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1. Begin with hand on the hips. draw four large sweeping outward circles with bo
th arms at the front of the body. Inhale while arms are crossing in front and sw
eeping out and exhale as hands move back to the hips. On the fourth circle hold
the breath and end with the hands at the solar plexus, palms down, fingers point
ing towards each other almost touching.
2. With one long slow exhale, move the palms over the surface of a pyramid in fr
ont of the body, first 45 degrees forward and up to the apex, then 45 degrees do
wnward and forward to the far base, then back towards the body palms facing the
floor the back of the hands tracing the base of the pyramid. Repeat this sequenc
e and slide once more up to the apex.
Now rotate the wrists & palms so the sides of the thumbs are touching, palms inw
ard at a 45 degree angle. Draw the lateral walls of the pyramid: palms down 45 d
egrees outward and downward away from each other to the outer bases and back up
to the apex, and down to the bases again.
Grab the front bases of the pyramid (hands form a C) and end the long exhalation
by extending the arms sharply as you forcefully push the pyramid forward.
3. Still holding the pyramid inhale deeply while slowly bringing the pyramid ove
r the head and exhale deeply while placing the pyramid down over the head
4. Put the fingers on the shoulders with the back of the hands facing ther ears.
Inhale while drawing the elbows upward and the backs of the hands to the ears,
and exhale dropping the elbows and backs of hands. repeat twice.


1. Bring the left hand over to the right-elbows 90 degrees-left forearm in front
of the body and horizontal..the right forearm next to the body & parallel with
the floor. The left palm faces forward perpendicular to the right palm facing up
2. Push the left palm forward while drawing the right back, as if drawing a bow
and arrow-completely open, with much tension.
3. Strike forward with the right hand-rotating the wrist so the palm faces the r
ight at the end of the strike; simultaneously pull the left palm to the left the
pectoral-palm up.
4. Right hand draws all fingers in but index & middle fingers, then scoops 3 out
ward circles with two fingers as if scooping the bottom of a jar
5. Extend all fingers palm down and draw forearm towards the chest-elbows 90 deg
6. Then strike forward with the wrist only.


1. The right arm draws a tight circle just above the head with the palm facing u
p while the left palm is drawn towards the right arm pit. The upper torso simult
aneously turns to the right "winding up" for the strike.
2. The torso snaps back to the front driving the right arm as it extends & sweep
s out to the right on a horizontal plane and strikes at the midline in front of
the face-the palm facing left. The left arm simultaneously extends and sweeps ou
t to the left on a horizontal plane and strikes to the midline in back with the
back of the palm - the palm facing left.
The head and pelvis face forward throughout. The movement is mirrored with the l
eft side and alternately repeated.


This move is to define & build the energy body. Stand in Horse Position. The arm
s swing up, around, behind, and strike out in front, palms up, at waist level. T
he hands then turn over (palms down), come together crossed, and strike out side
ways. The hands then turn over (palms up), come together in the center in front
of the waist, and strike up, to face level.
The hands then turn over, come together crossed, and strike out sideways. Again
the hands come together in the center in front of the face, palms stay down, and
they strike down to the center, in front of the pelvis. The move then repeats i
tself with the arms swinging around, behind and striking out in front with the p
alms up. Continue for awhile with steady acceleration.

Stand in Horse Position. Take a deep inhalation as you slap both hands together.
Right palm up, left palm down, and crossed (fingers at 90 degree angle), and fi
ngers wrapped around the other hand. Hands at chest level. Really squeeze the pa
lms hard. You should shake/quiver with the force of the tension.
The next moves are one continuous exhalation:
Strike straight out in front, continue with a clockwise rotation of the hands in
a circle in front, then strike inwards pulling the arms into the gut. Breath ou
t any remaining air, and really squeeze hard. All concentration should go into t
he squeeze.

Start in Horse Position. one hand strikes palm out straight in front, the other
hand strikes down flat in front. Place one hand in front, face level, palm out,
and the other in front, hip level, palm down. The top hand turns over, and slaps
down to the symmetric postion that the other hand was just in. More force is ge
nerated if the hand is turned over as part of the slap. At the same time, the lo
wer hand also rotates, swings around, back, and slaps into the symmetric positio
n the other hand was just in. Both hands move at the same time. As you do it, ac
celerate. The elbows stay bent on the hit. The intent is to wake up and alert th
e energy body.


One hand is held out in front, at waist level, palm up, as if you are holding a
ball. The other hand swings around in a big arc and slaps down at the "ball", st
riking it. the point of strike is at an angle, about 45 degrees, a foot above th
e open hand. The hands then reverse position; the hand that just slapped, drops
to flat palm up, while the other swings around and strikes. keep going for a whi
le, with steady acceleration.

Stand in Horse Position. One arm forehead level, palm out, fingers clawed. The o
ther arm held low, waist level, fingers clawed, palm up/out. rotate the arms aro
und into the opposite position. the hand moving near the top is "ripping" energy
(like in the "Ball of Energy" move) and the arm moving low is "stirring" energy
(like stirring chocolate). keep going for awhile.


These passes engage what sorcerers call 'the lower disc', a bright disc of energ
y that emanates from the lower abdomen. This disc is our energetic link with the
world and the energy body. All movements in this pass must come from that disc;
the lower abdomen, the midpoint of the body if you will.

The hands are kept flat, fingers extended and held firmly together, the thumbs t
ightly locked against the hand.
Stand in basic Tensegrity position: knees bent, pelvis tucked in slightly and th
e feet parallel a shoulder width apart.
1. Slide or stab the left hand down from the left breast to a point in front of
the right upper leg. The palm faces the body. Mirror with the right hand.
2. Making a circle, turn the left hand out and down to the left, making a twisti
ng, scooping motion as it comes up in front of the face, its palm facing the lef
t. The motion ends with the hand in front of the eyes in the middle. Mirror.
3. Coming from behind the left ear, the left hand arcs upward and slaps down, pa
lm down, with the arm extended, straight out in front at shoulder level. Mirror.
4. The left hand stabs in the middle in front of the body with the fingers point
ing forward, twisting the arm so that when the motion ends, the palm faces the l
eft side. Mirror.
5. The left hand shoots out straight in front with its palm up, fingers pointing
forward. Mirror.

Repeat this sequence for a while, gradually accelerating or keeping a steady rhy
thm. Remember to engage the muscles of the abdomen.


These passes engage what sorcerers call 'the lower disc', a bright disc or wheel
of energy that emanates from the lower abdomen. This disc is our energetic link
with the world and the energy body. All movements in this pass must come from t
hat disc; the lower abdomen, the midpoint of the body if you will.

Stand in basic Tensegrity position: knees bent, pelvis tucked in slightly and th
e feet parallel a shoulder width apart.
The hands are kept in a 'bird's beak' througout the movement: the thumb is exten
ded and all other fingertips touch the tip of the thumb.

1. Hold the left 'beak' near the left shoulder, the beak pointing to the right.
Extend the arm straight ahead. Mirror with the other hand.
2. Hold the left beak near the left hip, pointing backwards. Bring the arm up in
an arc to a horizontal position an arm's length in front of the V-spot (the poi
nt where the clavicles meet the sternum at the base of the neck), the beak point
ing down. Mirror.
3. Bring the left beak down to that same spot in front of the V-spot from overhe
ad, the beak pointing up. Mirror.
4. Hold the left beak pointing at and near the right shoulder.Extend the arm str
aight out to the spot in front of the V-spot. Mirror.
5. Hold the left beak near the left shoulder, pointing down. Extend the arm in a
45 degree angle down. Mirror.

Repeat this sequence for a while, gradually accelerating or keeping a steady rhy
thm. Remember to engage the muscles of the abdomen.


Can be done lying down or standing up. These are described for a person lying do
wn. If you're standing up, the fork breath ends not in front of the pubis but ne
ar the ankles in between the (bent) legs.

Pushing the Centers of Vitality: Inhale with hands on ribs. Exhale: push ribs to
gether with hands. Put heels of hands on hips and push down on crest of hip bone
s. Inhale. Hands on vital centers and exhale while you tickle them.
End by lifting hands over head and coming down in "V" shape at pubis while lifti
ng legs with feet spread in "V" shape also (this is called the Fork Breath).
Rubbing the Centers of Vitality: Hands brush up chest 5X, brush 5X on vital cent
ers, then 3X on genitals with thumbs locked - left thumb on top. Follow with for
k breath.
The Shallow Breath on the Centers of Energy: Rapid shallow breath through nose (
Breath of Fire) 20X with hands on chest, then 20X with hands on vital centers an
d then 10X with hands on groin. Follow with fork breath.
Concentric Circles Around the Navel: The Circular Energy of the Right Body: Hand
crosses body with flat palm on opposite nipple, inhale as elbow raises (gill),
make concentric circles with fingertips to navel - end by inserting right index
finger into navel. Keep finger in navel and inhale while raising right elbow. Ex
hale with 1/2 of fork breath (just push the hands down). Mirror for the left.
Zig-Zag Breath: The Waving Energy of the Left Body: Put both little fingers on t
he lower rib, spread the other fingers evenly on the chest. Inhale as the wrists
come together with back of hands facing each other, fingers still on the chest.
Exhale slowly as the flat palms weave down body - ends with hands on top of sam
e thighs, both thumbs touching, other fingers pointing to the feet, resting on t
he thighs. Inhale in position. Exhale as the hands weave back up and return to s
tarting position on the chest. Inhale in position. Exhale with fork breath.

Fork breaths can be done as a long form or separately, for a quick surge of ener


-Raise the left arm straight to the side gazing over the top of the palm (exhali
forcefully flip the palm and draw the heel toward the left shoulder(inhaling).
-Repeat with the right arm
-Trace the edge of the left palm (palm up)over the solar plexus(finger pointing
right) and turn 90 degrees, fingers up and trace edge of palm upward to the top
of the chest then sweep the arm back behing the body and scooping, bring the edg
e of the palm to the side of the left pectoral (palm up). repeat with the right
-Twist the torso and bring the left hand to the extreme right/rear,palm down, an
d slowly sweep the horizon 360 degrees to the left following the fingertips with
an unfocussed gaze on the horizon.
-Scoop the palm back to the pectoral.
-Repeat with the right.
-Repeat again with the right and hold the right arm at the rear while immediatel
y sweeping again with the left 360 degrees from back to front, and scoop both ar
ms simultaneously back to the pectorals.
-shift the body 90 degrees to the right-right foot forward-hands into fists at c
hest level-palms down-right fist extended.
-3 inward circles with right foot.
-Right fist rotates (reels) a small, full circle around the left while the right
foot steps forward, plants and draws the body forward one step-left sole draggi
ng the ground. This is all done simultaneously and smoothly
-3 outward circles with right foot and repeat above.
-Then 5 quick, consecutive fist rotations and forward steps.
-Body turns 90 degrees to front-hands in parry position
-right arm strikes to the side with the back of the fist
-the body pivots on the right heel and spins 180 degrees to the back while simul
taneously striking with the back of the left fist,the right hand moving to parry
position, the left foot planting.
-The body then pivots on the left heel 180 degrees towards the back while simult
aneously striking with the back of the right fist-the left hand moving to parry
position-the right foot planting.
-Shift the body 90 degrees to the left and repeat the same sequence in the oppos
ite direction starting with the left fist and foot out front.

AFFECTION PASSES - Redondo Beach 1998

1. Hands at the knees the breath is drawn in as the hands move up the body to th
e chest. Breath out as the hands move out to the back on either side. The arms s
wing out hands down in a wing posture with minimal crouching forward. Breathing
in the hands return to the front and the left positions on top as the arms at ni
nty degrees hold in front of the body at chest level. Each hand is either above
or below the other arms elbow. The arms are and inch or two or three away from o
ne another. Pause. Breath out as arms move back out to sides in wing posture. Br
eath in as arms come back to front this time with right arm above left. Do this
back and forth as many times as desired.
2. Hands at knees. Breathing in hands reach waist vital centers. Breathing out u
pper body crouches as arms go back into wing posture hands down. Breathing in ha
nds come back past vital centers to front in "offering" posture. (hands palm up
in front of body) Do this back and forth as desired.
3. Hands at knees. Breath in as hands move up body to shoulders. Breath out as h
ands shoot out up over head into infinity. Breath in as hands come back down to
shoulders to "slap" on shoulders if possible. The hands fall back down onto shou
lders giving a bit of weight to impact. Do this back and forth as desired.

SKY EARTH BREATH - Amsterdam 2003

Jokingly described as 'the first-aid kit' pass; to use when something gets to yo
u, when things don't work etc. Do this pass, then remember the event, your body
position in that specific event, then remember your thoughts, do the pass again,
then recapitulate the preceding moments, how you got there, do the pass again.


1. both palms on the lower disk, let them down onto your feet while exhaling
2. inhale with your palms resting on the upper part of your feet.
3. rub (or stroke) your luminous fibers with your palms on your legs while going
up till you are in the starting position (on your lower disk)
4. then breathe in for a count of five
5. hold the breath for a count of five
6. exhale for a count of nine, sending your fibers from your lower disk to every
thing around you
you can do the breathing sequence again if you like.


These are the Passes for the Womb from the book, but in a different, more fluid
order. These are very powerful passes which should be practiced with moderation.

1. Perform "Extracting Energy From The Front Of The Body With The Index And Midd
le Fingers" on the left side only.
2. With the feet still in the ending position for 1., tap the right heel and hop
to perform "Jumping To Stir Energy for The Womb And Grabbing It With The Hand"
on the left, then the right. Reset feet to face front.
3. Perform "Slapping Energy On The Ovaries". Right hand first, then left.
4. Immediately begin "Sphinx Paws". Slap to left side first.
5. Immediately begin "Packing Energy On The Womb".
6. Go directly from swiping the energy in 5. to "Stirring And Guiding Energy Int
o The Womb"; applying the energy here is optional.
7. Perform "Squeezing Out Injurious Energy From The Ovaries". No energy is appli
ed onto the body.
8. Perform "Drawing Energy From The Front With Insect Antennas" for three strike
s; no energy is applied.
9. Tap the right heel and hop to face left and perform "Drawing Energy From The
Sides At An Angle"--rock forward three times, inhale, then strike 3 times. Tap l
eft heel and hop to mirror right. No energy is applied.
10. Face the front and perform "Drawing Energy Laterally With An Insect Cut", th
ree "double" cuts. No energy is applied.
11. Perform "Drilling Energy From Between The Feet With Each Hand" with the left
, then right. Pause and inhale before each swipe.
12. Perform "Drilling Energy From Between The Feet With Both Hands"; pause and i
nhale before swiping the energy.

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