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MIND: - - Emotional, sentimental people who suffer from inhibition.

- Impossible to express himself, communicate, < company of strangers.Must make tremendous effort to

conversation going.

- Cannot let go. Aversiune to seeing or hearing others laughing. Feeling shit

- Extremely conscious of what people will think about them.

- Embarrassed esp. regarding personal habits like stool, urine, perspiration.

- Ailments from failure, being put down/insulted, embarassment in their work: lose confidence, become

bashful, avoid people.

- Dwell on past unpleasant experiences, offences, being hurt.

- Strong sex desire, lascivious thoughts and masturbation; feel guilty. - - Claustrophobia.

- Sensibil to music. Music <. - - Irritability. Hysteria. Fear of killing.

- Forgetful, dull, mental slowness. Unable to calculate. - - - Delusions, often frightening.

- Mind weakens like when getting prematurely old. Dreamy state of mind.Silly prattling, loquacity, jump

one subject to another, ask questions but don't wait for the answer.

GENERALITIES: - - impressionable patients, tired, emaciated.

- Prematurely old and senile (Alum. Bar-c. Plb. Sec).

- Ailments like nondescript vertigo, high blood pressure, headache, colitis. arteriosclerosis.


- << presence of others/music/spring/dimineata in bed - - One-sided perspiration.

- Numbness. - - Nervousness, twitches, jerks.

FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SALT. - - Aversiune: fat (Nat-m). - - > cold drinks (water).

VERTIGO: - - Nondescript vertigo, giddiness, esp. of old people.

HEAD: - - Hyperaemia, heat, while listening to music.

- Heaviness or trembling sensation in head from talking, conversation.

EYE: - - Dim vision as in elderly people.

EAR: - - Impaired hearing without underlying pathology as in ageing proces. - - Noises.

NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas, < early dimineata while lying in bed, during menses.

FACE: - - Twitching. Spasmodic trembling. Spasms of lips. - - Old looking expression.

- One-sided perspiration.

MOUTH: - - TUBercles under tongue. ranuLA (sublingual cysts). Nodosities under tongue r..

THROAT: - - Sensation of a lump with difficult swallowing. - - Grayish mucus.

STOMACH: - - Pain > frequent sips of cold milk, < excitement, lying on Bauch.

- Emptiness, > lying down. - - Heartburn after milk.- - Indigestion from warm drinks.

BAUCH: - - Internal coldness; onesided. - - Pressing pain around navel > eructations.

- Colitis. - - Flatulence, > eructation and flatus, which is impossible around someone

RECTUM: - - Can only pass stool if no one is around.

- Constipatie during pregnancy, from sedentary habits.- - Hemorrhage during stool.

URETHRA/URINE: - - Cannot pass urine in front of others.

MALE GENITALIA: - - Violent erections in dimineata. Desire increased.

FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased. - - Metrorrhagia after exertion, between periods, from slight

provocation, from hard stool. - - Bluish leucorrhoea, < night.

COUGH: - - Nervous cough, < From hearing music, when in company.

- Deep cough followed by eructations; or eructations excite cough.

RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic; in old people; < slight exertion, coition, music; > eating.

CHEST: - - Palpitation < music, walking in open air.

EXTREMITIES: - - Trembling from conversation. - - Contraction of hamstrings.

- Rheumatism, arthritis.- - Heaviness, paralytic weakness; with numbness.

- Cramps in thighs, calves, feet, at night

- Bluish discoloration left leg (varices) during menses, with pressing pain.

SLEEP: - - Sleepless after conversation, from excitement, from worries.

- Sleepy with sleeplessness after going to bed. - - Position: right side.

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