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Conceptual Framework

The study focused on the respondent’s reaction to different factors that affects
acceptance and perception of abortion. Under the research study are college
students from University of Regina Carmeli and Bulacan State University.

Figure 1 presents the conceptual model of the study. The primary independent
variable is attitudinal perception and acceptance of students toward abortion in
relation to their family, interpersonal relationship, peers, community, self concepts,
and alcohol influence. Secondary independent variable is the college student’s
profile in term of their age, gender, civil status, year level, social class, work status
and religion.

Moreover the dependent variable of the study is the individual as a biophysical

adaptive system that employs a feedback cycle, throughout the control process and
behavioral adaptive response. Each person’s adaptive level is unique and constantly
changing. The individuals respond to stimuli in one of four modes that encompasses
physiologic-physical adaptive modes, self concept group identity, role function, and

Different statistic treatments were used between primary and secondary

independent variables and the dependent variable to formulate an adaptive model.

Independent Dependent
Variable Variable

Profile of the
Attitudinal Individual
perception of respond to
Students of the
abortion and stimuli in four
University of
acceptance in modes:
Regina Carmeli
and Bulacan
State University Family physical
Age Interperson Self Concept
al Relationship group identity
Peers Role function
Status Communit
Level Self
Class Alcohol

Adaptive /Maladaptive response

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