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Example 1

Determine the depth of embedment for the sheet piling shown by rigorous analysis.
Determine also the minimum section modulus. An allowable flexural stress
fb=175MN/m2. The soil has an effective unit weight of 17kN/m3 and angle of internal
friction of 30o.
For ∅ = 30o, Ka =tan2( 45 –∅/2)= 1/3.
Kp = tan2( 45 +∅/2)= 3

Assuming pressure distribution along the sheet

pile as shown,

Effective passive earth at the base of Effective passive earth at the base of
the pile acting towards the backfill the pile acting against backfill side

Effective passive earth at o

S horizontal forces per unit length of wall = 0 S moment forces per unit length of wall about pile bottom= 0

Depth of Embedment
Increasing by 40%,

Section Modulus The net passive pressure

The point of zero shear

Net active pressure

Example 2
Solve Example 1, if the soil is a clay having an unconfined compressive strength of
70kN/m2 and a unit weight of 17kN/m3. Determine the maximum bending moment.

Since, 2C = qu

S horizontal forces per unit length of wall = 0

S moment forces per unit length of wall about pile bottom= 0

Substituting for h and Simplifying, we have

Solving D= 2.2m; Increasing D by 40%, we have D=3.1m

The point of zero shear, below the dredge line

Maximum Bending Moment,

Example 3
Let L1=3.05m, L2 = 6.1m, l1=1.53m, the soil properties are: C’ = 0, ∅’= 30o ,  =16kN/m3 ,  sat =19.5kN/m3 and E=207x103MN/m2 as shown .
a) Determine the theoretical and actual depths of penetration (Note: Actual depth = 1.3 theoretical depth)
b) Find the anchor force per unit length of the wall
c) Determine the maximum moment

For ∅’ = 30o, Ka =tan2( 45 –∅’/2)= 1/3.

Kp = tan2( 45 +∅’/2)= 3 = 2.667

 '   sat   w = 19.5 - 9.81 = 9.69 kN/m3

 '1  L1 K a = (16)(3.05)(1/3) = 9.69 kN/m2

 '2  L1   ' L2 K a = [ (16)(3.05) – (9.69)(6.1)](1/3) – 35.97 kN/m2

 '2 35.97
L3    1.39m
 '(K p  K a ) (9.69)(2.667)

P = 0.5’1L1 + ’2L2 + 0.5(’2 - ’1)L2 +0.5’2L3

= 0.5(16.27x3.05 +16.27x6.1 + 0.5(35.97-16.27)6.1 +0.5x35.97x1.39 = 209.07 kN/m

Z 
M E
 [24.81(1.39  6.1 
)  99.25(1.39 
)  60.01(1.39 
)  25.0(2 x1.39 / 3)]
 4.21m
P 3 2 3 (209.07)

Taking moment about O’ gives;

1 2
 P[ L1  L2  L3 )  ( z  l1 )]  [ ' ( K p  K a )]L2 4 (l2  L2  L3  L4 )  0
2 3

3P[( L1  L2  L3 )  ( z  l1 )]
L3 4  1.5 L2 4 (l2  L2  L3 )  0
 ' (K p  Ka )

3(209.07)[(3.05  6.1  1.39)  (4.21  1.53)]

L3 4  1.5 L2 4 (1.52  6.1  1.39)  0

L4 = 2.7m

D theoretical = L3 + L4 = 1.39+2.7m = 4.09  4.1m D actual = 1.3 D theoretical = 1.3x4.1 = 5.33m

For static equilibrium, the sum of the forces in the horizontal direction is:

F  P  0.5 ' ( Kp  Ka ) L2 4
 209.07  0.5(9.69)(2.667)(2.7) 2  114.87 kN / m

For the maximum moment to occur, the shear force becomes zero at a depth z,
 1 ' L1  F   1 ' ( z  L1 )  K a ' z  L1 2  0
1 1
1 3.05 x2 1 x
2 2 M max    ' L1( x  )  F ( x  1.52)   '  Ka ' x 2 ( )
2 3 2 2 3
Let z-L1 = x, so that
1 3.05 42 1 1 4
M max   16.27(3.05)(4  )  115(4  1.52)  16.27( )  ( )9.69(4) 2 ( )
16.27(3.05)  115  16.27( x)  ( )9.69 x   0
1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
2 2 3
x 2  10.07 x  55.84  0 X=4m Mmax= 344.9kN.m/m
Z =7.05m
Example 4
A long trench is excavated in a medium dense sand for the foundation of a multistory building. The sides of
the trench are supported with sheet pile walls fixed in place by struts and wales as shown. The soil
properties are: unit weight of 18.5kN/m3 and angle of internal friction of 38o.
Determine: a) The pressure distribution on the walls with respect to depth
b) Strut loads. The struts are place horizontally at a distance 4m
c) The maximum bending moment for determining the pile wall section
d) The maximum bending moments for determining the section of the wales

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