represented as 3 separate 2-port networks (Figure 4. The input impedance of the DUT can then be extracted
2). This is a convenient form because the T-parameters can using Equation 2.1.
then be exploited,12 and then their respective T-matrices (TA
TDUT and TB ) can be easily multiplied:
This matrix operation will represent the T-parameters of Typical results are presented for a dipole antenna, an RFID
the test fixture and DUT when measured by the VNA at the ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) and an RFID
measurement plane. The final goal is the 2 sides of the fix- tag antenna in 3 cases.
ture, TA and TB to be de-embedded and information about
the DUT or TDUT to be gathered. The de-embedding proce- 4.1 | Dipole antenna validation
dure can be illustrated by the following equation of matrices:
For validation purposes, a typical linear balanced dipole
½TDUT 5½TA 21 ½TA ½TDUT ½TB ½TB 21 (2.4)
antenna was constructed and measured. Two pieces of cop-
In this way, the matrix inversion of T-parameters is per wire 0.5 mm thick, were soldered onto the inner conduc-
exploited and extended to the case of cascaded fixture and tors of the semirigid cables of the test fixture, yielding the

F I G U R E 4 Configuration and measured (red solid line) and simulated (blue dashed line) impedance of the dipole antenna, (A) measurement of
Dipole antenna, (B) real part, (C) imaginary part. [Color figure can be viewed at]

dipole configuration. The total length was 173.4 mm and the method of moments. The measured input impedance
was chosen as the half-wavelength that corresponds to the results were extracted using Equation 2.1. The measurements
central frequency of 866 MHz, the European RFID tag band. compare well in form and value with the results computed by
The dipole was mounted onto a sheet of paper for mechani- the simulation, as well as with the theoretical value of
cal stability. Figure 4A shows the dipole antenna under test 73 1 j42.5 X, further validating the method. The measure-
and the measurement configuration. ment results show only a difference in amplitude, particularly
Figure 4B shows the measured and simulated input at the frequency range above 900 MHz for the imaginary part
impedance of the dipole antenna from 800 to 1000 MHz. The —an occurrence due to the small gap between the dipole
simulation was conducted with IE3DTM,13 which is based on arms and the proximity of the feeding cables.
| 3131

the 50 Q impedance of the test fixture and the coaxial cable

of the network analyzer.16 Therefore, the sweeping RF out-
put power PRF was corrected with the power reflection coef-
ficient.17 The absorbed power Pstrap can be compensated by:

Pstrap 5Pmeasured 110  log ð12jCj2 Þ (4.1)

and the power reflection coefficient is given by applying
(1.1) for minimum reflected wave conditions:
Z 2Z
0 Strap 2
jCj2 5 (4.2)
Z0 1ZStrap
Now, Pstrap is the actual absorbed power of the RFID
strap and all measurement results can be postprocessed and
corrected. Figure 6A shows the measured RFID strap (the
chip with terminal pads) impedance at 214 and 217.2 dBm
and the simulated impedance of the strap using the manufac-
turer’s values at 214 dBm. It can be seen that the measure-
ment compares well in form and value with the simulation
results. The measured results show only a difference in
amplitude for the imaginary part. The deviation was attrib-
uted to the fact that the measurement was conducted for the
F I G U R E 5 Photograph of the RFID strap Alien Higgs 3 IC (chip
RFID strap, which includes a piece of the substrate of the
with its terminal pads), (A) front view, (B) soldered onto test fixture.
tag, the conductive glue and the terminal pads where the
[Color figure can be viewed at]
chip is leaded at, whereas the manufacturer’s values refer to
the standalone chip. Figure 6B illustrates the measured strap
4.2 | RFID ASIC measurement
impedance versus the absorbed power from the VNA at 866
The second set of measurements included the ASIC of the MHz. The threshold power (the activation power level) of
RFID tag antenna. For manufacturing considerations, RFID the RFID strap was defined from the measurements (Figure
chip manufacturers supply the customers with RFID straps 7) at 217.2 dBm.
rather than chips.14 The ASIC is mounted with conductive
glue on the terminal pads of the strap and by this structure
4.3 | RFID tag antenna measurement
the tag-antenna is excited (Figure 5A). The Alien Higgs 3 IC
was extracted from the ALN 9662 Short Inlay RFID tag, and For the third case, the antenna under test was the RFID
its terminal pads and the RFID strap under test were soldered ALN-9662 Short Inlay tag antenna by Alien Technology,
onto the test fixture so as the measurements could be con- which follows the ISO 18000-6C (Class 1, Gen2) standard
ducted (Figure 5B). over the frequency range of 860–960 MHz. Three sets of
According to the manufacturer’s datasheet,15 the Alien impedance measurements took place. The first included the
Higgs 3 IC presents an equivalent input impedance of tag antenna under test suspended in the air, the second placed
Rchip 5 1500 X and Cchip 5 0.85 pF in parallel connection, onto an empty glass container and the third placed onto a
for an input power of 214 dBm over the range of 860–960 glass container filled with water. Figure 7 presents the mea-
MHz. Therefore, the series input impedance of the chip is surement setup for these 3 cases where the RFID tag antenna
Zchip 5 30.532j211.81 X for the abovementioned was measured. The particular RFID tag antenna is fabricated
specifications. by printing aluminium onto a 38 lm thick PET (polyethyl-
The goal was for the input impedance of the RFID strap ene terephthalate) substrate with Er 5 3.8 and tand 5 0.02.
to be measured over a wide range of input power, where the The manufacturer supplies the RFID tag antenna with con-
results could be compared to those of the manufacturer and ductive glue and a piece of paper, which was removed dur-
moreover the threshold power could be detected. Thus, the ing the measurement.
RF output power of the network analyzer was swept from Figure 8 presents the measured impedance of the antenna
218 to 13 dBm and the measurement data were recorded. of the RFID tag for the cases of air and empty glass. The
However, the RF output power of the network analyzer is small reduction in both the real and imaginary parts of the
not equal to the actual absorbed power of an RFID strap, due antenna impedance is due to its mounting onto the glass. Figure
to mismatch between the impedance of the RFID strap and 9 presents the measured impedance of the RFID tag antenna

F I G U R E 6 Measured chip impedance. (A) Measured (at 214 dBm and 217.2 dBm) and simulated from manufacturer datasheet’s equivalent circuit
(at 214 dBm). (B) Measured chip impedance versus absorbed power at 866 MHz, where the threshold power is defined. [Color figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 7 Measurement setup of the antenna of the RFID tag on 3 different material surfaces, (A) air, (b) empty glass object, (c) filled with water
glass object. [Color figure can be viewed at]
| 3133

FIGURE 10 Measured return lods of the RFID tag antenna for 3

material surfaces, defined for input impedance of its RFID chip at thresh-
old power. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Figure 9 presents the measured impedance of the antenna

of the RFID tag for the cases of air and empty glass. The small
reduction in both the real and imaginary parts of the antenna
impedance is due to its mounting onto the glass. Figure 10
presents the measured impedance of the RFID tag antenna
when mounted onto a glass filled with water, over the same
frequency range. A high increase in both real and imaginary
parts is observed, due to the presence of water into the glass.
Figure 10 illustrates the return loss of the RFID tag
antenna for the 3 aforementioned cases, where the measured
F I G U R E 8 Measured impedance of the antenna of the RFID tag on input impedance of the RFID ASIC was taken at the detected
air and mounted onto empty glass. (A) Real part. (B) Imaginary part. threshold power. The return loss was extracted using the fol-
Results show the antenna has excellent conjugate match to the chip imped- lowing equation18:
ance that is 25.67–7156.83 X (measured in Figure 6). [Color figure can be
ZTag 2Z 
viewed at] Chip
RL5220  log (4.3)
ZTag 1ZChip
when mounted onto a glass filled with water, over the same fre- where Ztag the input impedance of the antenna of the RFID tag
quency range. A high increase in both real and imaginary parts
measured onto each surface, and Zchip the input impedance of
is observed, due to the presence of water into the glass.
the RFID chip measured at threshold power. It can be seen, that
for the first 2 cases, the return loss of the RFID tag antenna is
small enough, whereas for the third case it is degraded due to the
presence of water into the glass onto which the tag is mounted.


An experimental methodology for the characterization of the

impedance of the balanced RFID tag antennas has been
implemented. By using a 2-port measurement and the deem-
bedding technique, the impedance of a balanced dipole was
extracted directly from the S-parameters with the use of the
appropriate equation. After validating the methodology with a
dipole, 2 sets of measurements took place in lab environment.
F I G U R E 9 Measured impedance of the antenna of the RFID tag The measurement of the input impedance of an RFID strap for
placed onto a water glass object filled with water. [Color figure can be different levels of input power showed rather good results in
viewed at] reference to theoretical and expected values. The deviations
3134 | XU ET AL.

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D. E. Anagnostou How to cite this article: Stoumpos CK, Anagnostou
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