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Match the words 1-5 ith the meanings a-e

1. founder a to start a company or organisation 3
2. team b to be responsible for 4
3. run (a business) c someone who starts a company or organisation 1
4. set up d one of a number of people who own a business together 5
5. partner e a group of people who work together to do a job 2

2. What do you call someone who works in each of the following areas?
1. Accounts - accountant
2. Art - artist
3. Banking - banker

4. Economics - Economist

5. engineering - engineer

6. Music - musician

3. Complete the sentences with these words.

browse enters keeps manages uses updates
1. Amy _____ manages _______ customer data and ___ keeps __________ records of customers.

2. She ________ enters _____data in the customer database.

3. Bob collects data about people who ____ browse ____ the company website.

4. Carla _____ uses ______ search engines to find new products and supplier.

5. She__________ updates __ the files with new information.

4.Complete the text with a suitable word or phrase.

websites online shopping screen keyword search engine password mouse click
When you want to find information on the web, it is helpful to use a _____ search engine _____ such as
Google or AltaVista. You type in a______ keyword ________ or phrase, ___ mouse ________, click on
GO and a list of _____ websites _______ appears on your computer _______ screen _______. Many
people use the web for ____ online shopping ________ or banking. This means they have to enter
private information such as credit card numbers or bank details,so the website must be very secure. To
enter a secure site, you usually need to enter your username and a ____ password __________.
4. Complete the extracts with words
hierarchy rules status subordinates
1. In formal situations, it is a good idea to follow standard____ rules _______ when making new contacts.
2. We are more polite to people who are above us in the organisational ____ hierarchy _______.
3. Politeness is often linked to ______ status __________.

5. Translate the following text into Serbian:

Cultural undrestanding is important. When she is in meetings in Japan, Lynn gives advice on what will
work in both countries. In the West, Lynn becomes the Japan expert, giving clients information about
Japanese culture. When her Japanese partners come to meetings in the UK, Lynn helps them to present their
ideas in the best way, and tries to avoid any cultural misunderstandings.Video game sales are sky-rocketing
at the moment. There are thousands of opportunities to build careers in the video game industry , but
women don’t often consider gaming as a career. Today most video games are created by men and for men.
So it is no surprise that almost all video games are sport games. With more women like Lynn joining the
video game industry, things could change.
Kulturno razumevanje je važno. Kada je na sastancima u Japanu, Lin daje savete o
tome šta će raditi u obe zemlje. Na Zapadu, Linn postaje japanski stručnjak, dajući
klijentima informacije o japanskoj kulturi. Kada joj japanski partneri dođu na sastanke
u Velikoj Britaniji, Linn im pomaže da predstave svoje ideje na najbolji način i
pokušava da izbegne bilo kakve kulturne nesporazume. Prodaja video igara trenutno
je otišla do neba. Postoje hiljade mogućnosti za stvaranje karijere u industriji video
igrica, ali žene često ne razmišljaju o igricama kao karijeri. Danas većinu video igara
stvaraju muškarci za muškarce. Dakle, nije iznenađenje što su skoro sve video igre
sportske igre. Sa više žena poput Linn koja se priključuje industriji video igara, stvari
se mogu promeniti.

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