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25 iunie 2012 14:29 |

"Dumnezeu NU exista". Declaratia soc facuta

de doi cunoscuti cercetatori americani
Cum explica cei doi absenta divinitatii.

Universul nostru nu a fost creat de o mana divina, ci de legile fizicii, a declarat un cunoscut
cercetator american, sambata, potrivit

Cosmosul a inceput sa existe in urma cu 13,7 miliarde de ani, nu prin intermediul vreunul spirit
omnipotent, ci doar prin felul in care interactioneaza fortele, crede el.

"Big Bang-ul a putut avea loc doar prin prezenta legilor fizicii", spune astrofizicianul Alex
Filippenko de la Universitatea California, Berkeley. "Cu legile fizicii, poti obtine universuri", a
mai spus el in timpul unei discutii la o Conferinta SETICon 2, unde a fost invitat sa vorbeasca la
categoria "A avut nevoie Big Bang-ul de o sclipire divina?".In lumea ciudata a mecanicii, care
descrie actiunile la nivel subatomic, fluctuatiile aleatorii pot produce materie si energie din
nimic. "Fluctuatiile care apar in mecanica cuantica pot produce universuri", spune si
astronomul Seth Shostak de la proiectul SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute)
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start
Universe, Researchers Say
by Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Date: 24 June 2012 Time: 01:36 AM ET

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This graphic shows a timeline of the universe based

on the Big Bang theory and inflation models.

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Our universe could have popped into existence 13.7 billion years ago without
any divine help whatsoever, researchers say.

That may run counter to our instincts, which recoil at the thought of something coming from nothing. But
we shouldn't necessarily trust our instincts, for they were honed to help us survive on the African
savannah 150,000 years ago, not understand the inner workings of the universe.

Instead, scientists say, we should trust the laws of physics.

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"The Big Bang could've occurred as a result of just the laws of physics being there," said astrophysicist
Alex Filippenko of the University of California, Berkeley. "With the laws of physics, you can get universes."
Filippenko spoke here Saturday (June 23) at the SETICon 2 conference, during a panel discussion called
"Did the Big Bang Require a Divine Spark?" [Images: Peering Back to the Big Bang]

Quantum fluctuations

In the very weird world of quantum mechanics, which describes action on a subatomic scale, random
fluctuations can produce matter and energy out of nothingness. And this can lead to very big things
indeed, researchers say.

"Quantum mechanical fluctuations can produce the cosmos," said panelist Seth Shostak, a senior
astronomer at the non-profit Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute. "If you would just, in
this room, just twist time and space the right way, you might create an entirely new universe. It's not clear
you could get into that universe, but you would create it."

"So it could be that this universe is merely the science fair project of a kid in another universe," Shostak
added. "I don't know how that affects your theological leanings, but it is something to consider."

Filippenko stressed that such statements are not attacks on the existence of God. Saying the Big Bang —
a massive expansion 13.7 billion years ago that blew space up like a gigantic balloon — could have
occurred without God is a far cry from saying that God doesn't exist, he said.

"I don't think you can use science to either prove or disprove the existence of God," Filippenko said.

The origin of the laws of physics

If we're after the ultimate origin of everything, however, invoking the laws of physics doesn't quite do the
trick. It may get us one step closer, but it doesn't take us all the way, Filippenko said.
"The question, then, is, 'Why are there laws of physics?'" he said. "And you could say, 'Well, that required
a divine creator, who created these laws of physics and the spark that led from the laws of physics to
these universes, maybe more than one.'"

But that answer just continues to kick the can down the road, because you still need to explain where the
divine creator came from. The process leads to a never-ending chain that always leaves you short of the
ultimate answer, Filippenko said.

The origin of the laws of physics remains a mystery for now, he added, one that we may never be able to

"The 'divine spark' was whatever produced the laws of physics," Filippenko said. "And I don't know what
produced that divine spark. So let's just leave it at the laws of physics."

Follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall or @Spacedotcom.
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