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The women of the pastors, Can't call them wives. They are actually “corporate” partners.

agree in the “business” of “Soul Saving”. It is not a general misleading, as in the case of the masses.
Both are apart of the Agenda.

They aren't women any more, the currency by which they take oaths to and worship has brought
about a decrepit state of being. The Family is destroyed because of this. The currency has subverted
the basic natural instinct to nurture. The salt of the earth has lost its savor. This is the drawback from
the “merging” of the man and female. The Almighty Created two separate and distinct beings.

The merging or feminizing of the male and masculating the women into the male has created

This is reflective in the home revealing those characteristics within the

weakening bond of the family. The daughter has no regard for the mother, nor son of
the father, sister to brother, etc. The primary care of the woman now is to survive from
the tools of currency and not from nature, which Creation dictates. This weakened state
of the woman leaves the man also weakened. These pastors now have multi million
dollar contracts with the “holly”wood entertainment industry.

These pastors are signing “contracts” with the Fallen Evil Entities, SATAN! The motion picture
industry now dictates through the contracts that pastors, such as TD Jakes, sign with SONY. In turn,
Jakes accepts $1 million dollars from Tyler Perry, who represents the homosexual deviants of
Hollywood. This is the evolution of Man to Woman. As T.D. Jakes speaking in the 1990s as an
authority against homosexuality. “Now” authorizes its destruction as an impostor, representing the
False teachings of Paul, from the Bible. The Faith Based, “Inclusion” Gospel or “Go”-”Spel”,
“Go”- “Trick”, “Go”- “Entice” It is with this “currency” the desires of the woman are satisfied, not in
the relationship to the man.

Now that you had the opportunity to view the Ray Higgins, as well as, the T.D. Jakes, Tyler Perry,
Oprah Winfrey videos and had an opportunity without my opinion, What do you think?

Did you actually read the Bible verses? Are not T.D. Jakes, Oprah, Perry, all Hollywood spectacles?
Most important are you still a follower of these people and the Catholic Church?

Yes, Paul was a Catholic and obviously a member of the “Roman” Court. Whom ever he or she was. If
this were not so and a book was in reference to the Creator and not the Fallen; the Ethiopian history
wriutten by Enoch would be the sum of Paul's literature. The Literature of Paul is contrary to the
LAWS given by ENOCH! Paul actually puts forth his own laws, his own inclusions contrary to the
Judgments given by Enoch. Paul actually absolves the Fallen Evil Entities; of which he professes:
control him.

Listen! Through Paul, the Fallen Entities, state that the body
causes sin. Paul summarizes that his mind [and] will or faith will save
him from his own transgressions; which was previously answered by
ENOCH. T.D. Jakes, Winfrey, and Perry all have “Hollywood” contracts. They are contractually
apart of of the deceptions and illusions of satanic forces. These individuals, [and don't forget their
leader] Council on Foreign Relations Member and Monster of the Midway, Jesse Jackson whom
brought forth the Pauline Gospel of Inclusion through the “Rainbow” Coalition, or “Inclusive” doctrine
of Titus Jesus; This was “established” through Ethiopian Kenyan Barack Obama, and the
“Homosexual” agenda of the Fallen Entities: “To lay with mankind”, Man.

Urbnstand that the Black descendants or the Chosen are only that because it is that
bloodline in which the balance(s) will enter into the world.

This is bringing forth the settling [or] New World Order [or] admission of failure by the Fallen Entities.
Within the mechanism of Government, the “intent” of the luciferians are exposed. The currency
enforces the “will” of the Fallen Entities. Through this currency, wars are established on the world.
As it is used as a conveyance for goods, commodities and various resources. Once they established the
currency through contracts; they control the economic power of the people. This will occur through the

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