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Priority Flag Implementation Instruction

Fluid Approval provides the flexibility to display the Priority Flag based on different application’s priority
definition/data structures, like below screenshot shows.

Note: If your application wants to show Priority, then the Page Composer reserved field
EOAWOBJ_L2ROW_A cannot be displayed here.

Fluid Approval Priority Flag field has four values:

Application can define the sub-class for override the base threadDescr class in Transaction Registry
Component, like:
In base class EOAW_MONITOR.MONITOR.threadDescrBase, getPriorityFlag() will always return “N” as No

Below shows the method getPriorityFlag() in base class EOAW_MONITOR.MONITOR.threadDescrBase:

Parameter &recApplication is passed in for application to retrieve the Priority Value defined in each
Application, but the return value should be transferred into one of these four values: “H”, “L”, “M”, “N”.

&recApplication is the header record defined in Transaction Register, only containing the key field values.

Below shows the example of Requisition’s sub class (SCM_PV_APPROVALS.threadDescr) to return

Priority flag.

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