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Internal Assessment (IA)

Theme: Crime
Topic: The causes and effects of Jamaican teenagers as victims of human

Name of Candidate: Kason Shields

Candidate number:

Teacher’s Name: Ms. Perry

Centre: Annotto Bay High

Centre number: 100352

Year of examination: 2016

Territory: Jamaica
Table of Contents

Title Pages

General Introduction…………………………………………………………………………2-3

Section One


Section Two

Reflective Piece……………………………………………………………………….5-7

Section Three


General Introduction
The portfolio’s theme is “Crime” and the topic is the cause and effects of Jamaican teenagers as

victims of human trafficking. Human right is the fundamental rights all human are entitled to.

Therefore, the knowledge of one rights are essential to all human beings. Thus, investigating this

theme would help to contribute in creating an awareness of the importance of knowing their

human rights, as this is important for the protection of individuals’ rights and respect for the

rights of others.

The portfolio consists of three sections, the exposition, the reflective piece, and the analysis.

Section one includes the exposition. Therefore, relating to the theme because it highlights the

importance of everyone having the same rights disregarding matter their sexual orientation.

Section two of the portfolio includes the reflective piece, which is a story entitled ‘A Mother’s

Love’. The theme emerges from ‘A Mother’s Love’ as the story presents how human are

deprived of the human rights when they become victim of human trafficking.

The analysis, section three relates to the theme as it analyzes how the linguistic criteria, dialectal

variation and communicative behavior helps to presented the theme and show how different

personas communicate.

As a Humanities student the researcher has learnt of the cruel ways her ancestors were deprived

of their human rights because of their color, this has impacted the researcher personal view of

human rights. As a result, this topic has become a passion of the researcher, as the researcher

wants no one to suffer the cruelty of being deprived of their rights as her ancestors were. Also, so

that individual can respect the rights of others and protect theirs. Additionally, investigating this

theme would help to provide additional knowledge that would help researcher have a better

understanding of the topic, thus will improve the researcher’s academic performance in the law

course that is currently being pursued. Furthermore, the theme is related to the researcher’s

career goal, which is to become a lawyer, because human rights are among the basic knowledge

of a lawyer.


‘A mother’s Love’, tells the story of a Mary Jane, a 15 year old child who was sold into

prostitution. It highlights how dehumanizing it is for individuals who have been in human

trafficking. Thus, the purpose of the creative piece is to increase the awareness of human

trafficking, so that the number of persons fighting against human trafficking can increase.

The story is addressed to teenage females and parents. Hence, individuals of the age group of

about 12-35 years old. This is because the main victims of human trafficking are teenagers and

females. Thus, the audience of the story is parents and teenagers. This way they can become

aware of human trafficking, hence, they will be able to protect and their family from becoming a

victim of human trafficking.

Reflective Piece

A Mother’s Love

Mary Jane felt like a stranger in her own room, it has been three years now since her

abduction and she has been in her room. She escaped from the place they called ELH, three days

ago. From the day she escaped from the damn place she hasn’t slept because she is afraid that

when she reopen her eyes she might wake up back in ELH, not to mention the nightmares that

wakes her whenever she drifts off to sleep.

In her dreams she would wake with a pounding headache, sore joints and bounded hands

and feet. She was in a moving van, she would scream but her screams were barely audible

through the cloth banding her mouth. The van would stop and she would always wake at that

moment. The nightmares were like a curse compelling her to relive that dreadful day over and


“MJ?” Mary was brought from her thoughts by the lovely sound of her mother’s


“Um.” Mary responded. If it wasn’t for her hope to see her mother again Mary

knew she wouldn’t have survive a day at that place.

“Yuh safe now yuh hear, no worry yuh self.”

Safe. Mary never thought she would not every feel that way again.

Suddenly she was back in ElH, it was her first day there,her heart was racing, her knees weak

and her entire body shaking with fear. Looking around her she saw eleven other girls who were

as terrified she was.

“Chicas, welcome to the Evening Ladies Haven.” The skinny white woman

standing before them said in a Spanish accent. “You will all be given a new life here and you

will not try to escape. If you do you will be punished! Comprehended?”

One that day they were given new names that was tattooed on their necks, she was given

the name Angel. Damn, she hate that name.

The comforting arms of her mother pulling her in an embrace brought Mary back to the

present and she sunk in her mother’s warmth and just cry. Cried because she was so happy, cried

because she’s so scared, angry and cried because she couldsimple do nothing else.


About an hour later her mother came back in Mary’s room.

“Eat supmu, caus’ yuhmus’ hungry.” Mary took the plate of lovely smelling food though

she did not have an appetite. “Mi soon come mi ago fi something fi yuh drink." Pauline, Mary’s

mother said, not looking her daughter in her face as if the grotesques and filthy sight of her

unnerves her and Mary replied with a nod of her head, staring down at the food in front of her.

After she forced and eat her food, Mary took off the filthy rags she was wearing and

threw them in the garbage. She padded towards the mirror on the cold tile in the bathroom. She

stared back at the person staring at her in the mirror. The person looks like her but those eyes

weren’t hers, they were cold and hating. They were the eyes of someone who has seen their fair

share of horrors. Mary traced her index finger over the scar on her upper lip and a shiver ran

down her spine as she remember how she got the scar.

She was screaming and kicking, trying to fight off the strong man who was taking her to

the room where he could do all the nasty stuffs to her the other girls told her about.

“Shut up will yah!” Mary screamed harder. “Shut yuh r##s up!” He said and

silenced her with a punch.

Mary pulled her hands away from her face and clenched them into fists as she went into

the shower. Scrubbing her skin as if trying to scrub away all the hands that had touched her Mary

watched as the brownish colour water slowly swirl in the drain and she wished that the memories

could fade as easy.

Pauline walked into the kitchen, took up her phone and dialed the number she dialed

three years ago. Looking over her shoulder she put the phone to her ears and said in a low voice,

“she’s here.”


The story ‘A mother’s Love’, tells the horrors of Mary Jane, a 15 year old child who was sold

into prostitution. The writer used dialectal variation and communicative behavior to show how

the characters feel, their personalities and their relationship with others.

Dialectal variation emerges from the dialogues of the characters. Dialectal variation is seen by

the narrator’s use of Standard English and Profane English. Throughout the prose the narrator

used mainly Standard English. The use of Standard English by the narrator makes it possible for

all Jamaican and non-Jamaicans to read, understand and enjoy the story. The narrator also used

Profane English, indicating that the story is addressed to a mature audience. Additionally, the

Profane English used by the narrator allows the reader to sense how characters feel- “damn, she

hates that name.” This illustrates the character (Mary Jane) hatred for the name by emphasizing

her anger.

Mary Jane and her mother Pauline used Basilect Creole English. This indicates that they are from

a speech community where basilect is the norm which is most likely the rural areas. However, at

the end of the story when Pauline was talking on the phone she used Standard English, “She’s

here.” This suggests that the person she was speaking to is of a higher class or status and or


Also, Mary Jane behaviour to her mother communicated how she feels about her mother. For

example, when she “sunk into her mother’s warmth,” highlighting how much she loves her


In summary, communicative behaviour and dialectal variation helps to portray characters

emotions, their relationship and personalities. This helps the reader to understand why the

characters behave the way they do.

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