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Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203 – 215

Analysis and description of the evolution of alginate

immobilised cells systems
A. Laca, L.A. Garcı́a, M. Dı́az *
Department of Chemical Engineering and En6ironmental Technology (I.U.B.A.), Uni6ersity of O6iedo, c/Julián Cla6erı́a s/n,
33071 O6iedo, Spain
Received 18 January 1999; received in revised form 13 July 1999; accepted 14 March 2000


Different immobilised cells models, including very simple ones, can be useful in the fitting of experimental results.
However, goodness or the ability to extrapolate results needs to be in accordance with basic observations and these
will also suggest models to be proposed. In this paper, observations of calcium alginate/bacteria systems are used to
show the ability of basic models to fit classic observations, as well as how new observations, in this case from
electronic microscopy, oblige us to think about more complex mechanisms and mathematical treatments. Nevertheless
it is not only important to discuss the model type, but also the type of kinetics assumed in the interior of the beads,
as well as the internal structure, the boundary conditions related to bead shredding and cell escape and finally,
geometrical effects. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cell immobilisation; Diffusion; Escape; Model

1. Introduction transport phenomena models are looked for, par-

ticularly ones that can be endorsed by different
In recent years, at the same time as interest in items other than simple efficacies, such as mi-
systems working with immobilised cells has arisen, croscopy observations for instance. In Table 1,
especially gel entrapment, a great number of au- modelling studies combining diffusion and reac-
thors have been developing models supported by tion phenomena are presented. These models aim
experimental results. Some simple models only at predicting the biomass growth, substrate con-
aim at simulating data related to the global effi- sumption and product formation that take place
cacy of retention or production, for instance by in these systems.
means of logarithmic equations, and in this way Nakasaki et al. (1989) developed a model that
good fits can be achieved. However, any extrapo- describes an unsteady state of a semi-batch reac-
lation of the results requires the physical basis of tor containing cells immobilised in gel beads. This
the model to be correct, and for this reason model, once the initial conditions are given, pre-
dicts substrate consumption, product formation
* Corresponding author. and the variation of the cell concentration

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204 A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215

throughout the beads, assuming that substrate imental decrease in the surface cell concentration,
concentration is the same in the liquid and in the not predicted by the model, is observed as a
surface of the support and that there is no cell consequence of the breakage and abrasion of the
escape. The model was applied to a system of support.
immobilised yeasts for producing ethanol in a Wijffels et al. (1991) also put forward a dy-
packed-bed reactor, and the results obtained were namic model that predicts the biomass and sub-
tested. However, no biomass profiles were avail- strate profiles throughout the support and the
able and the concave profile predicted by the substrate consumption by Nitrobacter agilis im-
model could not be corroborated. mobilised in an airlift reactor; the limiting sub-
strate being the oxygen. By means of image
Monbouquette et al. (1990) carried out studies
analysis, they found that after 42 days of fermen-
employing a scanning microfluorometry technique
tation, 90% of the immobilised cells were situated
that demonstrated preferential growth in the sur-
in a 140-mm thick external film of the support.
face of the beads when cells of Zymomonas mo-
They also found a phenomenon not considered by
bilis were immobilised in Ca – alginate. These the model: cell escape and the consequent biomass
authors developed a dynamic model in which the concentration decrease, which takes place in the
influence of the concentration of the immobilised surface of the support.
biomass on the effective diffusion of nutrients and Wolffberg and Sheintuch (1993) developed a
products is taken into account. The model as- model that simulates cell growth and distribution
sumes the existence of a critical concentration of in a hollow-fiber or packed-with-gel-beads reac-
biomass that the support is able to bear inside; tor, solving the problem for different kinetics of
once this maximum limit is exceeded, cell escape substrate consumption. However, they did not
begins. The simulated results obtained are very achieve any experimental data that allows com-
close to the experimental ones, however an exper- parison of the model with the theoretical results.

Table 1
Summary of some models proposed for immobilised cells systems

Reference Support Micro-organism Considerations in the model

Substrate/products diffusion affected Cell escape

by biomass

Nakasaki et al. Gel Yeast No No

Monbouquette Alginate Z. mobilis Yes Yes
et al. (1990)
Wijffels et al. Carrageenan N. agilis No No
Wolffberg and Hollow-fiber/gel – Yes No
Hunic et al. Carrageenan N. europaea and N. agilis No No
(1994) co-immobilised
Wang et al. Alginate Lactobacillus delbrueckii Yes No
Cachon et al. Alginate Lactoccocus diacetylactis Yes Yes
Wijffels et al. Carrageenan N. europaea Yes Yes
dos Santos et Alginate and N. europaea and Pseudomonas sp. No Yes
al. (1996) carrageenan co-immobilised
A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215 205

Hunic et al. (1994) presented a model that caused by the presence of micro-colonies, were
characterises ammonium nitrification with Nitro- found. On the other hand, concentration profiles
somonas europaea and N. agilis co-immobilised in inside the support were not compared with exper-
k-carrageenan beads and they validated the model imental data.
by comparing it with experimental data. In order As can be seen, there are a great number of
to solve the model, they assumed constant effec- authors that have been involved in developing this
tive diffusivity and the same kinetics that are type of model. In spite of the assumptions not
presented by the free cells. Concave profiles were always being the same, a good correlation be-
achieved experimentally for both micro-organ- tween the experimental data and the theoretical
isms, fitting the results predicted by the model model is achieved in nearly every case studied. To
very well. Nevertheless, once more an experimen- obtain a model which experimental data fits prop-
tal decrease in biomass concentration near the erly is not a very difficult task and different
surface of the support is observed that is not assumptions for the same phenomenon are valid.
predicted by the model. However, it seems obvious that in order to obtain
Wang et al. (1995) proposed a mathematical a really correct modelisation, it is necessary to
model to analyse the mass transfer behaviour in know exactly what is going on inside the immobil-
lactic acid fermentation using immobilised cells. isation support during the fermentation process.
Simulations indicated a cell concentration gradi- With this aim in mind, the use of different existing
ent in the gel beads, a gradient that the authors microscopic techniques proves to be a very power-
claimed to be due to inhibition products instead ful working method. The final aim of the present
of substrate limitation. Experimental and theoreti- study was to call attention to the need for basic
cal data are compared successfully, but real studies, and to contribute to the understanding,
biomass profiles inside the support were not avail- by means of these microscopic techniques, of the
able. Cachon et al. (1995) also established a model phenomena that take place during the fermenta-
for studying lactic acid fermentation, bioconver- tion process in order to establish the basis of a
sion of citric acid and cell escape in a reactor more correct modelisation of the system.
containing immobilised cells. Again, simulation
lead the authors to a concave profile, but once 2. Materials and methods
more no experimental data of biomass profiles
inside the support are available in order to vali- Serratia marcescens (ATCC 25419) was chosen
date the model. for this work due to its proven ability for protease
Wijffels et al. (1995) went further by developing production and also for its adequate behaviour
a colony expansion model, which took into ac- when immobilized (Vuillemard et al., 1988; Quirós
count the fact that cell growth inside the support et al., 1994). Sweet dehydrated whey enriched
is produced by the formation of cell colonies from with proteins and supplied by a dairy (I.L.A.S.,
the initial individual cells. They also considered Anleo, Asturias, Spain) was employed. The com-
two biomass release mechanisms: either growth position of this whey powder is: fatty matter
resulting in continuous leakage of single bacteria (4.0% w/w), protein (34.98% w/w), water (3.97%
or eruption of entire colonies at once. Moreover, w/w), ashes (7.07% w/w), lactic acid (1.3% w/w),
diffusional limitations on these micro-colonies are lactose (37.72% w/w), others (10.96% w/w). All
introduced in this model. experiments were carried out in a liquid medium,
dos Santos et al. (1996) developed a model that thus the whey powder was dissolved in distilled
describes nitrification and denitrification by N. water until reaching a concentration of 9.5% (w/v)
europaea and Pseudomonas sp. co-immobilised in since this was found to be the optimum concen-
separate layers of gel beads. Comparing experi- tration for protease productivity. Sterilisation of
mental and theoretical results, they found that the the whey was carried out by tangential mi-
trend is quite well predicted, although some dis- crofiltration (0.3 mm). The final concentration of
crepancies, probably due to diffusional limitations proteins in the culture broth was 7.85 mg ml − 1.
206 A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215

2.1. Obtaining the pre-inoculum acetate (0.4% w/v), sodium chloride (0.57% w/v),
hydrogen chloride (0.029 N) and calcium chloride
Erlenmeyer flasks (250 ml) containing 50 ml of (0.01 M) during 16 h. Subsequently, the beads
NBG, nutrient broth at 2% (w/v), supplied with were washed with veronal buffer: sodium barbital
glucose 1% (w/v), were inoculated with S. marces- (0.58% w/v), sodium acetate (0.38% w/v), sodium
cens and incubated in an orbital shaker (NBS, chloride (0.55% w/v), hydrogen chloride (0.028 N)
Mod. G25) for 10 h at 37°C and 250 rpm (Quirós and calcium chloride (0.01 M), until the liquid
et al., 1995). Subsequently, cells were separated appeared clear. Next, a post-fixation treatment,
from the broth by centrifugation and re-sus- submerging the beads in uranile acetate (2% w/v)
pended in NaCl 0.7% (p/v) in an aseptic way. in veronal buffer for 2 h in the dark. The beads
were washed once again in veronal buffer. The
2.2. Immobilisation and fermentation procedure beads were then progressively dehydrated in ace-
tone solutions of increasing concentrations (from
The technique of cell immobilisation employed 25 to 100%). These beads, once dehydrated, were
was that of entrapment in calcium alginate beads soaked up by Epon812 resin in a progressive way,
(Vuillemard et al., 1988) and all the process was starting with a mixture of one part of Epon and
carried out under sterile conditions. The cells three of acetone and ending with pure Epon, and
obtained as pre-inoculum were mixed with were kept for 16 h at room temperature in said
sodium alginate (Janssen Chimica) (2.1% w/v) resin. Finally, the beads with pure resin were
according to the following relationship: 10 ml of placed in an inclusion mould of silicone and the
alginate/8 ×1010 colony forming units (cfu); the polymerization took place for 2 days at 60°C.
mixture being agitated until homogeneous. The
obtained mix was then allowed to drop at a 2.4. Optical microscopy
constant rate onto a solution of CaCl2 (3% w/v)
that was being continuously agitated. The beads One micrometer thick sections at different radii
obtained in this way had an average diameter of were made to the beads included in the resin by
0.27 cm. The beads remained in the CaCl2 solu- means of an LKBV ultramicrotome equipped
tion for half an hour, completing the alginate with glass blades. Sections were stained during a
gelification process and were subsequently re- number of seconds with toluidine blue and subse-
moved from the liquid medium and distributed quently washed with distilled water, with the aim
among the flasks containing the whey. Every flask of forming a contrast between the gel and the
was inoculated with beads containing the total colonies of S. marcescens. These samples were
amount of 8x1010 cfu centrifuged. Fermentation analysed by means of the ‘IMCO 1’ system, which
of the whey by S. marcescens immobilised in the consists of an IMCO 10 (MIP software) image
way described was carried out in 250 ml Erlen- processor, an Olympus BHT microscope equipped
meyer flasks containing 50 ml of medium at 37°C for transmitted light observations and a JVC
and 250 rpm (Quirós et al., 1995). TK870E TV camera. Pictures were taken at
100× and 1000× magnifications with the afore-
2.3. Microscopic techniques mentioned equipment and a Mitsubishi CP100E
video printer.
Samples of beads containing immobilised S.
marcescens were taken at different fermentation 2.5. Transmission electron microscopy
times up until 25 h. These samples were kept in
saline solution, NaCl (0.7% w/v), at 4°C for one Once more, cuts of sections quite close to the
day and afterwards the fixing process began surface and of  700 A, of thickness were made to
(Braña et al., 1981). Firstly, the alginate beads the beads included in the resin, by means of an
were treated with a solution of: osmium tetroxide LKBV ultramicrotome equipped with diamond
(1% w/v), sodium barbital (0.6% w/v), sodium blades. Sections were stained during the first 10
A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215 207

bed, o *=
L 0.88; radius of the particles, R*=0.135
cm; yield factor, Y *s/x =0.79; effective diffusivity
of the biomass and the substrate in the support,
Dx = 3× 10 − 10 cm2 s − 1, Ds = 10 − 9 cm2 s − 1; ini-
tial concentrations of biomass and substrate in the
support and in the bulk; C *(0)=x 0.954 mg ml − 1,
C *(0)=
s 0, C *bx(0)= 0, C *bs(0)= 7.8 mg ml − 1; mass
transfer coefficient in the external film (and/or
bead interface) of the biomass and the substrate,
Kx = 111 cm − 1; Ks = cm − 1 (* experimental
data). A FORTRAN subroutine called PDECOL was
used to solve the differential equations system.
Fig. 1. Experimental results of S. marcescens profiles in the
support. Cell concentration is given in mg of cell dry weight
per ml of support.
3. Results and discussion

3.1. Modelisation
min with uranile acetate and afterwards with lead
citrate, and were then washed with distilled water. A first glance at what was happening inside the
Pictures were taken with a ZEISSEM-109 micro- beads was achieved by optical microscopy tech-
scope at 80 kV and with a resolution of 7 A, . The niques; the distribution of the biomass concentra-
screens employed were of copper. The pictures tion through the immobilisation support being
were taken at 4400 × , 7000 × and 12 000 × determined (Laca et al., 1998) (Fig. 1) in this way.
magnifications. This analysis clearly indicated a preferential cell
growth in the border of support, whereas in the
2.6. Model
inner part of the beads no cell growth was de-
tected up until zones quite close to the border,
The homogeneous model developed in a previ-
where a slight cell concentration gradient was
ous study (Laca et al., 1998), was employed. The
observed, even though the cell concentration val-
equations and boundary conditions are indicated
ues obtained just inside the border were much
next (being i =x, s)
higher than those in the interior.

Mass balance inside the support: The origin of these profiles seems to be the
(Ci 1 ( 2 (Ci difficulty that the substrate presents for reaching
=r%i + 2 r Di the interior of the support, either due to its in-
(t r (r (r
abilty to diffuse through the alginate or because it

Mass balance in the stirred tank reactor:
is consumed by the external cells more quickly
dCbi 3 (1−oL ) (Ci than it is able to diffuse, which seems to be the
=− Di +r %%i
dt R oL (r r = R most probable reason. This phenomenon has been
Boundary conditions: described previously by other authors (Monbou-
quette et al., 1990; Arnaud and Lacroix, 1991;
(Ci (Ci
r = 0, =0; r = R, =Ki (Cbi −Ci (R)) Hunic et al., 1994; Wijffels et al., 1995). Another
(r (r possible explanation might be the very low con-
General assumptions for the simulation were: centration of oxygen that exists in the inner zones
Monod’s equation for kinetics (r %,i internal and r %%,
i of the support (Kwak and Rhee, 1992; Kurata
external) (maximum external and internal specific and Furusaki, 1993; Vives et al., 1993), and al-
growth rate mmaxint =9 × 10 − 5 s − 1, mmaxext =4 × though S. marcescens is a facultatively anaerobic
10 − 5 s − 1; external and internal Monod’s con- micro-organism, the anaerobic metabolism usu-
stant, ks ext,int = 0.001 mg ml − 1); porosity of the ally implies a much lower Yx/s. Other studies have
208 A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215

pointed out the possibility that the concave beads surface as a direct consequence of cell
profile obtained is caused by inhibitor com- escape. This phenomenon is not observed in Fig.
pounds that may be accumulated inside the sup- 1, probably because the thickness of the zone
port (Arnaud and Lacroix, 1991; Wang et al., where this fall should exist is too narrow to
1995), although this is not what happens in our appreciate any concentration difference with the
case because it was observed that if the ex- employed method. Another possible explanation
hausted whey was supplemented with fresh whey, might be that our fermentation lasted for only 25
cells grew again once the culture had reached the h instead of 40 days, as occurs in the related
stationary phase. On the other hand, the cells works, and this period may be too short to
themselves seem to present a very low ‘diffusiv- achieve said phenomenon.
ity’ through the gel, since a high cell ‘diffusivity’ Figs. 2–5, corresponding to pictures from the
(Laca et al., 1998) would imply homogeneous optical microscopy technique in which all the
cell distribution through the whole support, previous comments are confirmed, are shown
which does not occur. next. Said pictures show support sections, where
A great number of authors have indicated that the cells can be observed in an obscure tone, a
the gel entrapment technique allows a maximum consequence of the staining process, and the algi-
cell concentration in the immobilisation support nate appears in a clearer tone. At the very begin-
to be reached (Monbouquette et al., 1990; Wolff- ning of fermentation (Fig. 2a–c) an
berg and Sheintuch, 1993; Wang et al., 1995; dos homogeneous distribution of the micro-organ-
Santos et al., 1996). Some of these authors isms is observed since no differences between the
(Monbouquette et al., 1990; Cachon et al., 1995) inside and the border of the beads were detected.
have even pointed out that is from this defined As the fermentation time increased, no differ-
concentration onwards, and not before, when cell ences in the centre of the support were observed
escape begins. In the present case, it is worth and no growth was achieved (Fig. 5a,b). On the
noting that this was not observed, because cell other hand, in zones close to the border of the
growth in the liquid medium caused by cell es- support, the appearance and later enlargement of
cape of the beads took place from the very first cell colonies were observed. Although the general
moment of the fermentation process, when the trend was for significant cell growth to be ob-
cells located in the surface were still growing and served only in the border of the beads, 3a and 4a
so rising their concentration. Besides, the cell show the presence of colonies in inner parts of
growth inside the support was observed for 25 h the beads, probably due to a poor initial distri-
(Laca et al., 1998), and until this moment, a bution. However, it must be kept in mind that
maximum in the cell concentration was not although said pictures seem to show the inner
achieved. Nevertheless, the cell growth rate was parts of the support, really these cuts were made
lower at the end of the process, which might in zones quite close to the border (r/R= 0.89
imply the proximity of the maximum concentra- and 0.97, respectively), so they are still surface
tion referred to by other authors. However, we zones. Fig. 4b (arrow) clearly shows breakages in
think it is more likely that this decrease is due the surface of the alginate beads, these holes
more to the proximity of the stationary phase of appearing where colonies would have existed pre-
growth, because the same rate decrease was also viously and which are now empty, since cells
observed among the cells that were outside the have escaped to the liquid medium. On the other
beads, than to the incapacity of the gel to bear a hand, it is necessary to point out that the algi-
greater amount of cells. nate support behaves like a continuous and ho-
Another question to be taken into account is mogeneous medium in which cells are entrapped,
the fact revealed in most studies with alginate or which can be observed in the figures.
carrageenan supports (Wijffels et al., 1991, 1995; With prior observations, a well-defined model
Hunic et al., 1994) that a cell concentration de- such as the homogeneous one can be used and is
crease was observed in zones quite close to the well established in the literature (Laca et al.,
A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215 209

1998). This model of general application was con- reached inside the support, although it is known
sidered because it assumes that the support is a that a certain degree of cell escape that provokes
continuous homogeneous medium in which cells cell growth in the liquid medium exists. With
are entrapped and optical microscopy has shown respect to the substrate, it was assumed that no
that this is the behaviour of the alginate. external resistance exists, since agitation of the
Boundary conditions for the modelisation have system was very high. Monod’s equation was the
been previously given (Laca et al., 1998). A high one considered for kinetics. Fig. 6 shows the
external resistance for the biomass was consid- results obtained when applying this model; as can
ered, since the maximum cell growth reached in be observed a concave profile that fits the experi-
the liquid medium was much lower than that mental results quite well (see Fig. 1) appears. The

Fig. 2. Picture of immobilised S. marcescens. Fermentation time = 0 h. (Optic microscopy): (a) Central section. (b) Section in
r/R = 0.98. (c) Edge of a section in r/R= 0.98.
210 A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215

Fig. 3. Picture of immobilised S. marcescens. Edge of a section in r/R =0.89. Fermentation time = 7 h. (Optic microscopy).

Fig. 4. Picture of immobilised S. marcescens. Edge of a section in r/R= 0.96. Fermentation time = 25 h. (Optic microscopy).

exception arises in what happens between values netics and substrate diffusivity also have to be
of r/R: 0.9 and 1, where the model predicts a taken into account. Variations in these consider-
greater degree of cell growth than that found ations will thus lead to completely different re-
experimentally. sults, as shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
In Fig. 7, a kinetic equation of the Ricatti type
3.2. Diffusional and kinetic effects was employed for the support, as well as for the
liquid medium (rx = aCx (1−tCx ) with a=9×
The experimental data fitting does not imply 10 − 5 s − 1, t= 1.3×10 − 4 ml mg − 1). This kinetic
the existence of a correct modelization, since ki- equation does not consider substrate concentra-
A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215 211

Fig. 5. Picture of immobilised S. marcescens. Central section. (Optic microscopy): (a) Fermentation time = 7 h. (b) Fermentation
time= 25 h.

tion, so, although it might be valid for the free cell the optical one. All the pictures were taken from
growth (Quirós et al., 1995), it does not prove 25-h fermentation samples and corresponded to
adequate for what is happening inside the sup- sections close to the surface, focusing on the
port, because the main cause for cells not growing border of the beads, in order to observe those
there is precisely the absence of substrate. The zones where cell density was the highest (Fig.
resulting profiles are convex, completely different 9a–c).
to those obtained previously. These pictures corroborate the practically null
In Fig. 8, Monod kinetics were maintained, ability of S. marcescens for moving through the
with the single variation of an increase in the alginate support. This had been reported by dos
substrate diffusivity values through the support Santos et al. (1996), when nitrifying and denitrify-
(from 10 − 9 to 10 − 7 cm2 s − 1). What is being ing bacteria were immobilised in alginate and
assumed here is that the substrate presents a carrageenan supports. Observing the pictures, it
higher rate for penetrating into the alginate and is
therefore able to reach inner zones where cell
growth is produced. The profiles obtained here
are rather different, and can be considered of a
concave–convex type. Because of all the previ-
ously mentioned facts, a more in-depth study of
the mechanism of immobilisation was required in
order to understand what is really happening
inside the support.

3.3. Complexity of the model

Transmission electron microscopy was used to

obtain a more detailed vision of the biomass Fig. 6. Theoretical results of biomass profiles when the homo-
growth process inside the alginate support, since geneous model is applied and Monod-type kinetics is sup-
this technique allows a greater magnification than posed.
212 A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215

support and colonies differ clearly, making up

two phases. Thus, in the final model, the consider-
ations previously taken into account by Wijffels et
al. (1995) when describing his colony expansion
model, could be considered:
“ Nutrient diffusivity through the colonies is not
the same as through the alginate support. A
large list of authors have highlighted the de-
crease in the effective diffusivity of the nutri-
ents through the immobilisation support that
takes place as cell density increases (Monbou-
quette et al., 1990; Arnaud et al., 1992; Korgel
Fig. 7. Theoretical results of biomass profiles when the homo- et al., 1992; Wolffberg and Sheintuch, 1993;
geneous model is applied and Ricatti-type kinetics is supposed. Wang et al., 1995).
“ Cells that are located in the central zone of the
colonies will present an additional diffusional
restriction, since nutrients have to get through
all the surrounding cells to reach them.
The resulting granule model will be similar to
that used in catalysis when a pellet is formed by
compact grains (Levenspiel, 1979). In this case,
there is one pore size in the grains and another in
the rest of the particle, and therefore two different

3.4. Boundary conditions

Fig. 8. Theoretical results of biomass profiles when the homo- When relating cell concentration inside and
geneous model is applied and Monod-type kinetics and a outside the support, the boundary conditions of
substrate diffusivity higher than in Fig. 6 are supposed. the model should take into account which process
is the one that provokes cell escape. Transmission
seems that bacteria were entrapped inside the electronic microscopy has allowed us to under-
alginate without any possibility of movement. stand how this escape process takes place. Grow-
Thus, those cells that were close to the surface ing colonies situated very close to the surface
and therefore had easy access to oxygen and the press against the alginate wrapper until it breaks
rest of the nutrients began to reproduce them- and releases the cells into the liquid medium. It
selves, finally forming colonies, which are the seems quite logical to think that some abrasion in
spherical shapes that appear in the pictures. In the external surface, caused by the external agita-
order to form these colonies, the growing bacteria tion, might contribute to facilitating this phe-
had to press against the walls of the alginate nomenon (Monbouquette et al., 1990; Kuhn et
surrounding them. This leads to the appearance of al., 1991; Wijffels et al., 1995). In this sense, it is
what can be observed in the pictures as a mem- also possible that the nature of the culture
brane that surrounds each single colony, which medium affects the stability of the support, pro-
keeps them independent from the rest, even voking greater damage. On the right-hand side of
though colonies are situated quite close to one the picture in Fig. 9a, it can be observed how a
another, as can be clearly observed in Fig. 9c. colony situated on the surface of the bead has
The system is therefore far from what can be broken the alginate wall and how most of the cells
considered an homogeneous model, since alginate have left, leaving the former colony practically
A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215 213

empty. In the same way, on the upper left-hand process. This occurs when the cells grow and form
side of the same picture in Fig. 9a and more aggregates on and in the vicinity of the gel sur-
clearly in Fig. 9b, a colony pressing strongly face. This swelling of the beads should be taken
against the alginate surface can be observed. It into account in the model. Equations involving
seems that if the colony grew a little more or were swelling/shrinking of the beads coupled with fer-
simply subjected to very smooth friction, the thin mentation are much more complicated to solve,
layer that is surrounding it could be broken, thus though how to do this has still not been
releasing its content into the liquid medium. demonstrated.
Moreover, on looking at the immobilised cells
3.5. System geometry located in the beads, it needs to be said that cells
forming the colonies appear smaller and some-
With regard to geometry effects, Kurata and what deformed compared to free cells; which
Furusaki (1993) found that the spherical diameter seems logical since in order to grow they had to
of the bead increases during the fermentation overcome the resistance of the surrounding algi-

Fig. 9. Picture of immobilised S. marcescens. Edge of a superficial section. Fermentation time = 25 h. (Transmission electronic
microscopy): (a) Final magnification × 3732. (b) Final magnification ×5938. (c) Final magnification ×10 179.
214 A. Laca et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 80 (2000) 203–215

ters gives rise to the key question of selecting a

given acceptable level of complexity.
More difficulties or decisions have to be dis-
cussed when applying models. One of these is the
kinetics inside the beads as said kinetics may be
equal to or different from the outside kinetics and
also the parameters may present different values.
This decision affects even the shape of the concen-
tration profiles inside the beads.
A very important decision with regards to the
model is the type of boundary conditions, or the
equation for the interface with different types of
assumptions for cell escape. This consideration is
Fig. 10. Schematic summary of the aspects commented on in
clearly different for the distinct confinement types.
this paper concerning immobilised cells systems.
In the alginate beads, the swelling and shrinkage
observed may need to be introduced, thus making
nate wall. This cell deformation has previously
it more difficult to solve the mathematical models.
been reported by Wolffberg and Sheintuch (1993).
Finally, the modifications observed in the geome-
Finally, the superficial colonies may create un-
try during the growth evolution process may
even, non-spherical beads. Strictly, this would
modify the first basic assumption of sphericity.
give rise to the need for 3D models, which in turn
give rise to much more complicated mathematical
equations than the 1D models usually considered.
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Part II. In: Alberghina, L., Frontali, L., Sensi, P. (Eds), 6th Wolffberg, A., Sheintuch, M., 1993. Density distribution of
European Congress of Biotechnology (Florencia). Vol. 9, growing immobilised cells. Chem. Eng. Sci. 48 (23), 3937 –
ISBN 0-444-89992-8, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1155–1158. 3944.

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