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Seminar-Workshop on Protocol, Image

Enhancement, and Social Graces

15 – 18 August 2017


In this age of globalization and increasing interaction between and among states, protocol
and etiquette have assumed important roles. A full grasp on the knowledge and skills of
protocol in social and official entertaining have become essential to every government
organization’s human resource capabilities.

The four-day seminar-workshop on Protocol, Image Enhancement, and Social Graces

has been designed for the officers and staff of the Department of Foreign Affairs. This
program will hopefully enhance their skills in planning and organizing events, visits of
official dignitaries and foreign countries, and help them become adept at official and social
functions, whether as hosts or guests.


At the end of the seminar-workshop, the participants should be able to:

1. Discuss the overview of diplomatic protocol, order of precedence, diplomatic

ceremonies, escorting procedures, and protocol on the flag;
2. Enumerate important points on managing events;
3. Identify the different types of arrangements and requirements for official and social
4. Enhance the ability to handle casual and formal situations in terms of personal
grooming, public and conversational etiquette; and
5. Apply the acquired skills in a simulated social function.
Outline for Image Development Seminar

Topic Outline (for maximum of 25 pax):

Topics Method
Image Enhancement  Lecture and
 Personal grooming and hygiene demonstration
 Core items and details of professional  Participants are to
wear bring their own
 Hairstyle makeup tools for
 Basic makeup and application application
Effective Communication  Lecture and
 Proactive communication through interactive
transforming language discussion
 Conversational techniques and activities
 Relationship-building towards service
 Listening skills development
 Key points in handling customer feedback
Visual Poise and Posture  Lecture, interaction,
 Creating a confident visual statement and demonstration
 Body language techniques (SOFTEN)
 Posture enhancement
 Basic stance, sitting
 Walking with confidence
Business etiquette  Lecture, interaction,
 Greetings and introduction and demonstration
 Business decorum
 Handling business cards/identity
Mock-up activation  Demonstration
 Creating a first impression for the ASEAN
 Ushering mock-up

The seminar above aims to enhance the participants’ image through developing through
their ABCs: Appearance, Behavior, and Communication. The interactive approach to the
training offers the participants the fundamental values of image enhancement, which
allows each to immediately practice what is learned.

Other details:
LCD projector – provided by the client
Sound system and microphone – to be provided by the client
No video or audio recording is allowed

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