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Do theme specific actions before theme init. For example - add/remove theme
options, shortcodes settings, etc.
Priority 1 reserved for the functions, where add theme specific actions and
filters handlers, register templates, etc.
Priority 2 reserved for the functions, where create theme options
Priority 3 reserved for the functions, where add/delete/change theme options
array and other global arrays

Load theme options and do theme specific actions while theme init.

Do theme specific actions after theme init. Place here actions, that need
get_theme_option() and/or get_custom_option()

Add theme/skin specific stylesheet files

Add theme/skin specific responsive stylesheet files

Add theme/skin specific script files

Add theme/skin specific scripts into <script>...</script> tag in the footer

Add template specific script files. Used in the template file

Fired after loading main Theme options to add theme specific options

Fired after loading custom (from post, page, category, etc.) options to add
theme specific options

Fired after create shortcodes list

Fired after map shortcodes list for Visual Composer

themerex_action_taxonomy_before_show_meta_box($tax_type, $tax_obj)
Fired before show custom options block for the taxonomy
$tax_type - current taxonomy slug
$tax_obj - taxonomy term object or taxonomy slug (if just create new

themerex_action_taxonomy_after_show_meta_box($tax_type, $tax_obj)
Fired after show custom options block for the taxonomy
$tax_type - current taxonomy slug
$tax_obj - taxonomy term object or taxonomy slug (if just create new

themerex_action_taxonomy_before_show_custom_field($tax_type, $tax_obj, $option,

$id, $value)
Fired before show custom option field for the taxonomy
$tax_type - current taxonomy slug
$tax_obj - taxonomy term object or taxonomy slug (if just create new
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$value - current value of the field

themerex_action_taxonomy_after_show_custom_field($tax_type, $tax_obj, $option, $id,

Fired after show custom options field for the taxonomy
$tax_type - current taxonomy slug
$tax_obj - taxonomy term object or taxonomy slug (if just create new
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$value - current value of the field

themerex_action_post_before_show_meta_box($post_type, $post_id)
Fired before show custom options block for the post
$post_type - current post_type
$post_id - edited post id

themerex_action_post_after_show_meta_box($post_type, $post_id)
Fired after show custom options block for the post
$post_type - current post_type
$post_id - edited post id

themerex_action_post_before_show_custom_field($post_type, $post_id, $option, $id,

Fired before show custom option field for the post
$post_type - current post_type
$post_id - edited post id
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$value - current value of the field

themerex_action_post_after_show_custom_field($$post_type, $post_id, $option, $id,

Fired after show custom options field for the post
$post_type - current post_type
$post_id - edited post id
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$value - current value of the field

themerex_filter_save_options( $options, $override )
Make theme specific actions while save theme ($override='general'), post
($override='post'), page ($override='page') or category ($override='category')

themerex_filter_theme_options_is_used( $options, $flag )

Return flag - does we need Theme options section on this post, page,
category, etc.

themerex_filter_get_custom_option( $val, $name )

Return theme specific custom option value for the option with $name

themerex_filter_show_custom_field( $output, $id, $field, $value )

Add custom field layout to the theme options

themerex_filter_taxonomy_load_custom_options($opt, $tax_type, $tax_obj)

Fired before return loaded from database taxonomy custom options
$opt - loaded options
$tax_type - taxonomy slug
$tax_obj - taxonomy term object or taxonomy slug (if just create new

themerex_filter_taxonomy_save_custom_options($opt, $tax_type, $term_id)

Fired before save taxonomy custom options into database
$opt - custom options to save
$tax_type - taxonomy slug
$term_id - taxonomy term id

themerex_filter_taxonomy_show_custom_field_option($option, $id, $tax_type,

Fired before use taxonomy custom option to show field. You can add/change
settings in the option array
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$tax_type - current taxonomy slug
$tax_obj - taxonomy term object or taxonomy slug (if just create new

themerex_filter_taxonomy_show_custom_field_value($value, $option, $id, $tax_type,

Fired before use taxonomy custom option value to show field. You can change
this value
$value - current value of the field
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$tax_type - current taxonomy slug
$tax_obj - taxonomy term object or taxonomy slug (if just create new

themerex_filter_post_load_custom_options($opt, $post_type, $post_id)

$opt - loaded options
$post_type - type of the post
$post_id - post ID

themerex_filter_post_save_custom_options($opt, $post_type, $post_id)

$opt - custom options to save
$post_type - type of the post
$post_id - post ID

themerex_filter_post_show_custom_field_option($option, $id, $post_type, $post_id)

Fired before use post custom option to show field. You can add/change
settings in the option array
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$post_type - type of the post
$post_id - post ID

themerex_filter_post_show_custom_field_value($value, $option, $id, $post_type,

Fired before use post custom option value to show field. You can change this
$value - current value of the field
$option - array with field's settings from Theme Options
$id - field id in theme options
$post_type - type of the post
$post_id - post ID

themerex_filter_get_blog_type($type, $query)
Return theme (skin) specific page slug (if any) or leave $type unchanged, if
it is standard framework page.
Fired when breadcrumbs and page title will be showed.

themerex_filter_get_blog_title($title, $page)
Return theme (skin) specific page title (if any) or leave $title unchanged,
if it is standard framework page.
Fired when breadcrumbs and page title will be showed.

themerex_filter_get_stream_page_id($id, $page)
Return theme (skin) specific page ID for the all posts page (streampage).
Fired when breadcrumbs and page title will be showed.

themerex_filter_get_stream_page_link($url, $page)
Return theme (skin) specific page URL for the all posts page (streampage).
Fired when breadcrumbs and page title will be showed.

themerex_filter_get_stream_page_title($title, $page)
Return theme (skin) specific page title for the all posts page (streampage).
Fired when breadcrumbs and page title will be showed.

themerex_filter_get_current_taxonomy($tax, $page)
Return theme (skin) specific taxonomy name (slug) (if any) or leave $tax
unchanged, if it is standard framework page.
Fired when breadcrumbs will be showed.

themerex_filter_is_taxonomy($tax, $query)
Return theme (skin) specific taxonomy name (slug) if current page is taxonomy

themerex_filter_get_period_links($link, $page)
Return theme (skin) specific breadcrumbs links to the parent period (month,
Fired when breadcrumbs will be showed.
Detect current page (mode) and return correspond inheritance key

Detect current page (mode) and return correspond template page id

themerex_filter_calendar_get_prev_month($prev_obj, $options)
Return object { month: xx, year: xxxx, done: array('post_type',
'post_type' ...) } with previous month with posts.
'done' - array with processed post_types (handler will add correspond post
type in this array).
$options = array(
posts_types: allowed posts types,
year: current year,
month: current_month,
last_day: last day in the current month

themerex_filter_calendar_get_next_month($next_obj, $options)
Return object { month: xx, year: xxxx, done: array('post_type',
'post_type' ...) } with next month with posts.
'done' - array with processed post_types (handler will add correspond post
type in this array).
$options = array(
posts_types: allowed posts types,
year: current year,
month: current_month,
last_day: last day in the current month

themerex_filter_calendar_get_curr_month_posts($posts, $options)
Return object {
done: array('post_type', 'post_type' ...),
link: day link,
titles: post's title from current day (if one post pusblished) or posts
number (if 2+ posts published in this day),
posts: array(
post_id: post's ID,
post_title: post's title,
post_type: post's type,
post_date: post's publish date (or start event date for custom
post types),
post_link: post's permalink
} with previous month with posts.
'done' - array with processed post_types (handler will add correspond post
type in this array).
$options = array(
posts_types: allowed posts types,
year: current year,
month: current_month,
last_day: last day in the current month

themerex_filter_add_theme_menus( $menus )
To register theme specific nav menus
themerex_filter_update_notifier( $options )
Change theme specific settings (theme name, folder, path to xml-file with
dummy data) for the update notifier

themerex_filter_required_plugins( $plugins )
Add/Remove required/recommended plugins into list for TGM Activation Plugin

themerex_filter_importer_options( $options )
Change options for Dummy Data Importer

themerex_filter_importer_required_plugins( $not_installed )
Check if installed and add required plugins into comma separated list for
Dummy Data Importer

themerex_filter_add_theme_sidebars( $sidebars_list )
Add/remove theme specific sidebars into list.
List = array( 'sidebar_slug' => __('Sidebar title', 'themerex'), ... )

themerex_filter_sc_clear_around( $text )
Clear spaces, tabs, <p>, </p>, <br> around open and close shortcode brackets
[ and ]
This allow user to write:
Column text ...
[trx_columns][trx_column_item]Column text ...[/trx_column_item]

themerex_filter_p_clear_around( $text )
Remove p and br around div and h1-h6

themerex_filter_get_post_data( $post_data, $opt, $post_obj )

Allow add/remove theme specific variables in the $post_data array for the
each post

themerex_filter_query_add_filters($args, $filter)
Add query arguments by $filter - for custom post types and taxonomies

themerex_filter_related_posts_args($args, $post_data)
Add query arguments to query related posts - for custom post types and

themerex_filter_related_posts_title($title, $post_type)
Return title for the related posts area

themerex_filter_list_sliders( $list )
Allow add/remove theme specific sliders into list (used in the theme options)

themerex_filter_list_post_types( $list )
Allow add/remove theme specific post_types into list (used in the theme
options and widgets)

themerex_filter_list_popup_engines( $list )
Allow add/remove theme specific popup engines into list (used in the theme

themerex_filter_list_body_styles( $list )
Allow add/remove theme specific body styles into list (used in the theme
options and post/page options)

themerex_filter_list_sortings( $list )
Allow add/remove theme specific posts sorting methods into list (used in the
theme options and category/page options)

themerex_filter_list_columns( $list )
Allow add/remove columns layouts into list

themerex_filter_list_dedicated_locations( $list )
Allow add/remove dedicated content locations (created with shortcodes
[trx_block] or/and [trx_section]) or featured image (if no dedicated content
created) into list

themerex_filter_list_fonts( $list )
Allow add/remove font names into list

themerex_filter_used_fonts( $list )
Mark theme or skin specific fonts as used

themerex_filter_portfolio_hovers( $list )
Add/Remove portfolio hovers into list

themerex_filter_portfolio_hovers_directions( $list )
Add/Remove portfolio hovers directions into list

themerex_filter_color_schemes( $list )
Add/Remove color schemes into list

themerex_filter_bg_tints( $list )
Add/Remove background tints into list

themerex_filter_sidebar_styles( $list )
Add/Remove sidebars background styles into list

themerex_filter_label_positions( $list )
Add/Remove label positions for the custom forms (created by
[trx_contact_form] shortcode)

themerex_filter_field_types( $list )
Add/Remove field types for the custom forms (created by [trx_contact_form]

themerex_filter_googlemap_styles( $list )
Add/Remove styles for the Google maps into list

themerex_filter_post_format_name( $name, $format )

Return post format name to show on page

themerex_filter_post_format_icon( $icon, $format )

Return icon name to show on page near the specified post format

themerex_filter_post_date($post_date, $post_id, $post_type)

Return post date or event start date for custom post types
themerex_filter_add_styles_inline( $custom_style )
Add theme/skin specific styles into <style>...</style> tag in the <head>

themerex_filter_add_responsive_inline( $custom_style )
Add theme/skin specific responsive styles into <style>...</style> tag in the

themerex_filter_blog_classes( $classes_str, $options )

Add theme specific classes into classes string, used for the blog (blogger)
$options - array('style'=>'blog style name', 'dir'=>'posts direction',
'descr'=>description max length)

themerex_filter_blog_container( $container_str, $options )

Wrap output into template specific container. Mark the content place with
'%s' inside container.
For example: <div class="columns_wrap">%s</div>
$options - array('style'=>'blog style name', 'dir'=>'posts direction')

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