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•Character –heritable feature

•Trait – each variant for a character

•True-breeding – plants that self-pollinate
all offspring are the same variety
•Monohybrid cross – a cross that tracks
the inheritance of a single character
•P generation – (parental) true-breeding
•F1- (first filial) offspring of P generation
•F2 – (second filial) offspring from F1 cross
•Allele- alternate version of a gene
•Dominate allele – expressed in the
•Recessive allele – not expressed in the
•Homozygote – pair of identical alleles for
a character
•Homozygous dominant- BB
•Homozygous recessive - bb
•Heterozygote – two different alleles for a
character (Bb)
•Genotype – genetic makeup
•Phenotype – appearance of an organism

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