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Upper secondary 167 ( pg 181 )

1. Inevitable: unavoided, tidak dapat dielakkan, 不可避免的

2. Grumble: complain about someone or something in an annoyed way, merugut, 抱怨,
3. Essential: absolutely necessary; extremely important, penting, 必要
4. Flourishes: develops rapidly and successfully, berkembang, 繁荣
5. Flounders: be in serious difficulty situation, menggelepar, 挣扎痛苦的情况中
6. Instil: gradually establish , memupuk, 逐步灌输
7. Foster: encourage, memupuk, 培养
8. Camaraderie: mutual trust and friendship among people, semangat keakraban, 真挚
9. Tremendous: very great, besar, 极大的
10. Undue: improper, inappropriate, yang tidak wajar, 不适当的

Upper secondary 168 ( pg 182 )

1. Peer: person equal in rank, quality, rakan sebaya, 同辈,同等的人; 同伴,伙伴

2. Humiliated: make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and
pride, dihina, 使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸
3. Ostracism: exclusion from a society or group, pemulauan, 被排斥
4. Inferior: lower in rank, status, or quality, rendah kedudukan, 下等的; (位置)
5. Affluent: wealthy, mewah, 富裕的,富足的
6. Requisite: made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations, diperlukan, 必
需品; 要素,要件
7. Captive: a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined,
tawanan ( orang ), 被俘的; 被监禁的; 被关押的; 无法逃离的
8. Gilded: covered with a thin layer of gold or gold paint, bersepuh ( air emas ), 镀金
的; 涂上金色的
9. Contingent: dependent on, bergantung pada, 依情况而定的; 取决于…的
10. Possessions: an item of property, harta benda, 财产
Upper secondary 169 ( pg 183 )

1. Chafe: annoyed or impatient because of a restriction or inconvenience, melecetkan,

2. Decent: conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral
behaviour, baik, 相称的,合宜的; 相当好的
3. Critical: (of a situation or problem) at a point of crisis, kritikal, 严重的
4. Breadwinners: A person who earns money to support their family, pencari nafkah, 为
5. Nitty-gritty: the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation,
inti, 本质
6. Vital: absolutely necessary; essential, penting, 至关重要的
7. Bemoan: express discontent or sorrow over (something), meratapi, 哀叹
8. Cultivate: try to acquire or develop (a quality, sentiment, or skill), memupuk, 教养,
9. Benign: gentle; kindly, baik dan lembut sifatnya, 温和的,仁慈的; 善良的
10. Occasions: A particular event, or the time at which it takes place, majlis-majlis, 场合

Upper secondary 170 ( pg 184-185 )

1. Sophisticated: make (someone or something) more sophisticated, canggih, 富有经验

2. Command: an authoritative order, arahan, 指令
3. Charismatic: Exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others,
berkarisma, 有魅力的
4. Telecast: transmit by television, siaran, 电视广播
5. Hefty: (Of a number or amount) impressively large, besar, 非常多的
6. Revenues: Income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature,
pendapatan, 总收入
7. Syndicated: control or manage by a syndicate, bersindiket, (使) 联合组成
8. Cult: A system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular
figure or object, kultus, 邪教; 狂热的崇拜; 宗教信仰
9. Cinemagoer: A person who goes to the cinema, especially on a regular basis, orang
yang sentiasa minat menonton wayang , 常看电影的人,电影迷
10. Paltry: (Of an amount) very small or meagre, remeh, 微小的
Upper secondary 171 ( pg 186 )

1. Deprive: take away, possession, merampas, 剥夺,夺去,使丧失

2. Imprisoned: put or kept in prison or a place like a prison, dipenjarakan, 监禁
3. Dully: Lacking interest or excitement, sangat bosan, 沉闷地; 迟钝地; 呆滞地; 乏味

4. Fretfully: feeling or expressing distress or irritation, jengkel, 烦躁不安地; 焦躁地,
5. Pitied: feel sorrowed for the misfortunes of, berasa kasihan, 觉得同情,怜悯
6. Ancestry: one's family or ethnic descent, keturunan, 血统
7. Ethics: Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an
activity, etika, 道德行为准则
8. Hostile: unfriendly; antagonistic, bermusuhan, 不利的
9. Confined: (Of a space) restricted in area or volume; cramped, tempat yang terhad,
局限于; 限制
10. Poachers: a person who hunts or catches game or fish illegally, pemburu haram, 偷

Upper secondary 172 ( pg 187 )

1. Diverse: Showing a great deal of variety; very different, pelbagai, 不同的,多种多样

2. Pivotal: of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something
else, penting, 关键的; 中枢的
3. Engaging: participating, menarik, 吸引
4. Perceptions: the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the
senses, persepsi, 观念; 认识; 感知(能力)
5. Dictated: Controlled or decisively affected; determine by, ditentukan, 被支配
6. Adopt: Chosen to take up or follow (an idea, method, or course of action), menerima
pakai, 采用, 接受
7. Allegiance: loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual
to a group or cause, setia, 忠诚
8. Violence: behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone
or something, keganasan, 暴力,强暴
9. Mitigate: Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful, mengurangkan, 使缓
10. Significant: Having a particular meaning; indicative of something, ketara, 重要的
Upper secondary 173 ( pg 188 )

1. Nurturing: caring and encouraging the growth or development of, asuhan, 培育; 养

2. Attempt: Make an effort to achieve or complete (something difficult), percubaan, 尝
试; 试图
3. Tender: Young, pada usia yang muda, 早年
4. Presumption: The acceptance of something as true although it is not known for
certain, anggapan, 推测,设想
5. Glamour: An attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem
appealing, daya tarikan, 魅力
6. Mortgage: Convey (a property) to a creditor as security on a loan, gadai janji, 抵押
7. Retrenchment: The reduction of costs or spending in response to economic difficulty,
pemberhentian, 开支紧缩
8. Subsidise: support (an organization or activity) financially, memberi subsidi, 给…津
9. Preoccupied: (of a matter or subject) dominated or engross the mind of (someone) to
the exclusion of other thoughts, perhatian terhadap, 专心于…
10. Sake: for the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve, demi, 缘
故; 理由
Lower secondary ( pg 3 )

1. Beneath: extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact, di bawah, 在

下面; 在底下
2. Scrumptious: (Of food) extremely appetizing or delicious, lazat, 可口的,美味的
3. Denial: the action of declaring something to be untrue, penafian, 否认,否定
4. Strode: walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction, melangkah, 大踏步
5. Consternation: feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected,
kebingungan, 惊愕; 惊恐; 惊惶失措
6. Scuffle: an act or sound of moving in a hurried, confused, or shuffling manner,
pergelutan, 扭打,混战; 拖脚行走
7. Staggered: astonished or deeply shocked, terhuyung-hayang, 被惊吓
8. Hysterically: With wildly uncontrolled emotion, histeria, 歇斯底里地
9. Paramedics: a person who is trained to do medical work, especially emergency first
aid, but is not usually a fully qualified physician, paramedik, 护理人员,医务辅助人

10. Tussle: a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve
something, perebutan, 扭打; 激烈的争斗

Lower secondary ( pg 5 )

1. Wandered: Walked or moved in a leisurely or aimless way, mengembara, 漫游

2. Bulging: Be full of and distended with, membonjol, 充满; 塞满(某物)
3. Streaking: cover (a surface) with streaks, meluru, 使布满条纹
4. Whining: give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound, merengek, 哀
号, 哀诉,诉怨
5. Pincer: A front claw of a lobster, crab, or similar crustacean, sepit, (甲壳动物的)
螯; 钳子
6. Fatal: causing death, maut, 致命的
7. Hailing: approach and address, menahan, 打信号示意(计程车等)停下
8. Promptly: with little or no delay; immediately, dengan segera, 立即地; 毫不迟疑
9. Reprimanded: has been scolded or rebuke, ditegur, 申斥,惩戒,谴责
10. Venture: a risky or daring journey or undertaking, mempertaruhkan, 冒险
Lower secondary ( pg 7 )

1. Enthralling: capturing and holding one's attention; fascinating, memikat, 吸引人

2. Genuine: truly what something is said to be; authentic, tulen, 纯正
3. Intricate: very complicated or detailed, rumit, 错综复杂的
4. Scrutinized: examined or inspected closely and thoroughly, diteliti, 仔细检查,详审
5. Donned: put on (an item of clothing), memakai, 穿上,披上
6. Stout: (Of a person) rather fat or of heavy build, gempal, 结实的; 强壮的
7. Culprit: a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed, pelakunya, 肇事者
8. Quarry: someone who is chased by another person, prey, buruan, 猎物
9. Elude: Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or
cunning way, mengelakkan diri daripada, 躲避
10. Plaques: An ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to
a wall or other surface in commemoration of a person or event, plak, 牌匾

Lower secondary ( pg 9 )

1. Tramp: A person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a
vagrant or beggar, kutu rayau, 流浪汉
2. Peckish: hungry, lapar, 有点饿的
3. Discreetly: In a careful and prudent manner, especially in order to keep something
confidential or to avoid embarrassment, berhati-hati, 谨慎地,小心地
4. Tossing: Throw (a coin) into the air in order to make a decision between two
alternatives, based on which side of the coin faces uppermost when it lands,
melambung, (为…) 掷硬币决定
5. Clutching: Grasping (something) tightly, memegang, 抓住,紧紧抓住
6. Meagre: (Of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality, tidak
seberapa banyak, 不多的
7. Swishing: moving with a hissing or rushing sound, bunyi desis, 发嗖嗖声; 噪声
8. Sympathetically: In a way that shows pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune,
simpati, 怜悯地
9. Bundled: tie or roll up (a number of things) together as though into a parcel,
membungkus, 捆绑
10. Pathetic: Arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness, kasihan, 可怜
Lower secondary ( pg 11 )

1. Relishes: Enjoy, suka, 喜欢

2. Barged: moved forcefully or roughly, merempuh masuk, 闯进
3. Huff: bad mood, marah-marah, 愤怒
4. Quizzically: strange, dengan pandangan aneh, 疑惑地
5. Demur: Raise objections or show reluctance, membantah, 反对
6. Hurled: Throw or impel (someone or something) with great force, melemparkan, 大
7. Abusive: Extremely offensive and insulting, kasar, 骂粗
8. Conscientious: duty well and thoroughly, hemah, 谨慎的
9. Charlatans: A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill, penipu, 冒
10. Ingratitude: A discreditable lack of gratitude, tidak mengenang budi, 忘恩负义

Lower secondary ( pg 13 )

1. Greeted: Gave a polite word of recognition, bertegur sapa, 欢迎

2. Ascertaining: making sure, menentukan, 确定
3. Envisage: Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event,
membayangkan, 想像,设想
4. Retirement: The period of one’s life after retiring from work, persaraan, 退休
5. Rearing: Breeding and raising (animals), penternakan, 饲养
6. Scorching: Very hot, terik, 极热的
7. Spartan: Showing or characterized by austerity or a lack of comfort or luxury,
sederhana, 简朴的,节约的; 精炼的
8. Tended: looked after, memelihara, 照料
9. Socialized: made (someone) behave in a way that is acceptable to their society,
disosialisasikan, 适合于过社会生活
10. Envy: A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s
possessions, qualities, or luck, iri hati, 羡慕
Lower secondary ( pg 15 )

1. Emphasized: gave special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or

writing, menekankan, 强调
2. Liberal: Willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own;
open to new ideas, terbuka, 开明的
3. Abrupt: Sudden and unexpected, mendadak, 突然的,意外的
4. Eager: (of a person) wanting to do or have something very much, bersemangat, 热情
5. Gracious: Courteous, kind, and pleasant, pemurah, 亲切的,和蔼的
6. Apologetic: Expressing or showing regretful acknowledgement of an offence or
failure, seolah-olah meminta maaf, 抱歉
7. Promptly: immediately, dengan segera, 立即地
8. Assembled: (of people) gathered together in one place for a common purpose,
berhimpun, 集合
9. Broadly: widely and openly, meluas, 完全地
10. Recognized: identified (someone or something) from having encountered them
before, dikenali, 认出

Lower secondary ( pg 17 )

1. Ruffled: disorder or disarrange (someone's hair), bergolak, 弄乱

2. Classy: stylish and sophisticated, bergaya, 优等的
3. Accented: spoken with or characterized by a particular accent, aksen, 带…口音的
4. Insisted: demanded, menegaskan, 坚决
5. Irresistible: too attractive and tempting to be resisted, sangat menarik, 不可抗拒; 无
6. District: an area of a country or city, daerah, 地区
7. Delighted: Felt or showed great pleasure, gembira, 高兴
8. Skewered: fasten together or pierce with a pin or skewer, sate, (用串肉扦或类似
物) 串起
9. Marinated: soaked(meat, fish, or other food) in a marinade, diperap, 把…浸泡于腌
10. Grilled: A device on a cooker that radiated heat downwards for cooking food,
panggang, 烧烤
Lower secondary ( pg 19 )

1. Pitching: climbing, mendaki, 走上斜坡

2. Nuisance: inconvenience, ganggu, 麻烦事
3. Abode: house, tempat tinggal, 住所
4. Slumped: fall heavily, membongkok, 落下
5. Hoisted: raised, dinaikkan, 吊起
6. Devised: invented, menciptakan, 发明
7. Feverish: sick, demam, 发烧
8. Wading: walking through water, randuk, 涉水
9. Hiking: walking for a long distance, mendaki, 徒步旅行
10. Commended: praised, memuji, 表扬

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