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336_344.qxd 24.09.

2008 14:23 Uhr Seite 336

DOI: 10.1002/geot.200800033

Helmut F. Schweiger

The Role of Advanced Constitutive Models

in Geotechnical Engineering
Numerical calculations have a long tradition in tunnelling but in methods based on continuum mechanics are employed
recent years numerical methods have become a standard tool for (finite element method, boundary element method, finite
analysing a wide variety of geotechnical problems. This has be- difference method) whereas in rock mechanics approach-
come feasible because advanced constitutive models are avail- es based on discontinuum mechanics (e.g. discrete ele-
able in commercial software packages and sufficient computer ment methods) are more appropriate under certain condi-
power for performing 3D nonlinear analysis is readily available. In tions. In the latter methods the key issue is the contact al-
this paper a short history of the development of constitutive mod- gorithm enabling discrete blocks or particles to undergo
els for soils will be given, starting from (non)linear elasticity to large displacements and rotations where the contact be-
strain hardening formulations. Emphasis is put on consequences
tween blocks may be lost and re-established during the
the use of different models has on the results of boundary value
analysis. When methods based on continuum mechanics
problems rather than on the mathematical description. The signif-
are used, the constitutive model describing the mechani-
icant advances made within the last decade will be obvious. It is
cal behaviour of the soil plays a crucial role. Unfortunate-
pointed out that this overview is directed towards practical appli-
ly an “universal” material model for soils does not (yet)
cations and does not include models which are predominantly
used in research. The merits of using advanced models in prac- exist. A large number of different formulations have been
tice are discussed. suggested in the literature, and although only a fraction of
them has been actually applied to solve practical bound-
Was leisten moderne Stoffgesetze in der geotechnischen Praxis ary value problems, it is still not easy for a user to decide
Numerische Berechnungen haben im Tunnelbau eine lange Tra- which model is the most suitable one for the problem at
dition, sind aber in den letzten Jahren auch für andere Aufgaben- hand. In this paper it is attempted to give an overview of
stellungen zum unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für den Geotechniker models available for practical application (with some ex-
geworden. Möglich wurde diese Entwicklung durch intensive tension to the near future) and to provide some guidance
Forschung, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet von Stoffgesetzen für on the complexity needed for certain classes of problems.
Geomaterialien, die mehr und mehr in kommerziellen Programm- Emphasis is put on modelling soils but some of the com-
systemen umgesetzt werden konnte, und der selbstverständli- ments made will be valid for weak rocks as well. Models
chen Verfügbarkeit leistungsfähiger Hardware. for unsaturated soils and for cyclic loading will not be cov-
In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung von praxistauglichen ered.
Stoffmodellen, insbesondere für Lockergestein, aufgezeigt, be-
ginnend bei (nicht)linear elastischen Formulierungen bis hin zu 2 Requirements for constitutive models
Modellen mit einfachen und komplexen Verfestigungsansätzen.
Dabei wird nicht auf die mathematische Formulierung eingegan- The constitutive model provides a mathematical descrip-
gen, sondern die Auswirkung der Anwendung unterschiedlicher tion of the mechanical behaviour of a material and as such
Stoffgesetzklassen auf das Ergebnis typischer Aufgabenstellun- it should be able to represent the most important aspects
gen dargestellt. Auf diese Weise wird der Fortschritt in der of soil behaviour. This simple statement involves a signifi-
Verbesserung von Verformungsprognosen für praktische Auf- cant degree of complexity because – unlike for fabricated
gabenstellungen aufgezeigt. Es wird betont, dass dieser materials – soil properties are not easy to define, in partic-
Überblick in erster Linie Bezug auf praktische Aufgabenstellun-
ular in situ, and the behaviour is governed by the type of
gen nimmt und keinen Überblick zum Stand der Forschung gibt.
soil (e.g. sand, clay), its strain and stress history (e.g. pre-
Der Nutzen komplexer Stoffgesetze für die Praxis wird
consolidation) and the environment the soil has been de-
posited (e.g. bonding and structure). For example many
soils show anisotropic behaviour, overconsolidated clays
and dense sands in general a pronounced post peak be-
1 Introduction haviour. Stiffness is generally stress level dependent and
higher for unloading/reloading than for primary loading.
Numerical methods are established tools for analysing When all these aspects are taken into account the model
problems in geotechnical engineering, not only in re- may become very complex and sometimes too difficult to
search but also in practice. For problems in soils usually handle for practical applications because input parame-

336 © 2008 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Geomechanik und Tunnelbau 1 (2008), Heft 5
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H. F. Schweiger · The Role of Advanced Constitutive Models in Geotechnical Engineering

ters are not easily determined and robust implementation

into numerical codes is not straightforward. It is therefore
essential to clearly identify the purpose of a numerical
analysis and to define the results required. This is obvi-
ously problem dependent and cannot be generalized and
thus the decision how sophisticated the model should be
has to be answered in each particular case. For example, if
only a failure mechanism is of interest, a simple failure cri-
terion (e.g. Mohr Coulomb model) will be sufficient
whereas for a deformation analysis of an excavation this
would be by no means appropriate. Similarly, if the soil
behaviour is known to be highly anisotropic, application
of an isotropic constitutive model may lead to poor results
and if, for example, the structure and bonding of a natural
clay is ignored, one cannot expect realistic deformations Figure 1. Typical results from one-dimensional compression
for problems where significant straining occurs destroying test (schematic)
Bild 1. Typische Ergebnisse aus Ödometerversuch (schema-
the structure of the clay. On the contrary, if strains remain
small and therefore only insignificant destructuration
takes place, a model representing the behaviour of the
structured soil (without taking into account destructura-
tion) will suffice.
In order to illustrate the basic aspects of soil behav-
iour, typical results from oedometer and triaxial tests are
schematically depicted in Figures 1 and 2. It clearly fol-
lows that the behaviour is highly nonlinear and the as-
sumption of a linear stress-strain relationship up to failure
is not appropriate.

3 Brief overview of classes of constitutive models for soils

In this section a short overview of common constitutive

models for soils is presented, starting from simple elastic
models to sophisticated elasto-plastic formulations,
whereby emphasis is put on different classes of models
rather than on specific formulations. At the same time this
can be seen as a history in soil modelling highlighting the
significant advances made in recent years. Presentation of Figure 2. Typical results from triaxial compression test
the models will be mainly in graphical form because the (schematic)
mathematical details will be beyond the scope of this pa- Bild 2. Typische Ergebnisse aus Triaxialversuch (schema-
per. Restriction will be made to models based on classical tisch)
plasticity formulations because these are still prevailing in
commercial finite element or finite difference codes and
thus are employed for the majority of practical problems.
It is however acknowledged that other approaches, such pendency and coupling between volumetric and shear be-
as formulations based on hypoplasticity [1], do have their haviour. It follows from section 4 of this paper that elastic-
merits and will probably be increasingly used for solving ity cannot even be regarded as a first approximation of soil
practical boundary value problems in future. Also models behaviour for many types of problems because the result-
for representing the behaviour of jointed rock will not be ing deformation pattern may not only be quantitatively
addressed. but also qualitatively incorrect.

3.1 Short summary on classes of constitutive models Linear (nonlinear) elastic-perfectly plastic models
These models are an improvement on elastic models be-
Linear or non-linear elastic models cause they introduce a criterion limiting the strength of
Although easy to use with a small number of input param- the material but the deficiencies in representing the stress-
eters models based on elasticity do not play a significant strain behaviour for stress levels well below failure remain.
role in the analysis of geotechnical problems because soils The most widely used model in this category is the Mohr-
in general to not behave as an elastic material, probably Coulomb model (Figure 3) for drained analyses and the
with the exception of very stiff clays under low stress lev- Tresca criterion for undrained analyses (in terms of total
els. For monotonic primary loading non-linear elastic stresses) respectively. These models are available in all
models have been applied successfully in the past [2] but codes designed for geotechnical applications. Approxi-
for more complex stress paths these models are not well mations in form of Drucker-Prager and Von Mises crite-
suited. Elastic models cannot account for stress path de- ria have been used in the past for computational conve-

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H. F. Schweiger · The Role of Advanced Constitutive Models in Geotechnical Engineering

nience but due to their severe misprediction of strength

for certain stress paths they are of historic significance on-
ly [3].

Isotropic hardening single surface plasticity models

This type of models is a first step into a more realistic rep-
resentation of the stress strain behaviour of soils for stress
levels representing working load conditions. A typical
representative of this class of models is the modified
Cam Clay model (Figure 4) which introduces an elliptic
yield surface separating elastic from plastic behaviour.
Plastic strains are developed for stress states well below
failure, but predominantly for compression stress paths
(K0-paths). Figure 5 indicates stiffness and strains result-
ing from the model for different stress paths in loading
and unloading/reloading, which is valid also for other
plasticity models. The model is based on critical state soil
mechanics [4] and has been widely used in engineering
practice, with typical applications being the analysis of
embankments on soft soils. Again, the model is im-
plemented in a number of commercially available codes
Figure 3. Graphical representation of Mohr-Coulomb failure but not all of them represent the “original” modified Cam
criterion Clay model but (slight) modifications of it. In addition
Bild 3. Graphische Repräsentation des Mohr-Coulomb’-
to the modified Cam Clay model other single surface
schen Bruchkriteriums
models for clays and sands have been presented in the lit-
erature [5] and are available to some extent in various

Isotropic hardening double surface plasticity models

Single surface models such as the modified Cam Clay
model have the disadvantage that for certain types of
problems, e.g. excavations, the stress path remains pre-
dominantly inside the yield surface and thus elastic behav-
iour is predicted. In order to overcome this, various op-
tions exist, one of them being the introduction of a second
(deviatoric) yield surface in addition to the volumetric
yield surface described in the previous section [6] (Figure
6). This type of models has gained significant importance
in recent years. They are about to replace analyses with
the standard Mohr-Coulomb criterion because much
more realistic displacement patterns for working load con-
ditions are obtained when these models are used. This is
Figure 4. Graphical representation of Modified Cam Clay especially true for excavation problems where part of the
model mesh experiences primary loading (in shear) and part of
Bild 4. Graphische Repräsentation des Modified Cam Clay the mesh unloading, and changes in stress path direction
Modells are common.

Figure 5. Role of yield surface for definition of stiffness

Bild 5. Bedeutung der Fließfläche für wirksame Steifigkeit

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Figure 7. Graphical representation of a 3 surface kinematic
hardening model after [7]
Bild 7. Graphische Repräsentation eines Modells mit kine-
matischer Verfestigung, nach [7]

Figure 6. Graphical representation of a doubel hardening Figure 8. Graphical representation of anistropic yield sur-
model: a) p-q-space, b) principal stress space faces for structured soil after [10]
Bild 6. Graphische Repräsentation eines Modells mit dop- Bild 8. Graphische Repräsentation von anisotropen
pelter Verfestigung a) p-q-Diagramm, b) Hauptspan- Fließflächen für Boden mit Struktur, nach [10]

search will be soon available for more widespread use. Ex-

Kinematic hardening multi-surface plasticity models amples for dealing with anisotropy are rotated yield sur-
This is at the high end of models utilizing plasticity theory. faces based on the modified Cam Clay model [8] or mod-
These models are naturally very complex but are able to els formulated within the multilaminate framework [9]. A
describe many features of soil behaviour, including rotated yield surface as obtained from experiments is
anisotropy, destructuration and small strain stiffness ef- shown in Figure 8 [10].
fects [7] (Figure 7). Implementation in commercial codes
is not (yet) standard but applications to practical bound- Destructuration
ary value problems can be found in the literature. These Natural soils usually possess a structure and bonding be-
models generally need a good understanding of the stress tween particles may be present. When the soil is subjected
history of the soil because the initial state has a pro- to stresses the structure may change and bonds may brake.
nounced influence on the results. This can be accounted for in the constitutive model, and
again formulations based on the modified Cam Clay mod-
3.2 Additional aspects el are probably the most common types, but destructura-
tion can also be combined with anisotropic behaviour
Anisotropy with multilaminate models [9]. From a practical point of
Due to the structure of particles, the sedimentation view the same can be said as for anisotropic models: They
process and subsequent loading history the mechanical are available and will soon be applied in engineering prac-
behaviour of natural soils tends to be initially anisotropic. tice where appropriate.
Depending on the stress path followed when analysing a
boundary value problem anisotropy may become more Small strain stiffness
pronounced or vanish with large strains. Most constitutive It is well known that the stiffness of soils is much higher for
models applied in practice ignore anisotropy in soils but it dynamic loading than for static loading. However it has been
can be anticipated that some of the models used in re- shown that high stiffness is also observed for static loading

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Figure 9. Schematic representation

of small strain stiffness after [11]
Bild 9. Schematische Darstellung des
Steifigkeitsverlaufs bei sehr geringen
Dehnungen, nach [11]

when strains are very small. Figure 9 illustrates schematical- with a small strain stiffness model which was not available
ly the decay of the shear modulus with shear strains as ob- at the time when the benchmark exercise was performed.
served in experiments [11]. In order to take this behaviour Figure 10 shows the geometry of the problem. The excava-
into account enhancements of elastic-plastic models have tion is supported by a diaphragm wall with three rows of
been presented in the literature whereas different strategies ground anchors. Excavation and groundwater lowering in-
are possible [12] [13]. Some models are enhanced by intro- side the pit has been modelled step by step. All analyses
ducing a function for a strain dependent stiffness inside the have been performed with the FE-code Plaxis V6 [15]. Re-
yield surface, others add another surface inside the yield sur- sults for the final excavation stage obtained from using the
face (e.g. so called bubble models). The importance of tak- Mohr Coulomb model (MC) and the so-called Hardening
ing into account small strain stiffness effects when solving Soil model (HS), which belongs to the class of isotropic
practical problems has long been recognized but only more double hardening models as described above, are com-
recently commercial codes provide these models. It can be pared. In addition the Hardening Soil Small model (HSS)
anticipated that the use of small strain stiffness models will [12], which is the extension to account for small strain
be common practice in near future. stiffness effects, and a hypoplastic model (HP) [22] have
been used. Figure 11 compares lateral displacements of
4 Effect of constitutive model on results of boundary value

In this section the influence of the constitutive model on

the results of two practical examples, namely a deep exca-
vation and a tunnel excavation is discussed.

4.1 Deep excavation

The deep excavation problem as discussed here has been

used already by the Working Group AK 1.6 “Numerical
Methods in Geotechnics” of the DGGT as a benchmark
problem and has been studied in great detail [14]. Howev-
er, it has been re-analysed for the purpose of this paper

Figure 11. Influence of constitutive model on wall

Figure 10. Geometry for deep excavation example Bild 11. Einfluss des Stoffgesetzes auf Biegelinie der
Bild 10. Geometrie für Beispiel Baugrube Baugrubenwand

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section with a diameter of 8 m which is supported by a

shotcrete lining. The width of the numerical model is 100
m while the vertical dimension changes with overburden.
At first the distance between the tunnel and the bottom
boundary is kept constant whereas the influence of vari-
ous heights of overburden, namely H/D=0.5, 1.0, 3.0 and
5.0 is investigated. In a second series of analyses the bot-
tom boundary of the mesh is placed at a deeper level in or-
der to highlight the influence of the mesh boundary on re-
sults when inappropriate constitutive models are em-
ployed. As 2D plane strain analyses are used for the simu-
lation of the tunnel excavation the so-called load
Figure 12. Influence of constitutive model on vertical dis-
placements behind wall reduction method is employed to consider 3D-effects.
Bild 12. Einfluss des Stoffgesetzes auf Vertikalverschiebun- Results obtained with different geometries, i.e. varia-
gen hinter der Baugrubenwand tion of the overburden and bottom mesh boundary, are
evaluated for different versions of the multilaminate mod-
el (with and without considering small strain stiffness) and
the wall and it is clearly seen that the advanced models the Mohr-Coulomb model. All results presented in the fol-
show quite different behaviour as compared to Mohr lowing are taken from [16]. Comparison of the calculated
Coulomb. It should be mentioned that the example is settlement troughs is shown in Figure 14 for the Mohr
based on a real case history and actual measurements are Coulomb model and it is obvious that results are not real-
in the range of what is obtained with the Hardening Soil istic (increasing settlements with overburden). This is a
and hypoplastic models. When vertical displacements consequence of the constant stiffness used in the Mohr
behind the wall are looked at (Figure 12) it follows that Coulomb model and is well known [17]. Figure 15 shows
the Mohr Coulomb model predicts unrealistic heave
whereas the other models predict settlements as one
would expect. It is notable that the small strain stiffness
model predicts a narrower settlement trough than the HS
model which is also more in agreement with observations
in the field. This behaviour has been verified by other ex-
amples and it is clearly evident that simple elastic-perfect-
ly plastic models are not appropriate for these types of

4.2 Tunnel excavation

In this section a Multilaminate Model for Soil is used for

analysing a tunnel excavation. This model again belongs
to the class of double hardening models, but is formulated
within the multilaminate framework and can therefore
Figure 14. Calculated surface settlements for Mohr Coulomb
take into account stress induced anisotropy. An extended model
version of the model is able to take into account small Bild 14. Errechnete Oberflächensetzungen für Mohr
strain stiffness effects [16]. The geometry is depicted in Coulomb Modell
Figure 13. For simplicity the tunnel has a circular cross

Figure 15. Calculated surface settlements for Multilaminate

Model with small strain stiffness
Figure 13. Geometry for example tunnel excavation Bild 15. Errechnete Oberflächensetzungen für Multilami-
Bild 13. Geometrie für Beispiel Tunnel nate Modell mit small strain stiffness

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Figure 16. Calculated surface settlements for Multilaminate

Model with small strain stiffness (depth of mesh increased)
Bild 16. Errechnete Oberflächensetzungen für Multilami- Figure 18. Comparison of normalised surface settlements for
nate Modell mit small strain stiffness (Berechnungsaus- Mohr Coulomb and Multilaminate models
schnitt in der Tiefe vergrößert) Bild 18. Vergleich normierter Oberflächensetzungen für
Mohr Coulomb und Multilaminate Modelle

with small strain stiffness, when the bottom boundary is

deeper. It follows that this has hardly an effect on the re-
sults whereas, when analysing Figure 17, where the same is
plotted for the Mohr Coulomb model, a significant influ-
ence of the boundary on the results is obtained making re-
sults very unreliable. Figure 18 compares normalized sur-
face settlements (reference settlement is for 1D overbur-
den) for the two multilaminate models and for two Mohr-
Coulomb analyses. It shows again that elastic-perfectly
plastic models with constant stiffness may produce in-
creasing settlements with increasing overburden (MCconst
in Figure 18). It is also evident that a Mohr-Coulomb
model with stiffness increasing with depth leads to slightly
better results but they are still significantly different to the
results from the advanced models (MCinc in Figure 18).
Although no comparison with field data is presented here
it can be qualitatively concluded that the deformation be-
haviour obtained from the advanced models is more likely
to be in agreement with the actual behaviour in the field.
The importance of small strain stiffness for the analysis of
tunnel excavation has been already pointed out in [18].

5 Role of advanced constitutive models in practice

Figure 17. Calculated surface settlements for Mohr Coulomb
model (depth of mesh increased) In section 3 of this paper the development of constitutive
Bild 17. Errechnete Oberflächensetzungen für Mohr models has been briefly summarized and it has been ar-
Coulomb Modell (Berechnungsausschnitt in der Tiefe ver- gued that significant advances have been made in recent
years and models available are capable of describing the
mechanical behaviour of soils reasonably well. However, it
the same for the Multilaminate Model for Soil incorporat- has also been emphasized that no “universal” soil model
ing small strain stiffness effects. The model with an over- exists as yet and that a number of issues are still subject of
burden of 4 m results in the largest settlement above the international research. Robust implementation into com-
centre of the tunnel and the narrowest settlement trough. mercial codes is also an issue which has not been com-
With increasing distance of the tunnel to the surface, the pletely solved up to date, at least not for models at the
depth of the trough reduces while its width increases. Set- high end of sophistication. By means of two typical exam-
tlements obtained with the Multilaminate Model for Soil ples the importance of constitutive modelling for obtain-
without consideration of small strain stiffness effects yield ing useful results has been shown but it is acknowledged
similar trends but the magnitude of settlements is higher that for other problems the differences between simple
due to the fact that plasticity occurs at early stages of the and advanced models may be less pronounced (e.g. shal-
simulation and elastic stiffness is significantly lower. Fig- low foundations). This leads to the important question
ure 16 shows results, again for the Multilaminate Model “how complex the soil model has to be” and unfortunately

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this cannot be answered in a general way because it de- portance because it will govern internal forces in wall and
pends on the particular situation. Eventually the question struts. Numerical analyses have certainly the advantage of
has to be seen in connection with the purpose of a numer- taking into account soil-structure interaction in a more ra-
ical analysis for a particular problem. In the following an tional way than in conventional analysis, e.g. the effect of
attempt is made to give a rough guidance on what is need- the relative stiffness differences between soil and support
ed. system is automatically considered. However, one has to
acknowledge that experience is not (yet) as comprehen-
Ultimate limit state analysis sive as with conventional calculation methods, an excep-
Leaving aside the discussion whether or not numerical tion being possibly shallow tunnelling.
methods based on continuum mechanics should be used
for evaluating failure mechanisms and factors of safety at Serviceability analysis
all, it can be suggested that application of failure criteria, Assessing displacements, stresses and internal forces un-
such as the Mohr Coulomb criterion, is sufficient for this der working loads for a complex geotechnical problem is a
purpose [19]. Thus ULS-analysis is not demanding from a task which requires advanced skills in soil mechanics and
constitutive modelling point of view but numerically it is, computational methods. The accuracy which can be
because convergence criteria, element type and discretisa- achieved depends to a large extend on the constitutive
tion will play an important role in this type of analysis model, which has been shown, but also on a good knowl-
[20]. If failure modes in the post peak range have to be in- edge of ground conditions and material parameters for the
vestigated conventional finite element formulations can- relevant soil layers. In general this is the case for near sur-
not be used and special techniques or other methods have face structures, in particular in urban areas where ground
to be employed [9]. conditions are usually well defined and reliable material
Whether numerical analyses should be used for de- parameters are available. In these cases numerical meth-
sign is currently under wide discussion, in particular with ods with appropriate constitutive models will provide a
reference to Eurocode7. Comparison of numerical and good estimate of the behaviour of the structure and thus
conventional calculations for deep excavations have are a very useful tool for defining support and other auxil-
shown that significant differences in bending moments iary measures. The often heard argument that parameters
may be obtained and thus the method of analysis will have for advanced models are not available form geotechnical
a strong influence on the design of the support system reports and are therefore not applicable is not relevant. It
[21]. In these cases the constitutive model is again of im- is true that advanced constitutive models require more in-

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