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4th Grade Newsletter

January 18, 2018

Reading Dear Parents,

Next week we will be Students did a great job on their mid-year i-Ready
reading a fantasy titled, The and Dibles reading and math testing this week. The
Great Kapok Tree. Our semester ends next Thursday, January 25, and report cards
comprehension strategy is will be sent home the following Thursday, February 1.
generalizations. A Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
generalization is a type of Have a great weekend,
conclusion in which a broad Ms. Rimmer
statement is made based
on several examples. Clue
words such as most, usually, Vocabulary Words of the Week
often, or generally signal canopy– the uppermost layer of branches in forest trees
generalizations. A
generalization can be valid dangle– to hang and swing loosely
(logical) or faulty (wrong).
dappled – marked with spots; spotted
Next week in math we will fragrant – having or giving off a pleasing odor; sweet
be investigating and smelling
practicing strategies for
subtraction. Students will pollen – a fine, yellowish powder released from the anthers
also receive their next math of flowers. Grains of pollen carried by insects, wind, etc., to
vocabulary practice the pistils of flowers fertilize the flowers
packet. Please help them
practice the words at pollinate–carry pollen from anthers to pistils; bring pollen to
slithered– moved with a sliding motion
January 24 – Reading wondrous – wonderful; marvelous; remarkable
Counts Celebration
gash – a long deep cut or wound
January 25 – End of first
semester lulled – soothed with sounds or caresses; causing to sleep

Article by Scarlett Tilghman and Van Mont Spelling – words with ar and or
Today we got to watch the school
spelling be. We were so excited to see morning argue apartment
some fellow classmates compete. Sydney forest story sport
Solomon, Ashley Bailey, and Skyler Kerber garbage alarm force
felt that some of the more difficult words form backyard forward
were; piece de resistance, ichthyosaurus,
Soar start partner sharp
and tsunami. We are proud of their hard storm Florida garden
work studying these words. That’s all for Arkansas corner

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