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Chapter 2.

Chemical Formulas, Chemical Equations, and Reaction Yields Page 1

1. Titanium
Metallic titanium and its alloys (especially those with aluminum and vanadium) combine the advantages of high
strength and light weight and are therefore used widely in the aerospace industry for the bodies and engines of
airplanes. The major natural source for titanium is the ore rutile, which contains titanium dioxide (Ti 2O).
a. An intermediate in the preparation of elemental titanium from TiO2 is a volatile chloride of titanium (boiling
point 136oC) that contains 25.24% titanium by mass. Determine the empirical formula of this compound.
25.24% titanium; 100-25.24 = 74.76% Cl by mass.
Assume 100g of titanium chloride,
25.24 g Ti / 47.87 g mol-1 = 0.5273 mol Ti
74.76 g Cl / 35.45 g mol-1 = 2.101 mol Cl
Ti(0.5273/0.5273)Cl(2.101/0.5273) = TiCl4
b. At 136oC and atmospheric pressure, the density of this gaseous chloride is 5.6 g L-1. Under the same
conditions, the density of gaseous nitrogen (N2, molar mass 28.0 g mol-1) is 0.83 g L-1. Determine the
molecular formula of this compound.
(density TiCl4 / density N2) = (molar mass TiCl4 / molar mass N2)
molar mass TiCl4 = (28.0 g mol-1)(5.6 g L-1 / 0.73 g L-1) = 215 g mol-1
empirical formula mass = 1 mol Ti (47.87 g mol-1) + 4 mol Cl (35.45 g mol-1) = 189.7 g mol-1
molecular mass/empirical formula mass = 215 g mol-1/189.7 g mol-1 = 1.10; molecular formula is TiCl4
c. The titanium chloride dealt with in parts (a) and (b) is produced by the reaction of chlorine with a hot mixture
of titanium dioxide and coke (carbon), with carbon dioxide generated as a by-product. Write a balanced
chemical equation for this reaction.
2 Cl2 + C + TiO2  TiCl4 + CO2
d. What mass of chlorine is needed to produce 79.2 g of titanium chloride?
79.2 g TiCl4 * (1 / 189.67 g) * (2 mol Cl2 / 1 mol TiCl4) = 0.835 mol Cl2
0.835 mol Cl2 * (70.9 g mol-1 Cl2) = 59.2 g Cl2
e. The titanium chloride then reactors with liquid magnesium at 900oC to give titanium and magnesium chloride
(MgCl2). Write a balanced chemical equation for this step in the refining of titanium.
TiCl4 + 2 Mg  Ti + 2 MgCl2
f. Suppose the reaction chambers for part (e) contain 351 g of titanium chloride and 63.2 g liquid magnesium.
Which is the limiting reactant? What maximum mass of titanium could result?
63.2 g Mg * (1 mol / 24.305 g) * (1 mol Ti / 2 mol Mg) = 1.30 mol Ti; Mg is limiting reactant.
1.30 mol Ti * (47.867 g / mol Ti) = 62.2 g Ti
g. Isotopic analysis of the titanium from a particular ore gave the following results:

Isotope Relative Mass Abundance (%)

Ti 45.952633 7.93
Ti 46.95176 7.28
Ti 47.947948 73.94
Ti 48.947867 5.51
Ti 49.944789 5.34
Calculate the mass of a single 48Ti atom and the average mass of the titanium atoms in this ore example.
mass of 1 48Ti atom = 47.947948 g / 6.022*10-23 = 7.961949*10-23
[(45.952633*7.93)+( 46.95176*7.28)+( 47.947948*73.94)+( 48.947867*5.51)+( 49.944789*5.34)]*1/00 =
47.8789 g
47.8789 / 6.022*1023 = 7.950*10-23.
Chapter 2. Chemical Formulas, Chemical Equations, and Reaction Yields Page 2

2. The vitamin A molecule has the formula C20H30O, and a molecule of vitamin A2 has the formula C20H28O. Determine
how many moles of vitamin A2 contain the same number of atoms as 1.000 mol vitamin A.
𝑁𝐴 molecules 51 atoms
𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑠 = 1.000 mol vitamin A × ( )×( ) = 51.00 𝑁𝐴 atoms
1 mol vitamin A 1 molecule
1 molecule A2 1 mol A2
𝑛𝐴 2 = 51.00 𝑁𝐴 atoms × ( )×( ) = 1.041 mol A2
49 atoms 𝑁𝐴 molecules
3. A sample of 1.000 g of a compound containing carbon and hydrogen reacts with oxygen at elevated temperature to
yield 0.692 g H2O and 3.381 g CO2.
a. Calculate the masses of C and H in the sample
1 mol H2 O 2 mol H 1.0078 g H
0.692 g H2 O × × × = 0.0774 g H
MH 2 O 1 mol H2 O 1 mol H
12.011 g C
3.381 g CO2 × = 0.9226 g C
44.009 g CO2
b. Does the compound contain any other elements?
No, as 0.0774 g + 0.9226 g = 1.000 g, therefore the compound contains no other elements
c. What are the mass percentages of C and H in the compound?
0.0774 x 100% = 7.74%. 0.9226 x 100% = 92.26%
d. What is the empirical formula of the compound?
1 mol H
0.0774 g H × = 0.0768 mol H
1.0078 g H
1 mol C
0.9226 g C × = 0.07681 mol C
12.0107 g C
empirical formula: C 0.0768 H 0.0768 = CH
( ) ( )
0.0768 0.0768
4. A gaseous binary compound has a vapor density that is 1.94 times that of oxygen at the same temperature and
pressure. When 1.39 g of the gas is burned in an excess of oxygen, 1.21 g of water is formed, removing all the
hydrogen originally present.
a. Estimate the molecular mass of the gaseous compound
density of compound = 1.94 (density of O2) density of compound : density of O2 = 1.94
1.94 = (molar mass compound) / (32.00 g mol-1) = 62.1 g mol-1
b. How many hydrogen atoms are there in a molecule of the compound?
1 mol H2 O 2 mol H
1.21 g H2 O × × = 0.134 mol H
18.0146 g H2 O 1 mol H2
1 mol compound
1.39 g compound × = 0.0224 mol compound
62.1 g compound
0.134 mol H 6.00 mol H
0.0224 mol compound 1.00 mol compound
There are 6 atoms of hydrogen for every molecule of the compound.
c. What is the maximum possible value of the atomic mass of the second element (Z) in the compound?
62.1 g mol-1 – 6(1.0078) g mol-1 = 56.0g mol-1
d. Are other values possible for the atomic mass of the second element? Use a table of atomic masses to identify
the elements that best fits the data?
Yes, as the molecules of X might contain more than one atom of Z. Compare the formula of the compound
(XH6, X2H6, X3H6, …) to the relative atomic mass of Z (56.0, 28.0, 18.7, …), to the elements on the periodic
table. The relative atomic mass of element Z is close to that of Si (28.08) if the formula is Z2H6, then it is
close to that of N (14.01) if the formula is Ni4H6.
e. What is the molecular formula of the compound?
Si2H6 or Ni4H6 either work. The data is not precise enough to tell whether it is disilane or tetrazane.
Chapter 2. Chemical Formulas, Chemical Equations, and Reaction Yields Page 3

5. An element X has a dibromide with the empirical formula XBr2 and a dichloride with the empirical formula XCl2.
The dibromide is completely converted to the dichloride when it is heated in a stream of chlorine according to the
XBr2 + Cl2 → XCl2 + Br2
When 1.500 g XBr2 is treated, 0.890 g XCl2 results.
a. Calculate the atomic mass of the element X.
MXBr2 = mX + 2(79.904) g mol−1
MXCl2 = mx + 2(35.453) g mol−1
1 mol XBr2 1 mol XCl2
1.500 g XBr2 × −1
= 0.890 g XCl2 ×
mx + 159.808 g mol 70.906 g mol−1
moles of XBr2 = moles of XCl2 , so
1.500 0.890
159.808 + mx 70.906 + mx
1.500(70.906 + mx ) = 0.890(159.808 + mx )
106.359 + 1.500mx = 142.229 + 0.890mx
1.500mx − 0.890mx = 142.229 − 106.359
mx = = 58.8, therefore the molar mass of the element X = 58.8 g mol−1
b. By reference to a list of the atomic masses of the elements, identify element X.
The element is probably nickel (which has a relative atomic mass of 58.6934). Cobalt (relative atomic mass =
58.93320) is close as well.
6. (similar to 5; #44 in book). An element A has a triiodide with the formula AI3 and a trichloride with the formula
ACl3. The triiodide is quantitatively converted to the trichloride when it is heated in a stream of chlorine, according to
the reaction
3 3
AI3 + Cl2 → ACl3 + I2
2 2
If 0.8000 g AI3 is treated, 0.3776 g ACl3 is obtained.
a. Calculate the atomic mass of the element A.

b. Identify the element A.

Chapter 2. Chemical Formulas, Chemical Equations, and Reaction Yields Page 4

7. A mixture consisting of only sodium chloride (NaCl) and potassium chloride (KCl) weighs 1.0000 g. When the
mixture is dissolved in water and an excess of silver nitrate is added, all the chloride ions associated with the original
mixture are precipitated as insoluble silver chloride (AgCl). The mass of the silver chloride is found to be 2.1476 g.
Calculate the mass percentages of sodium chloride and potassium chloride in the original mixture.
mNaCl + mKCl = 1.0000 g
As all the chloride ions associated with the original mixture are precipitated as insoluble silver chloride,
mCl (in AgCl) = mCl (in NaCl) + mCl (in KCl)
Using the relative formula masses of AgCl, NaCl, and KCl
35.4527 35.4527 35.4527
2.1476 g ( ) = mNaCl ( ) + mKCl ( )
35.4527 + 107.8682 35.4527 + 22.9898 35.4527 + 39.0983
Dividing both sides by 35.4527 and completing the addition
1 1 1
2.1476 g ( ) = mNaCl ( ) + mKCl ( )
143.3209 58.4425 74.5510
But mNaCl = 1.0000 – mKCl; substituting this in
1 1 1
2.1476 g ( ) = (1.000 g − mKCl ) ( ) + mKCl ( )
143.3209 58.4425 74.5510
1 1 1 1
2.1476 g ( )= g + mKCl ( − )
143.3209 58.4425 74.5510 58.4425
2.1476 g 1.000 g 1 1
− = mKCl ( − )
143.3209 58.4425 74.5510 58.4425
mKCl = 0.5751 g; mNaCl = 0.4249 g
The mass percentages for KCl and NaCl are 42.49% and 57.51% respectively.
8. (similar to 7). A mixture of aluminum and iron weighing 9.62 g reacts with hydrogen chloride in aqueous solution
according to the parallel reactions
2 Al + 6 HCl → 2 AlCl3 + 3 H2
Fe + 2 HCl → FeCl2 + H2
A 0.738-g quantity of hydrogen is evolved when the metals react completely. Calculate the mass of iron in the
original mixture.
Chapter 2. Chemical Formulas, Chemical Equations, and Reaction Yields Page 5

9. A dark brown binary compound contains oxygen and a metal. It is 13.38% oxygen by mass. Heating it moderately
drives off some of the oxygen and gives a red binary compound that is 9.334% oxygen by mass. Strong heating
drives off more oxygen and gives still another binary compound, which is only 7.168% oxygen by mass.
a. Compute the mass of oxygen that is combined with 1.000 g of the metal in each of the three oxides.
Assume 100 g of each oxide, (O=oxygen, M=metal)
13.38 g O / (100-13.38) g M = 0.15447 g O/1g M for Compound 1
9.334 g O / (100-9.334)g M = 0.1029 g O/1g M for Compound 2
7.168 g O / (100-7.168)g M = 0.07721 g O/1g M for Compound 3
b. Assume that the empirical formula for Compound 1 is MO2 (where M is the metal). Give the empirical
formulas of the second and third compounds.
compound 2 0.1029 g O 2
compound 1
= 0.15447 g O = 3; Compound 2 has 2/3 as much oxygen per given quantity of M as Compound 1,
therefore the if the formula for Compound 1 is MO2, then the formula for Compound 2 is MO4/3. The
subscripts are multiplied by3 to get rid of the fraction: M3O4. By the same logic, Compound 3 has the
formula MO if Compound 1 is MO2 as Compound 3 has 1/2 as much oxygen as Compound 1 per quantity of
c. Name the metal.
Assuming Compound 1 has the formula MO2,
1 mol O 1 mol M
0.15447 g O × × = 0.0048275 mol M
15.999 g O 2 mol O
gM 1.0000g mol M
molar mass M = = = 207.15 g M
nM 0.0048275 mol M
The element M is lead.
10. A sample of a gaseous binary compound of boron and chlorine weighing 2.842 g occupies 0.153 L. This sample is
decomposed to give 0.664 g solid boron and enough gaseous chlorine (Cl2) to occupy 0.688 L at the same temperature
and pressure. Determine the molecular formula of the compound.
0.664 g B ×= 0.0614 mol B
(2.842 g − 0.664 g) Cl ×= 0.0614 mol Cl
empirical formula: BCl
Assuming same T and P,
MBCl ρBCl ρBCl
= → MBCl = MCl2 ( )
MCl2 ρCl2 ρCl2
2.84 g
( )
MBCl = 0.153 L (70.90 g mol−1 )
2.842 g − 0.664 g
0.688 L
MBCl = 416 g mol−1
(BCl)9 = B9 Cl9

11. 3′-Methylphthalanilic acid is used commercially as a “fruit set” to prevent premature drop of apples, pears, cherries,
and peaches from the tree. It is 70.58% carbon, 5.13% hydrogen, 5.49% nitrogen, and 18.80% oxygen. If eaten, the
fruit set reacts with water in the body to produce an innocuous product, which contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
only, and m-toluidine (NH2C6H4CH3), which causes anemia and kidney damage. Compute the mass of the fruit set
that would produce 5.23 g of m-toluidine.
Chapter 2. Chemical Formulas, Chemical Equations, and Reaction Yields Page 6



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